943 resultados para Barley Roots
Common root rot (CRR) and spot blotch, caused by Cochliobolus sativus (Ito and Kurib.) Drechsl. ex Dast., are important diseases of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) worldwide. However, the population biology of C. sativus is still poorly understood. In this study, the genetic structure of three C. sativus populations, consisting of isolates sampled respectively from barley leaves (BL), barley roots (BR) and wheat roots (WR) in North Dakota, was analysed with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. A total of 127 AFLP loci were generated among 208 C. sativus isolates analysed with three primer combinations. Gene diversity (H = 0.277-0.335) were high in all three populations. Genetic variation among C. sativus individuals within population accounted for 74%, whereas 26% of the genetic variation was explained among populations. Genetic differentiation was high (empty set PT = 0.261, corrected G ''(st)= 0.39), whereas gene flow (Nm) ranged from 1.27 to 1.56 among the three populations analysed. The multilocus linkage disequilibrium (LD) ((r) over bard = 0.0760.117) was moderate in C. sativus populations. Cluster analyses indicate that C. sativus populations differentiated according to the hosts (barley and wheat) and tissues (root and leaf) although generalists also exist in North Dakota. Crop breeding may benefit from combining genes for resistance against both specialists and generalists of C. sativus.
Common root rot (CRR) and spot blotch, caused by Cochliobolus sativus (Ito and Kurib.) Drechsl. ex Dast., are important diseases of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) worldwide. However, the population biology of C. sativus is still poorly understood. In this study, the genetic structure of three C. sativus populations, consisting of isolates sampled respectively from barley leaves (BL), barley roots (BR) and wheat roots (WR) in North Dakota, was analysed with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. A total of 127 AFLP loci were generated among 208 C. sativus isolates analysed with three primer combinations. Gene diversity (H = 0.277-0.335) were high in all three populations. Genetic variation among C. sativus individuals within population accounted for 74%, whereas 26% of the genetic variation was explained among populations. Genetic differentiation was high (empty set PT = 0.261, corrected G ''(st)= 0.39), whereas gene flow (Nm) ranged from 1.27 to 1.56 among the three populations analysed. The multilocus linkage disequilibrium (LD) ((r) over bard = 0.0760.117) was moderate in C. sativus populations. Cluster analyses indicate that C. sativus populations differentiated according to the hosts (barley and wheat) and tissues (root and leaf) although generalists also exist in North Dakota. Crop breeding may benefit from combining genes for resistance against both specialists and generalists of C. sativus.
High-affinity K+ uptake in plant roots is rapidly up-regulated when K+ is withheld and down-regulated when K+ is resupplied. These processes make important contributions to plant K+ homeostasis. A cDNA coding for a high-affinity K+ transporter, HKT1, was earlier cloned from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots and functionally characterized. We demonstrate here that in both barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and wheat roots, a rapid and large up-regulation of HKT1 mRNA levels resulted when K+ was withdrawn from growth media. This effect was specific for K+; withholding N caused a modest reduction of HKT1 mRNA levels. Up-regulation of HKT1 transcript levels in barley roots occurred within 4 h of removing K+, which corresponds to the documented increase of high-affinity K+ uptake in roots following removal of K+. Increased expression of HKT1 mRNA was evident before a decline in total root K+ concentration could be detected. Resupply of 1 mm K+ was sufficient to strongly reduce HKT1 transcript levels. In wheat root cortical cells, both membrane depolarizations in response to 100 μm K+, Cs+, and Rb+, and high-affinity K+ uptake were enhanced by K+ deprivation. Thus, in both plant systems the observed physiological changes associated with manipulating external K+ supply were correlated with levels of HKT1 mRNA expression. Implications of these findings for K+ sensing and regulation of the HKT1 mRNA levels in plant roots are discussed.
The oxalate oxidase enzyme expressed in barley roots is a thermostable, protease-resistant enzyme that generates H2O2. It has great medical importance because of its use to assay plasma and urinary oxalate, and it has also been used to generate transgenic, pathogen-resistant crops. This protein has now been purified and three types of crystals grown. X-ray analysis shows that the symmetry present in these crystals is consistent with a hexameric arrangement of subunits, probably a trimer of dimers. This structure may be similar to that found in the related seed storage proteins.
