973 resultados para Beef Heifers
The effects on estrus and fertility of 3 estrus synchronization protocols were studied in Brahman beef heifers. In Treatment 1 (PGF protocol; n=234), heifers received 7.5 mg, im prostianol on Day 0 and were inseminated after observed estrus until Day 5. Treatment 2 (10-d NOR protocol; n=220) consisted of norgestomet (NOR; 3 mg, sc implant and 3 mg, im) and estradiol valerate (5 mg, im) treatment on Day -10, NOR implant removal and 400 IU, im PMSG on Day 0, and AI after observed estrus through to Day 5. Treatment 3 (14-d NOR+PGF protocol; n=168) constituted a NOR implant (3 mg, sc) on Day -14, NOR implant removal on Day 0, PGF on Day 16, and AI after observed estrus through to Day 21. All heifers were examined for return to estrus at the next cycle and inseminated after observed estrus. The heifers were then exposed to bulls for at least 21 d. During the period of estrus observation (5 d) after treatment, those heifers treated with the PGF protocol had a lower (P
Four rumen-fistulated Holstein heifers (134 +/- 1 kg initial BW) were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square design to determine the effects of delaying daily feed delivery time on intake, ruminal fermentation, behavior, and stress response. Each 3-wk experimental period was preceded by 1 wk in which all animals were fed at 0800 h. Feed bunks were cleaned at 0745 h and feed offered at 0800 h (T0, no delay), 0900 (T1), 1000 (T2), and 1100 (T3) from d1 to 21 with measurements taken during wk 1 and 3. Heifers were able to see each other at all times. Concentrate and barley straw were offered in separate compartments of the feed bunks, once daily and for ad libitum intake. Ruminal pH and saliva cortisol concentrations were measured at 0, 4, 8, and 12 h postfeeding on d 3 and 17 of each experimental period. Fecal glucocorticoid metabolites were measured on d 17. Increasing length of delay in daily feed delivery time resulted in a quadratic response in concentrate DMI (low in T1 and T2; P = 0.002), whereas straw DMI was greatest in T1 and T3 (cubic P = 0.03). Treatments affected the distribution of DMI within the day with a linear decrease observed between 0800 and 1200 h but a linear increase during nighttimes (2000 to 0800 h), whereas T1 and T2 had reduced DMI between 1200 and 1600 h (quadratic P = 0.04). Water consumption (L/d) was not affected but decreased linearly when expressed as liters per kilogram of DMI (P = 0.01). Meal length was greatest and eating rate slowest in T1 and T2 (quadratic P <= 0.001). Size of the first meal after feed delivery was reduced in T1 on d 1 (cubic P = 0.05) and decreased linearly on d 2 (P = 0.01) after change. Concentrate eating and drinking time (shortest in T1) and straw eating time (longest in T1) followed a cubic trend (P = 0.02). Time spent lying down was shortest and ruminating in standing position longest in T1 and T2. Delay of feeding time resulted in greater daily maximum salivary cortisol concentration (quadratic P = 0.04), which was greatest at 0 h in T1 and at 12 h after feeding in T2 (P < 0.05). Daily mean fecal glucocorticoid metabolites were greatest in T1 and T3 (cubic P = 0.04). Ruminal pH showed a treatment effect at wk 1 because of increased values in T1 and T3 (cubic P = 0.01). Delaying feed delivery time was not detrimental for rumen function because a stress response was triggered, which led to reduced concentrate intake, eating rate, and size of first meal, and increased straw intake. Increased salivary cortisol suggests that animal welfare is compromised.
