39 resultados para Bairrada Appellation


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The sustainable viticulture of a region passes, among other aspects, for maximizing the varieties potential minimizing subsequent interventions during winemaking, which should contribute to the production of quality wines maintaining their typicity and rationalizing costs. The detailed knowledge of each Appellation specificities, namely vineyard parcel (soil type and topographical peculiarities) and harvest climatic conditions is crucial for sustainability in this sector. Thus, in line with this current trend, the starting point for the development of this PhD thesis was to evaluate the oenological potential of different varieties cultivated throughout Bairrada Appellation (Portugal). During maturation several changes in grape varieties occur, namely berries become sweeter, less acidic, and they develop flavour, aroma and colour properties. The development of these characteristics is essential to define grapes oenological potential, i.e. to estimate the possibility of their usage to produce specific wines. A three years sampling plan was designed to evaluate the effect of harvest year and parcel characteristics on V. vinifera cv. Arinto, Bical, Sauvignon Blanc, Baga, Castelão, Touriga Nacional, and Sousão grapes composition. For each variety, 3 parcels with different characteristics were selected. Several physicochemical parameters were evaluated, during maturation: berry weight, pH, titratable acidity, sugar and phenolic contents, antiradical activity, and volatile composition (free fraction). Special attention was devoted to grapes at technologic maturity, since, besides these parameters, glycosidically-linked fraction was also considered. By using the results obtained at technologic maturity, a comprehensive approach was applied to identify the significance of harvest and parcel characteristics effects on each variety composition. Considering all the parameters under study, it may be highlighted some significant differences. According to the obtained results determined during maturation, it was possible to conclude that Arinto, Bical and Sauvignon Blanc grapes from parcels with clay-sandy and clay-calcareous soils have higher phenolic content and antiradical activity. Otherwise, Sauvignon Blanc presented similar volatile composition for grapes cultivated in the 3 parcels, while Arinto and Bical exhibited higher volatile content in grapes from claysandy and clay-calcareous soils. For Baga, Castelão and Touriga Nacional red varieties, grapes with higher phenolic content, antiradical activity, and volatile content were obtained from clayey and clay-calcareous soils. Furthermore, for Touriga Nacional, parcels altitude seems also to modulate grapes composition. Beyond parcel effect, harvest year conditions also influence grapes composition: 2011 harvest was related with lower phenolic and volatile contents, as well as lower antiradical activity.For grapes collected at technologic maturity, analysis of variance-simultaneous component analysis (ASCA) was applied combining all the parameters under study, in order to assess the influence of harvest and parcel characteristics on each variety oenological potential. The results obtained using this comprehensive approach is closely related with those observed during maturation and revealed that harvest was the main factor that influenced grapes composition (53% to 68% of the total data set variance) followed by parcel characteristics, explaining ca. 15-19% of the total data set variance. The oenological potential of each variety may be different from one parcel to another, i.e., clay-sandy and clay-calcareous related-environments seem to favour Arinto and Bical white grapes composition, but for the red varieties, grapes composition was favoured by clayey and clay-calcareous soils. Besides, also higher altitude seems to favour Touriga Nacional grapes composition. Sauvignon Blanc seems to be a variety well adapted to the different parcel characteristics. In order to go forward in the valuation of these varieties, the aroma properties of 6 monovarietal wines were studied based on an aroma network-approach, linking molecular data related to volatile composition and aroma data about the key odor active molecules. This approach allowed to identify different wine aroma properties and to infer about the consumer’s sensory perception. It was found that aroma properties differ from one wine variety to another: while Arinto and Sauvignon Blanc wine exhibited higher tree fruity, sweety and flowery aromas, related essentially with ester compounds and C13 norisoprenoids, the opposite was obtained for Bical wine, corroborating the aroma sensory perceptions of the trained panel. Sauvignon Blanc also exhibited higher toasted aromas (related with thiols, mainly with 2-methyl-3-furanthiol). Touriga Nacional red wine exhibited higher tree, tropical, and berry fruits notes (sensory described as sweet fruits), toasted and flowery aromas, while these are similar for the other red wines under study. Besides Portuguese Bairrada wines, this aroma network approach is a tool that can be used to explain the aroma properties of wines worldwide. The grape and wine data generated under the present PhD thesis, in the context of Bairrada Appellation, shows the unique character of each variety, and may be used by growers and wine producers as a support for decisionmaking based on objective criteria, increasing the sustainability in this sector. For instance, it is possible to take advantage of the natural resources and produce products with different characteristics obtained from the same variety, minimizing costs during the winemaking process.


