978 resultados para Barrier effects
We present an unusual temperature dependence of hysteresis in the Lion resonant microwave absorption (NRMA) signals from superconducting thin films of YBa2Cu3O7-delta. We observe that the hysteresis increases with increase in temperature till T-c which we interpret as evidence for the presence of Bean-Livingston surface barriers (BLSB) in the single crystalline films.
As rodovias podem representar um importante fator na fragmentação de habitat para espécies silvestres adaptadas a habitats de alta complexidade estrutural, como as florestas tropicais. As estradas reduzem a conectividade da paisagem e a capacidade da população regional em habitar todas as áreas adequadas e estes efeitos são mais significativos nas espécies que evitam a estrada, que são, muitas vezes, espécies de interior de florestas. A magnitude dos efeitos de barreira dependerá do comportamento e mobilidade destas espécies. Quando as estradas representam ralos (sink) ou barreiras para as populações, devido, respectivamente, aos atropelamentos ou à repulsa, medidas mitigadoras são indicadas para aumentar a conectividade entre as manchas de habitat separadas por essas estradas. A qualidade do habitat é um fator que deve ser considerado, mesmo com baixas frequências de atropelamentos nesses locais. O objetivo desse estudo foi propor dois métodos de seleção de áreas prioritárias para implantação de medidas mitigadoras dos efeitos das estradas sobre espécies de vertebrados florestais: Seleção Hierárquica Multivariada e Seleção Bivariada. A área de estudo foi o bioma Mata Atlântica, sendo recortado em paisagens hexagonais em três escalas diferentes (10.000, 1.000 e 100 km), usando a extensão Repeating Shapes no programa ArcGIS 9.3. Em cada hexágono foram calculados: área de floresta e de Unidade de Conservação, densidade de estradas e de hidrografia. Apenas os hexágonos cobertos por no mínimo 45% pela Mata Atlântica, com mais de 50% de cobertura florestal e mais de 1% de Unidades de Conservação foram incluídos nas análises. Após esta seleção, no método Seleção Hierárquica Multivariada, foi feita uma análise de componentes principais (PCA) com as quatro variáveis medidas, para cada escala separadamente. Os hexágonos foram então ordenados segundo o posicionamento deles no 1 Eixo da PCA de forma hierárquica e da maior para menor escala de hexágonos. Para área de estudo o método de Seleção Bivariada foi construído um gráfico de pontos, para cada escala de hexágono, com as variáveis cobertura florestal e rios. Foram selecionados os hexágonos que estavam localizados no quadrante do gráfico que representasse maior densidade de rios e maior porcentagem de cobertura florestal. Posteriormente foi feita uma simulação para avaliar se os métodos eram capazes de recuperar escores tão alto quanto a ordenação seguindo apenas o posicionamento dos hexágonos no Eixo 1 da PCA, sem uma análise hierárquica. O método de Seleção Hierárquica Multivariada foi mais eficiente para escolha de áreas prioritárias do que a Seleção Bivariada tanto para a escala intermediária (1.000 km) quanto para a menor escala (100 km). Os cinco hexágonos de 100 km mais prioritários estão localizados em São Paulo e Paraná, abrangendo quatro UCs (PARES de Jacupiranga, APA de Guaraqueçaba, APA Cananéia- Jacuípe e PARES da Ilha do Cardoso). Devido à simplicidade e fácil aplicabilidade do método, acredita-se que este pode ser uma opção interessante para escolha de áreas prioritárias para implantação de medidas mitigadoras dos efeitos de estradas
Rockmass movement due to mining steep metallic ore body is a considerable question in the surface movement and deformation issue caused by underground mining. Research on coal mining induced rockmass movement and its prediction problem have been performed for a long-term, and have achieved great progress at home and abroad. However, the rockmass movement caused by mining steep metal mine is distinctivly different from coal seam mining.. Existing surface movement laws and deformation prediction methods are not applicable to the rockmass movement caused by mining steep metal mine. So far the home and abroad research to this theory is presently at an early stage, and there isn’t mature theory or practical prediction method, which made a great impact on production. In this paper, the research object—Jinchuan nickel mine, which is typical steep metal mine, characterized by complex geological conditions, developed faults, cracked rockmass, high geostress, and prominent engineering stability problems. In addition, backfill mining method is used in the mine, the features of rockmass movement caused by this mining method are also different from other mining methods. In this paper, the laws of rock mass movement, deformation and destroy mechanism, and its prediction were analyzed based on the collection of data, detailed in-sit engineering geology survey, ground movement monitoring by GPS, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. According to the GPS monitoring of ground surface movement, ground subsidence basin with apparent asymmetry is developing, the influence scope is larger in the upper faulted block than in the lower faulted block, and the center of ground movement is moving along the upper faulted block direction with increasing depth of mining. During the past half and seven years, the largest settlement has amounted to 1287.5mm, and corresponding horizontal displacement has amounted to 664.6mm. On the ground surface, two fissure belts show a fast-growing trend of closure. To sum up, mining steep metal mine with backfill method also exist the same serious problem of rockmass movement hazards. Fault, as a low intensity zone in rockmass, when it located within the region of mining influence, the change of potential energy mainly consumed in fault deformation associated with rockmass structure surface friction, which is the essence of displacement and stress