To identify the proteins induced by Fe deficiency, we have compared the proteins of Fe-sufficient and Fe-deficient barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) roots by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Peptide sequence analysis of induced proteins revealed that formate dehydrogenase (FDH), adenine phosphoribosyltransferase, and the Ids3 gene product (for Fe deficiency-specific) increased in Fe-deficient roots. FDH enzyme activity was detected in Fe-deficient roots but not in Fe-sufficient roots. A cDNA encoding FDH (Fdh) was cloned and sequenced. Fdh expression was induced by Fe deficiency. Fdh was also expressed under anaerobic stress and its expression was more rapid than that induced by Fe deficiency. Thus, the expression of Fdh observed in Fe-deficient barley roots appeared to be a secondary effect caused by oxygen deficiency in Fe-deficient plants.
This study investigates the transfer of Cd and Zn from a soil amended with sewage sludge at rates up to 100 t ha(-1) through a multi-trophic system consisting of barley, the aphid Sitobion avenae and the larvae of the lacewing Chrysoperla carnae. Results show marked differences in the transfer of the two metals. Cadmium was freely accumulated in barley roots, but accumulation in the shoot was restricted to a concentration of around 0.22 mg kg(-1) (dry weight). This limited the transfer of Cd to higher trophic levels and resulted in no significant accumulation of Cd in S. avenae or in C. carnae. Zinc transfer in the system was largely unrestricted, resulting in significant accumulation in roots and shoots, in S. avenae and in C. carnae. Cadmium biomagnification occurred in lacewing pupae, with concentrations up to 3.6 times greater than in aphids. S. avenae biomagnified Zn by a factor of ca. 2.5 at low sludge amendment rates, but biomagnification decreased to a factor of 1.4 at the highest amendment rate. Biomagnification of Zn did not occur in C. carnae, but concentrations were up to 3.5 time higher than in soil. Results are discussed in light of the mechanisms regulating transfer of the two metals in the system.
La caracterización de los cultivos cubierta (cover crops) puede permitir comparar la idoneidad de diferentes especies para proporcionar servicios ecológicos como el control de la erosión, el reciclado de nutrientes o la producción de forrajes. En este trabajo se estudiaron bajo condiciones de campo diferentes técnicas para caracterizar el dosel vegetal con objeto de establecer una metodología para medir y comparar las arquitecturas de los cultivos cubierta más comunes. Se estableció un ensayo de campo en Madrid (España central) para determinar la relación entre el índice de área foliar (LAI) y la cobertura del suelo (GC) para un cultivo de gramínea, uno de leguminosa y uno de crucífera. Para ello se sembraron doce parcelas con cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.), veza (Vicia sativa L.), y colza (Brassica napus L.). En 10 fechas de muestreo se midieron el LAI (con estimaciones directas y del LAI-2000), la fracción interceptada de la radiación fotosintéticamente activa (FIPAR) y la GC. Un experimento de campo de dos años (Octubre-Abril) se estableció en la misma localización para evaluar diferentes especies (Hordeum vulgare L., Secale cereale L., x Triticosecale Whim, Sinapis alba L., Vicia sativa L.) y cultivares (20) en relación con su idoneidad para ser usadas como cultivos cubierta. La GC se monitorizó mediante análisis de imágenes digitales con 21 y 22 muestreos, y la biomasa se midió 8 y 10 veces, respectivamente para cada año. Un modelo de Gompertz caracterizó la cobertura del suelo hasta el decaimiento observado tras las heladas, mientras que la biomasa se ajustó a ecuaciones de Gompertz, logísticas y lineales-exponenciales. Al final del experimento se determinaron el C, el N y el contenido en fibra (neutrodetergente, ácidodetergente y lignina), así como el N fijado por las leguminosas. Se aplicó el análisis de decisión multicriterio (MCDA) con objeto de obtener un ranking de especies y cultivares de acuerdo con su idoneidad para actuar como cultivos cubierta en cuatro modalidades diferentes: cultivo de cobertura, cultivo captura, abono verde y forraje. Las asociaciones de cultivos leguminosas con no leguminosas pueden afectar al crecimiento radicular y a la absorción de N de ambos componentes de la mezcla. El conocimiento de cómo los sistemas radiculares específicos afectan al crecimiento individual de las especies es útil para entender las interacciones en las asociaciones, así como para planificar estrategias de cultivos cubierta. En un tercer ensayo se combinaron estudios en rhizotrones con extracción de raíces e identificación de especies por microscopía, así como con estudios de crecimiento, absorción de N y 15N en capas profundas del suelo. Las interacciones entre raíces en su crecimiento