919 resultados para Beers criteria


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Background: High risk medications are commonly prescribed to older US patients. Currently, less is known about high risk medication prescribing in other Western Countries, including the UK. We measured trends and correlates of high risk medication prescribing in a subset of the older UK population (community/institutionalized) to inform harm minimization efforts. Methods: Three cross-sectional samples from primary care electronic clinical records (UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink, CPRD) in fiscal years 2003/04, 2007/08 and 2011/12 were taken. This yielded a sample of 13,900 people aged 65 years or over from 504 UK general practices. High risk medications were defined by 2012 Beers Criteria adapted for the UK. Using descriptive statistical methods and regression modelling, prevalence of ‘any’ (drugs prescribed at least once per year) and ‘long-term’ (drugs prescribed all quarters of year) high risk medication prescribing and correlates were determined. Results: While polypharmacy rates have risen sharply, high risk medication prevalence has remained stable across a decade. A third of older (65+) people are exposed to high risk medications, but only half of the total prevalence was long-term (any = 38.4 % [95 % CI: 36.3, 40.5]; long-term = 17.4 % [15.9, 19.9] in 2011/12). Long-term but not any high risk medication exposure was associated with older ages (85 years or over). Women and people with higher polypharmacy burden were at greater risk of exposure; lower socio-economic status was not associated. Ten drugs/drug classes accounted for most of high risk medication prescribing in 2011/12. Conclusions: High risk medication prescribing has not increased over time against a background of increasing polypharmacy in the UK. Half of patients receiving high risk medications do so for less than a year. Reducing or optimising the use of a limited number of drugs could dramatically reduce high risk medications in older people. Further research is needed to investigate why the oldest old and women are at greater risk. Interventions to reduce high risk medications may need to target shorter and long-term use separately.


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Objective: To assess potentially inappropriate prescribing (PIP) using Beers (2012 version) and STOPP (2008 version) criteria in polypharmacy, community-dwelling, older patients. Methods: From the information collected in the invoicing data of the prescriptions and the electronic medical records, a sample was selected of 223 ≥ 65-year-old patients who were taking simultaneously 10 or more drugs per day. Beers and STOPP criteria were separately applied, and the results obtained with the two methods were compared. Results: A total of 141 (63.2%) patients presented at least one Beers criterion. The two most frequently observed Beers criteria independent of diagnosis were the use of benzodiazepines and the use of non-COX-2-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. With regard to Beers criteria considering diagnosis, the most frequent were the use of anticholinergic drugs in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms or benign prostatic hyperplasia, and the use of benzodiazepines, antipsychotics, Zolpidem or H2-antihistamines, in patients with dementia or cognitive impairment. A total of 165 (73.9%) patients had at least one PIP according to the STOPP criteria. Duplicate drug classes and long-term use of long-acting benzodiazepines were the two most frequent STOPP criteria. Discussion: Our study identified a high frequency of PIP in poly-medicated community-dwelling older patients. Simultaneous application of Beers and STOPP criteria represents a useful tool to improve prescribing in this population group.


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This study systematically reviews the published literature regarding inappropriate prescribing in frail individuals aged at least 65 years. Twenty-five of 466 identified studies met the inclusion criteria. All papers measured some surrogate indicators of frailty, such as performance-based tests, cognitive function and functional dependency. Beers criteria were used in 20 studies (74%) to evaluate inappropriate medication use and 36% (9/25) studies used more than one criterion. The prevalence of inappropriate medications ranged widely from 11 to 92%. Only a few studies reported the relationship between potentially inappropriate medication use and surrogate measures of frailty. These diverse findings indicate the need for a standardized measure for assessing appropriateness of medication in frail older individuals. Prescribing tools should address both medication and patient-related factors such as life expectancy and functional status to minimize inappropriate prescribing in frail individuals.


