40 resultados para Benedictiones. panis
Cf. notice du ms. par Leroquais, Sacramentaires, II, 180-183 n° 366. Les incipit des proses ont été relevés dans la table des incipit. F. 1-6v Calendrier de Paris : 3 janv., en rouge, «Genovefe virg. IX lc.» (1); 22 avr., «Inventio corporis s. Dyonisii sociorumque ejus. Oportune virg. semid.» (2v); 28 mai, en rouge, «Germani ep. Parisiensis semid. Carauni mart. memoria» (3); 25juin, en violet, «Translatio s. Eligii ep.» (3v); en violet, «In prima dominica hujus mensis [augusti] fit d. de cruce» [réception à Notre-Dame d'un fragment de la vraie Croix] (4v); 9 oct., en rouge, «Dyonisii sociorumque ejus duplex» (5v); 28 oct., «Germani ep. Translatio s. Genovefe virg. mart. memoria» (5v); 3 nov. «Marcelli ep. Parisiensis dupl.»; 13 nov., «Gendulphi ep. et conf. [Parisiensis] dupl.»; 26 nov., en violet, «Genovefe virg. de miraculo [ardentium] IX lc.» (6); 4 déc., «Susceptio capillorum b. Marie et capitis b. Dyonisii in ecclesia Parisiensi» (6v). Le calendrier ne contient pas la fête de s. Louis au 25 août (établie en 1298) ni au 17 mai la translation du chef de s. Louis à la Sainte-Chapelle (en 1306); — Ajout du XIVe s. au 30 avr., «Eutropii mart. et conf.» [culte établi à Paris en 1296] (2v); cf. Leroquais, Bréviaires, I, CXII-CXIII, Tableau chronologique des fêtes parisiennes. — Au début de chaque mois, vers sur les jours égyptiaques (éd. Hennig, Traditio, XI (1955), 84 III), sauf celui de janvier (1) qui correspond au premier vers de la série éd. par Riese (Anthol. lat., I2 (1906), 680a); — À la fin de février, vers sur l'année bissextile : «Byssextum sexte martis tenuere kalende...»; cf. ms. Latin 3162, f. 102 (1v); — À la fin de mars, vers sur la date de Pâques : «Post martis nonas ubi sit nova luna requiras...» (2); — Notations astrologiques et de comput, passim. F. 7-353v Temporal, avec parties chantées notées. Incomplet du début par la perte du premier f., il commence dans la prose du premier dimanche de l'Avent : «... [eterna indefici]ens mundi vita...» (7). À remarquer : «dominica IIIa [in Adventu] more ecclesie Parisiensis» (24v); — Cérémonie des Cendres avec rubriques liturgiques (62v-66v); — Dimanche des Rameaux, «congregatis processionibus conventualibus in ecclesia B. Marie, capiceriis portantibus capsam et tribus clericis in albis paratis tres textus, exitur de ecclesia nichil cantando et sic eundum est ad ecclesiam Sancte Genovefe de Monte...» (147); cf. Leroquais, 181; — Dans l'évangile des Rameaux, le Christ est désigné par la lettre L, le narrateur par la lettre C et les autres par la lettre S (153-158); dans les autres évangiles de la Passion (162-186 passim), ces lettres suscrites ont été effacées et remplacées à la mine de plomb de façon sporadique, le Christ étant alors désigné par une croix; — «Oremus pro papa nostro N...» (186v); «... pro christianissimo rege nostro N...» (187); — Parmi les litanies, «s.Stephane... s. Dyonisi...» (191v)..., « s. Lucane... s. Justine... s. Gendulphe... s. Germane...» (199)..., « s. Genovefa...» (201v). — «Incipit ordo misse. Sacerdos primo induat se rocheto dicens : Actiones nostras...» (203v-206); pour les rubriques liturgiques, cf. Leroquais, 181; — Préfaces notées : «Incipiunt prefationes...» (206-210); — Canon de la messe (210-213); pour les rubriques liturgiques, cf. Leroquais, 182; — «In die Re[sur]rectionis» (214); — «In die sancto [Pentecostes]» (262v); — [De sancta Trinitate] (280v); — «Dominica XXVa» (348v); — «In dedicatione ecclesie» (350-353v). La fête du