26 resultados para Benção


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O presente trabalho buscou fazer uma reflexão sobre o saber-fazer de mulheres que partejam a partir da narrativa de vida de uma parteira da cidade de Bragança-(PA). Para tanto, foi utilizado o conceito de memória e identidade em Halbawchas (2006) e Bosi (1994). Compreendendo esse ofício inserido na lógica da cultura popular, foram utilizados os conceitos de Cultura em Burke (1989) e Cuche (1999) e Cultura Popular em Bosi (1992), sempre na perspectiva da heterogeneidade. A problematização dessa temática só foi possível mediante um olhar mais sensível e aproximado desses sujeitos, assim, a etnografia ofereceu os subsídios necessários nessa relação, apoiado nas fomentações de Clifford (2002) e Laplantine (1995). E por ser um conhecimento tácito a História Oral foi a base metodológica que sustentou toda a pesquisa, sendo constantemente aplicadas as orientações metodológicas proposta por Thompson (1992) e Delgado (2006). A pesquisa possibilitou compreender que existe uma representação feita por essas mulheres e pela sociedade sobre o trabalho de partejar, e que o mesmo se constitui um dom, ou um aprendizado adquirido através do contato com os mais antigos. A importância deste estudo se dá no fato de que existem diversos sujeitos sociais, que cotidianamente constroem seus saberes, mas que em função da forma hierárquica como foi concebida a sociedade, foram deixados de lado. Igualmente, é que em virtude do processo da Política de Humanização do Parto, tem-se percebido que diversos profissionais ligados à saúde da mulher tem se autodenominado parteiras, o que denota uma tentativa de apropriação e homogeneização de um saber que é específico.


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Extreme vibration has been reported for small, high speed craft in the maritime sector, with performance and health threatening effects on boat operators and crew. Musculoskeletal injuries are an enduring problem for high speed craft passengers. Spinal or joint injuries and neurological disorders may occur from repetitive pounding over rough water, continued vibration and single impact events. The risk from whole body vibration (WBV) induced through the small vessels mainly depends on time spent on the craft, which can’t be changed in a military scenario; as well as the number of shocks and jolts, and their magnitude and frequency. In the European Union for example, physical agents directives require all employers to control exposure to a number of physical agents including noise and vibration. The EC Vibration Directive 2002/44/EC then sets out regulations for the control of health and safety risks from the exposure of workers to hand arm vibration (HAV) and WBV in the workplace. Australia has exposure standards relating to WBV, AS 2670.1-2001 – Evaluation of human exposure to whole body vibration. This standard is identical to the ISO 2631-1:1997, Mechanical vibration and shock – Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration. Currently, none of the jurisdictions in Australia have specific regulations for vibration exposures in workplaces. However vibration is mentioned to varying degrees in their general regulations, codes of practice and guidance material. WBV on high speed craft is normally caused by “continuous 'hammering' from short steep seas or wind against tide conditions. Shock on High Speed Craft is usually caused by random impacts. Military organisations need the knowledge to make informed decisions regarding their marine operations, compliance with legislation and potentially harmful health effects, and develop and implement appropriate counter-measures. Marine case studies in the UK such as published MAIB (Marine Accident Investigation Branch) reports show injuries that have occurred in operation, and subsequent MCA (Maritime Coastguard Agency) guidance is provided (MGN 436 (M+F), WHOLE-BODY VIBRATION: Guidance on Mitigating Against the Effects of Shocks and Impacts on Small Vessels. MCA, 2011). This paper proposes a research framework to study the origin, impact and pathways for prevention of WBV in small, high speed craft in a maritime environment.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Bandlaufwerke waren bisher die vorherrschende Technologie, um die anfallenden Datenmengen in Archivsystemen zu speichern. Mit Zugriffsmustern, die immer aktiver werden, und Speichermedien wie Festplatten die kostenmäßig aufholen, muss die Architektur vor Speichersystemen zur Archivierung neu überdacht werden. Zuverlässigkeit, Integrität und Haltbarkeit sind die Haupteigenschaften der digitalen Archivierung. Allerdings nimmt auch die Zugriffsgeschwindigkeit einen erhöhten Stellenwert ein, wenn aktive Archive ihre gesamten Inhalte für den direkten Zugriff bereitstellen. Ein band-basiertes System kann die hierfür benötigte Parallelität, Latenz und Durchsatz nicht liefern, was in der Regel durch festplattenbasierte Systeme als Zwischenspeicher kompensiert wird.rnIn dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir die Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten ein festplattenbasiertes Speichersystem zu entwickeln, das auf eine hohe Zuverlässigkeit und Energieeffizienz zielt und das sich sowohl für aktive als auch für kalte Archivumgebungen eignet. Zuerst analysieren wir die Speichersysteme und Zugriffsmuster eines großen digitalen Archivs und präsentieren damit ein mögliches Einsatzgebiet für unsere Architektur. Daraufhin stellen wir Mechanismen vor um die Zuverlässigkeit einer einzelnen Festplatte zu verbessern und präsentieren sowie evaluieren einen neuen, energieeffizienten, zwei- dimensionalen RAID Ansatz der für „Schreibe ein Mal, lese mehrfach“ Zugriffe optimiert ist. Letztlich stellen wir Protokollierungs- und Zwischenspeichermechanismen vor, die die zugrundeliegenden Ziele unterstützen und evaluieren das RAID System in einer Dateisystemumgebung.