barrier effects characterized by fault rupture zone. when steep fault located in the tensile deformation region incurred by underground excavation, no matter excavation in hangingwall or in footwall of the fault, there will be additional tensile stress on the vertical fault plane and decrease in the shear strength, and always showing characteristics of normal fault slip, which is the main reason of fault escarpment appeared on the ground surface. The No.14 shaft deformation and failure is triggered by fault activation, which showed with sidewall move, rupture, and break down features as the main form of a concentrated expression of fault effects. The size and orientation of principal stress in surrounding rock changed regularly with mining; therefore, roadway deformation and damage at different stages have different characteristics and distribution models. During the process of mining, low-intensity weak structures surface always showed the most obvious reaction, accompany with surface normal stress decrease and shear strength bring down, to some extent, occurred with relative slide and deformation. Meanwhile, the impact of mining is a relatively long process, making the structure surface effect of roadway deformation and damage more prominent than others under the influence of mining. Roadway surrounding rockmass deformation caused by the change of strain energy density field after excavation mainly belongs to elastic deformation, and the correspondented damage mainly belongs to brittle rupture, in this circumstance, surrounding rockmass will not appear large deformation. The large deformation of surrounding rockmass can only be the deformation associated with structure surface friction or the plastic deformation of itself, which mainly caused by the permanent self-weigh volume force,and long-term effect of mining led to the durability of this deformation Good pitting fill effect and supporting effect of backfill, as well as the friction of rockmass structure surface lead to obvious macro-rockmass movement with long-lag characteristics. In addition, the loss of original intensity and new structure surface arisen increased flexibility in rockmass and fill deformation in structure surface, which made the time required for rockmass potential energy translate into deformation work associated with plastic deformation and structure surface friction consumed much, and to a large extent, eliminated the time needed to do those plastic work during repeated mining, all of which are the fundamental reason of rockmass movement aftereffect more significant than before. Mining steep deposits in high tectonic stress area and in gravity stress area have different movement laws and deformation mechanism. The steep deposit, when the vertical size of the mining areas is smaller than the horizontal size of the orebody, no matter mining in gravity stress area or in high tectonic stress area, they have similar features of ground movement with mining horizontal orebody; contrarily, there will appear double settlement centers on the ground surface under the condition of mining in high tectonic stress area, while there will always be a single center under the other condition. Meanwhile the ground movement lever, scale of mining influence area and macro features of ground movement, deformation and fracture are also different from mining in gravity stress area, and the fundamental reason lies in the impact of orientation of the maximum principal stress on rock movement features in in-site rock stress field. When mining thick and steep deposit, the ground surface movement and deformation characteristic curves are significantly different from excavating the horizontal ore bed and thin steep deposit. According to the features of rockmass movement rate, the development process of mining-induced rockmass movement is divided into three stages: raising stage, steadily stage and gradually decay stage. Considering the actual exploitation situation, GPS monitoring results and macro-characteristics of surface movement, the current subsidence pattern of Jinchuan No.2 mine is in the early stage of development. Based on analysis of surface movement rate, surface subsidence rate increase rapidly when mining in double lever at the same time, and reach its peak until the exploitation model ended. When double lever mining translate into single, production decreased, surface subsidence rate suddenly start to reduce and maintain a relatively low value, and the largest subsidence center will slowly move along with the hangingwall ore body direction with increasing depth of mining, at the same time, the scope and extent of subsidence in footwall ore body will begin magnify, and a sub-settlement center will appear on ground surface, accompanied with the development and closure trend of ground fissure, the surrounding rockmass of shaft and roadway will be confronted to more frequent and severe deformation and failure, and which will have a negative impact on the overall stability of No.2 mine mining. On the premise of continuity of rockmass movement, gray system model can be used in ground rockmass movement prediction for good results. Under the condition of backfill mining step by step, the loose effect of compact status of the hard, broken rockmass led to lower energy release rate, although surrounding rockmass has high elastic energy, loose and damage occurred in the horizontal ore body, which made the mining process safety without any large geological hazards. During the period of mining the horizontal ore body to end, in view of its special “residual support role”, there will be no large scale rockmass movement hazards. Since ground surface movement mainly related to the intensity of mining speed and backfill effect, on the premise of constant mining speed, during the period of mining the horizontal ore body to end, the rate of ground surface rockmass movement and deformation won’t have sudden change.