Saint-Sacrement ne figure pas. F. 354-496v Sanctoral, avec parties chantées notées. À noter parmi les saints parisiens : 3 janv., «S. Genovefe virg.» (373v); 22 avr., «Inventio corporis s. Dyonisii, Rustici et Eleuterii» (398v); — 28 mai, «S. Germani ep. Parisiensis» (407v); — 10 juin, «S. Landerici Parisiensis ep.» (410); — 26 juill., «In translatione s. Marcelli» (432); — 11août, «De receptione s. corone...» (443v); —, 4 oct., «Auree virg. [abb. Parisiis]» (480); 9 oct., «In die [s. Dyonisii]», avec octave (481v); — 28oct., «In translatione s. Genovefe» (487); — 3nov., «S. Marcelli Parisiensis ep.», avec octave (489v); — 26 nov., «S. Genovefe de miraculo ardentium» (495); — «De s. Gendulpho. Prosa» (495). F. 497-541 Commun des saints, avec pièces chantées notées. F. 541-559 Messes votives, sans parties notées à l'exception de la messe des morts (551v-556). Aux ff. 546v-547, en marge de la messe «pro amico», deux additions d'une écriture cursive de la fin du XIVe s. précisent : «ducem nostrum et duxissem ejusque prolem». — Prières diverses (556-559). F. 559-563 Rituel de mariage. «Incipit ordo ad sponsam benedicendam. Cum venerint ante valvas ecclesie sponsus et sponsa, accinctus sacerdos alba et stola... auxilium et argentum super scutum positum benedicat dicens : Manda Deus... Tunc aspergatur aqua benedicta et thurificetur et sponsus et sponsa; quo facto sacerdos dicat : Bones genz nos avons faiz les bans III foiz de ces II genz et encore les faison nous, que se il i a nul ne nule qui sache enpeschement par quoi l'un ne puisse avoir l'autre par loi de mariage, si le die. Et re[spon]dent assistentes : Nous ni savons se bien non. Quo audito, accipiat sacerdos manum dexteram sponse et ponat in dextera manu sponsi et dicat... nominandos eos : Vos Marie et vos Jeham vous prometez, fianciez et jurez l'un à l'autre à garder la foi et la loiauté du mariage... Tunc sacerdos tradat anulum sponso et sponsus autem per manum sacerdotis primo in police sponse... dicens... : Marie de cest annel t'espous et de mon cors t'ennor et de douaire qui est devisiez entre mes amis et les tiens. In nomine... Secundo in indice dicens... Tercio in medio dicens : Et Spiritus sancti. Amen... Postea sacerdos extensa manu super illos dicat orationes... Tunc sacerdos centus [sic] sponsum per manum dexteram et sponsam et introducat eos in ecclesiam...» (559-559bis); — Messe de mariage, comportant deux préfaces notées : «Deinde celebratur missa...» (559bis-562v); pour les rubriques liturgiques, cf. Leroquais, 183. — «Missa celebrata, recedant sponsus et sponsa et, ipsis stantibus ante hostium domus illorum presentibus pane et vinum [sic], faciat sacerdos benedictionem super panem dicens : Benedic Domine creaturam... Tunc sponsus mordet in pane, postea sponsa. Item benedictio super vinum... Tunc sponsus bibat, postea sponsa. Quo facto introducit eos sacerdos per manum in domum... Item in sero benedictio thalami... Tunc turificet thalamum, postea sponsum et sponsam sedentes vel jacentes in lecto suo benedicat dicens : Benedic Domine adulescentulos...» (562v-563) (éd. avec variantes par E. Martène, De antiquis Ecclesiae ritibus, II, 374-376, d'après le ms. Latin 859A); même ordo dans le ms. NAL 2649, f. 333-336. F. 563-565v Exorcisme de l'eau et du sel (563-564v). — «Pro Terra sancta» (564v-565). — «Pro rege nostro» (565). — «Benedictio pere et baculi peregrinorum» (565-565v). — «Benedictio crucis... Benedictio novorum fructuum... Benedictio panis» (565v).
Soitinnus: lauluääni (tenori), naiskuoro, orkesteri.
