883 resultados para Balance Training Program
Purpose: To determine the evolution of fear of falling, and its relationship with gait performance after a 10-week gait and balance training program. Population and methods: Participants (N=50) were community-dwelling elderly persons enrolled voluntarily in a 10-week, low intensity, gait and balance training program. At baseline, fear of falling was assessed using a previously validated version of Tinetti's Fall Efficacy Scale (FES, range 0-120, higher score indicating higher confidence), that assesses one's confidence in performing 12 activities of daily life without falling. Gait parameters were measured over a 20m walk at preferred gait speed, using the Physilog system (Aminian K, et al., J Biomechanics, 2002). This system uses 4 kinematics sensors attached to the lower limbs and a data logger carried by the subject. Follow-up data on fear of falling and gait were collected one week after completion of the program. Results: Overall, 43 (86%) of the participants completed the program. Mean age was 78.1 years, 79% were women. At baseline, mean FES score was 98.8 (range 58-120) and mean gait speed was 0.92 m/sec (range 0.43-1.47). At follow-up, participants modestly improved their FES score (98.8±17.0 vs 103.2±16.0, P=.04) and gait speed (0.92±0.27 vs 0.99±0.26 m/sec, P<.01). In secondary analyses stratified by subject's baseline FES, those with lower than average confidence (N=21) improved significantly both FES score (84.4±11.8 vs 94.5±17.9, P<.01) and gait speed (0.79±0.26 vs 0.90±0.28 m/sec, P<.01), while no similar improvement was observed in subjects (N=22) with higher baseline confidence (112.5±6.6 vs 111.5±7.5, P=.56 and 1.03±0.22 vs 1.07±0.21 m/sec, P=.41). After adjustment for age, gender and baseline gait speed, subjects with lower baseline confidence had higher odds than the others to improve their confidence (AdjOR=10.8, 95%CI 1.8- 64.8 P=.01) and gait speed (AdjOR=3.3, 95%CI 0.6-19.7, P=.19) at follow-up. Conclusions: This pilot program of low intensity exercise modestly improved participants' fear of falling and gait speed. Interestingly, subjects with higher baseline fear of falling seemed more likely to benefit. Despite methodological limitations (pre-post comparisons, small sample), these results suggest that measuring fear of falling might be useful to better target subjects most likely to benefit from similar programs.
SUMMARY Background: Age related declines in lower extremity strength have been associated with impaired mobility and changes in gait patterns, which increase the likelihood of falls. Since community dwelling adults encounter a wide range of locomotor challenges including uneven and obstmcted walking surfaces, we examined the effect of a strength 11 and balance exercise program on obstructed walking in postmenopausal women. Objectives: This study examined the effect of a weighted-vest strength and balance exercise program on adaptations of the stance leg during obstacle walking in postmenopausal women. Methods: Eighteen women aged 44-62 years who had not engaged in regular resistance training for the past year were recruited from the St. Catharines community to participate in this study. Eleven women volunteered for an aerobic (walking), strength, and balance training program 3 times per week for 12 weeks while 7 women volunteered as controls. Measurements included: force platform dynamic balance measure of the center of pressure (COP) and ground reaction forces (GRFs) in the stance leg while going over obstacles of different heights (0,5, 10,25 and 30 cm); and isokinetic strength measures of knee and ankle extension and flexion. Results: Of the 18 women, who began the trial, 16 completed it. The EX group showed a significant increase of 40% in ankle plantar flexion strength (P < 0.05). However, no improvements in measures of COP or GRFs were observed for either group. Failure to detect any changes in measures of dynamic balance may be due to small sample size. Conclusions: Postmenopausal women experience significant improvements in ankle strength with 12 weeks of a weighted-vest balance and strength training program, however, these changes do not seem to be associated with any improvement in measures of dynamic balance.
The current thesis investigated the effects of a 12-week multifactorial exercise and balance training program on balance control in older adults. Participants completed a baseline testing session which included a series of questionnaires, anthropometric measures, and 18 stance and walking tests. Those who were randomly assigned to the exercise group participated in the 12-week training program while the comparison group was asked not to change anything in his/her lifestyle during the 12-week control period, but were invited to participate in the training program after his/her control period. The same testing protocol was repeated after the 12-week period. The results indicated that there were improvements in the time to complete the walking tests but no change in trunk sway in both the exercise and comparison groups. No changes in stance durations or trunk sway were observed. The findings suggest that the current training program showed no significant improvement in balance control in healthy older adults.
