992 resultados para BRITAIN ISLAND-ARC


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The New Hebrides Island Arc, an intra-oceanic island chain in the southwest Pacific, is formed by subduction of the Indo-Australian Plate beneath the Pacific Plate. The southern end of the New Hebrides Island Arc is an ideal location to study the magmatic and tectonic interaction of an emerging island arc as this part of the island chain is less than 3 million years old. A tectonically complex island arc, it exhibits a change in relative subduction rate from ~12cm/yr to 6 cm/yr before transitioning to a left-lateral strike slip zone at its southern end. Two submarine volcanic fields, Gemini-Oscostar and Volsmar, occur at this transition from normal arc subduction to sinistral strike slip movement. Multi-beam bathymetry and dredge samples collected during the 2004 CoTroVE cruise onboard the RV Southern Surveyor help define the relationship between magmatism and tectonics, and the source for these two submarine volcanic fields. Gemini-Oscostar volcanic field (GOVF), dominated by northwest-oriented normal faults, has mature polygenetic stratovolcanoes with evidence for explosive subaqueous eruptions and homogeneous monogenetic scoria cones. Volsmar volcanic field (VVF), located 30 km south of GOVF, exhibits a conjugate set of northwest and eastwest-oriented normal faults, with two polygenetic stratovolcanoes and numerous monogenetic scoria cones. A deep water caldera provides evidence for explosive eruptions at 1500m below sea level in the VVF. Both volcanic fields are dominated by low-K island arc tholeiites and basaltic andesites with calcalkalic andesite and dacite being found only in the GOVF. Geochemical signatures of both volcanic fields continue the along-arc trend of decreasing K2O with both volcanic fields being similar to the New Hebrides central chain lavas. Lavas from both fields display a slight depletion in high field strength elements and heavy rare earth elements, and slight enrichments in large-ion lithophile elements and light rare earth elements with respect to N-MORB mantle. Sr and Nd isotope data correlate with heavy rare earth and high field strength element data to show that both fields are derived from depleted mantle. Pb isotopes define Pacific MORB mantle sources and are consistent with isotopic variation along the New Hebrides Island Arc. Pb isotopes show no evidence for sediment contamination; the subduction component enrichment is therefore a slab-derived enrichment. There is a subtle spatial variation in source chemistry which sees a northerly trend of decreasing enrichment of slab-derived fluids.


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The volcanic succession on Montserrat provides an opportunity to examine the magmatic evolution of island arc volcanism over a ∼2.5 Ma period, extending from the andesites of the Silver Hills center, to the currently active Soufrière Hills volcano (February 2010). Here we present high-precision double-spike Pb isotope data, combined with trace element and Sr-Nd isotope data throughout this period of Montserrat's volcanic evolution. We demonstrate that each volcanic center; South Soufrière Hills, Soufrière Hills, Centre Hills and Silver Hills, can be clearly discriminated using trace element and isotopic parameters. Variations in these parameters suggest there have been systematic and episodic changes in the subduction input. The SSH center, in particular, has a greater slab fluid signature, as indicated by low Ce/Pb, but less sediment addition than the other volcanic centers, which have higher Th/Ce. Pb isotope data from Montserrat fall along two trends, the Silver Hills, Centre Hills and Soufrière Hills lie on a general trend of the Lesser Antilles volcanics, whereas SSH volcanics define a separate trend. The Soufrière Hills and SSH volcanic centers were erupted at approximately the same time, but retain distinctive isotopic signatures, suggesting that the SSH magmas have a different source to the other volcanic centers. We hypothesize that this rapid magmatic source change is controlled by the regional transtensional regime, which allowed the SSH magma to be extracted from a shallower source. The Pb isotopes indicate an interplay between subduction derived components and a MORB-like mantle wedge influenced by a Galapagos plume-like source.


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New U-Th-Ra, major and trace element, and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope data are presented for young lavas from the New Britain and Western Bismarck arcs in Papua New Guinea. New Britain is an oceanic arc, whereas the latter is the site of an arc-continent collision. Building on a recent study of the Manus Basin, contrasts between the two arcs are used to evaluate the processes and timescales of magma generation accompanying arc-continent collision and possible slab detachment. All three suites share many attributes characteristic of arc lavas that can be ascribed to the addition of a regionally uniform subduction component derived from the subducting altered oceanic crust and sediment followed by dynamic melting of the modified mantle. However, the Western Bismarck arc lavas diverge from the Pb isotope mixing array formed by the New Britain and the Manus Basin lavas toward elevated Pb-208/Pb-204. We interpret this to reflect a second and subsequent addition of sediment melt at crustal depth during collision. U-238 and Ra-226 excesses are preserved in all of the lavas and are greatest in the Western Bismarck arc. High-Mg andesites with high Sr/Y ratios in the westernmost arc are attributed to recent shallow mantle flux melting at the slab edge. Data for two historical rhyolites are also presented. Although these rhyolites formed in quite different tectonic settings and display different geochemical and isotopic compositions, both formed from mafic parents within millennia.