y en el aprovisionamiento de N se estudiaron para dos de los cultivares mejor valorados en el estudio previo: uno de cebada (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Hispanic) y otro de veza (Vicia sativa L. cv. Aitana). Se añadió N en dosis de 0 (N0), 50 (N1) y 150 (N2) kg N ha-1. Como resultados del primer estudio, se ajustaron correctamente modelos lineales y cuadráticos a la relación entre la GC y el LAI para todos los cultivos, pero en la gramínea alcanzaron una meseta para un LAI>4. Antes de alcanzar la cobertura total, la pendiente de la relación lineal entre ambas variables se situó en un rango entre 0.025 y 0.030. Las lecturas del LAI-2000 estuvieron correlacionadas linealmente con el LAI, aunque con tendencia a la sobreestimación. Las correcciones basadas en el efecto de aglutinación redujeron el error cuadrático medio del LAI estimado por el LAI-2000 desde 1.2 hasta 0.5 para la crucífera y la leguminosa, no siendo efectivas para la cebada. Esto determinó que para los siguientes estudios se midieran únicamente la GC y la biomasa. En el segundo experimento, las gramíneas alcanzaron la mayor cobertura del suelo (83-99%) y la mayor biomasa (1226-1928 g m-2) al final del mismo. Con la mayor relación C/N (27-39) y contenido en fibra digestible (53-60%) y la menor calidad de residuo (~68%). La mostaza presentó elevadas GC, biomasa y absorción de N en el año más templado en similitud con las gramíneas, aunque escasa calidad como forraje en ambos años. La veza presentó la menor absorción de N (2.4-0.7 g N m-2) debido a la fijación de N (9.8-1.6 g N m-2) y escasa acumulación de N. El tiempo térmico hasta alcanzar el 30% de GC constituyó un buen indicador de especies de rápida cubrición. La cuantificación de las variables permitió hallar variabilidad entre las especies y proporcionó información para posteriores decisiones sobre la selección y manejo de los cultivos cubierta. La agregación de dichas variables a través de funciones de utilidad permitió confeccionar rankings de especies y cultivares para cada uso. Las gramíneas fueron las más indicadas para los usos de cultivo de cobertura, cultivo captura y forraje, mientras que las vezas fueron las mejor como abono verde. La mostaza alcanzó altos valores como cultivo de cobertura y captura en el primer año, pero el segundo decayó debido a su pobre actuación en los inviernos fríos. Hispanic fue el mejor cultivar de cebada como cultivo de cobertura y captura, mientras que Albacete como forraje. El triticale Titania alcanzó la posición más alta como cultiva de cobertura, captura y forraje. Las vezas Aitana y BGE014897 mostraron buenas aptitudes como abono verde y cultivo captura. El MCDA permitió la comparación entre especies y cultivares proporcionando información relevante para la selección y manejo de cultivos cubierta. En el estudio en rhizotrones tanto la mezcla de especies como la cebada alcanzaron mayor intensidad de raíces (RI) y profundidad (RD) que la veza, con valores alrededor de 150 cruces m-1 y 1.4 m respectivamente, comparados con 50 cruces m-1 y 0.9 m para la veza. En las capas más profundas del suelo, la asociación de cultivos mostró valores de RI ligeramente mayores que la cebada en monocultivo. La cebada y la asociación obtuvieron mayores valores de densidad de raíces (RLD) (200-600 m m-3) que la veza (25-130) entre 0.8 y 1.2 m de profundidad. Los niveles de N no mostraron efectos claros en RI, RD ó RLD, sin embargo, el incremento de N favoreció la proliferación de raíces de veza en la asociación en capas profundas del suelo, con un ratio cebada/veza situado entre 25 a N0 y 5 a N2. La absorción de N de la cebada se incrementó en la asociación a expensas de la veza (de ~100 a 200 mg planta-1). Las raíces de cebada en la asociación absorbieron también más nitrógeno marcado de las capas profundas del suelo (0.6 mg 15N planta-1) que en el monocultivo (0.3 mg 15N planta-1). ABSTRACT Cover crop characterization may allow comparing the suitability of different species to provide ecological services such as erosion control, nutrient recycling or fodder production. Different techniques to characterize plant canopy were studied under field conditions in order to establish a methodology for measuring and comparing cover crops canopies. A field trial was established in Madrid (central Spain) to determine the relationship between leaf area index (LAI) and ground cover (GC) in a grass, a legume and a crucifer crop. Twelve plots were sown with either barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), vetch (Vicia sativa L.), or rape (Brassica napus L.). On 10 sampling dates the LAI (both direct and LAI-2000 estimations), fraction intercepted of photosynthetically active radiation (FIPAR) and GC were measured. A two-year field experiment (October-April) was established in the same location to evaluate different species (Hordeum vulgare