22 resultados para Belminus herreri
Belminus herreri, originally described from specimens collected in Panama, was considered entirely silvatic until to 2000 when it was found for the first time in a domestic habitat in Colombia. In 2001, during a new search of houses in the Department of Cesar, Colombia, 121 specimens were collected. Study of their feeding sources using an ELISA test revealed that 96% of these specimens had fed on cockroaches (Blattidae). However, a small proportion of these B. herreri specimens also showed the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi in their gut contents, suggesting a possible role for these insects in the epidemiology of Chagas disease.
The cave organ is a sensory receptor in the antenna pedicel of some Reduviidae. This paper describes this organ for the first time in three species of the genus Belminus, Belminus corredori, Belminus ferroae and Belminus herreri, by optical and scanning electron microscopy. The structures presented a general pattern similar to one reported for other species of Triatominae.
Triatominae are widely recognised for their role as vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi. One of the main biological characteristics of this subfamily is their obligate haematophagous condition. However, previous studies on Belminus herreri and Belminus ferroae suggested that cockroaches are their principal hosts in domiciles. Due to this peculiar behaviour, the aim of this study was to analyse several demographic and reproductive parameters of B. ferroae fed on three different hosts (mice, cockroaches and Rhodnius prolixus) and relate B. ferroae fitness to these alternative hosts. The cohorts were reared under constant conditions. The egg hatching rate was similar for cohorts fed on cockroaches (69.4%) and R. prolixus (63.8%), but was much lower for the cohort fed on mice (16%). The development time from the nymph to adult stage and the average age of first reproduction (α) presented lower values in the cohort fed on cockroaches, which is consistent with the higher population growth rate associated with this host. Demographic parameters [intrinsic rate of natural increase, finite rate of population growth, net reproductive rate and damping ratio] showed statistically significant differences between the cohorts. Analysis of the life history of B. ferroae revealed a higher fitness related to the cockroach. The implications of these results for the origin of the subfamily are discussed.
The external morphology of eggs of the species Belminus corredori Galvao & Angulo, 2006, Belminus herreri Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1979 and Belminus ferroae Sandoval, Pabon, Jurberg & Galvao, 2007 is described for the first time using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Females lay one egg at a time; the shape of the egg is oval with lateral flattening, a rounded caudal area and a true and simple convex operculum. The average size of the egg among these species is 0.51-0.58 mm in length and 0.36-0.4 mm in width. As a generic character we highlight the discovery of a chorion rim with one to four grooves always joined to the micropyles. All species present a clear polygonal pattern only in the operculum and in the egg's cephalic region, while the median and caudal regions show a smooth appearance, features that are shared only with the eggs of the genus Alberprosenia. A discriminant analysis of the polygonal design of the operculum proved to be useful for the identification of the species.
Triatomine bug species such as Microtriatoma trinidadensis, Eratyrus mucronatus, Belminus herreri, Panstrongylus lignarius, and Triatoma tibiamaculata are exquisitely adapted to specialist niches. This suggests a long evolutionary history, as well as the recent dramatic spread a few eclectic, domiciliated triatomine species. Virtually all species of the genus Rhodnius are primarily associated with palms. The genus Panstrongylus is predominantly associated with burrows and tree cavities and the genus Triatoma with terrestrial rocky habitats or rodent burrows. Two major sub-divisions have been defined within the species Trypanosoma cruzi, as T. cruzi 1 (Z1) and T. cruzi 2 (Z2). The affinities of a third group (Z3) are uncertain. Host and habitat associations lead us to propose that T. cruzi 1 (Z1) has evolved in an arboreal, palm tree habitat with the triatomine tribe Rhodniini, in association with the opossum Didelphis. Similarly we propose that T. cruzi (Z2) and Z3 evolved in a terrestrial habitat in burrows and in rocky locations with the triatomine tribe Triatomini, in association with edentates, and/or possibly ground dwelling marsupials. Both sub-divisions of T. cruzi may have been contemporary in South America up to 65 million years ago. Alternatively, T. cruzi 2 (Z2) may have evolved more recently from T. cruzi 1 (Z1) by host transfers into rodents, edentates, and primates. We have constructed a molecular phylogeny of haematophagous vectors, including triatomine bugs, which suggests that faecal transmission of trypanosomes may be the ancestral route. A molecular clock phylogeny suggests that Rhodnius and Triatoma diverged before the arrival, about 40 million years ago, of bats and rodents into South America.
