959 resultados para Ba


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Many initiatives to improve Business processes are emerging. The essential roles and contributions of Business Analyst (BA) and Business Process Management (BPM) professionals to such initiatives have been recognized in literature and practice. The roles and responsibilities of a BA or BPM practitioner typically require different skill-sets; however these differences are often vague. This vagueness creates much confusion in practice and academia. While both the BA and BPM communities have made attempts to describe their domains through capability defining empirical research and developments of Bodies of knowledge, there has not yet been any attempt to identify the commonality of skills required and points of uniqueness between the two professions. This study aims to address this gap and presents the findings of a detailed content mapping exercise (using NVivo as a qualitative data analysis tool) of the International Institution of Business Analysis (IIBA®) Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK® Guide) against core BPM competency and capability frameworks.


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The mineral kulanite BaFe2Al2(PO4)3(OH)3, a barium iron aluminum phosphate, has been studied by using a combination of electron microscopy and vibrational spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy with EDX shows the mineral is homogenous with no other phases present. The Raman spectrum is dominated by an intense band at 1022 cm−1 assigned to the PO43-ν1 symmetric stretching mode. Low intensity Raman bands at 1076, 1110, 1146, 1182 cm−1 are attributed to the PO43-ν3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The infrared spectrum shows a complex spectral profile with overlapping bands. Multiple phosphate bending vibrations supports the concept of a reduction in symmetry of the phosphate anion. Raman spectrum at 3211, 3513 and 3533 cm−1 are assigned to the stretching vibrations of the OH units. Vibrational spectroscopy enables aspects on the molecular structure of kulanite to be assessed.


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Our micro structural characterisation of Y-Ba-Cu-O quenched partial melts shows that the BaCuO2 (BC1) phase is crystalline at temperatures as high as 1100°C, and that the partial melt self-establishes a micro structural gradient from the surface towards the interior of the samples, which can be associated with a gradient in an equivalent partial pressure of O2 (pO2). The extension of the Y2BaCuO5-YBa2Cu3O7-x (Y211-Y123) tie-line intersects the primary crystallisation field of BC1 first. The actual peritectic reaction that takes place is Y2BaCuO5(s) + BaCuO2(s) + 2BaCu2O2(L) + 1/2O2 → 2YBa2Cu3O6(s). Two schematic representations which allow an analysis of the pO2 dependence are given. The gradient in micro structure self-established by the sample acts as a driving force for texturing. With this new perspective gained about the actual peritectic reaction and mechanisms of melt-texturing of Y123, it is possible to explain most of the aspects about partial melt-texturing. In addition, it seems possible to devise heat treatments that may allow for the production of well-oriented single domains with very large diameters. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Layers (about 60-100 μm thick) of almost pure BaCuO2 (BC1), as determined using X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), coat the surfaces of YBa2Cu3O7-x (Y123) samples partial melt processed using a single-zone vertical furnace. The actual Cu/Ba ratio of the BC1 phase is 1.2-1.3 as determined using energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS). The nominally BC1 phase displays an exsolution of BC1.5 or BC2 in the form of thin plates (about 50-100 nm thick) along {100}-type cleavage planes or facets. The exsolved phase also fills cracks within the BC1 layer that require it to be in a molten state at some stage of processing. The samples were influenced by Pt contamination from the supporting wire, which may have stabilised the BC1.5 phase. Many of the Y123 grains have the same morphology as the exsolution domains, and run nearly parallel to the thin plates of the exsolved phases, strongly indicating that Y123 nucleation took place at the interface between the BC1 and the BC1.5 or BC2 exsolved phases. The network of nearly parallel exsolved 'channels' provides a matrix and a mechanism through which a high degree of local texture can be initiated in the material.


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The microstructures of the quenched melts of samples of Y123 and Y123+15-20 mol% Y211 with PtO2 and CeO2 additives have been examined with optical microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (EDS) and X-ray Diffractometry (XRD). Significantly higher temperatures are required for the formation of dendritic or lamellar eutectic patterns throughout the samples with PtO2 and CeO2 additives as compared to samples without additives. The BaCuO2 (BCl) phase appears first in solid form and, instead of rapidly melting, is slowly dissolving or decomposing in the oxygen depleted melt. PtO2 and CeO2 additives slow down or shift to higher temperatures the dissolution or decomposition process of BCl. A larger fraction of BCl in solid form explains why samples with additives have higher viscosities and hence lower diffusivities than samples without additives. There is also a reduction in the Y solubility to about half the value in samples without additives. The mechanism that limits the Ostwald ripening of the Y211 particles is correlated to the morphology of the quenched partial melt. It is diffusion controlled for a finely mixed morphology and interface-controlled when the melt quenches into dendritic or lamellar eutectic patterns. The change in the morphology of the Y211 particles from blocky to acicular is related to an equivalent undercooling of the Y-Ba-Cu-O partial melt, particularly through the crystallization of BCl.