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Background: Previous studies have not demonstrated a consistent association between potentially inappropriate medicines (PIMs) in older patients as defined by Beers criteria and avoidable adverse drug events (ADEs). This study aimed to assess whether PIMs defined by new STOPP (Screening Tool of Older Persons’ potentially inappropriate Prescriptions) criteria are significantly associated with ADEs in older people with acute illness.

Methods: We prospectively studied 600 consecutive patients 65 years or older who were admitted with acute illness to a university teaching hospital over a 4-month interval. Potentially inappropriate medicines were defined by both Beers and STOPP criteria. Adverse drug events were defined by World Health Organization–Uppsala Monitoring Centre criteria and verified by a local expert consensus panel, which also assessed whether ADEs were causal or contributory to current hospitalization. Hallas criteria defined ADE avoidability.Wecompared the proportions of patients taking Beers criteria PIMs
and STOPP criteria PIMs with avoidable ADEs that were causal or contributory to admission.

Results: A total of 329 ADEs were detected in 158 of 600 patients (26.3%); 219 of 329 ADEs (66.6%) were considered causal or contributory to admission. Of the 219 ADEs, 151(68.9%)considered causal or contributory to admission were avoidable or potentially avoidable. After adjusting for age, sex, comorbidity, dementia, baseline activities of daily living function, and number of medications, the likelihood of a serious avoidable ADE increased significantly when STOPP PIMs were prescribed (odds ratio, 1.847; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.506-2.264; P.001); prescription of Beers criteria PIMs did not significantly increase ADE risk (odds ratio, 1.276; 95% CI, 0.945-1.722; P=.11).

Conclusion: STOPP criteria PIMs,unlike Beers criteria PIMs, are significantly associated with avoidable ADEs in older people that cause or contribute to urgent hospitalization.


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Introdução: A terapêutica medicamentosa do doente idoso requer cuidados acrescidos tendo em conta as suas alterações fisiopatológicas e múltiplas patologias, que o tornam mais susceptível a eventos adversos. Têm sido criados diversos instrumentos para avaliação do uso de medicamentos inapropriados no idoso, sendo o mais frequentemente utilizado, os Critérios de Beers, cuja última actualização data de 2002. Objectivos: Operacionalização dos Critérios de Beers para alertar os profissionais de saúde em Portugal. Métodos: Análise dos fármacos e grupos de fármacos dos Critérios de Beers, comercializados em Portugal, identificação das substâncias pertencentes aos grupos assinalados por Beers que não foram incluídas nestes Critérios. Resultados: Ajustaram-se as dois quadros dos Critérios de Beers, com referência às substâncias comercializadas em Portugal e inclusão das substâncias pertencentes aos grupos de fármacos indicados na escala de Beers, com respectivos graus de inapropriação e efeitos que podem ocorrer com a administração dos medicamentos aos idosos. No quadro 1 de Beers haviam 34 substâncias sem Autorização de Introdução no Mercado (AIM) e quatro possuem designações diferentes. No quadro 2, por possuírem AIM e não estarem mencionadas, incluíram-se três antidepressivos tricíclicos, 12 antipsicóticos convencionais, doses máximas de cinco benzodiazepinas de curta acção, não se tendo encontrado referência a doses de duas, e 28 AINEs, sendo que dois são Coxibs. Conclusão: A operacionalização para Portugal dos Critérios de Beers permite a criação de um instrumento que auxilie o médico na escolha de medicamentos e doses a prescrever ao idoso garantindo um aumento de segurança da terapêutica. Esta operacionalização permite ainda a comparação de resultados de estudos sobre terapêutica inapropriada no doente idoso realizados em países diferentes e que apliquem os Critérios de Beers.


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Screening Tool of Older Persons’ Prescriptions (STOPP)/Screening Tool to Alert to Right Treatment (START) criteria was first published in 2008, primarily as an alternative set of explicit criteria for potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) to Beers criteria.