L., Secale cereale L., x Triticosecale Whim, Sinapis alba L., Vicia sativa L.) and cultivars (20) according to their suitability to be used as cover crops. GC was monitored through digital image analysis with 21 and 22 samples, and biomass measured 8 and 10 times, respectively for each season. A Gompertz model characterized ground cover until the decay observed after frosts, while biomass was fitted to Gompertz, logistic and linear-exponential equations. At the end of the experiment C, N, and fiber (neutral detergent, acid and lignin) contents, and the N fixed by the legumes were determined. Multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) was applied in order to rank the species and cultivars according to their suitability to perform as cover crops in four different modalities: cover crop, catch crop, green manure and fodder. Intercropping legumes and non-legumes may affect the root growth and N uptake of both components in the mixture. The knowledge of how specific root systems affect the growth of the individual species is useful for understanding the interactions in intercrops as well as for planning cover cropping strategies. In a third trial rhizotron studies were combined with root extraction and species identification by microscopy and with studies of growth, N uptake and 15N uptake from deeper soil layers. The root interactions of root growth and N foraging were studied for two of the best ranked cultivars in the previous study: a barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Hispanic) and a vetch (Vicia sativa L. cv. Aitana). N was added at 0 (N0), 50 (N1) and 150 (N2) kg N ha-1. As a result, linear and quadratic models fitted to the relationship between the GC and LAI for all of the crops, but they reached a plateau in the grass when the LAI > 4. Before reaching full cover, the slope of the linear relationship between both variables was within the range of 0.025 to 0.030. The LAI-2000 readings were linearly correlated with the LAI but they tended to overestimation. Corrections based on the clumping effect reduced the root mean square error of the estimated LAI from the LAI-2000 readings from 1.2 to less than 0.50 for the crucifer and the legume, but were not effective for barley. This determined that in the following studies only the GC and biomass were measured. In the second experiment, the grasses reached the highest ground cover (83- 99%) and biomass (1226-1928 g/m2) at the end of the experiment. The grasses had the highest C/N ratio (27-39) and dietary fiber (53-60%) and the lowest residue quality (~68%). The mustard presented high GC, biomass and N uptake in the warmer year with similarity to grasses, but low fodder capability in both years. The vetch presented the lowest N uptake (2.4-0.7 g N/m2) due to N fixation (9.8-1.6 g N/m2) and low biomass accumulation. The thermal time until reaching 30% ground cover was a good indicator of early coverage species. Variable quantification allowed finding variability among the species and provided information for further decisions involving cover crops selection and management. Aggregation of these variables through utility functions allowed ranking species and cultivars for each usage. Grasses were the most suitable for the cover crop, catch crop and fodder uses, while the vetches were the best as green manures. The mustard attained high ranks as cover and catch crop the first season, but the second decayed due to low performance in cold winters. Hispanic was the most suitable barley cultivar as cover and catch crop, and Albacete as fodder. The triticale Titania attained the highest rank as cover and catch crop and fodder. Vetches Aitana and BGE014897 showed good aptitudes as green manures and catch crops. MCDA allowed comparison among species and cultivars and might provide relevant information for cover crops selection and management. In the rhizotron study the intercrop and the barley attained slightly higher root intensity (RI) and root depth (RD) than the vetch, with values around 150 crosses m-1 and 1.4 m respectively, compared to 50 crosses m-1 and 0.9 m for the vetch. At deep soil layers, intercropping showed slightly larger RI values compared to the sole cropped barley. The barley and the intercropping had larger root length density (RLD) values (200-600 m m-3) than the vetch (25-130) at 0.8-1.2 m depth. The topsoil N supply did not show a clear effect on the RI, RD or RLD; however increasing topsoil N favored the proliferation of vetch roots in the intercropping at deep soil layers, with the barley/vetch root ratio ranging from 25 at N0 to 5 at N2. The N uptake of the barley was enhanced in the intercropping at the expense of the vetch (from ~100 mg plant-1 to 200). The intercropped barley roots took up more labeled nitrogen (0.6 mg 15N plant-1) than the sole-cropped barley roots (0.3 mg 15N plant-1) from deep layers.