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In the southwestern part of the Aiguilles Rouges massif (pre-Alpine basement of the Helvetic realm, western Alps), a metavolcanic sequence, newly defined as the ``Greenstone Unit'',is exposed in two NS trending belts of several 100 metres in thickness. It consists of epidote amphibolites, partly epidote and/or calcic amphibole-bearing greenschists, and small amounts of alkali feldspar-bearing greenschists, which underwent low- to medium-grade metamorphism during Visean oblique collision. Metamorphic calcic amphiboles and epidotes show strong chemical zoning, whereas metamorphic plagioclase is exclusively albitic in composition (An 1-3). The SiO2 content of the subalkaline tholeiitic to calc-alkaline suite ranges continuously from 44 wt% to 73 wt%,but andesitic rocks predominate. The majority of samples have chemical compositions close to recent subduction-related lavas; some are even restricted to recent oceanic arcs (extremely low Ta and Nb contents, high La/Nb and Th/Ta ratios). But several basaltic to basalto-andesitic samples resemble continental tholeiites (low Th/Ta, La/Nb ratio). As it is very probable that both lava types are to some extent contemporaneous, it is proposed that the Greenstone Unit represents a former oceanic volcanic are which temporarily underwent extension during which emplacement of continental tholeiite-like rocks occurred. The cause of the extension remains ambiguous. Considering palaeotectonic significance and age of other metavolcanic units in the Aiguilles Rouges massif, the Greenstone Unit most likely formed in the Early Palaeozoic.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Entwicklung des 570 Ma alten, neoproterozoischen Agardagh - Tes-Chem Ophioliths (ATCO) in Zentralasien. Dieser Ophiolith liegt südwestlich des Baikalsees (50.5° N, 95° E) und wurde im frühen Stadium der Akkretion des Zentralasiatischen Mobilgürtels auf den nordwestlichen Rand des Tuvinisch-Mongolischen Mikrokontinentes aufgeschoben. Bei dem Zentralasiatische Mobilgürtel handelt es sich um einen riesigen Akkretions-Subduktionskomplex, der heute das größte zusammenhängende Orogen der Erde darstellt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden eine Reihe plutonischer und vulkanischer Gesteine, sowie verschiedene Mantelgesteine des ATCO mittels mikroanalytischer und geochemischer Verfahren untersucht (Elektronenstrahlmikrosonde, Ionenstrahlmikrosonde, Spurenelement- und Isotopengeochemie). Die Auswertung dieser Daten ermöglichte die Entwicklung eines geodynamisch-petrologischen Modells zur Entstehung des ATCO. Die vulkanischen Gesteine lassen sich aufgrund ihrer Spurenelement- und Isotopenzusammensetzung in inselbogenbezogene und back-arc Becken bezogene Gesteine (IA-Gesteine und BAB-Gesteine) unterscheiden. Darüber hinaus gibt es eine weitere, nicht eindeutig zuzuordnende Gruppe, die hauptsächlich mafische Gänge umfasst. Der grösste Teil der untersuchen Vulkanite gehört zur Gruppe der IA-Gesteine. Es handelt sich um Al-reiche Basalte und basaltische Andesite, welche aus einem evolvierten Stammmagma mit Mg# 0.60, Cr ~ 180 µg/g und Ni ~ 95 µg/g hauptsächlich durch Klinopyroxenfraktionierung entstanden sind. Das Stammmagma selbst entstand durch Fraktionierung von ca. 12 % Olivin und geringen Anteilen von Cr-Spinell aus einer primären, aus dem Mantel abgeleiteten Schmelze. Die IA-Gesteine haben hohe Konzentrationen an inkompatiblen Spurenelementen (leichte-(L)- Seltenerdelement-(SEE)-Konzentrationen etwa 100-fach chondritisch, chondrit-normierte (La/Yb)c von 14.6 - 5.1), negative Nb-Anomalien (Nb/La = 0.37 - 0.62) und niedrige Zr/Nb Verhältnisse (7 - 14) relativ zu den BAB-Gesteinen. Initiale eNd Werte liegen bei etwa +5.5, initiale Bleiisotopenverhältnisse sind: 206Pb/204Pb = 17.39 - 18.45, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.49 - 15.61, 208Pb/204Pb = 37.06 - 38.05. Die Anreicherung lithophiler inkompatibler Spurenelemente (LILE) in dieser Gruppe ist signifikant (Ba/La = 11 - 130) und zeigt den Einfluss subduzierter Komponenten an. Die BAB-Gesteine repräsentieren Schmelzen, die sehr wahrscheinlich aus der gleichen Mantelquelle wie die IA-Gesteine stammen, aber durch höhere Aufschmelzgrade (8 - 15 %) und ohne den Einfluss subduzierter