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Introducción: El incremento de la población geriátrica es una realidad a nivel mundial y con esto los modelos de atención domiciliaria toman gran relevancia para dar respuesta a las diferentes patologías que requieran su seguimiento. Se ha evidenciado que en dicho seguimiento, el fenómeno de la polimedicación se presenta con frecuencia, con el riesgo de generar efectos cruzados y reacciones adversas que incrementan el deterioro clínico de los pacientes. Objetivo: Determinar los posibles efectos cruzados de la Polimedicación no pertinente en pacientes mayores de 75 años con hipertensión arterial más enfermedad neurodegenerativa en atención domiciliaria de una EPS del régimen contributivo en Bogotá, con base en los criterios de Beers.


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Background The frequency of prescribing potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) in older patients remains high despite evidence of adverse outcomes from their use. Little is known about whether admission to hospital has any effect on appropriateness of prescribing. Objectives This study aimed to identify the prevalence and nature of PIMs and explore the association of risk factors for receiving a PIM. Methods This was a prospective study of 206 patients discharged to residential aged care facilities (RACFs) from acute care. All patients were aged at least 70 years and were admitted between July 2005 and May 2010; their admission and discharge medications were evaluated. Results Mean patient age was 84.8 ± 6.7 years; the majority (57%) were older than 85 years and mean (SD) Frailty Index was 0.42 (0.15). At least one PIM was identified in 112 (54.4%) patients on admission and 102 (49.5%) patients on discharge. Of all medications prescribed at admission (1728), 10.8% were PIMs and at discharge of 1759 medications, 9.6% were PIMs. Of total 187 PIMs on admission, 56 (30%) were stopped and 131 were continued; 32 new PIMs were introduced. Of the potential risk factors considered, in-hospital cognitive decline and frailty status were the only significant predictors of PIMs. Conclusion Although, admission to hospital is an opportunity to review the indications for specific medications, a high prevalence of inappropriate drug use was observed. The only associations with PIM use were the frailty status and in-hospital cognitive decline. Additional studies are needed to further evaluate this association.


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Background The frequency of prescribing potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) in older patients remains high regardless of the evidence of adverse outcomes from their use. This study aims to identify the prevalence and nature of PIMs at admission to acute care and at discharge to residential aged care facilities (RACFs) using the recently updated BeersCriteria. We also aim to identify if polypharmacy, age, gender and the frailty status of patients are independent risk factors for receiving a PIM. Methods This was a retrospective study of 206 patients discharged to RACFs from acute care. All patients were aged at least70 years and were admitted between July 2005 and May 2010; their admission and discharge medications were evaluated. Frailty status was measured as the Frailty Index (FI), adding each individual’s deficits and dividing by the total number of deficits considered, with FI 0.25 used as the cut-off between “fit” and “frail”. Results Mean patient age was 84.8 ± 6.7 years; the majority (57%) were older than 85 years and approximately 90% were frail. Patients were prescribed a mean of 7.2 regular medications at admission and 8.1 on discharge. At least one PIM was identified in 112 (54.4%) patients on admission and 102 (49.5%) patients on discharge. Of all medications prescribed at admission (1728), 10.8% were PIMs and at discharge of 1759 medications, 9.6% were PIMs. Of the total 187 PIMs on admission, 56 (30%) were stopped, and 131 were continued; 32 new PIMs were introduced. Commonly prescribed PIMs at both admission and discharge were central nervous system, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal drugs and analgesics. Of the potential risk factors, frailty status was the only significant predictor of PIMs at both admission and discharge (p = 0.016). Conclusion A high prevalence of unnecessary drug use was observed in frail older patients on admission to acute care hospitals and on discharge to RACFs. The only association with PIM use was the frailty status of patients. Further studies are needed to further evaluate this association.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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AIMS Screening tools have been formulated to identify potentially inappropriate prescribing (IP) in older people. Beerscriteria are the most widely used but have disadvantages when used in Europe. New
IP screening tools called Screening Tool of Older Person’s Prescriptions (STOPP) and Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment (START) have been developed to identify potential IP and potential prescribing omissions (PPOs). The aim was to measure the prevalence rates of potential IP and PPOs in primary care using Beerscriteria, STOPP and START.

