997 resultados para Bee products


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Over the last years, the hive products such as propolis and pollen have been highlighted due to their potential health benefits, including antioxidant abilities that have been correlated with their content in phenolic compounds. Regardless of the several factors that may affect propolis and pollen antioxidant activity, these products have been shown to possess, either through the use of in vitro or in vivo models, important features concerning the modulation of cellular oxidative stress caused by environmental factors (e.g. UV-light), metals, pesticides and other xenobiotics. This modulatory effect focus not only on the capture of radicals that these elements might eventually generate, but also by the activation of cellular antioxidant mechanisms such as enzymatic antioxidants or by modifying gene expression patterns. Although the mechanisms behind these responses are not fully known, it has been showed that caffeic acid phenethyl ester, pinocembrin and chrisin are some of the compounds responsible for some of these responses. Taking into account the gathered results, propolis and pollen can be viewed as potential agents in the re-stabilization of cellular oxidative imbalance and in the prevention of oxidative stress related diseases.


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Natural products have been used in tratamed of hypercholesterolemia. The bee products have been promoting up the man's interest, among them it stands out the propolis, coleted by bees, rich in polyphenols. The biggest polyphenols of propolis was flavonoids and caffeic acids, which have antioxidant power, presenting the protective action to the lipoprotein LDL-cholesterol against the lipid peroxidation. Therefore, the present work was evaluated whether the caffeic acids of the Botucatu's propolis (Botucatu-SP) affect the levels of plasma cholesterol, in rabbits submitted to the rich diet in cholesterol. The animals were divided in three groups: C (n=2) they received commercial ration and water for the whole period; S (n=2) they received normal ration and water in the first period and supplemented ration and water in the second and third periods; S+T (n=5) they received normal ration and water in the first period, supplemented ration and water in the second period and supplemented ration and extract rich in caffeic acids in the third period. The caffeic acids were administered diluted in water, being in the concentration of 0.05g caffeic acid mL -1 kg -1 of animal. Weekly, after fast of 14 hours, the samples of blood were collected from the marginal vein of the ear for determination of the plasma levels of total cholesterol and their fractions. The caffeic acids of the propolis reduced the plasma concentration of total cholesterol in 30% (280 for 199 mg dL -1) in the rabbits treated with flavonoids, while in the animals of the group S those levels were reduced discreetly (380 for 400 mg dL -1). The animals of the group C maintained this biochemical parameter in the normality range during the whole period (50 mg dL -1). Therefore, we concluded that the caffeic acids exert inhibititory activity in the metabolism of the cholesterol, being considered as a substance of action against the hypercholesterolemia.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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By means of this paper is to critically analyze the current situation of beekeeping in the town of Tandil (Buenos Aires), from the objectives set out in the Strategic Plan Argentina Beekeeping 2017, approved in 2008, whose goal is aimed at that country from becoming a global market leader of value-added bee products, ensuring sustainable development in economic, environmental and social. At first briefly reviews the national bee scene, in which Argentina is known for being the third largest producer of honey, after China and the U.S., while competing with China for the first world exporter, a situation that contrasts with low domestic consumption. Then describes the strategic objectives that promotes the Plan, including: marketing, production, promotion and added value. Then we analyze the main characteristics of the honey industry in the area chosen, the town of Tandil, where the stage is characterized by a large number of small producers who are mostly engaged in the informal sale of honey for direct consumption but whose demand is low, compared to a small number of collectors, packers and exporters that dominate the international market. In general it is observed that, with few exceptions, the honey is exported in bulk, as a commodity, and its main use molasses to improve lower quality of recipient countries. Meanwhile the honey for local consumption, is usually of inferior quality because they generally are not subject to quality controls required by the circuit of export. To overcome the limitations of beekeeping above, highlights the collaborative efforts of government agencies such as the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) and the Faculty of Veterinary Science, National University Centre of the Province of Buenos Aires. As a preliminary conclusion, it is argued that the Strategic Plan Argentina Beekeeping is still valid as a tool for development of the sector, and is also essential to encourage the development of competitive products in terms of quality and differentiation, through the development of technology and knowledge sharing to ensure growth and sustainability of beekeeping in the town of Tandil


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By means of this paper is to critically analyze the current situation of beekeeping in the town of Tandil (Buenos Aires), from the objectives set out in the Strategic Plan Argentina Beekeeping 2017, approved in 2008, whose goal is aimed at that country from becoming a global market leader of value-added bee products, ensuring sustainable development in economic, environmental and social. At first briefly reviews the national bee scene, in which Argentina is known for being the third largest producer of honey, after China and the U.S., while competing with China for the first world exporter, a situation that contrasts with low domestic consumption. Then describes the strategic objectives that promotes the Plan, including: marketing, production, promotion and added value. Then we analyze the main characteristics of the honey industry in the area chosen, the town of Tandil, where the stage is characterized by a large number of small producers who are mostly engaged in the informal sale of honey for direct consumption but whose demand is low, compared to a small number of collectors, packers and exporters that dominate the international market. In general it is observed that, with few exceptions, the honey is exported in bulk, as a commodity, and its main use molasses to improve lower quality of recipient countries. Meanwhile the honey for local consumption, is usually of inferior quality because they generally are not subject to quality controls required by the circuit of export. To overcome the limitations of beekeeping above, highlights the collaborative efforts of government agencies such as the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) and the Faculty of Veterinary Science, National University Centre of the Province of Buenos Aires. As a preliminary conclusion, it is argued that the Strategic Plan Argentina Beekeeping is still valid as a tool for development of the sector, and is also essential to encourage the development of competitive products in terms of quality and differentiation, through the development of technology and knowledge sharing to ensure growth and sustainability of beekeeping in the town of Tandil


