920 resultados para Bank erosion
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"U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior"--P. [1].
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This is the report from the Lune, Wyre and Furness Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 9th December 1974. The report looks at information on the Water Bailiffs establishment, including the organisation and the duties of both the Fisheries Inspector and the Senior Bailiff. It also covers the comments from the Regional Fisheries Officer on the report on 'Coarse Fisheries', and the report by the Unit Fisheries Officer on fisheries activities. This looks at coarse fish salvage and stocking, fisheries management, biological work carried out, which include initial studies of the utilisation of sonic tagging methods in the monitoring of salmon in estuaries, fish mortalities, and the fish monitoring figures for areas on the Rivers Lune and Leven. The last section looks at bank erosion on the River Lune. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
L’érosion des berges est un processus clé de la dynamique fluviale. Elle influence considérablement la charge sédimentaire des rivières et contrôle l’évolution latérale des chenaux. Les méthodes de caractérisation des mécanismes et des variables affectant l’érosion des berges sont toutefois imprécises et difficiles à appliquer. Ce projet a pour objectif de caractériser la dynamique actuelle des berges de deux tributaires contrastés du Saint-Laurent : les rivières Saint-François et Batiscan. Le premier objectif vise à quantifier les caractéristiques géotechniques de deux tronçons des rivières à l’étude près de l’embouchure avec le Saint-Laurent en décrivant la stratigraphie à différents sites typiques et en recueillant des échantillons de sédiments afin de mesurer différentes variables géotechniques (granulométrie, limites d’Atterberg, résistance à l’érosion mécanique, résistance à l’érosion fluviale). Le second objectif vise à quantifier les principales caractéristiques hydrodynamiques (précipitations, débits, cisaillements, vitesses) des deux sections de rivière. Le troisième et dernier objectif cherche à mesurer les taux d’érosion à l’échelle saisonnière en utilisant des relevés GPS et des chaînes d’érosion et à identifier les mécanismes d’érosion qui opèrent sur les rivières. Les résultats montrent une érosion importante des berges sur chacun des tributaires, mais les mécanismes qui la cause diffèrent. La Batiscan possède des berges dont le matériel est cohésif et ses berges sont principalement marquées par des ruptures de masse. La Saint-François présente des berges peu cohésives ce qui favorise l’érosion fluviale. Le taux de recul sur la rivière Saint-François est de l’ordre de 1 à 3 m/an dans certaines sections de la rivière. Une nouvelle méthode de mesure du cisaillement critique d’érosion fluviale à l’aide d’un chenal expérimental a été élaborée. Les cisaillements critiques obtenus se situent entre 1,19 et 13,41 Pa. Les résultats montrent que les facteurs jouant sur l’érosion des berges ont une variabilité intrinsèque et systémique difficile à mesurer. Le protocole expérimental développé dans ce projet s’est toutefois avéré utile pour étudier les principales variables qui influencent l’érosion des berges, tout en quantifiant les taux d’érosion et les mécanismes d’érosion de berge de deux tributaires importants du fleuve Saint-Laurent. Ce protocole pourrait être utile dans d’autres contextes.
