972 resultados para Baker, D. James.


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Public Relations and Marketing for Archives: A How-to-do-it Manual, New York, Neal-Schuman Publishers with the Society of American Archivists, 2011. xiv + 273 pp. ISBN 978-1-5557-0733-0. US$80.00 Public Relations and Marketing for Archives – A How-To-Do-It Manual provides a brief, but broad overview of the key elements of marketing, public relations and stakeholder engagement for archives...


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Vols. 2-10 lack edition statement.


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Appendix: Letter from Sidney Lanier containing a short genealogy of the Lanier fanmily: p. 75-87.


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The Thatcher Illusion is generally discussed as a phenomenon related to face perception. Nonetheless, we show that compellingly strong Thatcher Effects can be elicited with non-face stimuli, provided that the stimulus set has a familiar standard configuration and a canonical view. Apparently, the Thatcher Illusion is not about faces, nor is it about Thatcher. It just might, however, be about Britain...


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Depending on their developmental stage in the life cycle, malaria parasites develop within or outside host cells, and in extremely diverse contexts such as the vertebrate liver and blood circulation, or the insect midgut and hemocoel. Cellular and molecular mechanisms enabling the parasite to sense and respond to the intra- and the extra-cellular environments are therefore key elements for the proliferation and transmission of Plasmodium, and therefore are, from a public health perspective, strategic targets in the fight against this deadly disease. The MALSIG consortium, which was initiated in February 2009, was designed with the primary objective to integrate research ongoing in Europe and India on i) the properties of Plasmodium signalling molecules, and ii) developmental processes occurring at various points of the parasite life cycle. On one hand, functional studies of individual genes and their products in Plasmodium falciparum (and in the technically more manageable rodent model Plasmodium berghei) are providing information on parasite protein kinases and phosphatases, and of the molecules governing cyclic nucleotide metabolism and calcium signalling. On the other hand, cellular and molecular studies are elucidating key steps of parasite development such as merozoite invasion and egress in blood and liver parasite stages, control of DNA replication in asexual and sexual development, membrane dynamics and trafficking, production of gametocytes in the vertebrate host and further parasite development in the mosquito. This article, which synthetically reviews such signalling molecules and cellular processes, aims to provide a glimpse of the global frame in which the activities of the MALSIG consortium will develop over the next three years.


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山黑豆属Dumasia DC.隶属于豆科、菜豆族、大豆亚族,广泛分布于亚洲、非洲东南部的热带、亚热带地区以及大洋洲的巴布亚新几内亚地区,其中大多数种在我国均有分布。该属形态变异复杂,命名混乱,缺乏世界性的系统分类学研究基础。基于这样的背景,本论文通过开展形态学、解剖学、细胞学及孢粉学等方面的综合研究工作,对该属进行了全面的分类修订,对属内种间关系及地理分布格局进行了分析和探讨,结果如下: 1、形态学 在研究了大量腊叶标本和进行了野外考察的基础上,对山黑豆属植物的形态性状的变异式样进行了分析。该属植物的根系形态较为多样,可以作为划分种的辅助形状,分为有主根类型 (2个种,心叶山黑豆D. cordifolia Benth. ex Baker和柔毛山黑豆D. villosa DC.) 和无主根类型 (5个种,云南山黑豆D. yunnanensis Y. T. Wei & S. K. Lee、小鸡藤D. forrestii Diels、硬毛山黑豆D. hirsuta Craib、山黑豆D. truncata Siebold & Zucc.和长圆叶山黑豆D. henryi (Hemsl.) B. Pan & X. Y. Zhu);该属几乎全为多年生缠绕草本,只有柔毛山黑豆为半灌木,因此可能是该属中较原始的种类;该属植物的萼筒管状、筒口斜截形及花柱细长且弯曲处膨大等独特的解剖结构是区别该属其它近缘属的重要性状;花序和复叶的长度及荚果内种子数目变异幅度极大,缺乏稳定性,并非好的分类性状。 2、解剖学 应用光学显微镜,首次对山黑豆属7种植物 (心叶山黑豆、柔毛山黑豆、云南山黑豆、小鸡藤、硬毛山黑豆、山黑豆和长圆叶山黑豆) 的叶表皮进行了观察。结果表明,该属植物叶表皮细胞均呈不规则形,垂周壁为波状,气孔器类型以平列型为主。心叶山黑豆、柔毛山黑豆和云南山黑豆上表皮细胞垂周壁呈深波状;小鸡藤、长圆叶山黑豆、山黑豆和硬毛山黑豆上表皮细胞垂周壁呈浅波状。在一定程度上,上表皮细胞垂周壁的形态反映了山黑豆属种间的近缘关系。 3、细胞学 首次报道了山黑豆属3个种 (云南山黑豆、小鸡藤和硬毛山黑豆) 的染 色体数目,它们均为2n=20。在已报道染色体的植物种类中 (共计6种),仅心叶山黑豆染色体数目为2n=22,其余5种 (柔毛山黑豆、山黑豆、云南山黑豆、小鸡藤和硬毛山黑豆) 染色体数目均为2n=20。与大豆亚族大多数属染色体数目为2n=22相比较,心叶山黑豆可能是该属中较为原始的种。 4、孢粉学 在光学显微镜下,对该属7种植物 (心叶山黑豆、柔毛山黑豆、云南山黑豆、小鸡藤、硬毛山黑豆、山黑豆和长圆叶山黑豆) 的花粉进行了观察,结果表明:该属植物为三角形6孔花粉,极轴短,每个角的萌发孔由一对小孔组成;外壁具网纹,网脊粗,网眼不规则。柔毛山黑豆和小鸡藤极面的网脊几乎不断裂;心叶山黑豆、云南山黑豆、硬毛山黑豆、山黑豆和长圆叶山黑豆极面的网脊断裂较多。外壁的纹饰在一定程度上反映了该属植物的近缘关系。 5、地理分布格局 该属植物主要分布在中国南部和西南,只有柔毛山黑豆分布到非洲和大洋洲。研究结果表明,具主根的2个种 (心叶山黑豆和柔毛山黑豆) 主要分布在中国西南部,其分布区域相互重叠;而无主根的5个种 (云南山黑豆、小鸡藤、硬毛山黑豆、山黑豆和长圆叶山黑豆) 由中国西南部向东到日本、韩国都有分布,分布区域几乎不重叠。本研究认为:有主根的心叶山黑豆和柔毛山黑豆可能代表了该属的原始类群;有主根类群衍生出其余无主根类型的各种,并由中国西南扩散到其他地区。 综合以上资料,本研究对山黑豆属进行了分类修订,认为该属含8种、1亚种及2变种,其中建立新组合1个,归并6个类群,并指定了4个后选模式。另外,本研究同时提供了该属植物的检索表、种的形态描述和插图以及地理分布图等信息。