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Os espumantes produzidos segundo o método Champanhês são obtidos após uma segunda fermentação em garrafa. Quando o vinho é vertido no copo, o CO2 produzido é libertado, sendo a espuma formada o resultado da sua interacção com os constituintes do vinho. A quantidade e a estabilidade da espuma do vinho espumante estão relacionadas com a sua composição química. Para além da espuma, o aroma é também um parâmetro importante de qualidade na apreciação geral de um vinho espumante. O aroma de um vinho espumante provém do contributo das uvas assim como do processo fermentativo. Dependendo do estado de maturação da uva, o contributo dos compostos voláteis para o aroma é diferente. Em virtude da vindima para os vinhos espumantes ser realizada antes da vindima para os vinhos maduros, dependendo da variedade, as uvas poderão não ser colhidas na expressão máxima do seu aroma, podendo verificar-se uma perda significativa do seu potencial varietal volátil. O objectivo desta dissertação é relacionar o aroma e a espuma dos vinhos espumantes com o potencial enológico das uvas e dos vinhos. Para isso, foi estudada a composição volátil das duas castas principais da Bairrada, a casta branca Fernão-Pires (FP) e a casta tinta Baga (BG), sendo estas duas das castas usadas para a produção de espumante. Para estudar a composição volátil das uvas durante a maturação, com vista a avaliar este efeito na expressão máxima de compostos voláteis, foi optimizada para este propósito a metodologia de microextracção em fase sólida em espaço de cabeça (HS-SPME). As uvas foram colhidas semanalmente, em duas vinhas, do pintor à pós-maturidade sendo posteriormente analisadas pela metodologia de HS-SPME seguida de cromatografia de gás acoplada à espectrometria de massa com quadrupolo (GC–qMS). No caso das uvas BG, observou-se um aumento acentuado na expressão máxima de compostos voláteis próximo da maturidade da uva determinada pelo teor em açúcar e acidez titulável, mantendo-se constante durante a pós-maturidade. Na determinação do perfil volátil das uvas ao longo da maturação foram identificados 66 compostos varietais nas uvas provenientes de uma vinha (Pedralvites) e 45 da outra vinha (Colégio). Em ambas as vinhas foram identificados 23 sesquiterpenóides, 13 monoterpenóides, 6 norisoprenóides, 2 álcoois aromáticos e 1 diterpenóide. Os sesquiterpenóides, devido à sua abundância em número e em área cromatográfica, podem ser considerados marcadores da casta BG. As uvas FP apresentaram um comportamento diferente do das uvas BG, sendo a expressão máxima de compostos voláteis expressa durante um curto período de tempo (1 semana), que coincide com a maturidade da uva. Depois de atingido este pico, observa-se uma diminuição drástica logo na semana seguinte. Este comportamento foi observado em ambas as vinhas, onde foram identificados 20 compostos voláteis varietais e 5 pré-fermentativos (álcoois e aldeídos em C6). Estes resultados mostram que quando estas castas são colhidas precocemente (1 semana antes da maturidade) para a produção de espumante, é observada uma redução significativa do potencial volátil que é expresso na maturidade. Para a análise da composição volátil dos vinhos espumantes foi optimizada uma metodologia de microextracção que permite usar uma maior quantidade de fase estacionária, a extracção sorptiva em barra de agitação (SBSE). O método foi optimizado usando 10 padrões de compostos voláteis representativos das principais famílias químicas presentes no vinho, nomeadamente, ésteres, monoterpenóides, sesquiterpenóides, norisoprenóides em C13 e álcoois. O método proposto apresenta uma boa linearidade (r2 > 0,982) e a reprodutibilidade varia entre 8,9 e 17,8%. Os limites de detecção para a maioria dos compostos é bastante