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By means of this paper is to critically analyze the current situation of beekeeping in the town of Tandil (Buenos Aires), from the objectives set out in the Strategic Plan Argentina Beekeeping 2017, approved in 2008, whose goal is aimed at that country from becoming a global market leader of value-added bee products, ensuring sustainable development in economic, environmental and social. At first briefly reviews the national bee scene, in which Argentina is known for being the third largest producer of honey, after China and the U.S., while competing with China for the first world exporter, a situation that contrasts with low domestic consumption. Then describes the strategic objectives that promotes the Plan, including: marketing, production, promotion and added value. Then we analyze the main characteristics of the honey industry in the area chosen, the town of Tandil, where the stage is characterized by a large number of small producers who are mostly engaged in the informal sale of honey for direct consumption but whose demand is low, compared to a small number of collectors, packers and exporters that dominate the international market. In general it is observed that, with few exceptions, the honey is exported in bulk, as a commodity, and its main use molasses to improve lower quality of recipient countries. Meanwhile the honey for local consumption, is usually of inferior quality because they generally are not subject to quality controls required by the circuit of export. To overcome the limitations of beekeeping above, highlights the collaborative efforts of government agencies such as the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) and the Faculty of Veterinary Science, National University Centre of the Province of Buenos Aires. As a preliminary conclusion, it is argued that the Strategic Plan Argentina Beekeeping is still valid as a tool for development of the sector, and is also essential to encourage the development of competitive products in terms of quality and differentiation, through the development of technology and knowledge sharing to ensure growth and sustainability of beekeeping in the town of Tandil


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The pressures on honeybee (Apis mellifera) populations, resulting from threats by modern pesticides, parasites, predators and diseases, have raised awareness of the economic importance and critical role this insect plays in agricultural societies across the globe. However, the association of humans with A. mellifera predates post-industrial-revolution agriculture, as evidenced by the widespread presence of ancient Egyptian bee iconography dating to the Old Kingdom (approximately 2400 bc)1. There are also indications of Stone Age people harvesting bee products; for example, honey hunting is interpreted from rock art2 in a prehistoric Holocene context and a beeswax find in a pre-agriculturalist site3. However, when and where the regular association of A. mellifera with agriculturalists emerged is unknown4. One of the major products of A. mellifera is beeswax, which is composed of a complex suite of lipids including n-alkanes, n-alkanoic acids and fatty acyl wax esters. The composition is highly constant as it is determined genetically through the insect’s biochemistry. Thus, the chemical ‘fingerprint’ of beeswax provides a reliable basis for detecting this commodity in organic residues preserved at archaeological sites, which we now use to trace the exploitation by humans of A. mellifera temporally and spatially. Here we present secure identifications of beeswax in lipid residues preserved in pottery vessels of Neolithic Old World farmers. The geographical range of bee product exploitation is traced in Neolithic Europe, the Near East and North Africa, providing the palaeoecological range of honeybees during prehistory. Temporally, we demonstrate that bee products were exploited continuously, and probably extensively in some regions, at least from the seventh millennium cal bc, likely fulfilling a variety of technological and cultural functions. The close association of A. mellifera with Neolithic farming communities dates to the early onset of agriculture and may provide evidence for the beginnings of a domestication process.


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Planners require solutions that address routine work needs and seems essential to improving efficiency and productivity. There are a great number of different factors related to beekeeper activity as well the quality and productivity of different bee products. The spatial analysis is a powerful tool for overlap and relates various levels of information on a map, and consequently a very useful for beekeeping activity planning. This work proposes and applies a methodology to potential beekeeping assessment in Montesinho Natural Park, a region in the northwest of Portugal. The beekeeping potential maps were developed with the following data sources: legal standards, vegetation, land use, topography, water resources, roads, electromagnetic fields, and some honey physico-chemical analysis. The design and implementation of spatial analysis model based on Geographic Information System (GIS) to beekeeping planning activities has already been described by Anjos et al (2014). Spatial analysis techniques allows to define the potential beekeeper map supporting the beekeeper management in this region. Anjos O, Silva G, Roque N, Fernandez P, 2014. GIS based analysis to support the beekeeping planning. Book of abstracts of the International Symposium on Bee Products 3rd edition – Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission (IHC), Faculty of medicine, University of Rijeka, p:61


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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No ovário das abelhas as células germinativas e as células foliculares são interconectadas por pontes intercelulares mantidas abertas por reforços do citoesqueleto na membrana plasmática. As pontes entre as células germinativas têm comportamento dinâmico e provavelmente atuam na determinação do ovócito entre as células do clone formado pelas mitoses pré meióticas formando posteriormente uma via de transporte para que os produtos sintetizados pelas células nutridoras atinjam o ovócito durante sua maturação. Os elementos do citoesqueleto presentes nas pontes intercelulares das gônadas das abelhas são basicamente microfilamentos e microtúbulos, mas nas pontes entre os cistócitos pré-meióticos outro tipo de filamento (espesso de natureza não definida, associado a elementos do retículo endoplasmático) está presente, atravessando a ponte e prendendo-se através dos microfilamentos à membrana plasmática. Estes filamentos aparentemente controlam o vão da ponte. Terminada a fase de proliferação os cistócitos tomam a forma de uma roseta e um fusoma, formado pela convergência das pontes, aparece no centro desta. Nesta conformação os filamentos grossos não estão presentes. Nova mudança ocorre com a diferenciação do ovócito e das células nutridoras, com a reorientação de todas as pontes de maneira a canalizar o conteúdo das futuras células nutridoras para o ovócito.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)