Les vagues de bateau ajoutent une pression supplémentaire sur les berges de rivières et doivent être considérées dans les modèles de prédiction des taux de recul des berges. L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner le rôle des vagues de bateau sur l’écoulement et le transport en suspension le long des berges en milieu fluvial. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous utilisons un transect perpendiculaire à la berge de quatre courantomètres électromagnétiques (ECMs) mesurant deux dimensions de l’écoulement et deux turbidimètres (OBSs) placés dos à dos, orientés vers la berge et le large pour mesurer les conditions moyennes et turbulentes de l’écoulement longitudinal et vertical ainsi que les flux de sédiments en suspension provoqués par les vagues. Une chaloupe à moteur de 16 pieds, équipée d’un moteur 40 hp, a été utilisée afin de générer des vagues. Nous avons mesuré l’effet de trois distances à partir de la berge (5, 10, 15 m) et trois vitesses de bateau (5, 15 et 25 km/h) et cinq répliques de chaque combinaison de distance et de vitesse ont été réalisées, totalisant 45 passages. Nous avons caractérisé la variabilité des conditions d’écoulement, de vagues et de transport de sédiments et nous avons réalisé des analyses spectrales afin de séparer les portions oscillatoire et turbulente de l’écoulement généré par les vagues de bateau. L’effet de la distance et de la vitesse du bateau sur le transport de sédiments est non-linéaire et la réponse sédimentaire induite par les passages de bateau montre une variabilité importante entre les répliques et les deux sondes OBS, ce qui suggère un changement morphologique induit par les vagues de bateau. Les corrélations entre les variables d’écoulement et de transport montrent l’importance des relations entre le cisaillement et la puissance de la portion turbulente de l’écoulement avec le transport de sédiments. Cette étude a permis de quantifier les relations entre la dynamique des vagues et les flux de concentrations de sédiments en suspension, ce qui représente une contribution importante au développement de mesures de mitigation dans les environnements fluviaux où les berges sont fragilisées par le trafic plaisancier.
The Sandy River in central Maine Is flanked along much of its length by low terraces. Approximately 100 kg of sediment from one terrace in Starks, Somerset County, Maine was wet-sieved in the field. Over 1100 subfossil Coleoptera were recovered representing 53 individual species of a total of 99 taxa. Wood associated with the fauna is 2000 +/-80 14C Yr in age (1-16,038). The fauna is dominated by species characteristic of habitats apparent in modern central Maine. The subfossil assemblage is indicative of a wide vartety of environments including open ground (e.g., Harpalus pensylvanicus), dense forest (e.g., pterostichus honestus), aquatic environments (e.g., Gyrinus, Helophorus), riparian environments with sand and gravel substrates (e.g., Bembidion inaequale, Schizogenius lineolatus), and moist, organic-rich terrestrial environments (e.g., Micropeplus sculptus). The ecological requirements for each taxon permit an environmental reconstruction suggesting an area vegetationally, climatically, and ecologically similar to that of the Sandy River today. The lowest terraces apparently represent the modern-day floodplain of the Sandy River. An average sedimentation rate of l.00 to 1.04 mm per year has been inferred based on radiocarbon dates here and elsewhere on the Sandy River. The Coleopteran fauna suggests that sand and gravel were distinctly abundant, and that the aggradation of point bars, as seen today, contributed to the flood history. Lateral bank erosion of the modern Sandy River accelerated after the State of Maine mandated cessation of bar removal in 1975: flood severity has dramatically increased since that time. Implications suggest that mining of the bars may be necessary to minimize future flooding problems.
Vertical stream bed erosion has been studied routinely and its modeling is getting widespread acceptance. The same cannot be said with lateral stream bank erosion since its measurement or numerical modeling is very challenging. Bank erosion, however, can be important to channel morphology. It may contribute significantly to the overall sediment budget of a stream, is a leading cause of channel migration, and is the cause of major channel maintenance. However, combined vertical and lateral channel evolution is seldom addressed. In this study, a new geofluival numerical model is developed to simulate combined vertical and lateral channel evolution. Vertical erosion is predicted with a 2D depth-averaged model SRH-2D, while lateral erosion is simulated with a linear retreat bank erosion model developed in this study. SRH-2D and the bank erosion model are coupled together both spatially and temporally through a common mesh and the same time advancement. The new geofluvial model is first tested and verified using laboratory meander channels; good agreement are obtained between predicted bank retreat and measured data. The model is then applied to a 16-kilometer reach of Chosui River, Taiwan. Vertical and lateral channel evolution during a three-year period (2004 to 2007) is simulated and results are compared with the field data. It is shown that the geofluvial model correctly captures all major erosion and deposition patterns. The new model is shown to be useful for identifying potential erosion sites and providing information for river maintenance planning.