Vorbesitzer: Hieronymus von Rebendorf (Besitzvermerk hinterer Spiegel); Augustinerinnenkloster Marienstein Eichstätt (Besitzvermerk beide Spiegel); Kartause Astheim (Besitzvermerk 1v, hinterer Spiegel); Bartholomaeusstift Frankfurt am Main (Besitzvermerk 12r); Karmeliterkloster Frankfurt am Main (Besitzstempel Ir);
[Verf.: Johann IV. König von Portugal]
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The brown rot fungus Wolfiporia cocos and the selective white rot fungus Perenniporia medulla-panis produce peptides and phenolate-derivative compounds as low molecular weight Fe(3+)-reductants. Phenolates were the major compounds with Fe(3+)-reducing activity in both fungi and displayed Fe(3+)-reducing activity at pH 2.0 and 4.5 in the absence and presence of oxalic acid. The chemical structures of these compounds were identified. Together with Fe(3+) and H(2)O(2) (mediated Fenton reaction) they produced oxygen radicals that oxidized lignocellulosic polysaccharides and lignin extensively in vitro under conditions similar to those found in vivo. These results indicate that, in addition to the extensively studied Gloeophyllum trabeum-a model brown rot fungus-other brown rot fungi as well as selective white rot fungi, possess the means to promote Fenton chemistry to degrade cellulose and hemicellulose, and to modify lignin. Moreover, new information is provided, particularly regarding how lignin is attacked, and either repolymerized or solubilized depending on the type of fungal attack, and suggests a new pathway for selective white rot degradation of wood. The importance of Fenton reactions mediated by phenolates operating separately or synergistically with carbohydrate-degrading enzymes in brown rot fungi, and lignin-modifying enzymes in white rot fungi is discussed. This research improves our understanding of natural processes in carbon cycling in the environment, which may enable the exploration of novel methods for bioconversion of lignocellulose in the production of biofuels or polymers, in addition to the development of new and better ways to protect wood from degradation by microorganisms.
Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a granulomatous disease caused by a dimorphic fungus, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb). To determine the influence of nitric oxide (NO) on this disease, we tested cis-[Ru(bpy)2(NO)SO3](PF6), ruthenium nitrosyl, which releases NO when activated by biological reducing agents, in BALB/c mice infected intravenously with Pb 18 isolate. In a previous study by our group, the fungicidal activity of ruthenium nitrosyl was evaluated in a mouse model of acute PCM, by measuring the immune cellular response (DTH), histopathological characteristics of the granulomatous lesions (and numbers), cytokines, and NO production. We found that cis-[Ru(bpy)2(NO)SO3](PF6)-treated mice were more resistant to infection, since they exhibited higher survival when compared with the control group. Furthermore, we observed a decreased influx of inflammatory cells in the lung and liver tissue of treated mice, possibly because of a minor reduction in fungal cell numbers. Moreover, an increased production of IL-10 and a decrease in TNF-alpha levels were detected in lung tissues of infected mice treated with cis-[Ru(bpy)2(NO)SO3](PF6). Immunohistochemistry showed that there was no difference in the number of VEGF- expressing cells. The animals treated with cis-[Ru(bpy)2(NO)SO3](PF6) showed high NO levels at 40 days after infection. These results show that NO is effectively involved in the mechanism that regulates the immune response in lung of Pb-infected mice. These data suggest that NO is a resistance factor during paracoccidioidomycosis by controlling fungal proliferation, influencing cytokine production, and consequently moderating the development of a strong inflammatory response.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Leishmaniasis is a zoonotic disease caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania . Cutaneous leishmaniasis is the most common form, with millions of new cases worldwide each year. Treatments are ineffective due to the toxicity of existing drugs and the resistance acquired by certain strains of the parasite. METHODS: We evaluated the activity of sodium nitroprusside in macrophages infected with Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis . Phagocytic and microbicidal activity were evaluated by phagocytosis assay and promastigote recovery, respectively, while cytokine production and nitrite levels were determined by ELISA and by the Griess method. Levels of iNOS and 3-nitrotyrosine were measured by immunocytochemistry. RESULTS: Sodium nitroprusside exhibited in vitro antileishmanial activity at both concentrations tested, reducing the number of amastigotes and recovered promastigotes in macrophages infected with L. amazonensis . At 1.5µg/mL, sodium nitroprusside stimulated levels of TNF-α and nitric oxide, but not IFN-γ. The compound also increased levels of 3-nitrotyrosine, but not expression of iNOS, suggesting that the drug acts as an exogenous source of nitric oxide. CONCLUSIONS: Sodium nitroprusside enhances microbicidal activity in Leishmania -infected macrophages by boosting nitric oxide and 3-nitrotyrosine.