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Otolith thermal marking is an efficient method for mass marking hatchery-reared salmon and can be used to estimate the proportion of hatchery fish captured in a mixed-stock fishery. Accuracy of the thermal pattern classification depends on the prominence of the pattern, the methods used to prepare and view the patterns, and the training and experience of the personnel who determine the presence or absence of a particular pattern. Estimating accuracy rates is problematic when no secondary marking is available and no error-free standards exist. Agreement measures, such as kappa (κ), provide a relative measure of the reliability of the determinations when independent readings by two readers are available, but the magnitude of κ can be influenced by the proportion of marked fish. If a third reader is used or if two or more groups of paired readings are examined, latent class models can provide estimates of the error rates of each reader. Applications of κ and latent class models are illustrated by a program providing contribution estimates of hatchery-reared chum and sockeye salmon in Southeast Alaska.


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Donnison, I. S., Gay, A. P., Thomas, Howard, Edwards, K. J., Edwards, D., James, C. L., Thomas, A. M., Ougham, H. J. (2007). Modification of nitrogen remobilization, grain fill and leaf senescence in maize (Zea mays) by transposon insertional mutagenensis in a protease gene. New Phytologist, 173 (3), 481-494. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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AUTHOR's OVERVIEW This chapter attempts a definition of London eco-gothic, beginning with an ecocritical reading of the ubiquitous London rat. Following Dracula, popular London gothic has been overrun, from the blunt horror-schlock of James Herbert’s 1970s Rats series to China Miéville’s King Rat. Maud Ellman’s elegant discussion of the modernist rat as a protean figure associated with a ‘panoply of fears and fetishes’, underlines how the rat has always featured in anti-urban discourse: as part of racist representations of immigration; as an expression of fear of disease and poverty; or through a quasi-supernatural anxiety about their indestructible and illimitable nature which makes them a staple feature of post-apocalyptic landscapes. Even so, the London rat is a rather more mundane manifestation of urban eco-gothic than the ‘city wilderness’ metaphors common to representations of New York or Los Angles as identified by eco-critic Andrew White. London’s gothic noses its way out through cracks in the pavements, grows from seeds in suburban gardens or accumulates through the steady drip of rainwater. However, I will suggest, in texts such as Maggie Gee’s The Flood and P. D. James Children of Men, London eco-gothic becomes less local and familiar as it responds to global environmental crisis with more dramatic tales of minatorial nature.


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This work considers, seriously, the hugely popular and influential works of Agatha Christie, Dorothy L.Sayers, Margery Allingham, Ngaio Marsh, P.D. James and Ruth Rendell/Barbara Vine. Providing studies of 42 key novels, it introduces these authors for students and the general reader within the contexts of their lives, and critical debates on gender, colonialism, psychoanalysis, the Gothic, and feminism. It includes interviews with P.D. James and Ruth Rendell/Barbara Vine. [From the Publisher]