Komponenten entstanden sind. Sie haben niedrigere Konzentrationen an inkompatiblen Spurenelementen, flache SEE-Muster ((La/Yb)c = 0.6 - 2.4) und höhere initiale eNd Werte zwischen +7.8 und +8.5. Nb Anomalien existieren nicht und Zr/Nb Verhältnisse sind hoch (21 - 48). Um die geochemische Entwicklung der vulkanischen Gesteine des ATCO zu erklären, sind mindestens drei Komponenten erforderlich: (1) eine angereicherte, ozeaninselbasalt-ähnliche Komponente mit hoher Nb Konzentration über ~ 30 µg/g, einem niedrigen Zr/Nb Verhältnis (ca. 6.5), einem niedrigen initialen eNd Wert (um 0), aber mit radiogenen 206Pb/204Pb-, 207Pb/204Pb- und 208Pb/204Pb-Verhältnissen; (2) eine N-MORB ähnliche back-arc Becken Komponente mit flachem SEE-Muster und einem hohen initialen eNd Wert von mindestens +8.5, und (3) eine Inselbogen-Komponente aus einer verarmten Mantelquelle, welche durch die abtauchende Platte geochemisch modifiziert wurde. Die geochemische Entstehung der ATCO Vulkanite lässt sich dann am besten durch eine Kombination aus Quellenkontamination, fraktionierte Kristallisation und Magmenmischung erklären. Geodynamisch gesehen entstand der ATCO sehr wahrscheinlich in einem intraozeanischen Inselbogen - back-arc System. Bei den untersuchten Plutoniten handelt es sich um ultramafische Kumulate (Wehrlite und Pyroxenite) sowie um gabbroische Plutonite (Olivin-Gabbros bis Diorite). Die geochemischen Charakteristika der mafischen Plutonite sind deutlich unterschiedlich zu denen der vulkanischen Gesteine, weshalb sie sehr wahrscheinlich ein späteres Entwicklungsstadium des ATCO repräsentieren. Die Spurenelement-Konzentrationen in den Klinopyroxenen der ultramafischen Kumulate sind extrem niedrig, mit etwa 0.1- bis 1-fach chondritischen SEE-Konzentrationen und mit deutlich LSEE-verarmten Mustern ((La/Yb)c = 0.27 - 0.52). Berechnete Gleichgewichtsschmelzen der ultramafischen Kumulate zeigen grosse Ähnlichkeit zu primären boninitischen Schmelzen. Die primären Magmen waren daher boninitischer Zusammensetzung und entstanden in dem durch vorausgegangene Schmelzprozesse stark verarmten Mantelkeil über einer Subduktionszone. Niedrige Spurenelement-Konzentrationen zeigen einen geringen Einfluss der abtauchenden Platte an. Die Spurenelement-Konzentrationen der Gabbros sind ebenfalls niedrig, mit etwa 0.5 - 10-fach chondritischen SEE-Konzentrationen und mit variablen SEE-Mustern ((La/Yb)c = 0.25 - 2.6). Analog zu den Vulkaniten der IA-Gruppe haben alle Gabbros eine negative Nb-Anomalie mit Nb/La = 0.01 - 0.31. Die initialen eNd Werte der Gabbros variieren zwischen +4.8 und +7.1, mit einem Mittelwert von +5.9, und sind damit identisch mit denen der IA-Vulkanite. Bei den untersuchten Mantelgesteinen handelt es sich um teilweise serpentinisierte Dunite und Harzburgite, die alle durch hohe Mg/Si- und niedrige Al/Si-Verhältnisse gekennzeichnet sind. Dies zeigt einen refraktären Charakter an und steht in guter Übereinstimmung mit den hohen Cr-Zahlen (Cr#) der Spinelle (bis zu Cr# = 0.83), auf deren Basis der Aufschmelzgrad der residuellen Mantelgesteine berechnet wurde. Dieser beträgt etwa 25 %. Die geochemische Zusammensetzung und die petrologischen Daten der Ultramafite und Gabbros lassen sich am besten erklären, wenn man für die Entstehung dieser Gesteine einen zweistufigen Prozess annimmt. In einer ersten Stufe entstanden die ultramafischen Kumulate unter hohem Druck in einer Magmenkammer an der Krustenbasis, hauptsächlich durch Klinopyroxen-Fraktionierung. Bei dieser Magmenkammer handelte es sich um ein offenes System, dem von unten laufend neue Schmelze zugeführt wurde, und aus dem im oberen Bereich evolviertere Schmelzen geringerer Dichte entwichen. Diese evolvierten Schmelzen stiegen in flachere krustale Bereiche auf und bildeten dort meist isolierte Intrusionskörper. Diese Intrusionskörper erstarrten ohne Magmen-Nachschub, weshalb petrographisch sehr unterschiedliche Gesteine entstehen konnten. Eine geochemische Modifikation der abkühlenden Schmelzen erfolgte allerdings durch die Assimilation von Nebengestein. Da innerhalb der Gabbros keine signifikante Variation der initalen eNd Werte existiert, handelte es sich bei dem assimilierten Material hauptsächlich um vulkanische Gesteine des ATCO und nicht um ältere, möglicherweise kontinentale Kruste.