Objective: Physical and psychological incapacity, including fear of falling is related to decreased satisfaction with life in osteoporosis (OP). The impact of a balance exercise program on improving the quality of life is not well established. We have, therefore, investigated the effect of 12-month Balance Training Program in quality of life, functional balance and falls in elderly OP women. Methods: Sixty consecutive women with senile OP were randomized into a Balance Training Group (BT) of 30 patients and no intervention control group (CG) of 30 patients. The BT program included techniques to improve balance over a period of 12 months (1 h exercise session/week and home-based exercises). The quality of life was evaluated before and at the end of the trial using the Osteoporosis Assessment Questionnaire (OPAQ), functional balance was evaluated by Berg Balance Scale (BBS). Falls in the preceding year were noted and compared to the period of study. Results: The comparison of OPAQ variations (INITIAL-FINAL) revealed a significant improvement in quality of life in all parameters for BT compared to CG: well-being (1.61 +/- 1.44 vs. -1.46 +/- 1.32, p < 0001), physical function (1.30 +/- 1.33 vs. -0.36 +/- 0.82, p < 0.001), psychological status (1.58 +/- 1.36 vs. -1.02 +/- 0.83, p < 0.001), symptoms (2.76 +/- 1.96 vs. -0.63 +/- 0.87, p < 0.001), social interaction (1.01 +/- 1.51 vs. 0.35 +/- 1.08, p < 0.001). Of note, this overall benefit was paralleled by an improvement of BBS (-5.5 +/- 5.67 vs. +0.5 +/- 4.88 p < 0.001) and a reduction of falls in 50% in BT group vs. 26.6% for the CG (RR: 1.88, p < 0.025). Conclusion: The long-term Balance Training Program of OP women provides a striking overall health quality of life improvement in parallel with improving functional balance and reduced falls. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction: The SMILING project, a multicentric project fundedby the European Union, aims to develop a new gait and balance trainingprogram to prevent falls in older persons. The program includes the"SMILING shoe", an innovative device that generates mechanical perturbationwhile walking by changing the soles' inclination. Induced perturbationschallenge subjects' balance and force them to react to avoidfalls. By training specifically the complex motor reactions used to maintainbalance when walking on irregular ground, the program will improvesubjects' ability to react in situation of unsteadiness and reduce theirrisk of falling. Methods: The program will be evaluated in a multicentric,cross-over randomized controlled trial. Overall, 112 subjects (aged≥65 years, ≥1 falls, POMA score 22-26/28) will be enrolled. Subjectswill be randomised in 2 groups: group A begin the training with active"SMILING shoes", group B with inactive dummy shoes. After 4 weeksof training, group A and B will exchange the shoes. Supervised trainingsessions (30 minutes twice a week for 8 weeks) include walkingtasks of progressive difficulties.To avoid a learning effect, "SMILINGshoes" perturbations will be generated in a non-linear and chaotic way.Gait performance, fear of falling, and acceptability of the program willbe assessed. Conclusion: The SMILING program is an innovative interventionfor falls prevention in older persons based on gait and balancetraining using chaotic perturbations. Because of the easy use of the"SMILING shoes", this program could be used in various settings, suchas geriatric clinics or at home.
In recent years it has been shown that emotional stress induced by immobilization may change the balance between pro-oxidant and antioxidant factors inducing oxidative damage. On the other hand, contradictory views exist concerning the role of physical activity on redox metabolism. Consequently, the present work was designed to assess the influence of an 8-week moderate swimming training program in emotionally stressed rats. Sixty 1-month-old male albino Wistar rats weighing 125-135 g were used in this experimental study. They were divided into three groups, as Control (lot A; n=20), Stressed (lot B; n=20) and Stressed & Exercised (lot C; n=20). Rats were stressed by placing the animals in a 25 x 7 cm plastic bottle 1 h/day, 5 days a week for 8 weeks. Protein carbonyl content values in liver homogenates were significantly increased in stressed animals (0.58+/-0.02 vs 0.86+/-0.03; p=0.018) which clearly indicated that emotional stress was associated with oxidative stress. Ultrastructural alterations, predominantly mitochondrial swelling and the decrease of cristae number observed by electron microscopy represented direct evidence of membrane injury. The most striking feature of our study was that we also found differences between stressed rats and stressed rats that performed our 8 week training program. Consequently our results highlight the potential benefit of a moderate training program to reduce oxidative damage induced by emotional stress since it attenuated protein oxidation and mitochondrial alterations.