F. 1 Oraison « Panis sancte, panis vive, panis pulcher... » F. 1v Ordo missae (Martène, De ant. eccl. rit., I, 600). F. 16-112 Pontifical : — Benedictio lapidis itinerarii (89v), — olei (90). F. 112v Bénédictions épiscopales.
Introduction: Many therapeutic decisions in the management of fistulizing and fibrostenotic Crohn's disease (CD) have to be taken without the benefit of strong scientific evidence. For this reason, explicit appropriateness criteria for CD fistula and stenosis treatment were developed by a multidisciplinary European expert panel in 2004 with the aim of making them easily available on the Internet and thus allowing individual case scenario evaluation; these criteria were updated in 2007. Methods: Twelve international experts convened in Geneva, Switzerland in December 2007. Explicit clinical scenarios, corresponding to real daily practice, were rated on a 9-point scale based on evidence from the published literature and panelists' own expertise. Median ratings were stratified into three categories: appropriate (7-9), uncertain (4-6) and inappropriate (1-3). Results: Overall, panelists rated 60 indications pertaining to fistulas. Antibiotics, azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine and conservative surgery are the mainstay of therapy for simple and complex fistulas. In the event of previous failure of azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine therapy, methotrexate and infliximab were considered appropriate for complex fistulas. The panel also rated 72 indications related to the management of fibrostenotic CD. The experts considered balloon dilation, if the stricture was endoscopically accessible, stricturoplasty and bowel resection to be appropriate for small bowel fibrostenotic Crohn's disease, and balloon dilation and bowel resection appropriate for fibrostenotic colonic disease. In the presence of an ileocolonic or ileorectal anastomotic stricture of <7 cm, endoscopic balloon dilation, and bowel resection were considered appropriate. Conclusion: Antibiotics, azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine, and conservative surgery are the mainstay of therapy for fistulizing Crohn's disease. Infliximab is a therapeutic option in patients without prior response to immunosuppressant therapy. In fibrostenotic Crohn's disease, endoscopic balloon dilation, if feasible, or surgical therapy should be considered. These expert recommendations are available online (www.epact.ch). Prospective evaluation is now needed to test the validity of these appropriateness criteria in clinical practice. (C) 2009 European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Introduction Many therapeutic decisions in the management of fistulizing and fibrostenotic Crohn's disease (CD) have to be taken without the benefit of strong scientific evidence. For this reason, explicit appropriateness criteria for CD fistula and stenosis treatment were developed by a multidisciplinary European expert panel in 2004 with the aim of making them easily available on the Internet and thus allowing individual case scenario evaluation; these criteria were updated in 2007. Methods Twelve international experts convened in Geneva, Switzerland in December 2007. Explicit clinical scenarios, corresponding to real daily practice, were rated on a 9-point scale based on evidence from the published literature and panelists' own expertise. Median ratings were stratified into three categories: appropriate (7-9), uncertain (4-6) and inappropriate (1-3). Results Overall, panelists rated 60 indications pertaining to fistulas. Antibiotics, azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine and conservative surgery are the mainstay of therapy for simple and complex fistulas. In the event of previous failure of azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine therapy, methotrexate and infliximab were considered appropriate for complex fistulas. The panel also rated 72 indications related to the management of fibrostenotic CD. The experts considered balloon dilation, if the stricture was endoscopically accessible, stricturoplasty and bowel resection to be appropriate for small bowel fibrostenotic Crohn's disease, and balloon dilation and bowel resection appropriate for fibrostenotic colonic disease. In the presence of an ileocolonic or ileorectal anastomotic stricture of <7 cm, endoscopic balloon dilation, and bowel resection were considered appropriate. Conclusion Antibiotics, azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine, and conservative surgery are the mainstay of therapy for fistulizing Crohn's disease. Infliximab is a therapeutic option in patients without prior response to immunosuppressant therapy. In fibrostenotic Crohn's disease, endoscopic balloon dilation, if feasible, or surgical therapy should be considered. These expert recommendations are available online (www.epact.ch). Prospective evaluation is now needed to test the validity of these appropriateness criteria in clinical practice.