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In-stream structures including cross-vanes, J-hooks, rock vanes, and W-weirs are widely used in river restoration to limit bank erosion, prevent changes in channel gradient, and improve aquatic habitat. During this investigation, a rapid assessment protocol was combined with post-project monitoring data to assess factors influencing the performance of more than 558 in-stream structures and rootwads in North Carolina. Cross-sectional survey data examined for 221 cross sections from 26 sites showed that channel adjustments were highly variable from site to site, but approximately 60 % of the sites underwent at least a 20 % net change in channel capacity. Evaluation of in-stream structures ranging from 1 to 8 years in age showed that about half of the structures were impaired at 10 of the 26 sites. Major structural damage was often associated with floods of low to moderate frequency and magnitude. Failure mechanisms varied between sites and structure types, but included: (1) erosion of the channel bed and banks (outflanking); (2) movement of rock materials during floods; and (3) burial of the structures in the channel bed. Sites with reconstructed channels that exhibited large changes in channel capacity possessed the highest rates of structural impairment, suggesting that channel adjustments between structures led to their degradation of function. The data question whether currently used in-stream structures are capable of stabilizing reconfigured channels for even short periods when applied to dynamic rivers.
Tropical Storm Lee produced 25-36 cm of rainfall in north-central Pennsylvania on September 4th through 8th of 2011. Loyalsock Creek, Muncy Creek, and Fishing Creek experienced catastrophic flooding resulting in new channel formation, bank erosion, scour of chutes, deposition/reworking of point bars and chute bars, and reactivation of the floodplain. This study was created to investigate aspects of both geomorphology and sedimentology by studying the well-exposed gravel deposits left by the flood, before these features are removed by humans or covered by vegetation. By recording the composition of gravel bars in the study area and creating lithofacies models, it is possible to understand the 2011 flooding. Surficial clasts on gravel bars are imbricated, but the lack of imbrication and high matrix content of sediments at depth suggests that surface imbrication of the largest clasts took place during hyperconcentrated flow (40-70% sediment concentration). The imbricated clasts on the surface are the largest observed within the bars. The lithofacies recorded are atypical for mixed-load stream lithofacies and more similar to glacial outburst flood lithofacies. This paper suggests that the accepted lithofacies model for mixed-load streams with gravel bedload may not always be useful for interpreting depositional systems. A flume study, which attempted to duplicate the stratigraphy recorded in the field, was run in order to better understand hyperconcentrated flows in the study area. Results from the study in the Bucknell Geology Flume Laboratory indicate that surficial imbrication is possible in hyperconcentrated conditions. After flooding the flume to entrain large amounts of sand and gravel, deposition of surficially imbricated gravel with massive or upward coarsening sedimentology occurred. Imbrication was not observed at depth. These experimental flume deposits support our interpretation of the lithofacies discovered in the field. The sizes of surficial gravel bar clasts show clear differences between chute and point bars. On point bars, gravels fine with increasing distance from the channel. Fining also occurs at the downstream end of point bars. In chute deposits, dramatic fining occurs down the axis of the chute, and lateral grain sizes are nearly uniform. Measuring the largest grain size of sandstone clasts at 8-11 kilometer intervals on each river reveals anomalies in the downstream fining trends. Gravel inputs from bedrock outcrops, tributaries, and erosion of Pleistocene outwash terraces may explain observed variations in grain size along streams either incised into the Appalachian Plateau or located near the Wisconsinan glacial boundary. Atomic Mass Spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dating of sediment from recently scoured features on Muncy Creek and Loyalsock Creek returned respective ages of 500 BP and 2490 BP. These dates suggest that the recurrence interval of the 2011 flooding may be several hundred to several thousand years. This geomorphic interval of recurrence is much longer then the 120 year interval calculated by the USGS using historical stream gauge records.