Objective: To examine the influence of a preventative training program (PTP) on sagittal plane kinematics during different landing tasks and vertical jump height (VJH) in males. Design: Six weeks prospective exercise intervention. Participants: Fifteen male volleyball athletes (13 ± 0.7 years, 1.70 ± 0.12 m, 60 ± 12 kg). Interventions: PTP consisting of plyometric, balance and core stability exercises three times per week for six weeks. Bilateral vertical jumps with double leg (DL) and single leg (SL) landings were performed to measure the effects of training. Main outcome measurements: Kinematics of the knee and hip before and after training and VJH attained during both tasks after training. The hypothesis was that the PTP would produce improvements in VJH, but would not generate great changes in biomechanical behavior. Results: The only change identified for the SL was the longest duration of landing, which represents the time spent from initial ground contact to maximum knee flexion, after training, while increased angular displacement of the knee was observed during DL. The training did not significantly alter the VJH in either the SL (difference: 2.7 cm) or the DL conditions (difference: 3.5 cm). Conclusions: Despite the PTP's effectiveness in inducing some changes in kinematics, the changes were specific for each task, which highlights the importance of the specificity and individuality in selecting prevention injury exercises. Despite the absence of significant increases in the VJH, the absolute differences after training showed increases corroborating with the findings of statistically powerful studies that compared the results with control groups. The results suggest that short-term PTPs in low risk young male volleyball athletes may enhance performance and induce changes in some kinematic parameters. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Background: Exercise training (ET) can reduce blood pressure (BP) and prevent functional disability. However, the effects of low volumes of training have been poorly studied, especially in elderly hypertensive patients. Objectives: To investigate the effects of a multi-component ET program (aerobic training, strength, flexibility, and balance) on BP, physical fitness, and functional ability of elderly hypertensive patients. Methods: Thirty-six elderly hypertensive patients with optimal clinical treatment underwent a multi-component ET program: two 60-minute sessions a week for 12 weeks at a Basic Health Unit. Results: Compared to pre-training values, systolic and diastolic BP were reduced by 3.6% and 1.2%, respectively (p < 0.001), body mass index was reduced by 1.1% (p < 0.001), and peripheral blood glucose was reduced by 2.5% (p= 0.002). There were improvements in all physical fitness domains: muscle strength (chair-stand test and elbow flexor test; p < 0.001), static balance test (unipedal stance test; p < 0.029), aerobic capacity (stationary gait test; p < 0.001), except for flexibility (sit and reach test). Moreover, there was a reduction in the time required to perform two functional ability tests: "put on sock" and "sit down, stand up, and move around the house" (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Lower volumes of ET improved BP, metabolic parameters, and physical fitness and reflected in the functional ability of elderly hypertensive patients. Trial Registration RBR-2xgjh3.
Background: Polyneuropathy is a complication of diabetes mellitus that has been very challenging for clinicians. It results in high public health costs and has a huge impact on patients' quality of life. Preventive interventions are still the most important approach to avoid plantar ulceration and amputation, which is the most devastating endpoint of the disease. Some therapeutic interventions improve gait quality, confidence, and quality of life; however, there is no evidence yet of an effective physical therapy treatment for recovering musculoskeletal function and foot rollover during gait that could potentially redistribute plantar pressure and reduce the risk of ulcer formation. Methods/Design: A randomised, controlled trial, with blind assessment, was designed to study the effect of a physiotherapy intervention on foot rollover during gait, range of motion, muscle strength and function of the foot and ankle, and balance confidence. The main outcome is plantar pressure during foot rollover, and the secondary outcomes are kinetic and kinematic parameters of gait, neuropathy signs and symptoms, foot and ankle range of motion and function, muscle strength, and balance confidence. The intervention is carried out for 12 weeks, twice a week, for 40-60 min each session. The follow-up period is 24 weeks from the baseline condition. Discussion: Herein, we present a more comprehensive and specific physiotherapy approach for foot and ankle function, by choosing simple tasks, focusing on recovering range of motion, strength, and functionality of the joints most impaired by diabetic polyneuropathy. In addition, this intervention aims to transfer these peripheral gains to the functional and more complex task of foot rollover during gait, in order to reduce risk of ulceration. If it shows any benefit, this protocol can be used in clinical practice and can be indicated as complementary treatment for this disease.