The fungi Pochonia chlamydosporia and Pochonia rubescens are parasites of nematode eggs and thus are biocontrol agents of nematodes. Proteolytic enzymes such as the S8 proteases VCP1 and P32, secreted during the pathogenesis of nematode eggs, are major virulence factors in these fungi. Recently, expression of these enzymes and of SCP1, a new putative S10 carboxypeptidase, was detected during endophytic colonization of barley roots by these fungi. In our study, we cloned the genomic and mRNA sequences encoding P32 from P. rubescens and SCP1 from P. chlamydosporia. P32 showed a high homology with the serine proteases Pr1A from the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae and VCP1 from P. chlamydosporia (86% and 76% identity, respectively). However, the catalytic pocket of P32 showed differences in the amino acids of the substrate-recognition sites compared with the catalytic pockets of Pr1A and VCP1 proteases. Phylogenetic analysis of P32 suggests a common ancestor with protease Pr1A. SCP1 displays the characteristic features of a member of the S10 family of serine proteases. Phylogenetic comparisons show that SCP1 and other carboxypeptidases from filamentous fungi have an origin different from that of yeast vacuolar serine carboxypeptidases. Understanding protease genes from nematophagous fungi is crucial for enhancing the biocontrol potential of these organisms.
Pochonia chlamydosporia is a worldwide-distributed soil fungus with a great capacity to infect and destroy the eggs and kill females of plant-parasitic nematodes. Additionally, it has the ability to colonize endophytically roots of economically-important crop plants, thereby promoting their growth and eliciting plant defenses. This multitrophic behavior makes P. chlamydosporia a potentially useful tool for sustainable agriculture approaches. We sequenced and assembled ∼41 Mb of P. chlamydosporia genomic DNA and predicted 12,122 gene models, of which many were homologous to genes of fungal pathogens of invertebrates and fungal plant pathogens. Predicted genes (65%) were functionally annotated according to Gene Ontology, and 16% of them found to share homology with genes in the Pathogen Host Interactions (PHI) database. The genome of this fungus is highly enriched in genes encoding hydrolytic enzymes, such as proteases, glycoside hydrolases and carbohydrate esterases. We used RNA-Seq technology in order to identify the genes expressed during endophytic behavior of P. chlamydosporia when colonizing barley roots. Functional annotation of these genes showed that hydrolytic enzymes and transporters are expressed during endophytism. This structural and functional analysis of the P. chlamydosporia genome provides a starting point for understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in the multitrophic lifestyle of this fungus. The genomic information provided here should also prove useful for enhancing the capabilities of this fungus as a biocontrol agent of plant-parasitic nematodes and as a plant growth-promoting organism.
