927 resultados para Being towards death


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Health promotion strategies ultimately rely on people perceiving the consequences of their behaviour as negative. If someone is indifferent towards death, it would logically follow that health promotion messages such as safe using messages would have little resonance. This study aimed to investigate attitudes towards death in a group of injecting drug users (IDUs) and how such attitudes may impact upon the efficacy/relevance of 'safe using' (health promotion) messages.


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Esta dissertação propõe um estudo do significado da morte enquanto condição da existência humana, acompanhando, para este fim, a análise do fenómeno desenvolvida por Martin Heidegger em Ser e Tempo. Para tal, faz-se uma exposição das principais estruturas existenciais que constituem o ser do Dasein, entre elas o serno- mundo e a estrutura tripartida do cuidado. Mediante a constatação da essencial incompletude da investigação até então desenvolvida, propõe-se uma análise do fenómeno da morte enquanto chave para a consideração teórica do Dasein como um todo, bem como para o acesso ao conceito de autenticidade. Neste sentido, examinamse as instâncias de compreensão pré-ontológica do fenómeno da morte por parte do Dasein e analisa-se a disposição da ansiedade. Conclui-se que a ansiedade dá a ver ao Dasein a possibilidade de conduzir uma existência autêntica, que consiste na apropriação do seu ser através da antecipação da morte, mediante a qual lhe são reveladas quais as suas possibilidades mais próprias. Explicita-se de que modo uma concepção de temporalidade originária tem a sua origem na antecipação da morte, sublinhando o facto de esta temporalidade estar implícita nos elementos que constituem a estrutura do cuidado. Por último, atenta-se sobre os comentários tecidos por Emmanuel Levinas a propósito do pensamento de Heidegger, dando especial atenção à sua crítica da primazia da morte própria face à morte de outrem no seio da analítica existencial. Em contraste com esta concepção, apresenta-se a proposta ética de Levinas, pondo em evidência a análise distinta do fenómeno da morte que a ela subjaz.


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Death is a theme that fascinates, though at the same time, frightens and uneasy the human being, despite the finitude being present at our daily lives. In each historical time, death has been represented in a peculiar way, from familiar death (at Middle Ages), to interdicted death (at contemporary times). Through this path it‟s possible to recognize several attitudes and stages front of death and the process of dying as possibilities of coping and the understanding of these occurrences. In other hand, the palliative care proposal came as a humanized attention, front of the human finitude, recognizing death as a part of the vital cycle. The Brazilian reality, in this context, still faces a lot of political, economic and social barriers that makes difficult the consolidation of palliative care at the death process in the Brazilian Health Care policies. Currently, according to the Brazilian Palliative Care Association, Brazil presents an average of 40 services with this proposal. Such data portray our inexpressive condition in relation to these cares when considering the territorial extension and population of our country. Considering this scenario is relevant think about death and the process of dying at contemporary times, at a health context in which palliative care, when trying to humanize the process of dying, bring to light the issue of human finitude and the beingtowards- death, as thought by the philosopher Martin Heidegger. According to him, the human being (Dasein) is constituted as a being-towards-death, once death is its most own potentiality-for-bein and its last possibility to be lived. In view of the ideas presented, the proposed study appears as a qualitative research of existential-phenomenological inspiration and aims to understand the experience of being-toward-death from the psychological care to a person out of possibilities of cure living on palliative cares. The psychological care happened at the patient‟s home, understanding the clinical process of being-with-the-other from the written reports of the psychology/researcher, by the accompanying sessions, configured as an experience report. These reports are focused on the experiences lived by the patient, as well as apprehended by the psychologist at the intersubjectivity relation and its own experience with Dasein and, therefore, being-toward-death. The reports were hermeneutically interpreted, from the senses that emerged in this process, considering the notion of being-toward-death proposed by Heidegger. Furthermore, it was important to dialogue with other authors that approached the studied theme. It is perceived, through brief and meaningful reflections about the clinical treatments started, that the experience of illness with no possibilities of cure makes the Dasein revises feelings and experiences that were marked at the temporality and historicity of existence. It is a stage of life in which the cultural dimension and the common sense of finitude, often gains ground in the human condition, taken in its ordinary sense, unlike the way it has been thought from an ontological and existential perspective of death. Thus, there are singulars and revealing paths in the palliative care scenery as possible ways for authenticity of being-toward-death


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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El siguiente trabajo pretende, mediante la revisión de diferentes fuentes bibliográficas, mostrar las distintas categorías en las que la muerte se trabaja dentro de la psicoterapia fenomenológico existencial. Es así como se hace un recorrido por los antecedentes filosóficos de este enfoque psicoterapéutico, las diferentes escuelas que dentro de él se desarrollan y sus planteamientos frente a la muerte, las maneras de morir, la muerte y el ciclo vital, y los avances actuales como la Teoría del Manejo del Terror (TMT) . Todos estos elementos se revisan para después ser relacionados y así proponer una serie de acciones prácticas a llevar a cabo dentro del encuentro psicoterapéutico con miras a un trabajo adecuado y productivo con la muerte desde una perspectiva existencial.