The objective of this study was to assess the sward canopy structure of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pastures maintained in three grazing intensities under continuous stocking system during the rainy season, along with the behavior and performance of grazing beef heifers supplemented with mineral salt or an energy/protein supplement. Three levels of forage allowance were assessed: 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 kg of forage/kg of live weight, combined with two supplements (ad libitum mineral salt, and an energy/protein supplement at 0.3% of live weight/day, supplied daily). The experiment was designed as a randomized block study with two replications. The supplements did not influence the variables related to the canopy structure. Canopy height was greater at higher forage allowances during the late summer and early fall. Similarly, the stem mass was greater in pastures with higher forage allowances. Animals fed protein supplement spent less time grazing than animals supplemented with mineral salt. Stocking rate was higher in pastures with lower forage allowance levels, which increased the live weight gain per grazing area. Daily weight gain did not vary according to the forage allowance levels. The use of an energy/protein supplement did not affect the stocking rate; however, it increased individual live weight gain and live weight gain per grazing area compared with mineral salt supplementation. The use of energy/protein supplements is an efficient alternative to enhance animal performance and production under grazing systems during the rainy season
Carcass and meat quality traits of thirty-six feedlot beef heifers from different genetic groups (GG) fed at two concentrate levels (CL) were evaluated using 12- Nellore (NE), 12 - 1/2Angus x 1/2Nellore (AN) and 12 - 1/2Simmental x 1/2Nellore (SN) animals. Six heifers of each GG were randomly assigned into one of two treatments: concentrate at 0.8% or 1.2% of body weight (BW). Heifers fed concentrate at 0.8% of BW had greater (P<0.05) dressing percentage. None of the proximate analysis components of the beef were affected (P>0.05) by either CL or GG. Heifers from the AN group had higher (P<0.05) carcass weights, 12th rib fat thickness and lower dressing percentage (P<0.05) compared to the other groups. NE heifers had greater WBSF values (P<0.05) than the other genetic groups. Data suggest that the concentrate level can be reduced without compromising meat quality traits. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Three experiments were conducted to evaluate plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, IGF-I, and progesterone (P4) in pubertal beef heifers receiving exogenous glucose, insulin, or sometribove zinc. All heifers used had no luteal P4 synthesis but received a controlled internal drug-releasing device containing 1.38 g of P4 to estimate treatment effects on hepatic P4 degradation. In Exp. 1, 8 pubertal, nulliparous Angus x Hereford heifers (initial BW = 442 +/- 14 kg; initial age = 656 +/- 7 d) were randomly assigned to receive, in a crossover design containing 2 periods of 10 h, intravenous (i.v.) infusions (10 mL) of insulin (1 mu g/kg of BW; INS) or saline (0.9%; SAL). Treatments were administered via jugular venipuncture in 7 applications (0.15 mu g insulin/kg BW per application) 45 min apart (from 0 to 270 min). Blood samples were collected immediately before each infusion as well as at -120, -60, 330, 390, and 450 min relative to the first infusion. Heifers receiving INS had greater (P < 0.01) plasma insulin, reduced (P <= 0.04) plasma glucose and IGF-I, and similar (P = 0.62) plasma P4 concentrations compared with SAL heifers. In Exp. 2, the same heifers were assigned to receive, in a similar experimental design as Exp. 1, i.v. infusions (10 mL) of 1) insulin (1 mu g/kg BW) and glucose (0.5 g/kg BW; INS+G) or 2) SAL. Heifers receiving INS+G had greater (P <= 0.02) plasma insulin, glucose, and P4 but reduced (P = 0.01) plasma IGF-I concentrations compared with SAL heifers. In Exp. 3, the same heifers were assigned to receive, in a crossover design containing 2 periods of 14 d, subcutaneous (s.c.) injections of 1) 250 mg of sometribove zinc (BST) or 2) SAL. Blood samples were collected 3 h apart (0900, 1200, 1500, and 1800 h) from heifers on d 6, 8, and 10 relative to treatment administration (d 1). Heifers receiving BST had greater (P < 0.01) plasma glucose and IGF-I and similar (P >= 0.67) plasma insulin and P4 concentrations compared with SAL heifers. Results from this series of experiments suggested that concurrent increases in glucose and insulin are required to reduce hepatic catabolism and increase plasma concentrations of P4 in bovine females.
