959 resultados para Bas-relief
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The culture of tilapia has a long history in Africa. Fossil remains of members of the genus have been found which are about 18 million years old (Fryer and Iles, 1972). Oreochromis niloticus was the subject of detailed observations in Egypt of 5,000 years ago. A bas relief of 2,500B.C. depicts tilapia being reared in ponds in Egypt. However, despite this long history the prolific nature of this fish results in very high populations in pond culture systems. Consequently small size fish are harvested. Several methods have thus been tried to control the excessive reproduction of tilapia in captivity with only partial success. This paper reports how large size tilapia especially O. niloticus averaging at least 150g per piece can be commercially produced using floating net cages in the marine environment
Cette thése a été réalisée dans le cadre d'une cotutelle avec l'Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (France). La recherche a été effectuée au sein des laboratoires de vision 3D (DIRO, UdM) et PERCEPTION-INRIA (Grenoble).
Images of an object under different illumination are known to provide strong cues about the object surface. A mathematical formalization of how to recover the normal map of such a surface leads to the so-called uncalibrated photometric stereo problem. In the simplest instance, this problem can be reduced to the task of identifying only three parameters: the so-called generalized bas-relief (GBR) ambiguity. The challenge is to find additional general assumptions about the object, that identify these parameters uniquely. Current approaches are not consistent, i.e., they provide different solutions when run multiple times on the same data. To address this limitation, we propose exploiting local diffuse reflectance (LDR) maxima, i.e., points in the scene where the normal vector is parallel to the illumination direction (see Fig. 1). We demonstrate several noteworthy properties of these maxima: a closed-form solution, computational efficiency and GBR consistency. An LDR maximum yields a simple closed-form solution corresponding to a semi-circle in the GBR parameters space (see Fig. 2); because as few as two diffuse maxima in different images identify a unique solution, the identification of the GBR parameters can be achieved very efficiently; finally, the algorithm is consistent as it always returns the same solution given the same data. Our algorithm is also remarkably robust: It can obtain an accurate estimate of the GBR parameters even with extremely high levels of outliers in the detected maxima (up to 80 % of the observations). The method is validated on real data and achieves state-of-the-art results.
Vol. 2, pt. 1-2: pub. a nome dell'Imperiale istituto archeologico germanico da Gustavo Körte. Toma, Tip. della R. Academia dei Lincei; Berlino, G. Reimer, 1890-96.
T.3 published- Roma, "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, 1968.
L’éducation à la paix s’est développée juste après la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, notamment avec la création de l’UNESCO. D’ailleurs, son Acte constitutif commence avec l’énoncé du principe suivant: « Les guerres prenant naissance dans l’esprit des hommes, c’est dans l’esprit des hommes que doivent être élevées les défenses de la paix. » (Unesco, 1945, 2014, p. 5) Après des recherches sur l’idéal de paix et sur les conceptions de l’éducation à la paix, nous avons posé quelques questions: Quelles sont les différentes stratégies d’éducation à la paix formelles, informelles et non formelles mises en place à travers le monde? À partir de l’inventaire des stratégies d’éducation à la paix, quelles sont celles qui participent le plus à l’objectif de construire un artisan de paix en chaque individu, peu importe son âge, sa classe sociale, sa culture et sa société? La recension des écrits a permis de mettre en évidence quelques pratiques: le dialogue pour la réconciliation, l’éducation interculturelle et aux droits humains, la médiation des conflits. Mais on ne relève pas de pratiques d’éducation à la paix basée sur les modèles. C’est pourquoi, nous avons énoncé la question générale de recherche en ces termes: En quoi les vies des figures de paix en tant que modèles de paix peuvent-elles contribuer à l’éducation à la paix? Nous avons mis en relief le lien possible entre le modèle de paix et la pédagogie basée sur le modèle (Gardner, 1999) dans le but de faire de l’éducation à la paix. Puis, nous avons pu poser deux objectifs de recherche: 1. Élaborer un matériel pédagogique à partir de la vie de modèles de paix pour servir à l’éducation à la paix dans des contextes éducatifs non formels; 2. Faire valider le matériel par des experts. Selon la démarche méthodologique de la recherche de développement (Van der Maren, 2014), nous avons élaboré le prototype du matériel pédagogique. Pour cela, nous avons sélectionné cinq modèles de paix: le Mahatma Gandhi, Mère Teresa, Martin Luther King, Wangari Maathai et Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba. Pour chaque modèle, nous avons créé des scénarios pédagogiques et élaboré du matériel d’accompagnement en fonction d’événements marquants dans leurs vies. Sept experts ont évalué le matériel produit et ont fait des suggestions pour l’améliorer. L’analyse de leur évaluation et leurs recommandations nous a permis de rédiger une nouvelle version que nous avons appelée la version validée du matériel. Le matériel pédagogique produit est intitulé La vie de modèles de paix: Outils d’éducation à la paix. La visée de ce matériel est de donner la possibilité à l’être humain d’identifier son potentiel en tant qu’artisan de paix et de l’amener à développer la paix en lui-même afin de semer la paix autour de lui. Les retombées de cette recherche concernent tant la communauté scientifique que la communauté professionnelle. Nous avons développé une approche pédagogique nouvelle pour faire de l’éducation à la paix et avons dégagé ses fondements théoriques, en plus de produire pour des intervenants socioéducatifs un matériel pédagogique qui a fait l’objet d’une évaluation rigoureuse.
This article by Ben McEniery discusses the matters a court will consider when leave to commence or proceed against a company in liquidation is sought not by a creditor seeking to prove a debt, but by the corporate regulator pursuing declaratory or injunctive relief.
This paper discusses the question of when pain and distress relief known to hasten death would cross the line between permissible conduct and killing. The issue is discussed in the context of organ donation after cardiac death, and considers the administration of analgesics, sedatives, and the controversial use of paralysing agents in the provision and withdrawal of ventilation.
The 20th May 2006 lava dome collapse of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, had a total non-dense rock equivalent (non-DRE) collapse volume of approximately 115 × 10 6 m 3. The majority of this volume was deposited into the ocean. The collapse was rapid, 85% of the mobilized volume being removed in just 35 min, giving peak pyroclastic flow flux of 66 × 10 3 m 3 s -1. Channel and levee facies on the submarine flanks of the volcano and formation of a thick, steep-sided ridge, suggest that the largest and most dense blocks were transported proximally as a high concentration granular flow. Of the submerged volume, 30% was deposited from the base of this granular flow, forming a linear, high-relief ridge that extends 7 km from shore. The remaining 70% of the submerged volume comprises the finer grain sizes, which were transported at least 40 km by turbidity currents on gradients of <2°. At several localities, the May 2006 distal turbidity currents ran up 200 m of topography and eroded up to 20 cm of underlying substrate. Multiple turbidites are preserved, representing current reflection from the graben margins and deflection around topography. The high energy of the May 2006 collapse resulted in longer submarine run out than the larger (210 × 10 6 m 3) Soufrière Hills dome collapse in July 2003.
Postburn itch is reported to affect up to 87% of the burn population. Although treatments for postburn itch are multimodal, they remain consistently ineffective. However, recent anecdotal evidence from several outpatients at a tertiary referral hospital suggests that a cream combining beeswax and several herbal oils may be effective in the minimization of postburn itch. The aim of this study was to test the efficacy of beeswax and herbal oil cream against the standard treatment of aqueous cream in the provision of relief from the symptoms of postburn itch. A randomized controlled trial compared two groups using a visual analog scale, frequency of cream application, itch recurrence after cream application, use of antipruritic medications, and sleep disturbance to determine the effect of itch severity and duration. Fifty-two participants were enrolled in the study (84% male) with a mean age of 35 years (SD = 16) and mean burn TBSA of 7.2% (SD = 7.7). Study results found that the beeswax and herbal oil cream reduce itch after application more frequently than aqueous cream (P = .001). In addition, when managed with beeswax and herbal oil cream, participants found that their itch recurred later (P ≤ .001) and their use of antipruritic medications was lower (P = .023). Findings of this study suggest beeswax and herbal oil cream to be more effective in the minimization of postburn itch than aqueous cream. Given this, a larger study examining the efficacy of beeswax and herbal oil cream appears warranted.