The new species resembles B.herreri Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1979 from which it differs by the following characters: the color pattern, the rostral segments ratio, the shape of the post-ocular region of the head and the general shape of the pronotum, without the conspicuous angle in the lateral side where fore and hind lobes joint.
Foram reunidos resultados de testes de precipitina feitos com o conteúdo do tubo digestivo de triatomineos. €ssas informações foram discutidas com base nas proporções de sangue de mamíferos e de ave, encontradas e em diversas observações relativas às espécies de vertebrados a que os triatomíneos estão associados na natureza. O estudo englobou as seguintes espécies: Belminus peruvianus, Panstrongylus geniculatus, Panstrongilus herreri, Panstrongylus megistus, Psammolestes tertius, Rhodnius neglectus, Rhodnius prolixus,Triatoma arthurneivai, Triatoma dimidiata,Triatoma infestans, Triatoma protracta, Triatoma rubrovaria e Triatoma sórdida. As seguintes conclusões puderam ser obtidas: 1 - As espécies que, nos biótopos artificiais, se alimentam principalmente de sangue humano, na natureza, são as mais ecléticas. Sugam mamífero, ave e animais de sangue-frio, mas apresentam marcada preferência por sangue de mamífero. 2 - As espécies que, nos biótopos artificiais, são encontradas com maior freqüência associadas a aves, na natureza ou preferem sangue de ave ou não tem predileção nítida por ave ou mamífero. 3 - As espécies associadas a animais de sangue frio ou restritas a um único grupo de mamíferos, podem colonizar nos domicílios desde que eles sejam previamente colonizados pelo hospedeiro. 4 - Não foram encontrados indícios de que alguma espécie esteja se adaptando aos domicílios. Todos os triatomineos ditos domiciliários já possuíam, na natureza, atributos que permitiam a vida em novos biótopos, habitados ou pelo homem ou por animais domésticos.
Sete espécies da tribo bolboderini, pertencentes aos gêneros Bolbodera, Belminus, Microtriatoma e Parabelminus, duas das quais já encontradas naturalmente infectadas com Trypanosoma cruzi, foram analisadas e comparadas tendo como enfoque oito estruturas da genitália externa dos machos: Processo mediano do pigóforo (PrP), Processo da conjuntiva (PrCj), Extensão mediana da placa basal (EPIb), Processo do endosoma (PrEn), Suporte do falosoma (SPh), Falosoma (Ph), Processo do gonoporo (PrG) e a Vesica (V). Microtriatoma trinidadensis (lent, 1951) e M. borbai Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1979 mostraram um plano estrutural morfológico semelhante a Parabelminus yurupucu Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1979 e P. carioca Lent, 1943 e deferindo nitidamente de Belminus peruvianus Herrer, Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1954 e B. herreri Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1979 e de Bolbodera scabrosa, Valdés, 1910, não só pela ausência como pela forma de determinadas estruturas. Estas observações comparativas confirmam as afinidades entre Microtriatoma e Parabelminus e suas relações com belminus e Bolbodera.