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We have studied aspect of the molecular structure of the phosphate mineral rimkorolgite from Zheleznyi iron mine, Kovdor massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia, using SEM with EDX and vibrational spectroscopy. Qualitative chemical analysis shows a homogeneous phase, composed by P, Mg, Ba, Mn and Ca. Small amounts of Si were also observed. An intense Raman peak at 975 cm−1 is assigned to the PO43− ν1 symmetric stretching mode. The Raman band at 964 cm−1 is attributed to the HPO42− ν1 symmetric stretching vibration. Raman bands observed at 1016, 1035, 1052, 1073, 1105 and 1135 cm−1 are attributed to the ν3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations of the HPO42− and PO43− units. Complexity in the spectra of the phosphate bending region is observed. The broad Raman band at 3272 cm−1 is assigned to the water stretching vibration. Vibrational spectroscopy enables aspects on the molecular structure of rimkorolgite to be undertaken.


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The mineral harmotome (Ba,Na,K)1-2(Si,Al)8O16⋅6H2O is a crystalline sodium calcium silicate which has the potential to be used in plaster boards and other industrial applications. It is a natural zeolite with catalytic potential. Raman bands at 1020 and 1102 cm−1 are assigned to the SiO stretching vibrations of three dimensional siloxane units. Raman bands at 428, 470 and 491 cm−1 are assigned to OSiO bending modes. The broad Raman bands at around 699, 728, 768 cm−1 are attributed to water librational modes. Intense Raman bands in the 3100 to 3800 cm−1 spectral range are assigned to OH stretching vibrations of water in harmotome. Infrared spectra are in harmony with the Raman spectra. A sharp infrared band at 3731 cm−1 is assigned to the OH stretching vibration of SiOH units. Raman spectroscopy with complimentary infrared spectroscopy enables the characterization of the silicate mineral harmotome.


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Tutkielman lähtökohtana on oikeusjuttu, joka Venäjällä nostettiin kirjailija Vladimir Sorokinia vastaan kesällä 2002. Sorokinia ja hänen kustantamoaan Ad Marginemia syytettiin pornografian levittämisestä romaanissa Goluboe salo (1999), tarkemmin sanoen sivuilla 256 262, joilla kuvataan kommunistijohtajien Stalinin ja Hruščëvin homoseksuaalinen akti. Syytteen takana oli konservatiivinen, presidentti Vladimir Putinia ihannoiva nuorisoliike Iduščie vmeste ("Yhdessäkulkijat"). Oikeusjuttu ja siihen liittyneet tapahtumat - prosessia kutsuttiin venäläisissä tiedotusvälineissä yksinkertaisesti "Sorokinin jutuksi" ("delo Sorokina") - nostattivat Venäjällä laajan ja vilkkaan ns. kirjasodan kaunokirjallisuuden moraalitehtävästä ja kirjailijan vastuusta/vapaudesta. Työssä selvitellään, miksi nimenomaan kirjailija Vladimir Sorokin ja nimenomaan romaani Goluboe salo aiheuttivat skandaalin, mitä argumentteja polemiikissa esiintyi ja miten tapahtumat heijastavat Venäjän yhteiskunnallista tilannetta, etenkin kaunokirjallisuuden nykyistä asemaa. Metodologisesti tutkielma sijoittuu kirjallisuussosiologian ja reseptiotutkimuksen (vastaanottotutkimuksen) alalle. Tutkielman aineisto - 71 lehtiartikkelia - on koottu 31 venäläisestä valtakunnallisesta sanoma- ja aikakauslehdestä Integrum-tietokantaa hyväksikäyttäen. "Sorokinin juttua" analysoidaan artikkeleiden valossa kolmesta näkökulmasta: suhteessa 1) seksuaalisuuden ja 2) kaunokirjallisuuden asemaan Venäjällä sekä lyhyemmin suhteessa 3) muutamiin yleisyhteiskunnallisiin aspekteihin. Taustaksi selvitellään venäläisen postmodernismin teoriaa ja nk. kirjallisuusinstituution toimintaa. Tutkielmassa esitetään, että skandaali kertoo osaltaan niistä ongelmista, joiden kanssa Venäjä 2000-luvulla joutuu painiskelemaan. "Sorokinin juttu" laajeni pitkälti yli perinteisen pornografiakysymyksen; kirjasodassa tuli tiedotusvälineissä käsiteltyä seksuaalisuuden ja kaunokirjallisuuden aseman lisäksi mm. sananvapautta, tapauksen poliittisia konnotaatioita, "älymystön" ja "kansan" suhdetta, neuvostomenneisyyden pimeitä puolia sekä Venäjän suhdetta länteen. Jupakka myös nähtiin erinomaisena PR:nä Sorokinille. Goluboe salo näyttää joutuneen oikeusprosessin kohteeksi, koska siinä a) tuodaan venäläiseen kaunokirjallisuuteen avoin ja yksityiskohtainen seksuaalisuuden ja ruumiintoimintojen kuvaus b) herjataan häpeämättömästi venäläisen kaunokirjallisuuden kanonisoituja klassikoita sekä kritisoidaan terävästi neuvostomenneisyyttä, jota Venäjä ei ole vielä kyennyt tyhjentävästi käsittelemään. Skandaalissa asettuivat vastakkain ns. traditionalistinen ja postmodernistinen kirjallisuuskäsitys; edellisen mukaan kirjailijoiden tulisi kantaa yhteiskunnallinen vastuunsa, jälkimmäinen tahtoo nähdä kaunokirjallisuuden itsenäisempänä ilmiönä. Tutkimuksen lopputuloksena valtaenemmistö aineistosta näyttää enemmän tai vähemmän puolustavan Sorokinia - tosin ei niinkään hänen romaaninsa kirjallisten ansioiden vuoksi (joita harvat kiittivät), vaan silkasta periaatteesta: sanan- ja valinnanvapautta ei tahdota nähdä enää kahlittavan. Avainsanat: Sorokin - pornografia - kaunokirjallisuus - kirjallisuussosiologia - vastaanotto


