996 resultados para Beat rate


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Anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions induce ocean acidification, thereby reducing carbonate ion concentration, which may affect the ability of calcifying organisms to build shells. Pteropods, the main planktonic producers of aragonite in the worlds' oceans, may be particularly vulnerable to changes in sea water chemistry. The negative effects are expected to be most severe at high-latitudes, where natural carbonate ion concentrations are low. In this study we investigated the combined effects of ocean acidification and freshening on Limacina retroversa, the dominant pteropod in sub polar areas. Living L. retroversa, collected in Northern Norwegian Sea, were exposed to four different pH values ranging from the pre-industrial level to the forecasted end of century ocean acidification scenario. Since over the past half-century the Norwegian Sea has experienced a progressive freshening with time, each pH level was combined with a salinity gradient in two factorial, randomized experiments investigating shell degradation, swimming behavior and survival. In addition, to investigate shell degradation without any physiologic influence, one perturbation experiments using only shells of dead pteropods was performed. Lower pH reduced shell mass whereas shell dissolution increased with pCO2. Interestingly, shells of dead organisms had a higher degree of dissolution than shells of living individuals. Mortality of Limacina retroversa was strongly affected only when both pH and salinity reduced simultaneously. The combined effects of lower salinity and lower pH also affected negatively the ability of pteropods to swim upwards. Results suggest that the energy cost of maintaining ion balance and avoiding sinking (in low salinity scenario) combined with the extra energy cost necessary to counteract shell dissolution (in high pCO2 scenario), exceed the available energy budget of this organism causing the pteropods to change swimming behavior and begin to collapse. Since L. retroversa play an important role in the transport of carbonates to the deep oceans these findings have significant implications for the mechanisms influencing the inorganic carbon cycle in the sub-polar area.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Ventilatory frequency (VF) was investigated in the fish Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, subjected to confinement, electroshock or social stressor. Fish were allowed to acclimatize to tank conditions for 10 days (1 fish/aquarium). VF baseline was determined 5 days after adjustment had been started. At the 10th day of isolation, stressor effects on VF were assessed. The stressors were imposed during 60 min: pairing with a larger resident animal (social stressor), or gentle electroshock (AC, 20 V, 15 mA, 100 Hz for 1 min every 4 min), or space restriction (confinement). VF was quantified immediately after the end of the stressor imposition. Baseline of VF was not statistically different among groups. Social stressor clearly induced VF to increase, while an increased or decreased VF can be observed for both confinement and electroshock. However, fish tend to increase their VF in response to confinement and decrease in the case of electroshock. These results suggest that VF is a sensitive behavioural indicator for distinguishing stress responses in the fish Nile tilapia among different stressors. © 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The ventilation rate (VR) of an ostariophysan fish, the speckled catfish Pseudoplaty - stoma coruscans, exposed to a chemical alarm cue was measured in the present study in multiple contexts. The influence of the extraction techniques, skin donor food intake and quantity of the alarm cue (skin extract) on this autonomic response was considered. Overall, the catfish VR decreased significantly when exposed to the skin extract (chemical alarm cue) compared with exposure to distilled water (control). No effect of the extraction technique was found. Increasing doses of the skin extract induced a VR reduction of similar magnitude. However, extract obtained from daily-fed fish induced a significant decrease in the VR, whereas extract obtained from foodrestricted fish did not induce any change in the VR. Thus, food intake was associated with the production of a more easily recognizable alarm cue in the speckled catfish. Interestingly, this effect was not related to differences in the number of club cells in the donor catfish epidermis. Dashing, or rapid swimming, a normal component of the alarm response in fish, including this catfish species, was not observed here, and hypoventilation was always associated with no swimming reaction. Together, these results suggest that hypoventilation is a reaction to a chemical alarm cue, likely resulting in improved crypsis, causing the fish to become less easily perceived by a potential predator that usually strikes prey in response to movement.


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Heart rate variability (HRV) exhibits fluctuations characterized by a power law behavior of its power spectrum. The interpretation of this nonlinear HRV behavior, resulting from interactions between extracardiac regulatory mechanisms, could be clinically useful. However, the involvement of intrinsic variations of pacemaker rate in HRV has scarcely been investigated. We examined beating variability in spontaneously active incubating cultures of neonatal rat ventricular myocytes using microelectrode arrays. In networks of mathematical model pacemaker cells, we evaluated the variability induced by the stochastic gating of transmembrane currents and of calcium release channels and by the dynamic turnover of ion channels. In the cultures, spontaneous activity originated from a mobile focus. Both the beat-to-beat movement of the focus and beat rate variability exhibited a power law behavior. In the model networks, stochastic fluctuations in transmembrane currents and stochastic gating of calcium release channels did not reproduce the spatiotemporal patterns observed in vitro. In contrast, long-term correlations produced by the turnover of ion channels induced variability patterns with a power law behavior similar to those observed experimentally. Therefore, phenomena leading to long-term correlated variations in pacemaker cellular function may, in conjunction with extracardiac regulatory mechanisms, contribute to the nonlinear characteristics of HRV.