Business History, Vol, 51 Issue 1, p45-58
It is believed that the dissolution of chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) in acid medium can be accelerated by the addition of Cl- ions, which modify the electrochemical reactions in the leaching system. Electrochemical noise analysis (ENA) was utilized to evaluate the effect of the Cl- ions and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans on the oxidative dissolution of a CPE-chalcopyrite (carbon paste electrode modified with chalcopyrite) in acid medium. The emphasis was on the analysis of the admittance plots (Ac) calculated by ENA. In general, a stable passive behavior was observed, mainly during the initial stages of CPE-chalcopyrite immersion, characterized by a low passive current and a low dispersion of the Ac plots, mainly after bacteria addition. This can be explained by the adhesion of bacterial cells on the CPE-chalcopyrite surface acting as a physical barrier. The greater dispersions in the Ac plots occurred immediately after the Cl- ions addition, in the absence of bacteria characterizing an active-state. In the presence of bacteria the addition of Clions only produced some effect after some time due to the barrier effect caused by bacteria adhesion. © (2009) Trans Tech Publications.
Magnetization measurements were performed on CeCoIn5 at temperatures down to 20 mK and magnetic fields up to 17 T applied along different crystallographic orientations. For field configurations nearly parallel to the ab plane (theta less than or similar to 40 degrees and T <= 50 mK), we have found an intriguing vortex dynamics regime revealed by a hysteretic and metastable anomalous peak effect (APE), which gives evidence of surface barrier effects enhanced by antiferromagnetic fluctuations in the mixed state of CeCoIn5. Furthermore, we have observed crossover features in the torque and magnetization traces at fields below H-c2, which are consistent with vortices lattice phase transitions and with the anomalies speculated to be the Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) superconducting state in CeCoIn5. All of the above features were found to be dramatically perturbed in Ce0.98Gd0.02CoIn5.
The relative amounts of amorphous and crystalline ?- and a-phases in polyamide-6 nanocomposites, estimated from the deconvolution of X-ray diffraction peaks using Gaussian functions, correlates with their mechanical, thermomechanical, and barrier properties. The incorporation of organoclay platelets (Cloisite 15A and 30B) induced the crystallization of the polymer in the ? form at expense of the amorphous phase, such that 12 wt % of Cloisite is enough to enhance the mechanical and the thermomechanical properties. However, higher nanofiller loads were necessary to achieve good barrier effects, because this property is mainly dependent on the tortuous path permeation mechanism of the gas molecules through the nanocomposite films. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012
Foreign direct investment (FDI) can deliver both positive and negative spillovers to the local economy. Negative effects such as crowding-out or entry-barrier effects might outweigh the positive ones when the technological gap between foreign and local firms is significant. This paper examines the impact of Japanese direct investment into Korea under colonization in the 1930s on the entry of Korean-owned factories. By using the census of manufacturing factories in Korea, we exploit variations in the share of Japanese factories and their entry rates across counties within the same subsectors. We find that within a subsector, entry rates of Korean factories were higher in counties with higher presence and entry of Japanese factories. Positive correlations are also found between subsectors. The results imply that Japanese direct investment did not suppress the entry of Korean factories and that FDI could exert positive entry spillovers on indigenous firms, even at a very early stage of industrialization.
In coastal areas, extreme weather events, such as floods and cyclones, can have debilitating effects on the social and economic viability of marine-based industries. In March 2011, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority implemented an Extreme Weather Response Program, following a period of intense flooding and cyclonic activity between December 2010 and February 2011. In this paper, we discuss the results of a project within the Program, which aimed to: (1) assess the impacts of extreme weather events on regional tourism and commercial fishing industries; and (2) develop and road-test an impact assessment matrix to improve government and industry responses to extreme weather events. Results revealed that extreme weather events both directly and indirectly affected all five of the measured categories, i.e. ecological, personal, social, infrastructure and economic components. The severity of these impacts, combined with their location and the nature of their business, influenced how tourism operators and fishers assessed the impact of the events (low, medium, high or extreme). The impact assessment tool was revised following feedback obtained during stakeholder workshops and may prove useful for managers in responding to potential direct and indirect impacts of future extreme weather events on affected marine industries. © 2013 Planning Institute Australia.
Schottky barrier solar cells based on graphene/n-silicon heterojunction have been fabricated and characterized and the effect of graphene molecular doping by HNO3 on the solar cells performances have been analyzed. Different doping conditions and thermal annealing processes have been tested to asses and optimize the stability of the devices. The PCE of the cells increases after the treatment by HNO3 and reaches 5% in devices treated at 200 °C immediately before the exposition to the oxidant. Up to now our devices retain about 80% of efficiency over a period of two weeks, which represents a good stability result for similar devices.
