1000 resultados para Bacia de Sergipe
This thesis deals with the tectonic-stratigraphic evolution of the Transitional Sequence in the Sergipe Sub-basin (the southern segment of the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Northeast Brazil), deposited in the time interval of the upper Alagoas/Aptian stage. Sequence boundaries and higher order internal sequences were identified, as well as the structures that affect or control its deposition. This integrated approach aimed to characterize the geodynamic setting and processes active during deposition of the Transitional Sequence, and its relations with the evolutionary tectonic stages recognized in the East Brazilian Margin basins. This subject addresses more general questions discussed in the literature, regarding the evolution from the Rift to the Drift stages, the expression and significance of the breakup unconformity, the relationships between sedimentation and tectonics at extensional settings, as well as the control on subsidence processes during this time interval. The tectonic-stratigraphic analysis of the Transitional Sequence was based on seismic sections and well logs, distributed along the Sergipe Sub-basin (SBSE). Geoseismic sections and seismic facies analysis, stratigraphic profiles and sections, were compiled through the main structural blocks of this sub-basin. These products support the depositional and tectonic-stratigraphic evolutionary models built for this sequence. The structural analysis highlighted similarities in deformation styles and kinematics during deposition of the Rift and Transitional sequences, pointing to continuing lithospheric extensional processes along a NW trend (X strain axis) until the end of deposition of the latter sequence was finished by the end of late Aptian. The late stage of extension/rifting was marked by (i) continuous (or as pulses) fault activity along the basin, controling subsidence and creation of depositional space, thereby characterizing upper crustal thinning and (ii) sagstyle deposition of the Transitional Sequence at a larger scale, reflecting the ductile stretching and thinnning of lower and sub crustal layers combined with an increasing importance of the thermal subsidence regime. Besides the late increments of rift tectonics, the Transitional Sequence is also affected by reactivation of the border faults of SBSE, during and after deposition of the Riachuelo Formation (lower section of the Transgressive Marine Sequence, of Albian age). It is possible that this reactivation reflects (through stress propagation along the newlycreated continental margin) the rifting processes still active further north, between the Alagoas Sub-basin and the Pernambuco-Paraíba Basin. The evaporitic beds of the Transitional Sequence contributed to the development of post-rift structures related to halokinesis and the continental margin collapse, affecting strata of the overlying marine sequences during the Middle Albian to the Maastrichtian, or even the Paleogene time interval. The stratigraphic analysis evidenced 5 depositional sequences of higher order, whose vertical succession indicates an upward increase of the base level, marked by deposition of continental siliciclastic systems overlain by lagunar-evaporitic and restricted marine systems, indicating that the Transitional Sequence was deposited during relative increase of the eustatic sea level. At a 2nd order cycle, the Transitional Sequence may represent the initial deposition of a Transgressive Systems Tract, whose passage to a Marine Transgressive Sequence would also be marked by the drowning of the depositional systems. At a 3rd order cycle, the sequence boundary corresponds to a local unconformity that laterally grades to a widespread correlative conformity. This boundary surface corresponds to a breakup unconformity , being equivalent to the Pre-Albian Unconformity at the SBSE and contrasting with the outstanding Pre-upper Alagoas Unconformity at the base of the Transitional Sequence; the latter is alternatively referred, in the literature, as the breakup unconformity. This Thesis supports the Pre-Albian Unconformity as marker of a major change in the (Rift-Drift) depositional and tectonic setting at SBSE, with equivalent but also diachronous boundary surfaces in other basins of the Atlantic margin. The Pre-upper Alagoas Unconformity developed due to astenosphere uplift (heating under high lithospheric extension rates) and post-dates the last major fault pulse and subsequent extensive block erosion. Later on, the number and net slip of active faults significantly decrease. At deep to ultra deep water basin segments, seaward-dipping reflectors (SDRs) are unconformably overlain by the seismic horizons correlated to the Transitional Sequence. The SDRs volcanic rocks overly (at least in part) continental crust and are tentatively ascribed to melting by adiabatic