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Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej: Instytut Filologii Polskiej


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Suicide-related behavior (SRB) among heroin users is a complex and multifaceted continuum, including such fringe areas as indifference and "risky" behavior. The article investigates the nuances and intersections of SRB, using qualitative semi-structured interviews with 60 regular heroin users recruited primarily from syringe programs in Geelong, Australia. Twenty-eight percent of interviewees reported a previous suicide attempt and 45% reported serious consideration of it. Types of SRB reported included: Suicide attempts, instrumental suicide-related behaviors, suicidal ideation, indifference and risk-taking thoughts and behaviors. Heroin users engage in much behavior which inhabits a grey area of SRB. The use of a nomenclature which addresses the elements of lethality and intent improves the ability of research to properly define and categorize SRB in drug-using populations. But the categories should not be overinclusive; indifferent attitudes towards death and risk-taking behaviors can sometimes be a functional response to the risk environment of heroin users.


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The thesis investigated ambivalent attitudes towards death in injecting drug users, factors that may lead to such ambivalent attitudes and implications for health promotion campaigns. It was found that this relationship with death was principally attributable to government drug policy in Australia.


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Objectives. To identify factors associated with death in visceral leishmaniasis (VL) cases. Patients and Methodology. We evaluated prognostic factors for death from VL in São Paulo state, Brazil, from 1999 to 2005. A prognostic study nested in a clinical cohort was carried out by data analysis of 376 medical files. A comparison between VL fatal cases and survivors was performed for clinical, laboratory, and biological features. Association between variables and death was assessed by univariate analysis, and the multiple logistic regression model was used to determine adjusted odds ratio for death, controlling confounding factors. Results. Data analysis identified 53 fatal cases out of 376 patients, between 1999 and 2005 in São Paulo state. Lethality was 14.1 (53/376), being higher in patients older than fifty years. The main causes of death were sepsis, bleeding, liver failure, and cardiotoxicity due to treatment. Variables significantly associated with death were severe anemia, bleeding, heart failure, jaundice, diarrhea, fever for more than sixty days, age older than fifty years, and antibiotic use. Conclusion. Educational health measures are needed for the general population and continuing education programs for health professionals working in the affected areas with the purpose of identifying and treating early cases, thus preventing the disease evolution towards death. © 2012 Geraldine Madalosso et al.


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La tesi mira a ridefinire lo statuto del personaggio nell’ambito del self-conscious novel postmoderno, alla luce delle più recenti tendenze narratologiche, con particolare riferimento all’unnatural narratology. Per poter presentare un modello scientificamente valido si è fatto ricorso alla comparazione della produzione letteraria di due macro-aree: quella britannica e quella slava (Russia - Unione Sovietica - e Polonia). Come figura di mediazione tra queste due culture si pone senza dubbio Vladimir V. Nabokov, cardine e personalità di spicco della ricerca. Tra le analisi testuali proposte sono stati presi in considerazione i seguenti autori: Julian Barnes, Vladimir Nabokov, Daniil Charms, Konstantin Vaginov, Andrej Bitov, Saša Sokolov, Bruno Schulz e Tadeusz Kantor.


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A presente dissertação tem por objeto o tema da negatividade ontológica constitutiva da existência humana na obra Ser e Tempo de Martin Heidegger. Na primeira parte é analisada as descrições efetuadas por Heidegger na primeira seção de Ser e Tempo sobre a dinâmica existencial do homem compreendido como ser-aí (Dasein). Nesse primeiro momento é evidenciado o caráter negativo da existência. Para tanto, partiremos da reconstrução dos conceitos de existência e deu seu caráter intencional e poder-ser (Seinkonnen) em Ser e Tempo. Na segunda parte, a análise da tonalidade afetiva da angústia é o ponto de partida para se chegar ao modo de ser do homem, descrito por Heidegger como cuidado (Sorge). Argumentaremos também, que o cuidado é o único modo de ser compatível com um ente que em seu modo de ser mais próprio é marcado por uma negatividade (incompletude) radical. Por último, em nosso terceiro capítulo, apresentaremos, em seus traços gerais, a possibilidade compatível com o caráter de poder-ser do ser-aí: a possibilidade da morte, compreendida ontologicamente como ser-para-a-morte. Na conclusão, apontaremos o interesse maior de Heidegger em investigar a dinâmica existencial do ser-aí. Esse interesse consiste, em visualizar, por meio do que Heidegger chama de crise existencial do ser-aí (proporcionada pela angústia) o ponto de gênese das ontologias.