This experiment compared growth, body composition, plasma IGF-I and leptin, and reproductive development of beef heifers receiving or not recombinant bovine ST (BST) beginning after weaning until the first breeding season. Fifty Angus × Hereford heifers (initial BW = 219 ± 2 kg; initial age = 208 ± 2 d), weaned at approximately 6 mo of age, were assigned to the experiment (d 0 to 210). On d 0, heifers were ranked by initial BW and age and assigned to 1) treatment with BST or 2) saline control. Heifers assigned to the BST treatment received subcutaneous (s.c.) injections containing 250 mg of sometribove zinc whereas control heifers received a 5-mL s.c. injection of 0.9% saline every 14 d. Treatments were initiated on d 14 and last administered on d 196. Heifers were maintained on separate pastures harvested for hay the previous summer according to treatment and received grass and alfalfa hay at a rate to provide a daily amount of 7.0 and 1.0 kg of DM per heifer, respectively. Heifer shrunk BW was collected on d 1 and 211 for heifer ADG calculation. Blood samples were collected weekly from d 0 to 210 for determination of plasma progesterone to estimate puberty attainment as well as plasma concentrations of IGF-I and leptin in selected samples. On d 0, 63, 133, and 189, heifers were evaluated for intramuscular marbling, LM depth, and backfat thickness via real-time ultrasonography. No treatment effects were detected (P = 0.27) for heifer ADG (0.49 vs. 0.51 kg/d for control and BST heifers, respectively; SEM = 0.02). Mean backfat thickness was lesser (P < 0.01) in BST heifers compared with control cohorts (3.56 vs. 3.92 mm, respectively; SEM = 0.08). Heifers receiving BST had greater plasma IGF-I concentrations compared with control cohorts 7 d after treatment administration (treatment × day interaction; P < 0.01). Mean plasma leptin concentrations were lesser (P = 0.05) in BST heifers compared with control cohorts (1.82 vs. 2.03 ng/mL, respectively; SEM = 0.07). Onset of puberty was hastened in BST heifers compared with control cohorts (treatment x day interaction; P = 0.04). In summary, a greater proportion of BST heifers reached puberty during the experiment compared with control cohorts, despite lesser plasma leptin concentrations, backfat thickness, and similar ADG. Hence, circulating IGF-I was positively associated with hastened puberty attainment independently of growth rate, circulating leptin concentrations, and body fat content of replacement beef heifers. © 2013 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of age of the ovulatory follicle on fertility in beef heifers. Ovulation was synchronized with the 5 d CO-Synch + controlled intravaginal drug release (CIDR) program in heifers in Montana (MT; n = 162, Hereford and Angus Crossbred) and Ohio (OH; n = 170, Angus Crossbred). All heifers received estradiol benzoate (EB; 1 mg/500 kg BW, [i.m.]) 6 d after the final GnRH of the synchronization program to induce follicular atresia and emergence of a new follicular wave (NFW) followed by prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF(2 alpha); 25 mg, i.m.) administration either 5 d (young follicle [YF]; n = 158) or 9 d (mature follicle [MF]; n = 174) after EB. Estrous detection was performed for 5 d after PGF(2 alpha) with AI approximately 12 h after onset of estrus. Ovarian ultrasonography (MT location only) was performed in YF and MF at EB, 5 d after EB, PGF(2 alpha), and AI. Heifers in MT (n = 20) and OH (n = 18) that were not presynchronized or did not initiate a NFW were excluded from further analyses, resulting in 142 and 152 heifers in MT and OH, respectively. Heifers from the MF treatment in MT that initiated a second NFW after EB but before PGF(2 alpha) (MF2; n = 14) were excluded from the primary analysis. In the secondary analysis, the MF2 group was compared to MF and YF treatments in MT. Estrous response was similar (90%; 252/280) between treatments and locations. Proestrus interval (from PGF(2 alpha) to estrus) and age of the ovulatory follicle at AI were similar for MF heifers between locations (54.6 +/- 1.7 h and 8.3 +/- 0.07 h) but were greater (P < 0.01) for YF heifers in OH (78.5 +/- 1.4 h and 5.3 +/- 0.06 h) than MT (67.4 +/- 1.6 h and 4.8 +/- 0.06 h; treatment x location, P < 0.01). However, conception rate did not differ for MF (63.8%; 74/116) and YF (67.0%; 91/136) treatments. In the MT heifers, follicle size and follicle age atAI in the YF treatment (10.4 +/- 0.15 mm and 4.8 +/- 0.06 d, respectively) was less (P < 0.01) than in the MF treatment (11.0 +/- 0.18 mm and 8.3 +/- 0.11 d, respectively), but conception rate to AI did not differ between treatments in MT. In the MF2 group proestrus interval was greater (P < 0.01); hence, diameter of the ovulatory follicle and age were similar to that for the YF treatment. Conception rate to AI did not differ between MF2, MF, and YF (61.5, 63.3, and 64.7%, respectively) in MT. In conclusion, manipulation of age of the nonpersistent ovulatory follicle at spontaneous ovulation did not influence conception rate.