Autoregulatory mechanisms have been reported in the rhizobial and the mycorrhizal symbiosis. Autoregulation means that already existing nodules or an existing root colonization by an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus systemically suppress subsequent nodule formation/root colonization in other parts of the root system. Mutants of some legumes lost their ability to autoregulate the nodule number and thus display a supernodulating phenotype. On studying the effect of pre-inoculation of one side of a split-root system with an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus on subsequent mycorrhization in the second side of the split-root system of a wild-type soybean (Glycine max L.) cv. Bragg and its supernodulating mutant nts1007, we observed a clear suppressional effect in the wild-type, whereas further root colonization in the split-root system of the mutant nts1007 was not suppressed. These data strongly indicate that the mechanisms involved in supernodulation also affect mycorrhization and support the hypothesis that the autoregulation in the rhizobial and the mycorrhizal symbiosis is controlled in a similar manner. The accumulation patterns of the plant hormones IAA, ABA and Jasmonic acid (JA) in non-inoculated control plants and split-root systems of inoculated plants with one mycorrhizal side of the split-root system and one non-mycorrhizal side, indicate an involvement of IAA in the autoregulation of mycorrhization. Mycorrhizal colonization of soybeans also resulted in a strong induction of ABA and JA levels, but on the basis of our data the role of these two phytohormones in mycorrhizal autoregulation is questionable.
Plant crop yields are negatively conditioned by a large set of biotic and abiotic factors. An alternative to mitigate these adverse effects is the use of fungal biological control agents and endophytes. The egg-parasitic fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia has been traditionally studied because of its potential as a biological control agent of plant-parasitic nematodes. This fungus can also act as an endophyte in monocot and dicot plants, and has been shown to promote plant growth in different agronomic crops. An Affymetrix 22K Barley GeneChip was used in this work to analyze the barley root transcriptomic response to P. chlamydosporia root colonization. Functional gene ontology (GO) and gene set enrichment analyses showed that genes involved in stress response were enriched in the barley transcriptome under endophytism. An 87.5 % of the probesets identified within the abiotic stress response group encoded heat shock proteins. Additionally, we found in our transcriptomic analysis an up-regulation of genes implicated in the biosynthesis of plant hormones, such as auxin, ethylene and jasmonic acid. Along with these, we detected induction of brassinosteroid insensitive 1-associated receptor kinase 1 (BR1) and other genes related to effector-triggered immunity (ETI) and pattern-triggered immunity (PTI). Our study supports at the molecular level the growth-promoting effect observed in plants endophytically colonized by P. chlamydosporia, which opens the door to further studies addressing the capacity of this fungus to mitigate the negative effects of biotic and abiotic factors on plant crops.
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Polymyxa graminis was detected in the roots of barley plants from a field near Wondai, Queensland, in 2009. P. graminis was identified by characteristic sporosori in roots stained with trypan blue. The presence of P. graminis f. sp. tepida (which is hosted by wheat and oats as well as barley) in the roots was confirmed by specific PCR tests based on nuclear ribosomal DNA. P. graminis is the vector of several damaging soil-borne virus diseases of cereals in the genera Furovirus, Bymovirus and Pecluvirus. No virus particles were detected in sap extracts from leaves of stunted barley plants with leaf chlorosis and increased tillering. Further work is required to determine the distribution of P. graminis in Australian grain crops and the potential for establishment and spread of the exotic soil-borne viruses that it vectors.
Root characteristics of seedlings of five different barley genotypes were analysed in 2D using gel chambers, and in 3D using soil sacs that were destructively harvested and pots of soil that were assessed non-invasively using X-ray microtomography. After 5 days, Chime produced the greatest number of root axes (similar to 6) and Mehola significantly less (similar to 4) in all growing methods. Total root length was longest in GSH01915 and shortest in Mehola for all methods, but both total length and average root diameter were significantly larger for plants grown in gel chambers than those grown in soil. The ranking of particular growth traits (root number, root angular spread) of plants grown in gel plates, soil sacs and X-ray pots was similar, but plants grown in the gel chambers had a different order of ranking for root length to the soil-grown plants. Analysis of angles in soil-grown plants showed that Tadmore had the most even spread of individual roots and Chime had a propensity for non-uniform distribution and root clumping. The roots of Mehola were less well spread than the barley cultivars supporting the suggestion that wild and landrace barleys tend to have a narrower angular spread than modern cultivars. The three dimensional analysis of root systems carried out in this study provides insights into the limitations of screening methods for root traits and useful data for modelling root architecture.