Case records of 1329 patients 65 years old from three general practices in one region of southern Ireland were studied. The mean age SD of the patients was 74.9 6.4 years, 60.9% were female. Patients’current diagnoses and prescription medicines were reviewed and the Beerscriteria, STOPP and START tools applied.

The total number of medicines prescribed was 6684; median number of medicines per patient was ?ve (range 1–19). Overall, Beerscriteria identi?ed 286 potentially inappropriate prescriptions in 18.3% (243) of patients, whilst the corresponding IP rate identi?ed by STOPP was 21.4% (284), in respect of 346 potentially inappropriate prescriptions. A total of 333 PPOs were identi?ed in 22.7% (302) of patients using the START tool.

Potentially inappropriate drug prescribing and errors of drug omission are highly prevalent among older people living in the community. Prevention strategies should involve primary care doctors and community pharmacists.


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Inappropriate polypharmacy is a particular concern in older people and is associated with negative health outcomes. Choosing the best interventions to improve appropriate polypharmacy is a priority, hence interest in appropriate polypharmacy, where many medicines may be used to achieve better clinical outcomes for patients, is growing.

This review sought to determine which interventions, alone or in combination, are effective in improving the appropriate use of polypharmacy and reducing medication-related problems in older people.

Search methods
In November 2013, for this first update, a range of literature databases including MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched, and handsearching of reference lists was performed. Search terms included 'polypharmacy', 'medication appropriateness' and 'inappropriate prescribing'.

Selection criteria
A range of study designs were eligible. Eligible studies described interventions affecting prescribing aimed at improving appropriate polypharmacy in people 65 years of age and older in which a validated measure of appropriateness was used (e.g. Beers criteria, Medication Appropriateness Index (MAI)).

Data collection and analysis
Two review authors independently reviewed abstracts of eligible studies, extracted data and assessed risk of bias of included studies. Study-specific estimates were pooled, and a random-effects model was used to yield summary estimates of effect and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). The GRADE (Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) approach was used to assess the overall quality of evidence for each pooled outcome.

Main results
Two studies were added to this review to bring the total number of included studies to 12. One intervention consisted of computerised decision support; 11 complex, multi-faceted pharmaceutical approaches to interventions were provided in a variety of settings. Interventions were delivered by healthcare professionals, such as prescribers and pharmacists. Appropriateness of prescribing was measured using validated tools, including the MAI score post intervention (eight studies), Beers criteria (four studies), STOPP criteria (two studies) and START criteria (one study). Interventions included in this review resulted in a reduction in inappropriate medication usage. Based on the GRADE approach, the overall quality of evidence for all pooled outcomes ranged from very low to low. A greater reduction in MAI scores between baseline and follow-up was seen in the intervention group when compared with the control group (four studies; mean difference -6.78, 95% CI -12.34 to -1.22). Postintervention pooled data showed a lower summated MAI score (five studies; mean difference -3.88, 95% CI -5.40 to -2.35) and fewer Beers drugs per participant (two studies; mean difference -0.1, 95% CI -0.28 to 0.09) in the intervention group compared with the control group. Evidence of the effects of interventions on hospital admissions (five studies) and of medication-related problems (six studies) was conflicting.

Authors' conclusions
It is unclear whether interventions to improve appropriate polypharmacy, such as pharmaceutical care, resulted in clinically significant improvement; however, they appear beneficial in terms of reducing inappropriate prescribing.


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Older individuals often suffer from multiple co-morbidities and are particularly vulnerable to potentially inappropriate prescribing (PIP). One method of defining instances of PIP is to use validated, evidence-based, explicit criteria. Two sets of criteria have gained international recognition: the Screening Tool of Older Persons' potentially inappropriate Prescriptions (STOPP) and Beers' criteria.