Age at puberty in beef heifers can influence economic efficiency of beef production through effects on both age at first calving (2 vs. 3+ years of age) and the time of conception of heifers in their initial breeding season. An overarching factor that influences age at puberty in heifers is nutritional management during both the preweaning period and between weaning and the breeding season. Age at puberty is heritable and selection for precocious puberty in populations such as the Nelore breed has the potential to substantially influence production efficiency. Highly effective hormonal technologies exist to aid in induction of puberty in well managed heifers. Age at first ovulation and pregnancy in heifers can be substantially influenced through implementation of nutritional and/or hormonal manipulation strategies. In the long term, combinations of genetic selection, nutritional strategies, and hormonal intervention when necessary will optimize efficiency of this aspect of beef production.
These studies were designed to determine whether continuous intravenous infusion of increasing dosages of porcine relaxin during late pregnancy in beef heifers would influence circulating blood concentrations of relaxin, progesterone, and oxytocin, and time of onset of parturition. Beef heifers were bred by artificial insemination and, on Day 277, fitted with indwelling jugular cannulas for hormone infusion and blood sampling from Day 277 to 286. Intravenous infusion of purified porcine relaxin (pRLX, 3000 U mg-1) was started in heifers (n = 8) at increasing dosages (200 U h-1 on Days 277 and 278, 300 U h-1 on Days 279 and 280, 500 U h-1 on Day 281, 600 U h-1 on Day 282, and 700 U h-1 on Days 283 to 286). Phosphate buffer saline (PBS, 10 ml h-1) was infused during these same times to control (n = 6) animals. Relaxin treatment steadily increased the circulating plasma concentration of immunoreactive relaxin to more than 120 ng ml-1 compared with less than 0.5 ng ml-1 in PBStreated controls. Relaxin infusion in increasing dosages over the treatment time was associated with a significant decrease (P < 0.01) in plasma progesterone concentration compared with the PBS controls. Plasma levels of oxytocin at 4- hour intervals remained similar (P > 0.05) during the pretreatment period and throughout continuous infusion of pRLX and PBS. Although continuous intravenous infusion of relaxin resulted in a decrease in circulating blood levels of progesterone, it did not significantly reduce the interval between the beginning of pRLX treatment and parturition compared with the PBS-infused control heifers. These results indicate that continuous intravenous infusion of high levels of porcine relaxin resulted in a decrease in progesterone secretion in late pregnant beef heifers.