This project was a step forward in applying statistical methods and models to provide new insights for more informed decision-making at large spatial scales. The model has been designed to address complicated effects of ecological processes that govern the state of populations and uncertainties inherent in large spatio-temporal datasets. Specifically, the thesis contributes to better understanding and management of the Great Barrier Reef.
Discarding in commercially exploited fisheries has received considerable attention in the last decade, though only more recently in Australia. The Reef Line fishery (RLF) of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) in Australia is a large-scale multi-sector, multi-species, highly regulated hook and line fishery with the potential for high levels of discarding. We used a range of data sources to estimate discard rates and discard quantities for the two main target groups of the RLF, the coral trout, Plectropomus spp, and the red throat emperor, Lethrinus miniatus, and investigated possible effects on discarding of recent changes in management of the fishery. Fleet-wide estimates of total annual quantities discarded from 1989 to 2003 were 292-622 t and 33-95 t for coral trout and red throat emperor, respectively. Hypothetical scenarios of high-grading after the introduction of a total allowable commercial catch for coral trout resulted in increases in discard quantities up to 3895 t, while no high-grading still meant 421 t were discarded. Increasing the minimum size limit of red throat emperor from 35 to 38 cm also increased discards to an estimated 103 t. We provide spatially and temporally explicit estimates of discarding for the two most important species in the GBR RLF of Australia to demonstrate the importance of accounting for regional variation in quantification of discarding. Effects of management changes on discarding are also highlighted. This study provides a template for exploring discarding levels for other species in the RLF and elsewhere.
Three data sets were examined to define the level of interaction of reef associated sharks with the commercial Coral Reef Fin Fish Fishery within the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Data were examined from fishery logbooks, an observer program within the fishery and a fishery-independent survey conducted as part of the Effects of Line Fishing (ELF) Experiment. The majority of the identified catch was comprised of grey reef (62-72%), whitetip reef (16-29%) and blacktip reef (6-13%) sharks. Logbook data revealed spatially and temporally variable landings of shark from the GBR. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) through time was stable for the period from 1989 to 2006 with no evidence of increase or decline. Data from observer and ELF data sets indicated no differences in CPUE among regions. The ELF data set demonstrated that CPUE was higher in Marine National Park zones (no fishing) when compared to General Use zones (open to fishing). The ongoing and consistent catches of reef sharks in the fishery and effectiveness of no-fishing zones suggest that management zones within the GBR Marine Park are effective at protecting a portion of the reef shark population from exploitation.
The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a unique barrier that strictly regulates the entry of endogenous substrates and xenobiotics into the brain. This is due to its tight junctions and the array of transporters and metabolic enzymes that are expressed. The determination of brain concentrations in vivo is difficult, laborious and expensive which means that there is interest in developing predictive tools of brain distribution. Predicting brain concentrations is important even in early drug development to ensure efficacy of central nervous system (CNS) targeted drugs and safety of non-CNS drugs. The literature review covers the most common current in vitro, in vivo and in silico methods of studying transport into the brain, concentrating on transporter effects. The consequences of efflux mediated by p-glycoprotein, the most widely characterized transporter expressed at the BBB, is also discussed. The aim of the experimental study was to build a pharmacokinetic (PK) model to describe p-glycoprotein substrate drug concentrations in the brain using commonly measured in vivo parameters of brain distribution. The possibility of replacing in vivo parameter values with their in vitro counterparts was also studied. All data for the study was taken from the literature. A simple 2-compartment PK model was built using the Stella™ software. Brain concentrations of morphine, loperamide and quinidine were simulated and compared with published studies. Correlation of in vitro measured efflux ratio (ER) from different studies was evaluated in addition to studying correlation between in vitro and in vivo measured ER. A Stella™ model was also constructed to simulate an in vitro transcellular monolayer experiment, to study the sensitivity of measured ER to changes in passive permeability and Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameter values. Interspecies differences in rats and mice were investigated with regards to brain permeability and drug binding in brain tissue. Although the PK brain model was able to capture the concentration-time profiles for all 3 compounds in both brain and plasma and performed fairly well for morphine, for quinidine it underestimated and for loperamide it overestimated brain concentrations. Because the ratio of concentrations in brain and blood is dependent on the ER, it is suggested that the variable values cited for this parameter and its inaccuracy could be one explanation for the failure of predictions. Validation of the model with more compounds is needed to draw further conclusions. In vitro ER showed variable correlation between studies, indicating variability due to experimental factors such as test concentration, but overall differences were small. Good correlation between in vitro and in vivo ER at low concentrations supports the possibility of using of in vitro ER in the PK model. The in vitro simulation illustrated that in the simulation setting, efflux is significant only with low passive permeability, which highlights the fact that the cell model used to measure ER must have low enough paracellular permeability to correctly mimic the in vivo situation.