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Marine brachyuran and anomuran crustaceans are completely absent from the extremely cold (-1.8 °C) Antarctic continental shelf, but caridean shrimps are abundant. This has at least partly been attributed to low capacities for magnesium excretion in brachyuran and anomuran lithodid crabs ([Mg2+]HL = 20-50 mmol/L) compared to caridean shrimp species ([Mg2+]HL = 5-12 mmol/L). Magnesium has an anaesthetizing effect and reduces cold tolerance and activity of adult brachyuran crabs. We investigated whether the capacity for magnesium regulation is a factor that influences temperature-dependent activity of early ontogenetic stages of the Sub-Antarctic lithodid crab Paralomis granulosa. Ion composition (Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl-, [SO4]2-) was measured in haemolymph withdrawn from larval stages, the first and second juvenile instars (crabs I and II) and adult males and females. Magnesium excretion improved during ontogeny, but haemolymph sulphate concentration was lowest in the zoeal stages. Neither haemolymph magnesium concentrations nor Ca2+:Mg2+ ratios paralleled activity levels of the life stages. Long-term (3 week) cold exposure of crab I to 1 °C caused a significant rise of haemolymph sulphate concentration and a decrease in magnesium and calcium concentrations compared to control temperature (9 °C). Spontaneous swimming activity of the zoeal stages was determined at 1, 4 and 9 °C in natural sea water (NSW, [Mg2+] = 51 mmol/L) and in sea water enriched with magnesium (NSW + Mg2+, [Mg2+] = 97 mmol/L). It declined significantly with temperature but only insignificantly with increased magnesium concentration. Spontaneous velocities were low, reflecting the demersal life style of the zoeae. Heart rate, scaphognathite beat rate and forced swimming activity (maxilliped beat rate, zoea I) or antennule beat rate (crab I) were investigated in response to acute temperature change (9, 6, 3, 1, -1 °C) in NSW or NSW + Mg2+. High magnesium concentration reduced heart rates in both stages. The temperature-frequency curve of the maxilliped beat (maximum: 9.6 beats/s at 6.6 °C in NSW) of zoea I was depressed and shifted towards warmer temperatures by 2 °C in NSW + Mg2+, but antennule beat rate of crab I was not affected. Magnesium may therefore influence cold tolerance of highly active larvae, but it remains questionable whether the slow-moving lithodid crabs with demersal larvae would benefit from an enhanced magnesium excretion in nature.


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A low capacity for regulation of extracellular Mg2+ has been proposed to exclude reptant marine decapod crustaceans from temperatures below 0°C and thus to exclude them from the high Antarctic. To test this hypothesis and to elaborate the underlying mechanisms in the most cold-tolerant reptant decapod family of the sub-Antarctic, the Lithodidae, thermal tolerance was determined in the crab Paralomis granulosa (Decapoda, Anomura, Lithodidae) using an acute stepwise temperature protocol (-1°, 1°, 4°, 7°, 10°, and 13°C). Arterial and venous oxygen partial pressures (Po2) in hemolymph, heartbeat and ventilation beat frequencies, and hemolymph cation composition were measured at rest and after a forced activity (righting) trial. Scopes for heartbeat and ventilation beat frequencies and intermittent heartbeat and scaphognathite beat rates at rest were evaluated. Hemolymph [Mg2+] was experimentally reduced from 30 mmol/L to a level naturally observed in Antarctic caridean shrimps (12 mmol/L) to investigate whether the animals remain more active and tolerant to cold (-1°, 1°, and 4°C). In natural seawater, righting speed was significantly slower at -1° and 13°C, compared with acclimation temperature (4°C). Arterial and venous hemolymph Po2 increased in response to cooling even though heartbeat and ventilation beat frequencies as well as scopes decreased. At rest, ionic composition of the hemolymph was not affected by temperature. Activity induced a significant increase in hemolymph [K+] at -1° and 1°C. Reduction of hemolymph [Mg2+] did not result in an increase in activity, an increase in heartbeat and ventilation beat frequencies, or a shift in thermal tolerance to lower temperatures. In conclusion, oxygen delivery in this cold-water crustacean was not acutely limiting cold tolerance, and animals may have been constrained more by their functional capacity and motility. In contrast to earlier findings in temperate and subpolar brachyuran crabs, these constraints remained insensitive to changing Mg2+ levels.