Methods of heat detection were compared in the Mid- Crest Area Cattle Evaluation Program (MACEP) heifer development program in the 1998-breeding season. A total of 189 heifers from thirteen consignors entered the program on November 10, 1997. These heifers were condition scored, hip height measured, weighed, disposition scored, booster vaccinated, and treated for parasites at the time of arrival. Determination of the heifer’s mature weight was made and a target of 65% of their mature weight at breeding was established. The ration was designed to meet this goal. The heifers were kept in a dry lot until all heifers were AI bred once. The heifers were periodically weighed and condition scored to monitor their gains and the ration was adjusted as needed. The estrus synchronization program consisted of an oral progesterone analog for 14 days; 17 days after completion of the progesterone analog treatment a single injection of prostaglandin was given and the heifers were then estrus detected. Two concurrent methods of estrus detection were utilized: 1) Ovatec â electronic breeding probe (probe), 2) HeatWatchâ estrus detection system (HW), and 3) a combination of probe and HW. Probe readings were obtained each 12 hours and the heifers were continuously monitored for estrus activity using the HW system. The probe was used as the primary estrus detection method and the HW system was used as a back-up system. Those heifers that did not demonstrate any estrus signs prior to 96 hours post prostaglandin treatment were mass inseminated at 96 hours. Post AI breeding, 151 of the heifers were placed on pasture and ran with clean-up bulls for 60 days. The remaining heifers left the program after the AI breeding was completed. Pregnancy to the AI breeding was determined by ultrasound on June 29, 1998. Results from using both probe and HW were 60% pregnant by AI, probe alone was 32% pregnant by AI, and HW alone was 27% pregnant by AI. The result of mass insemination was 20% pregnant by AI.
The effects of superovulatory treatment (follicle stimulating hormone [FSH] versus human menopausal gonadotropin [HMG]) and of route of administration (intramuscular versus intravenous) of prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a) on hormonal profiles were determined in 32 Angus x Hereford heifers for breeding and subsequent embryo collection and transfer. Heifers were superstimulated either with FSH (total of 26 milligrams) or HMG (total of 1,050 international units) beginning on days 9 to 12 of an estrous cycle and PGF2a (40 milligrams) was administered at 60 and 72 hours after the beginning of superovulatory treatments. Heifers were artificially inseminated three times at 12-hour intervals beginning 48 hours after PGF2a treatment. Blood serum samples were collected immediately before treatments began and at frequent intervals until embryo collection 288 hours later. Concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) and FSH were not affected by hormone treatments, route of PGF2a injection, or interactions between them. Estradiol-17ß (E2-17ß) levels were higher in HMG- than in FSH-treated heifers 60 hours after gonadotropin treatment. Peak concentration of E2-17ß occurred earlier in HMGthan in FSH-treated heifers and earlier in heifers injected with PGF2a intramuscularly than those injected intravenously. Progesterone concentrations were not influenced by treatment or route of PGF2a administration. The progesterone:E2-17ß ratio was higher in FSH- than in HMG-treated heifers 24 hours after the LH peak. The high steroid hormone concentrations in superovulated beef heifers before and after ovulation may lead to asynchrony between stages of embryonic development, a situation that may interfere with the pregnancy outcome of superovulated embryos in recipient animals.
Progesterone secretion is crucial for maintaining pregnancy to parturition in mammalian species, and in cattle the corpus luteum is the primary source of this hormone. This study determined the roles of prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in the luteotropic process in beef heifers hypophyseal stalk-transected (HST, n = 7) or sham operated on (SOC, n = 9) during midgestation. The main finding was that endogenous PRL and GH maintained progesterone secretion in HST heifers similar to that in SOC throughout pregnancy. Serum PRL averaged 37 vs 187 and GH 2 vs 4 ng/ml in HST compared with SOC, whereas LH abruptly decreased to undetectable levels after HST compared with a modest 0A4 ng/ml in SOC heifers. The second finding was that parturition and lactation occurred in HST heifers with calf delivery induced to occur at the same time as SOC. Milk production in HST animals was severely limited, and postpartum estrus obliterated compared with SOC. The suckling stimulus sustained milk ejection in HST heifers in spite of diminished PRL and GH secretion. The results suggest that PRL, GH and possibly placental lactogen are luteotropic during pregnancy in cattle.