baixo, entre 0,05 e 9,09 μg L-1. O método foi aplicado para a análise da composição volátil dos vinhos espumantes. Dentro dos vinhos espumantes analisados, foi estudada a influência da casta, do tipo de solo e do estado de maturação das uvas na sua composição volátil. A casta FP pode dar origem a vinhos com maior potencial de aroma do que a casta BG. Relativamente à avaliação dos diferentes estados de maturação, verificou-se que as uvas da maturidade e as da colheita tardia (uma semana depois da maturidade) deram origem aos vinhos com maior quantidade de compostos voláteis. Para os três tipos de solo estudados (arenoso, argiloso e argilo-calcário), o vinho obtido a partir de uvas colhidas no solo argilo-calcário foi o que mostrou a maior concentração de compostos voláteis varietais. A espuma destes vinhos espumantes foi também avaliada quanto à sua quantidade máxima (HM) e tempo de estabilidade (TS). O vinho espumante que apresentou um maior TS foi o vinho produzido a partir da casta FP proveniente de uma colheita tardia e solo argiloso. Os vinhos provenientes dos solos arenosos e argilo-calcários são os que apresentaram valores mais baixos de TS. Com vista a avaliar quais os conjuntos de moléculas do vinho que estão relacionados com as propriedades da espuma e possíveis sinergismos entre eles, para cada vinho espumante foi separada a fracção hidrofóbica de baixo peso molecular (MeLMW), a fracção de elevado peso molecular (HMW) e duas fracções de peso molecular intermédio (AqIMW e MeIMW). As propriedades da espuma dos vinhos modelo, reconstituídos com estas fracções e suas misturas, foram avaliadas. A combinação da fracção HMW com a MeLMW aumentou o TS 2,7 vezes quando comparado com o observado para a fracção HMW isoladamente, produzindo um efeito sinergético. Este aumento do TS ainda foi maior quando se combinou a fracção HMW com as subfracções obtidas a partir da fracção MeLMW, principalmente para as fracções menos apolares. A subfracção hidrofóbica menos apolar foi caracterizada por espectrometria de massa de ionização por electrospray (ESI-MS/MS) tendo sido identificada uma série de oligómeros de polietileno glicol e um potencial composto tensioactivo, o 8-hidroxi-tridecanoato de dietilenoglicolglicerilacetato. A fracção MeLMW foi também isolada da espuma do vinho espumante e caracterizada por ESI-MS/MS, permitindo identificar vários compostos potenciais tensioactivos, nomeadamente, dois monoacilgliceróis e quatro derivados de ácidos gordos com gliceriletilenoglicol. Estes resultados confirmam que estes compostos relacionados com a estabilidade da espuma existem em maior número na espuma do que no vinho. O vinho foi ainda fraccionado em 12 grupos de moléculas: 3 fracções de manoproteínas, 3 de arabinogalactanas, 3 de misturas de polissacarídeos, proteínas e compostos fenólicos e 3 fracções de peso molecular intermédio e baixo, compostas por uma mistura de hidratos de carbono, peptídeos e compostos fenólicos. Foram usados vinhos modelo reconstituídos com cada uma das fracções isoladas na concentração em que estas se encontraram no vinho. Foram também efectuados ensaios com soluções modelo dez vezes mais concentradas e com misturas de algumas das fracções. Todas as soluções formadas foram avaliadas quanto às propriedades da espuma. O aumento da concentração para dez vezes faz com que a solução contendo a fracção rica em manoproteínas (MP1) aumente para mais do dobro a HM e 7,4 vezes mais o TS. A combinação entre a fracção MP1 e a MeLMW produziu um aumento significativo nos parâmetros de HM e TS. A combinação da fracção HMW (manoproteínas com baixo teor em proteína) com a MeLMW (tensioactivos derivados de ácidos gordos com gliceriletilenoglicol) contém os compostos chave de um vinho espumante para se obter uma maior quantidade e estabilidade da espuma.