Information on the distribution and synanthropic behaviour of triatomines is essential for Chagas disease vector control. This work summarises such information from northern Peru, and presents new data on Rhodnius ecuadoriensis - an important local vector infesting 10-35% of dwellings in some zones. Three species are strongly synanthropic and may be suitable targets for chemical control of domestic/peridomestic bug populations. Panstrongylus herreri, the main domestic vector in the area, is probably present in sylvatic ecotopes in the Marañón river system. R. ecuadoriensis and Triatoma dimidiata seem exclusively domestic; biogeographical and ecological data suggest they might have spread in association with humans in northern Peru. Confirmation of this hypothesis would result in a local eradication strategy being recommended. Presence of trypanosome natural infection was assessed in 257 R. ecuadoriensis; Trypanosoma rangeli was detected in 4% of bugs. Six further triatomine species are potential disease vectors in the region (T. carrioni, P. chinai, P. rufotuberculatus, P. geniculatus, R. pictipes, and R. robustus), whilst Eratyrus mucronatus, E. cuspidatus, Cavernicola pilosa, Hermanlentia matsunoi, and Belminus peruvianus have little or no epidemiological significance. A strong community-based entomological surveillance system and collaboration with Ecuadorian public health authorities and researchers are recommended.
A new species of phlebotomine, Lutzomyia (Helcocyrtomyia) herreri sp. nov., belonging to the series osornoi, from the Department of Puno, Peru, is described. Identification keys for both sexes of the species of this series are presented.
The present work analyzed spermatogenesis in two species of triatomines (genus Panstrongylus) using silver-ion impregnation. The sex chromosomes of P. megistus and P. herreri had nucleolar organizing activity and became strongly impregnated during the phases of meiotic prophase I. Fragmentation of the nucleolus occurred in both species during the meiotic cycle. The nucleolar region could be observed up to diakinesis in meiotic prophase after which only nucleolar bodies and fragments were seen. Postmeiotic reactivation of rRNA synthesis occurred in these two species and was probably related to cell differentiation.
The present work analyzed spermatogenesis in two species of triatomines (genus Panstrongylus) using silver-ion impregnation. The sex chromosomes of P. megistus and P. herreri had nucleolar organizing activity and became strongly impregnated during the phases of meiotic prophase I. Fragmentation of the nucleolus occurred in both species during the meiotic cycle. The nucleolar region could be observed up to diakinesis in meiotic prophase after which only nucleolar bodies and fragments were seen. Postmeiotic reactivation of rRNA synthesis occurred in these two species and was probably related to cell differentiation.
Evlachovaea sp was tested on nymphs of 5 Triatoma spp 5 Rhodnius spp, Panstrongylus herreri and Dipetalogaster maximus at 25°C, 75% humidity and humidity >98%. Most species showed susceptibility to fungal infection at high humidity. Mortality was reduced at 75% humidity. Fungal development was observed on 69.5% of cadavers.
We studied the life cicle of several triatominae species: Dipetalogaster maximus (Uhler, 1894); Panstrongylus herreri Wygodzinsky, 1948; Panstrongylus megistus (Burmeister, 1835); Rhodnius ecuadoriensis Lent & Leon, 1958; Rhodnius nasutus Stal, 1859; Rhodnius neglectus Lent, 1954; Rhodnius pictipes Stal, 1872; Rhodnius prolixus Stal, 1859; Rhodnius robustus Larrousse, 1927; Triatoma brasiliensis Neiva, 1911; Triatoma infestans (Klug, 1834); Triatoma maculata (Erichson, 1848); Triatoma matogrossensis Leite & Barbosa, 1953; Triatoma platensis Neiva, 1913; Triatoma protracta (Uhler, 1894); Triatoma sordida (Stal, 1859); Triatoma tibiamaculata (Pinto, 1926) e Triatoma vitticeps (Stal, 1859) (Hemiptera, Reduviidae). The main purpose of the study was to obtain information to improve control measures specially in those peridomiciliar species. The experiments were performed in two climatized chambers, both with an humidity of 70 ± 5% and photoperiod of 12 hours. One was maintained at 25 ± 0,5ºC and the other at 30 ± 1ºC.