7 resultados para Barroque
Este texto toma por objeto el conjunto de la obra de Eugenio Espejo (Quito, 1747-1795) para recorrer en ella su complejo sistema de desdoblamientos, proyecciones y ocultamientos –fundamentados en el mecanismo del anónimo– que la ubican como el caso más interesante y significativo de las letras ecuatorianas en lo que se refiere a la génesis autoral. El propósito de Landázuri es sintetizar y ordenar la información existente sobre los procedimientos de desdoblamiento o anonimato visibles en la obra de Espejo y tratar de comprenderlos a la luz de los mecanismos discursivos del barroco, enfrentados –o asimilados– en el paradigma dieciochesco de la Ilustración. Para ello, acude a las tesis de Bolívar Echeverría sobre el “ethos barroco” y sus relaciones con la concepción de modernidad, lo cual sin duda permite una comprensión bastante amplia de lo que ocurre en la obra y cosmovisión de Espejo como síntesis y caso significativo de su época.
The current dissertation is linked to the research line Poéticas da modernidade e da pós-modernidade (modern and post modern poetics), which is being developed for the Programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos da Linguagem (Program of post graduation in language studies), in the area of Literatura Comparada (comparative literature) CCHLA/UFRN. The main aim of the research is to show the reading of Primero sueño by sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, in the middle of the contemporary age, through an eclectic analysis which elucidates the baroque in its most recent concept; the social context and the life as a nun of sor Juana and the analysis of the poetry starting from the glance to the literary text. The perception of the baroque eon universal as a constant artistic movement from its appearance to the present time thus highlighted based on the most modern studies by the baroque specialists: Eugênio d Ors, O barroco (s/d), Severo Sarduy, Barroco (s/d) and Gilles Deleuze, A dobra: Leibniz e o barroco (1991). In that research, it will be presented the translation/transcreation of the study object corpus still guided by the translatological theories of Haroldo de Campos (2004), Da tradução como criação e como crítica, Walter Benjamin (1971), A tarefa do tradutor and Jacques Derrida (2006), Torres de Babel
The aim of this research is, starting from a Baroque reading, unfold the understanding of the poems by João Cabral de Melo Neto in the axis Pernambuco-Spain. From this perspective, the reading of poet s Obra Completa allows the appearance of two persons, one from Seville and other from the Brazilian countryside, whom curiously pulsate and reveal themselves from their homelands, Brazilian northeastern dry lands and Seville, to a labyrinthy meeting establishing a close and exciting relationship of cities apart but which mark a contiguous dialogue between both cultures. The theorical effort of this investigation permeates, approaches and contrasts the directions of, among others, Severo Sarduy (1999), Gilles Deleuze (2012) and Eugenio D Ors (unknown). Not traveling an anthropological bias, this study observes the Spanish space and the Brazilian northeastern dry lands space, joining the regional to the universal and analyzes the baroque game in the (re) construction of the both men s cultures. These elements fuse, approach and move away, causing a game of allusions to Pernambuco and Spain that show itself through a similar cultural bias and different at the same time. From this apprehension it is possible to understand the synthesis of the Brazilian arid northeast-Seville men as a update of seventeenth century Baroque coming from indexes that are shown over the particular written by João Cabral de Melo Neto, in the Iberian Baroque scenario and in the American one s
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
We can notice in Brazilian literature —both past and contemporary— the presence of the historical novel in its several modalities which include traditional models but also contemporary formulations that break old models with irreverence. Among them are the historiographical metafictions (Hutcheon, 1991), which propose the rereading not only of history but also of literature itself. Therefore, in the large number of historical characters which are fictionalized by contemporary Brazilian historical novel in the last decades, this essay intends to discuss how Ana Miranda engages in reading the history of Brazilian literature through fiction in three of her novels. The first is Boca do inferno (1989), whose protagonists are two of the main representatives of Brazilian colonial barroque, Father Antônio Vieira and poet Gregório de Matos. Following the chronological order of protagonist writers, the next novel to be discussed is Dias & dias (2002), whose action is centered in Gonçalves Dias, a well known poet of national Romanticism. The third is A última quimera (1995), which makes an outline of Brazilian literature at the beginning of the 20th century, dealing with Augusto dos Anjos and Olavo Bilac. By inverting some traditional viewpoints, Ana Miranda proposes, as in a palimpsest, the rereading and discussion of the national literary cânon and its construction.
Partindo do panorama traçado pelo crítico carioca Roberto Pontual em Explode Geração!, livro publicado em 1985, pretende-se analisar em que medida a questão da identidade brasileira na arte realizada no país encontrou respaldo na cena dos anos 1980, momento em que a produção de uma jovem geração de artistas foi alinhada à tradição do barroco brasileiro, tradição esta que, segundo o crítico, perpassaria e alinhavaria alguns dos trabalhos do período, fornecendo-lhes uma espécie de chancela de uma brasilidade insuspeita, a despeito de todo contato que travavam com a arte internacional. Esta "resenha tardia" propõe-se tão somente indicar caminhos possíveis para futuros estudos mais detalhados acerca de tal questão.
This article, part of a doctoral research conducted at the Department of Music of the ECA/USP/FAPESP aims to elucidate compositional and technical procedures in the Prelude from the suite Le Tombeau de Couperin (1914-1917) by french composer Maurice Ravel. Such procedures are traced back to French barroque composer Francois Couperin (1668-1733) harpsichord pieces, and are translated by Ravel to the modern piano. Thus, by studying the works for harpsichord by Couperin it was possible to see a kind of fusion of two languages and two instrumental techniques apart in time. This fusion of languages poses several interpretive questions.