decompression of the rising astenospheric mantle. Even though being a major feature of SBSE (and possibly of other basins), the Pre-upper Alagoas Unconformity do not correspond to the end of lithospheric extension processes and beginning of seafloor spreading, as shown by the crustal-scale extensional structures that post-date the Transitional Sequence. Based on this whole context, deposition of the Transitional Sequence is better placed at a late interval of the Rift Stage, with the advance of an epicontinental sea over a crustal segment still undergoing extension. Along this segment, sedimentation was controled by a combination of thermal and mechanical subsidence. In continuation, the creation of oceanic lithosphere led to a decline in the mechanical subsidence component, extension was transferred to the mesoceanic ridge and the newly-formed continental margin (and the corresponding Marine Sequence) began to be controlled exclusively by the thermal subsidence component. Classical concepts, multidisciplinary data and new architectural and evolutionary crustal models can be reconciled and better understood under these lines
The Camorim Oilfield, discovered in 1970 in the shallow water domain of the Sergipe Sub-basin, produces hydrocarbons from the Carmópolis Member of the Muribeca Formation, the main reservoir interval, interpreted as siliciclastics deposited in an alluvial-fluvial-deltaic context during a late rifting phase of Neoaptian age, in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin. The structural setting of the field defines different production blocks, being associated to the evolution of the Atalaia High during the rift stage and subsequent reactivations, encompassing NE-SW trending major normal faults and NWEW trending secondary faults. The complexity of this field is related to the strong facies variation due to the interaction between continental and coastal depositional environments, coupled with strata juxtaposition along fault blocks. This study aims to geologically characterize its reservoirs, to provide new insights to well drilling locations in order to increase the recovery factor of the field. Facies analysis based on drill cores and geophysical logs and the 3D interpretation of a seismic volume, provide a high resolution stratigraphic analysis approach to be applied in this geodynamic transitional context between the rift and drift evolutionary stages of the basin. The objective was to define spatial and time relations between production zones and the preferential directions of fluid flow, using isochore maps that represent the external geometry of the deposits and facies distribution maps to characterize the internal heterogeneities of these intervals, identified in a 4th order stratigraphic zoning. This work methodology, integrated in a 3D geological modelling process, will help to optimize well drilling and hydrocarbons production. This methodology may be applied in other reservoirs in tectonic and depositional contexts similar to the one observed at Camorim, for example, the oil fields in the Aracaju High, Sergipe Sub-basin, which together represent the largest volume of oil in place in onshore Brazilian basins
Utilizando-se dados do campo de Camorim (Bacia de Sergipe-Alagoas), foi testado e aplicado um conjunto de técnicas estatísticas multivariantes (análises de agrupamentos, de componentes principais e discriminante) no intuito de identificar as fácies, previamente definidas em poços testemunhados, por meio dos perfis, viabilizando o reconhecimento das mesmas nos demais poços não testemunhados da área. A segunda etapa do processo de determinação das fácies consistiu no emprego de métodos auxiliares (análises composicional e de seqüência de fácies), que, combinados com as técnicas multivariantes, propiciaram melhores resultados na calibração rocha-perfil. A determinação das fácies, uma vez estabelecida, possibilitou o refinamento do processo de avaliação de formações ao viabilizar o exame de cada fácies-reservatório, isoladamente. Assim, esse procedimento tornou possível a escolha, para cada litologia, dos parâmetros utilizados na interpretação dos perfis ao mesmo tempo em que permitiu a totalização em separado dos valores de espessura, porosidade e saturação dos fluidos, bem como a adoção de diferentes valores de corte (cut-offs) para cada grupo considerado. Outras aplicações incluíram a melhoria na estimativa da porosidade e da permeabilidade, a adaptação de algoritmos para o cálculo preliminar de porosidade, a confecção de mapas de fácies e a geração automática de seções estratigráficas. Finalmente, foram destacadas a perspectiva de integração desse estudo com sistemas estatísticos de descrição de reservatórios, outras técnicas de determinação de fácies em desenvolvimento e a retomada da utilização de métodos estatísticos multivariantes em dados de perfis, como ferramenta de exploração.