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Bioaccumulation of metals by zoobenthos was investigated during cruise 11A of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in the vicinity of a gas-hydrate seep off Paramushir Island in the Sea of Okhotsk. Atomic absorption studies of concentrations of Al, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu and Zn in zoobenthos (polychaetes, bivalves, ophiurans and echinoderms) collected from depths of 700-800 m indicated that their concentrations in individuals near the seep were not significantly different from those in individuals from other communities. Obtained results indicate that sea urchins and holothurians (non-sorting bottom-feeders) can separate mineral fraction of ingested bottom material.


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This paper presents materials on the chemical and mineralogical composition of Fe-Mn mineralization in island arcs (Kuril, Nampo, Mariana, New Britain, New Hebrides, and Kermadec) in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. The mineralization was proved to be of hydrothermal and/or hydrogenic genesis. The former is produced by hydrothermal Fe and Mn oxi-hydroxides that cement volcanic-terrigenous material in sediments. Some Fe oxyhydroxides can be derived via the halmyrolysis of volcaniclastic material. Crusts of this stage are characterized by fairly low concentrations of trace and rare elements, and their REE composition is inherited from the volcanic-terrigenous material. The minerals of the Mn oxyhydroxides are todorokite and "Ca-birnessite". The Mn/Fe ratio increases away from the discharge sites of the hydrothermal solutions. The hydrogenic Fe-Mn crusts are characterized by high concentrations of trace and minor elements of both the Mn group (Co, Ni, Tl, and Mo) and the Fe group (REE, Y, and Th). The hydrogenic crusts consist of Fe-vernadite and Mn-feroxyhyte. Some of the hydrothermal crusts originally had a hydrothermal genesis. The first data were obtained on crust B30-72-10 from the Macauley Seamount in the Kermadec island arc, which contained anomalously high concentrations of Co (2587 ppm) and other Mn-related trace elements in the absence of hydrogeneous Fe oxyhydroxides.


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Hydrothermal deposits of a wide variety of types are being found with increasing frequency on or near actively spreading mid-ocean ridges. However, they also have a potential to occur in other submarine volcanic settings, including island arcs. To follow up indications of mineralization associated with submarine hydrothermal activity in the south-west Pacific island arc, a joint New Zealand Oceanographic Institute/Imperial College research cruise was mounted in May 1981 aboard the RV Tangaroa. During this cruise, over 130 sampling stations were occupied, at one of which were dredged manganese deposits with strong hydrothermal affinities. This is the first report of such deposits from an island arc setting.


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Hydrothermal Mn-oxide crusts have been removed from the Tonga-Kermadec Ridge, the first such hydrothermal deposits to be reported in the S.W. Pacific island arc. In several respects the deposits are similar to hydrothermal Mn-crusts from oceanic spreading centre settings. They are limited in areal extent, comprise well-crystalline birnessite and generally display extreme fractionation of Mn from Fe. They are strongly depleted in many elements compared to hydrogenous Mn deposits but are comparatively enriched in Li, Zn, Mo and Cd. The Group IA and Group IIA metals show strong intercorrelations and the behaviour of Mg in the purest samples may indicate the extent to which normal seawater has influenced the composition of the deposits. Certain aspects of the deposits are not typical of hydrothermal Mn deposits. In particular at least some of the crusts have developed on a sediment or unconsolidated talus substrate. Some crusts, or specific layers within some crusts, display a chemical composition which suggests a significant input from normal seawater.