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ErBa2Cu3O7 and Er0.5Y0.5Ba2Cu3O7 are both high-Tc superconductors attaining zero resistance above 80 K. Preliminary studies indicate that Yb1−xYxBa2Cu3O7 also exhibits zero resistance above 77 K.


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Several biphasic compositions of the type Y3-xBa3+xCu6O14 show an onset of superconductivity in the 90-115K range, attaining zero resistance in the 70-85K range. The phase responsible for superconductivity in these compositions is a perovskite oxide of composition YBa2Cu3 O7. This oxide annealed in oxygen shows the onset of superconductivity at 120K and zero resistance at 87K. YBa2,Cu3O7 shows the highest Meissner effect of all oxide superconductors. The superconducting behaviour of the two perovskite oxides, Y0.95Ba1.95,Cu3O7 and Y1.05Ba1.95Cu3O7 show interesting features; a marked decrease in resistivity is observed from room temperature itself in the former oxide with zero resistance at 89K. Electron microscopy and infrared spectra of these oxides are briefly discussed.


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Oxides of the Y-Ba-Cu-O system are found to show onset of superconductivity in the 100–120 K region.


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Fine powders consisting of aggregated submicron crystallites of Ba(Ti,Zr)O3 in the complete range of Ti/Zr ratios are prepared at 85–130°C by hydrothermal method, starting from TiO2 + ZrO2 · xH2O mixed gel and Ba(OH)2 solution. The products obtained below 110°C incorporate considerable amounts of H2O and OH− within the lattice. As-prepared BaTiO3 is cubic and converts to tetragonal phase after the heat treatment at 1200°C, accompanied by the loss of residual hydroxyl ions. TEM investgations of the growth features show a transformation of the gel to the crystallite. Ba2+ ions entering the gel produce chemical changes within the gel, followed by dehydration, resulting in a cubic perovskite phase irrespective of Ti/Zr. The sintering properties of these powders to fine-grained, high density ceramics and their dielectric properties are presented.


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Fine powders of submicron-sized crystallites of BaTiO3 were prepared at 85–130°C by the hydrothermal method, starting from TiO2.ξH2O gel and Ba(OH)2 solution. The products obtained below 110°C incorporated considerable amounts of H2O and OH− in the lattice. As-prepared BaTiO3 is cubic and converts to the tetragonal phase after heat treatment at 1200°C, accompanied by the loss of residual OH− ions. Hydrothermal reaction of SnO2.ξH2O gel with Ba(OH)2 at 150–260°C gives rise to the hydrated phase, BaSn(OH)6.3H2O, due to the amphoteric nature of SnO2.ξH2O which stabilises Sn(OH)62− anions in basic media. On heating in air or releasing the pressure in situ at 260°C, BaSn(OH)6.3H2O converts to BaSnO3 through an intermediate, BaSnO(OH)4. Solid solutions of Ba(Ti,Sn)O3 are directly formed from (TiO2 + SnO2)..ξH2O gel up to 35 mol% SnO2. At higher Sn contents, the hydrothermal products are mixtures of BaSn(OH)6.3H2O and BaTiO3, which on annealing at 1000°C result in monophasic Ba(Ti,Sn)O3. The sintering characteristics and the dielectric properties of the ceramics prepared out of these fine powders are presented. The dielectric properties of fine-grained Ba(Ti,Sn)O3 ceramics are explained on the basis of the prevailing diffuse phase transition behaviour.


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"Klo-Ku-Ba" the first apartment of Hans and Elizabeth in the basement of the Jewish Hospital in Hannover, Germany. The one room served as kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom which was shared by the other residents on the medical staff. Klo-Ku-Ba: Klosett, Kueche, Bad