986 resultados para Battle between good and evil
This article begins at Barthes lecture of Tolstoy's War and Peace, to understand some writing moves observed at the manuscript of his novel "Vita Nova". To reach this purpose, we find an element in Tolstoy's book he intended to develop in his novel: the fight of Good and Evil, developed in the last text by written Barthes before dying.
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Abstract: Nietzsche's Will-to-Power Ontology: An Interpretation of Beyond Good and Evil § 36 By: Mark Minuk Will-to-power is the central component of Nietzsche's philosophy, and passage 36 of Beyond Good and Evil is essential to coming to an understanding of it. 1 argue for and defend the thesis that will-to-power constitutes Nietzsche's ontology, and offer a new understanding of what that means. Nietzsche's ontology can be talked about as though it were a traditional substance ontology (i.e., a world made up of forces; a duality of conflicting forces described as 'towards which' and 'away from which'). However, 1 argue that what defines this ontology is an understanding of valuation as ontologically fundamental—^the basis of interpretation, and from which a substance ontology emerges. In the second chapter, I explain Nietzsche's ontology, as reflected in this passage, through a discussion of Heidegger's two ontological categories in Being and Time (readiness-to-hand, and present-at-hand). In a nutshell, it means that the world of our desires and passions (the most basic of which is for power) is ontologically more fundamental than the material world, or any other interpretation, which is to say, the material world emerges out of a world of our desires and passions. In the first chapter, I address the problematic form of the passage reflected in the first sentence. The passage is in a hypothetical style makes no claim to positive knowledge or truth, and, superficially, looks like Schopenhaurian position for the metaphysics of the will, which Nietzsche rejects. 1 argue that the hypothetical form of the passage is a matter of style, namely, the style of a free-spirit for whom the question of truth is reframed as a question of values. In the third and final chapter, 1 address the charge that Nietzsche's interpretation is a conscious anthropomorphic projection. 1 suggest that the charge rests on a distinction (between nature and man) that Nietzsche rejects. I also address the problem of the causality of the will for Nietzsche, by suggesting that an alternative, perspectival form of causality is possible.
The 'Table of colours' has separate pagination and half-title; 'The wisdom of the ancients,' which is translated by Sir Arthur Gorges, has separate pagination and titlepage p.135 misnumbered 145
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Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Photocopy. Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms International, 1979. -- 22 cm.
The problem of Job.--The case of John Bunyan.--Tennyson and pessimism.--The knowledge of good and evil.--Natural law, ethics, and evolution.--The implications of self-consciousness.--Some observations on the anomalies of self-consciousness.--Self-consciousness, social consciousness and nature.--Originality and consciousness.--Meister Eckhart.--An episode of early California life: the squatter riot of 1850 in Sacramento.--Jean Marie Guyau.
Tr. of: Jenseits von gut und bose.
Mode of access: Internet.
El artículo plantea cómo la decisión tomada por Estados Unidos de atacar a Iraq se contrapone a la naturaleza del multilateralismo y atenta contra la normatividad jurídica vigente -Derecho Internacional-. El autor presenta a la ""acción preventiva"" y a la ""confrontación entre el bien el mal"" como los pilares de la visión internacional norteamericana guiada actualmente por los neoconservadores, propone la necesidad de que el multilateralismo se renueve para que no pierda vigencia.
This paper seeks to understand the mediation of cultural products devoted to childhood in the children's play culture. This research focused on a dialogue between the TV cartoons, which are foods to playfulness and fantasy that characterize childhood cultures; the ethics, because the questioning of symbolic mediators (ideas, values, norms, rules) are essential to reflect on the society we want to live, and Physical Education as a curriculum component, shall contribute to the critical mediation of the body culture and the sports arising out from the media, which has close relation with the practical and moral problems that arise in the classroom. To analyze the narrative structures of cartoons we have adopted the comprehensive methodology of Joan Ferrés. Such method suggests a hermeneuticphenomenological approach, which allowed to access Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutics; as one interpretative method, it allows the reflection on our values, and also the values presented by the audiovisual product, and possible changes. Successive readings indicate that the narrative structure of TV cartoons responds to a double moral standard, which are constructed from stereotyped models between good and evil, right and wrong, villain and hero, and propose universal role models of conduct. However, some cartoons, mostly based on animé productions, have broader visions of the human common living experiences. We concluded that the current symbolic production of childhood cultures proposes one challenge to the Physical Education teacher: the critical mediation of values related to the movement body culture. Along with the support of moral philosophy, it can target his/her practice for understanding the different manners of (re)creation of the ways, and the living in society.