170 resultados para Baba Jaga
Jag har i den här uppsatsen analyserat Baba Jaga je snijela jajes (2008) hybridlika struktur genom att göra en postmodernistisk analys. Under uppsatsens gång har jag läst och tolkat vad olika teoretiker har skrivit om postmoderna begrepp; såsom hybriditetsbegreppet, det ontologiska tvivlet samt även med att definiera myten och fiktionen. Jag har genom citat och analys gjort en personlig tolkning och skildrat detta i analysen. I min uppsats har jag visat att romanen har en hybridliknande struktur genom häxan Baba Jaga som saknar egenskaper och genom myten som saknar kärna. Jag har även visat detta genom den lekfulla berättarstrukturen och genreblandningen. Detta tydliggörs framförallt genom karaktärena i romanen som alla saknar identiteskärnor samt genom att författaren hävdar att alla kvinnor kan vara potentiella Baba Jagor.
"Verschiedene Werke, no. 43"
Jag har i den här uppsatsen analyserat Baba Jaga je snijela jajes (2008) hybridlika struktur genom att göra en postmodernistisk analys. Under uppsatsens gång har jag läst och tolkat vad olika teoretiker har skrivit om postmoderna begrepp; såsom hybriditetsbegreppet, det ontologiska tvivlet samt även med att definiera myten och fiktionen. Jag har genom citat och analys gjort en personlig tolkning och skildrat detta i analysen. I min uppsats har jag visat att romanen har en hybridliknande struktur genom häxan Baba Jaga som saknar egenskaper och genom myten som saknar kärna. Jag har även visat detta genom den lekfulla berättarstrukturen och genreblandningen. Detta tydliggörs framförallt genom karaktärena i romanen som alla saknar identiteskärnor samt genom att författaren hävdar att alla kvinnor kan vara potentiella Baba Jagor.
Helicobacter pylori is a human pathogen that colonizes about 50% of the world's population, causing chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcers and even gastric cancer. A steady emergence of multiple antibiotic resistant strains poses an important public health threat and there is an urgent requirement for alternative therapeutics. The blood group antigen-binding adhesin BabA mediates the intimate attachment to the host mucosa and forms a major candidate for novel vaccine and drug development. Here, the recombinant expression and crystallization of a soluble BabA truncation (BabA25-460) corresponding to the predicted extracellular adhesin domain of the protein are reported. X-ray diffraction data for nanobody-stabilized BabA25-460 were collected to 2.25Å resolution from a crystal that belonged to space group P21, with unit-cell parameters a = 50.96, b = 131.41, c = 123.40Å, α = 90.0, β = 94.8, γ = 90.0°, and which was predicted to contain two BabA25-460-nanobody complexes per asymmetric unit.
Esta historia narra el largo viaje que, desde la madrugada,inicia una madre con sus dos hijos para encontrarse con el padre en la estación de tren de Johannesburgo, muchas horas después de haber salido de su pequeña aldea sudafricana. La narración sirve para que los niños de cinco a nueve años, exploren conceptos como el tiempo, la velocidad y la distancia.
In one popular devotional poster the Indian god-man Shirdi Sai Baba (d. 1918) gazes out at the viewer, his right hand raised in blessing. Behind him are a Hindu temple, a Muslim mosque, a Sikh gurdwara, and a Christian church; above him is the slogan, “Be United, Be Virtuous.” In his lifetime, Shirdi Sai Baba acquired a handful of Hindu and Muslim devotees in western India. Over the past several decades, he has been transformed from a regional figure into a revered persona of pan-Indian significance. While much scholarship on religion in modern India has focused on Hindu nationalist groups, new religious movements seeking to challenge sectarianism have received far less attention. Drawing upon primary devotional materials and ethnographic research, this article argues that one significant reason for the rapid growth of this movement is Shirdi Sai Baba’s composite vision of spiritual unity in diversity, construed by many devotees as a needed corrective to rigid sectarian ideologies.
The charismatic and controversial Indian guru Sathya Sai Baba is the centre of attention and devotion for a great number of adherents from various national, religious, and ethnic backgrounds. Due to its global spread, the Sathya Sai Baba movement is an ideal case for examining displaced religious practices. Singing is a vital part of the religious practice of Sai devotees. In this article I will discuss the contents and usage of the songbook that Swiss devotees compiled. We can observe the extent to which Indian contents are carried over and how they are supplemented with Swiss songs, but also with songs perceived as being part of a universal spiritual treasury of songs (e.g. Native American, Hebrew or International Christian songs). I will suggest that the concept of de- and reterritorialization helps us to analyze the practices of this global religious community. Additionally, I will argue that the devotees’ choice of songs and their singing practices are indeed a manifestation of their claim to universalism as well as their need to be rooted locally. I will further argue that a globalized religious movement is limited in dealing with the encounter of diverse cultural contents by the strategy of reterritorialization, but beyond that creates a new and supraterritorial cultural context.
nouveau comm. et trad. critique par Israel-Michel Rabbinowicz
trad. critique par Israel-Michel Rabbinowicz
Digitalisat der Ausg. Prag, [1766/67]