The carbonatic rocks have great importance in petroleum geology, since most hydrocarbons reservoirs in the world are associated to this kind of rock. The new giant petroleum fields discovered in the Brazilian southeast Atlantic margin are directly connected to calcareous rocks, which are subjacent to the Aptian evaporite pack. This demand an increase in the number of geologists able to study such deposits. The Aptian carbonatic platform is completely exposed only in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin. Therefore, it works as a natural laboratory to the study and understanding of this kind of rock. The Sergipe Basin is situated in the east Brazilian coast, and has its evolutional history is intimately related to the formation of the South Atlantic Ocean, through the break-up of the Gondwana supercontinent. The marine sequence of the Brazilian marginal basins is of Albian age and is marked by the development of carbonatic platforms. In doing so, this paper aims to analyze the Albian limestones from Riachuelo Formation of the Sergipe Basin. The project gave to the student the opportunity to increase his knowledge in carbonates, due to the laboratory and outdoor activities. The studied deposits, within a regional outline, were petrografically described, allowing interpretations about the evolution of the former South Atlantic Ocean. Ten points were visited where samples were collected for making of thin sheets. In this work several carbonatic facies were identified totaling 116 laminates described.
The main objective of the present thesis was the seismic interpretation and seismic attribute analysis of the 3D seismic data from the Siririzinho high, located in the Sergipe Sub-basin (southern portion of Sergipe-Alagoas Basin). This study has enabled a better understanding of the stratigraphy and structure that the Siririzinho high experienced during its development. In a first analysis, we used two types of filters: the dip-steered median filter, was used to remove random noise and increase the lateral continuity of reflections, and fault-enhancement filter was applied to enhance the reflection discontinuities. After this filtering step similarity and curvature attributes were applied in order to identify and enhance the distribution of faults and fractures. The use of attributes and filtering greatly contributed to the identification and enhancement of continuity of faults. Besides the application of typical attributes (similarity and curvature) neural network and fingerprint techniques were also used, which generate meta-attributes, also aiming to highlight the faults; however, the results were not satisfactory. In a subsequent step, well log and seismic data analysis were performed, which allowed the understanding of the distribution and arrangement of sequences that occur in the Siririzinho high, as well as an understanding of how these units are affected by main structures in the region. The Siririzinho high comprises an elongated structure elongated in the NS direction, capped by four seismo-sequences (informally named, from bottom to top, the sequences I to IV, plus the top of the basement). It was possible to recognize the main NS-oriented faults, which especially affect the sequences I and II, and faults oriented NE-SW, that reach the younger sequences, III and IV. Finally, with the interpretation of seismic horizons corresponding to each of these sequences, it was possible to define a better understanding of geometry, deposition and structural relations in the area.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Estudos ambientais em bacias hidrográficas são fundamentais para o entendimento do uso dos recursos naturais e dos problemas relacionados à ocupação do espaço. Em Sergipe, há necessidade de se obter informações para fins de planejamento e gestão futura de suas bacias hidrográficas, uma vez que gradualmente observa-se uma redução do volume produzido nos cursos d'água e da qualidade de suas águas, que são imprescindíveis para o abastecimento humano, a utilização na agricultura e na indústria. Devido ao acelerado processo de supressão da vegetação na sub-bacia hidrográfica do rio Poxim, formada pelos rios Poxim-mirim, Poxim-açu, e Pitanga e seus pequenos tributários, foi realizado um diagnóstico para se verificar o estado de conservação das suas principais nascentes, a situação quanto ao fluxo de água, as formas de uso e ocupação do solo no entorno destas e os tipos fisionômicos de vegetação remanescentes. As informações obtidas serão úteis para a realização de projetos de restauração ambiental, a promoção de melhorias no ambiente e nas comunidades rurais e resgate da diversidade da flora e fauna nestas áreas. Observou-se que as 20 principais nascentes dos rios e tributários que compõem a sub-bacia hidrográfica do rio Poxim, apresentam alterações decorrentes da acelerada antropização (90%), a maioria delas (65%) com elevada degradação (sem raio mínimo de 50m de vegetação) e ocupadas por agricultura (50%) e pastagens (35%). Somente duas nascentes encontram-se preservadas. Quanto à composição florística, as espécies identificadas (43) podem ser utilizadas em projetos futuros para restauração das nascentes e dos cursos d'água nesta sub-bacia hidrográfica.