The long-term performance of infrastructure depends on reliable and sustainable designs. Many of Pennsylvania’s streams experience sediment transport problems that increase maintenance costs and lower structural integrity of bridge crossings. A stream restoration project is one common mitigation measure used to correct such problems at bridge crossings. Specifically, in an attempt to alleviate aggradation problems with the Old Route 15 Bridge crossing on White Deer Creek, in White Deer, PA, two in-stream structures (rock cross vanes) and several bank stabilization features were installed along with a complete channel redevelopment. The objectives of this research were to characterize the hydraulic and sediment transport processes occurring at the White Deer Creek site, and to investigate, through physical and mathematical modeling, the use of instream restoration structures. The goal is to be able to use the results of this study to prevent aggradation or other sediment related problems in the vicinity of bridges through improved design considerations. Monitoring and modeling indicate that the study site on White Deer Creek is currently unstable, experiencing general channel down-cutting, bank erosion, and several local areas of increased aggradation and degradation of the channel bed. An in-stream structure installed upstream of the Old Route 15 Bridge failed by sediment burial caused by the high sediment load that White Deer Creek is transporting as well as the backwater effects caused by the bridge crossing. The in-stream structure installed downstream of the Old Route 15 Bridge is beginning to fail because of the alignment of the structure with the approach direction of flow from upstream of the restoration structure.
State-of-the-art process-based models have shown to be applicable to the simulation and prediction of coastal morphodynamics. On annual to decadal temporal scales, these models may show limitations in reproducing complex natural morphological evolution patterns, such as the movement of bars and tidal channels, e.g. the observed decadal migration of the Medem Channel in the Elbe Estuary, German Bight. Here a morphodynamic model is shown to simulate the hydrodynamics and sediment budgets of the domain to some extent, but fails to adequately reproduce the pronounced channel migration, due to the insufficient implementation of bank erosion processes. In order to allow for long-term simulations of the domain, a nudging method has been introduced to update the model-predicted bathymetries with observations. The model-predicted bathymetry is nudged towards true states in annual time steps. Sensitivity analysis of a user-defined correlation length scale, for the definition of the background error covariance matrix during the nudging procedure, suggests that the optimal error correlation length is similar to the grid cell size, here 80-90 m. Additionally, spatially heterogeneous correlation lengths produce more realistic channel depths than do spatially homogeneous correlation lengths. Consecutive application of the nudging method compensates for the (stand-alone) model prediction errors and corrects the channel migration pattern, with a Brier skill score of 0.78. The proposed nudging method in this study serves as an analytical approach to update model predictions towards a predefined 'true' state for the spatiotemporal interpolation of incomplete morphological data in long-term simulations.
In September 2013, the Colorado Front Range experienced a five-day storm that brought record-breaking precipitation to the region. As a consequence, many Front Range streams experienced flooding, leading to erosion, debris flows, bank failures and channel incision. I compare the effects that debris flows and flooding have on the channel bar frequency, frequency and location of wood accumulation, and on the shape and size of the channel along two flood impacted reaches located near Estes Park and Glen Haven, Colorado within Rocky Mountain National Park and Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest: Black Canyon Creek (BCC) and North Fork Big Thompson River (NFBT). The primary difference between the two study areas is that BCC was inundated by multiple debris flows, whereas NFBT only experienced flooding. Fieldwork consisted of recording location and size of large wood and channel bars and surveying reaches to produce cross-sections. Additional observations were made on bank failures in NFBT and the presence of boulders in channel bars in BCC to determine sediment source. The debris flow acted to scour and incise BCC causing long-term alteration. The post-flood channel cross-sectional area is as much as 7 to 23 times larger than the pre-flood channel, caused by the erosion of the channel bed to bedrock and the elimination of riparian vegetation. Large wood was forced out of the stream channel and deposited outside of the bankfull channel. Flooding in NFBT caused bank erosion and widening that contributed sediment to channel bars, but accomplished little stream-bed scour. As a result, there was relatively little damage to mid-channel and riparian vegetation, and most large wood remained within the wetted channel.