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An official launch for the '"Appellation of Origin" System for Ontario Wines'. The VQA announces the labeling system which will identify "Ontario wines based on the origin of the grapes from which they are produced". The system relies on Provincial and Geographic Designations which are outlined in the announcement.


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Les effets positifs des appellations d’origine pour le développement territorial dans certaines régions européennes ont attiré l’attention de producteurs et de promoteurs du développement dans les pays du Sud. Ainsi, les producteurs de fromage Cotija au Mexique ont sollicité une appellation d’origine en 2004. Elle leur a été refusée, l’administration estimant que la dénomination Cotija constituait un terme générique. Au-delà du débat sur le caractère générique ou non d’une appellation, ce cas est très instructif sur les limites du cadre légal et institutionnel mexicain, plus de 30 ans après que la Tequila soit devenue la première appellation reconnue au Mexique. L’absence d’un objectif politique clair et explicite pour les appellations d’origine se traduit dans l’incertitude et la faiblesse des institutions mises en place. Ce contexte n’est pas favorable pour la reconnaissance d’appellations d’origine et remet donc en cause leur utilisation comme outil de développement territorial.


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Boberach: Der Vorwurf, die evangelischen Geistlichen in Schleswig hätten sich durch Unterstützung des Widerstands gegen die Ansprüche des Königs von Dänemark an einer revolutionären Erhebung beteiligt, wird zurückgewiesen, Hofprediger Prof. Martensen in Kopenhagen um Verbreitung der Ansichten der Pfarrer in Dänemark gebeten


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Tese apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais, especialidade em Sociologia


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This thesis investigates the use and significance of X-ray crystallographic visualisations of molecular structures in postwar British material culture across scientific practice and industrial design. It is based on research into artefacts from three areas: X-ray crystallographers’ postwar practices of visualising molecular structures using models and diagrams; the Festival Pattern Group scheme for the 1951 Festival of Britain, in which crystallographic visualisations formed the aesthetic basis of patterns for domestic objects; and postwar furnishings with a ‘ball-and-rod’ form and construction reminiscent of those of molecular models. A key component of the project is methodological. The research brings together subjects, themes and questions traditionally covered separately by two disciplines, the history of design and history of science. This focus necessitated developing an interdisciplinary set of methods, which results in the reassessment of disciplinary borders and productive cross-disciplinary methodological applications. This thesis also identifies new territory for shared methods: it employs network models to examine cross-disciplinary interaction between practitioners in crystallography and design, and a biographical approach to designed objects that over time became mediators of historical narratives about science. Artefact-based, archival and oral interviewing methods illuminate the production, use and circulation of the objects examined in this research. This interdisciplinary approach underpins the generation of new historical narratives in this thesis. It revises existing histories of the cultural transmissions between X-ray crystallography and the production and reception of designed objects in postwar Britain. I argue that these transmissions were more complex than has been acknowledged by historians: they were contingent upon postwar scientific and design practices, material conditions in postwar Britain and the dynamics of historical memory, both scholarly and popular. This thesis comprises four chapters. Chapter one explores X-ray crystallographers’ visualisation practices, conceived here as a form of craft. Chapter two builds on this, demonstrating that the Festival Pattern Group witnesses the encounter between crystallographic practice, design practice and aesthetic ideologies operating within social networks associated with postwar modernisms. Chapters three and four focus on ball-and-rod furnishings in postwar and present-day Britain, respectively. I contend that strong relationships between these designed objects and crystallographic visualisations, for example the appellation ‘atomic design’, have been largely realised through historical narratives active today in the consumption of ‘retro’ and ‘mid-century modern’ artefacts. The attention to contemporary historical narratives necessitates this dual historical focus: the research is rooted in the period from the end of the Second World War until the early 1960s, but extends to the history of now. This thesis responds to the need for practical research on methods for studying cross-disciplinary interactions and their histories. It reveals the effects of submitting historical subjects that are situated on disciplinary boundaries to interdisciplinary interpretation. Old models, such as that of unidirectional ‘influence’, subside and the resulting picture is a refracted one: this study demonstrates that the material form and meaning of crystallographic visualisations, within scientific practice and across their use and echoes in designed objects, are multiple and contingent.