As dunas costeiras são feições marcantes do ambiente litorâneo e se formam em locais onde a velocidade do vento e a disponibilidade de areias praiais são adequadas para o transporte eólico. Essas condições são encontradas, em praias do tipo dissipativo a intermediário, como as encontradas na bacia costeira do rio Sergipe, onde o aumento de energia das ondas favorece o aporte potencial de areia. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho verificou a dinâmica costeira e os fatores antrópicos intervenientes no processo de vulnerabilidade biofísica dunar, através da proposição de geoindicadores socioambientais. Para concretizar esse objetivo, utilizaram-se vários procedimentos metodológicos, priorizando entre eles, o trabalho de campo, além dos levantamentos bibliográficos e cartográficos. Os resultados desse estudo mostram que as dunas locais do tipo barcana tiveram suas origens vinculadas a existência de uma terceira geração mais recente que 5.100 anos A.P. testemunhadas pela localização sobre os terraços marinhos datadas do holoceno. Posicionam-se de uma maneira quase contínua, bordejando o litoral da bacia, onde as móveis, com maior grau de antropização, apresentam traçado sinuoso, variando em altura, largura e porte horizontal e as fixas colonizadas por vegetação de gramíneas e coqueirais e ervas típicas dos ambientes terrestres marinhos.
O processo erosivo constitui-se na principal causa de degradação dos solos e é acelerado por intervenções humanas nas bacias hidrográficas, resultando em prejuízos ao setor agrícola e ao meio ambiente. Para a previsão dos impactos de ações antrópicas ou de mudanças climáticas sobre os processos hidrossedimentológicos, os modelos distribuídos e de base física têm sido bastante eficazes. Neste estudo, aplicou-se o modelo SWAT à sub-bacia do Rio Japaratuba Mirim, em Sergipe, nas seções de medição das estações Fazenda Pão de Açúcar (PA) e Fazenda Cajueiro (CJ), com áreas de contribuição respectivamente de 137,3 e 277,8 km², visando à parametrização das duas bacias aninhadas por meio dos processos de calibração e de validação. Foram realizadas simulações do escoamento na bacia menor (PA), a partir dos parâmetros calibrados na bacia maior (CJ), e, reciprocamente, do escoamento na bacia maior (CJ). Em seguida, foram também realizadas simulações do escoamento e da produção de sedimentos para o período de dados de vazão disponíveis (1985 a 2000), para a seção CJ. Os resultados evidenciaram que o modelo calibrado simulou bem o escoamento superficial e conseguiu prever, de forma coerente, a produção de sedimentos com base nos 12 parâmetros mais sensíveis do modelo. A transposição dos parâmetros da bacia maior para a menor e, vice-versa, resultou em índices de Eficiência de Nash-Sutcliffe (NSE) e de Tendência Percentual (PBIAS), considerados satisfatórios para o primeiro caso e insatisfatório para o segundo.
The sediment production in river basins is an important aspect for planning the land use. Mathematical models are useful tools for analyzing the problem by providing speed, convenience and flexibility to the simulations of current conditions and future. In this article we evaluate a methodology to simulate the sediment production combining the MUSLE, a hydrologic model (ABC) and a GIS in different scenarios of land use. The models used showed good performance for purposes of planning land use, as well as for agricultural and environmental planning.