BACKGROUND: Faculties face the permanent challenge to design training programs with well-balanced educational outcomes, and to offer various organised and individual learning opportunities. AIM: To apply our original model to a postgraduate training program in rheumatology in general, and to various learning experiences in particular, in order to analyse the balance between different educational objectives. METHODS: Learning times of various educational activities were reported by the junior staff as targeted learners. The suitability of different learning experiences to achieve cognitive, affective and psychomotor learning objectives was estimated. Learning points with respect to efficacy were calculated by multiplication of the estimated learning times by the perceived appropriateness of the educational strategies. RESULTS: Out of 780 hours of professional learning per year (17.7 hours/week), 37.7% of the time was spent under individual supervision of senior staff, 24.4% in organised structured learning, 22.6% in self-studies, and 15.3% in organised patient-oriented learning. The balance between the different types of learning objectives was appropriate for the overall program, but not for each particular learning experience. Acquisition of factual knowledge and problem solving was readily aimed for during organised teaching sessions of different formats, and by personal targeted reading. Attitudes, skills and competencies, as well as behavioural and performance changes were mostly learned during caring for patients under interactive supervision by experts. CONCLUSION: We encourage other faculties to apply this approach to any other curriculum of undergraduate education, postgraduate training or continuous professional development in order to foster the development of well-balanced learning experiences.
To investigate the effects of a specific protocol of undulatory physical resistance training on maximal strength gains in elderly type 2 diabetics. The study included 48 subjects, aged between 60 and 85 years, of both genders. They were divided into two groups: Untrained Diabetic Elderly (n=19) with those who were not subjected to physical training and Trained Diabetic Elderly (n=29), with those who were subjected to undulatory physical resistance training. The participants were evaluated with several types of resistance training's equipment before and after training protocol, by test of one maximal repetition. The subjects were trained on undulatory resistance three times per week for a period of 16 weeks. The overload used in undulatory resistance training was equivalent to 50% of one maximal repetition and 70% of one maximal repetition, alternating weekly. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences (p<0.05) between pre-test and post-test over a period of 16 weeks. The average gains in strength were 43.20% (knee extension), 65.00% (knee flexion), 27.80% (supine sitting machine), 31.00% (rowing sitting), 43.90% (biceps pulley), and 21.10% (triceps pulley). Undulatory resistance training used with weekly different overloads was effective to provide significant gains in maximum strength in elderly type 2 diabetic individuals.
The objective of this study was to compare the impact on knowledge and counseling skills of face-to-face and Internet-based oral health training programs on medical students. Participants consisted of 148 (82 percent) of the 180 invited students attending their fifth academic year at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo, Brasil, in 2007. The interventions took place during a three-month training period in the clinical Center for Health Promotion, which comprised part of a clerkship in Internal Medicine. The students were divided into four groups: 1) Control Group (Control), with basic intervention; 2) Brochure Group (Br), with basic intervention plus complete brochure with oral health themes; 3) Cybertutor Group (Cy), with basic intervention plus access to an Internet-based training program about oral health themes; and 4) Cybertutor + Contact Group (Cy+C), the same as Cy plus brief proactive contact with a tutor. The impact of these interventions on student knowledge was measured with pre- and post assessments, and student skills in asking and counseling about oral health were assessed with an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). Multivariate logistic regression models were applied to identify the odds ratios of scoring above Control's medians on the final assessment and the OSCE. In the results, Cy+C performed significantly better than Control on both the final assessment (OR 9.4; 95% CI 2.7-32.8) and the OSCE (OR 5.6; 95% CI 1.9-16.3) and outperformed all the other groups. The Cy+C group showed the most significant increase in knowledge and the best skills in asking and counseling about oral health.
Santhiago, V, da Silva, ASR, Papoti, M, and Gobatto, CA. Effects of 14-week swimming training program on the psychological, hormonal, and physiological parameters of elite women athletes. J Strength Cond Res 25(3): 825-832, 2011-The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of a 14-week swimming training program on psychological, hormonal, and performance parameters of elite women swimmers. Ten Olympic and international-level elite women swimmers were evaluated 4 times along the experiment (i.e., in T1, T2, T3, and T4). On the first day at 8: 00 AM, before the blood collecting at rest for the determination of hormonal parameters, the athletes had their psychological parameters assessed by the profile of mood-state questionnaire. At 3: 00 AM, the swimmers had their anaerobic threshold assessed. On the second day at 3: 00 AM, the athletes had their alactic anaerobic performance measured. Vigor score and testosterone levels were lower (p <= 0.05) in T4 compared with T3. In addition, the rate between the peak blood lactate concentration and the median velocity obtained in the alactic anaerobic performance test increased in T4 compared with T3 (p < 0.05). For practical applications, the swimming coaches should not use a tapering with the present characteristics to avoid unexpected results.