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Cet article a pour objet de questionner la possibilité de l'existence des émotions morales et d'en déchiffrer la notion. Je commence par relever brièvement les faiblesses de différentes lectures philosophiques des émotions morales avant de poursuivre sur une voie à première vue prometteuse qui consiste à en fournir une explication fonctionnaliste évolutionnaire : les émotions morales auraient pour fonction évolutive de soutenir les relations sociales coopératives. Après analyse, il apparaît cependant que cette approche présente également d'importantes faiblesses. En fin de compte, je propose d'abandonner l'idée d'émotion intrinsèquement morale au profit d'une solution «minimale» : la «moralité» est une appellation attribuée aux émotions (ou plus justement aux épisodes émotionnels) lorsqu'elles apparaissent dans des contextes moralement pertinents.


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Contient : 1° D'une table des pièces, qui commence au feuillet 134, se continue aux feuillets 135 et 136, et s'achève aux feuillets 131 v° et 132 r° ; 2° D'une ballade, dont le refrain est : « Faulte d'argent la douleur non pareille » (fol. 137 r°) ; 3° D'un petit glossaire latin (fol. 138 r°) ; 4° D'une ballade, dont le refrain est : « Tost est deffait qui autrui veult deffaire » (fol. 138 v°) ; 5° D'un petit glossaire latin-latin et latin-français (fol. 139 r°) ; 6° De deux lettres ; l'une de BONIFACE VIII à Philippe-le-Bel, l'autre de PHILIPPE-LE-BEL à Boniface VIII (fol. 139 v°)


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. The influence of vine water status was studied in commercial vineyard blocks of Vilis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Franc in Niagara Peninsula, Ontario from 2005 to 2007. Vine performance, fruit composition and vine size of non-irrigated grapevines were compared within ten vineyard blocks containing different soil and vine water status. Results showed that within each vineyard block water status zones could be identified on GIS-generated maps using leaf water potential and soil moisture measurements. Some yield and fruit composition variables correlated with the intensity of vine water status. Chemical and descriptive sensory analysis was performed on nine (2005) and eight (2006) pairs of experimental wines to illustrate differences between wines made from high and low water status winegrapes at each vineyard block. Twelve trained judges evaluated six aroma and flavor (red fruit, black cherry, black current, black pepper, bell pepper, and green bean), thr~e mouthfeel (astringency, bitterness and acidity) sensory attributes as well as color intensity. Each pair of high and low water status wine was compared using t-test. In 2005, low water status (L WS) wines from Buis, Harbour Estate, Henry of Pelham (HOP), and Vieni had higher color intensity; those form Chateau des Charmes (CDC) had high black cherry flavor; those at RiefEstates were high in red fruit flavor and at those from George site was high in red fruit aroma. In 2006, low water status (L WS) wines from George, Cave Spring and Morrison sites were high in color intensity. L WS wines from CDC, George and Morrison were more intense in black cherry aroma; LWS wines from Hernder site were high in red fruit aroma and flavor. No significant differences were found from one year to the next between the wines produced from the same vineyard, indicating that the attributes of these wines were maintained almost constant despite markedly different conditions in 2005 and 2006 vintages. Partial ii Least Square (PLS) analysis showed that leaf \}' was associated with red fruit aroma and flavor, berry and wine color intensity, total phenols, Brix and anthocyanins while soil moisture was explained with acidity, green bean aroma and flavor as well as bell pepper aroma and flavor. In another study chemical and descriptive sensory analysis was conducted on nine (2005) and eight (2006) medium water status (MWS) experimental wines to illustrate differences that might support the sub-appellation system in Niagara. The judges evaluated the same aroma, flavor, and mouthfeel sensory attributes as well as color intensity. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), principal component analysis (PCA) and discriminate analysis (DA). ANOV A of sensory data showed regional differences for all sensory attributes. In 2005, wines from CDC, HOP, and Hemder sites showed highest. r ed fruit aroma and flavor. Lakeshore and Niagara River sites (Harbour, Reif, George, and Buis) wines showed higher bell pepper and green bean aroma and flavor due to proximity to the large bodies of water and less heat unit accumulation. In 2006, all sensory attributes except black pepper aroma were different. PCA revealed that wines from HOP and CDC sites were higher in red fruit, black currant and black cherry aroma and flavor as well as black pepper flavor, while wines from Hemder, Morrison and George sites were high in green bean aroma and flavor. ANOV A of chemical data in 2005 indicated that hue, color intensity, and titratable acidity (TA) were different across the sites, while in 2006, hue, color intensity and ethanol were different across the sites. These data indicate that there is the likelihood of substantial chemical and sensory differences between clusters of sub-appellations within the Niagara Peninsula iii


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VQA Ontario was designated as Ontario's wine authority under the Vintners Quality Alliance Act, 1999 on June 29, 2000 by the Honourable Robert W. Runciman, Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations. In its capacity as Ontario's wine authority, VQA Ontario exercises delegated authority to administer and enforce the VQA Act and its associated regulations. It is accountable to the minister of small business and consumer services and operates under a framework set out in an administrative agreement with the ministry. Along with its statutory duties, VQA Ontario engages in related activities such as promoting awareness of the VQA appellation system, participating in national and international standards discussions and encouraging public education about VQA appellations and wines.


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The major focus of this dissertation was to explain terroir effects that impact wine varietal character and to elucidate potential determinants of terroir by testing vine water status (VWS) as the major factor of the terroir effect. It was hypothesized that consistent water status zones could be identified within vineyard sites, and, that differences in vine performance, fruit composition and wine sensory attributes could be related to VWS. To test this hypothesis, ten commercial Riesling vineyards representative of each Vintners Quality Alliance sub-appellation were selected. Vineyards were delineated using global positioning systems and 75 to 80 sentinel vines per vineyard were geo-referenced for data collection. During the 2005 to 2007 growing seasons, VWS measurements [midday leaf water potential ('l')] were collected from a subset of these sentinel vines. Data were collected on soil texture and composition, soil moisture, vine performance (yield components, vine size) and fruit composition. These variables were mapped using global information system (GIS) software and relationships between them were elucidated. Vines were categorized into "low" and "high" water status regions within each vineyard block and replicate wines were made from each. Many geospatial patterns and relationships were spatially and temporally stable within vineyards. Leaf'l' was temporally stable within vineyards despite different weather conditions during each growing season. Generally, spatial relationships between 'l', soil moisture, vine size, berry weight and yield were stable from year to year. Leaf", impacted fruit composition in several vineyards. Through sorting tasks and multidimensional scaling, wines of similar VWS had similar sensory properties. Descriptive analysis further indicated that VWS impacted wine sensory profiles, with similar attributes being different for wines from different water status zones. Vineyard designation had an effect on wine profiles, with certain sensory and chemical attributes being associated from different subappellations. However, wines were generally grouped in terms of their regional designation ('Lakeshore', 'Bench', 'Plains') within the Niagara Peninsula. Through multivariate analyses, specific sensory attributes, viticulture and chemical variables were associated with wines of different VWS. Vine water status was a major contributor to the terroir effect, as it had a major impact on vine size, berry weight and wine sensory characteristics.