994 resultados para BRAIN PROTEINS
Two of the best understood somatic cell mRNA cytoplasmic trafficking elements are those governing localization of beta-actin and myelin basic protein mRNAs. These cis-acting elements bind the trans-acting factors fibroblast ZBP-1 and hnRNP A2, respectively. It is not known whether these elements fulfil other roles in mRNA metabolism. To address this question we have used Edman sequencing and western blotting to identify six rat brain proteins that bind the beta-actin element (zipcode). All are known RNA-binding proteins and differ from ZBP-1. Comparison with proteins that bind the hnRNP A2 and AU-rich response elements, A2RE/A2RE11 and AURE, showed that AURE and zipcode bind a similar set of proteins that does not overlap with those that bind A2RE11. The zipcode-binding protein, KSRP, and hnRNP A2 were selected for further study and were shown by confocal immunolluorescence microscopy to have similar distributions in the central nervous system, but they were found in largely separate locations in cell nuclei. In the cytoplasm of cultured oligodendrocytes they were segregated into separate populations of cytoplasmic granules. We conclude that not only may there be families of trans-acting factors for the same cis-acting element, which are presumably required at different stages of mRNA processing and metabolism, but independent factors may also target different and multiple RNAs in the same cell.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2010
Protein interactions are crucial for most cellular process. Thus, rationally designed peptides that act as competitive assembly inhibitors of protein interactions by mimicking specific, determined structural elements have been extensively used in clinical and basic research. Recently, mammalian cells have been shown to contain a large number of intracellular peptides of unknown function. Here, we investigate the role of several of these natural intracellular peptides as putative modulators of protein interactions that are related to Ca2+-calmodulin (CaM) and 14-3-3 epsilon, which are proteins that are related to the spatial organization of signal transduction within cells. At concentrations of 1-50 mu M, most of the peptides that are investigated in this study modulate the interactions of CaM and 14-3-3 epsilon with proteins from the mouse brain cytoplasm or recombinant thimet oligopeptidase (EP24.15) in vitro, as measured by surface plasmon resonance. One of these peptides (VFDVELL; VFD-7) increases the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration in a dose-dependent manner but only if introduced into HEK293 cells, which suggests a wide biological function of this peptide. Therefore, it is exciting to suggest that natural intracellular peptides are novel modulators of protein interactions and have biological functions within cells.
Transgenic mice carrying heterologous genes directed by a 670-bp segment of the regulatory sequence from the human transferrin (TF) gene demonstrated high expression in brain. Mice carrying the chimeric 0.67kbTF-CAT gene expressed TF-CAT in neurons and glial cells of the nucleus basalis, the cerebrum, corpus callosum, cerebellum, and hippocampus. In brains from two independent TF-CAT transgenic founder lines, copy number of TF-CAT mRNA exceeded the number of mRNA transcripts encoding either mouse endogenous transferrin or mouse endogenous amyloid precursor protein. In two transgenic founder lines, the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) protein synthesized from the TF-CAT mRNA was estimated to be 0.10-0.15% of the total soluble proteins of the brain. High expression observed in brain indicates that the 0.67kbTF promoter is a promising director of brain expression of heterologous genes. Therefore, the promoter has been used to express the three common human apolipoprotein E (apoE) alleles in transgenic mouse brains. The apoE alleles have been implicated in the expression of Alzheimer disease, and the human apoE isoforms are reported to interact with different affinities to the brain beta-amyloid and tau protein in vitro. Results of this study demonstrate high expression and production of human apoE proteins in transgenic mouse brains. The model may be used to characterize the interaction of human apoE isoforms with other brain proteins and provide information helpful in designing therapeutic strategies for Alzheimer disease.
Background: Schizophrenia is likely to be a consequence of DNA alterations that, together with environmental factors, will lead to protein expression differences and the ultimate establishment of the illness. The superior temporal gyrus is implicated in schizophrenia and executes functions such as the processing of speech, language skills and sound processing. Methods: We performed an individual comparative proteome analysis using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of 9 schizophrenia and 6 healthy control patients' left posterior superior temporal gyrus (Wernicke's area - BA22p) identifying by mass spectrometry several protein expression alterations that could be related to the disease. Results: Our analysis revealed 11 downregulated and 14 upregulated proteins, most of them related to energy metabolism. Whereas many of the identified proteins have been previously implicated in schizophrenia, such as fructose-bisphosphate aldolase C, creatine kinase and neuron-specific enolase, new putative disease markers were also identified such as dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase, tropomyosin 3, breast cancer metastasis-suppressor 1, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins C1/C2 and phosphate carrier protein, mitochondrial precursor. Besides, the differential expression of peroxiredoxin 6 (PRDX6) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) were confirmed by western blot in schizophrenia prefrontal cortex. Conclusion: Our data supports a dysregulation of energy metabolism in schizophrenia as well as suggests new markers that may contribute to a better understanding of this complex disease.
Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A3, a novel RNA trafficking response element-binding protein
The cis-acting response element, A2RE, which is sufficient for cytoplasmic mRNA trafficking in oligodendrocytes, binds a small group of rat brain proteins. Predominant among these is heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2, a trans-acting factor for cytoplasmic trafficking of RNAs bearing A2RE-like sequences. We have now identified the other A2RE-binding proteins as hnRNP A1/A1(B), hnRNP B1, and four isoforms of hnRNP A3. The rat and human hnRNP A3 cDNAs have been sequenced, revealing the existence of alternatively spliced mRNAs. In Western blotting, 38-, 39-, 41 -, and 41.5-kDa components were all recognized by antibodies against a peptide in the glycine-rich region of hnRNP A3, but only the 41- and 41.5-kDa bands bound antibodies to a 15-residue N-terminal peptide encoded by an alternatively spliced part of exon 1. The identities of these four proteins were verified by Edman sequencing and mass spectral analysis of tryptic fragments generated from electrophoretically separated bands. Sequence-specific binding of bacterially expressed hnRNP A3 to A2RE has been demonstrated by biosensor and UV cross-linking electrophoretic mobility shift assays. Mutational analysis and confocal microscopy data support the hypothesis that the hnRNP A3 isoforms have a role in cytoplasmic trafficking of RNA.
Protein oxidation and ubiquitination of brain proteins are part of mechanisms that modulate protein function or that inactivate proteins and target misfolded proteins to degradation. In this study, we focused on brain aging and on mechanism involved in neurodegeneration such as events occurring in Alzheimer's disease (AD). The goal was to identify differences in nitrosylated proteins - at cysteine residues, and in the composition of ubiquinated proteins between aging and Alzheimer's samples by using a proteomic approach. A polyclonal anti-S-nitrosyl-cysteine, a mono- and a polyclonal anti-ubiquitin antibody were used for the detection of modified or ubiquitinated proteins in middle-aged and aged human entorhinal autopsy brains tissues of 14 subjects without neurological signs and 8 Alzheimer's patients. Proteins were separated by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and analyzed by Coomassie blue and immuno-blot staining. We identified that the glial fibrillary acidic and tau proteins are more ubiquitinated in brain tissues of Alzheimer's patients. Furthermore, glial fibrillary proteins were also found in nitrosylated state and further characterized by 2D Western blots and identified. Since reactive astrocytes localized prominently around senile plaques one can speculate that elements of plaques such as beta-amyloid proteins may activate surrounding glial elements and proteins.
Differential protein labeling with 2-DE separation is an effective method for distinguishing differences in the protein composition of two or more protein samples. Here, we report on a sensitive infrared-based labeling procedure, adding a novel tool to the many labeling possibilities. Defined amounts of newborn and adult mouse brain proteins and tubulin were exposed to maleimide-conjugated infrared dyes DY-680 and DY-780 followed by 1- and 2-DE. The procedure allows amounts of less than 5 microg of cysteine-labeled protein mixtures to be detected (together with unlabeled proteins) in a single 2-DE step with an LOD of individual proteins in the femtogram range; however, co-migration of unlabeled proteins and subsequent general protein stains are necessary for a precise comparison. Nevertheless, the most abundant thiol-labeled proteins, such as tubulin, were identified by MS, with cysteine-containing peptides influencing the accuracy of the identification score. Unfortunately, some infrared-labeled proteins were no longer detectable by Western blots. In conclusion, differential thiol labeling with infrared dyes provides an additional tool for detection of low-abundant cysteine-containing proteins and for rapid identification of differences in the protein composition of two sets of protein samples.
Para otimizar um modelo experimental para o estudo do desbalanço redox em porfirias relacionadas ao acúmulo de ácido 5-aminolevulínico-(ALA), via inibição da ALA desidratase-(ALA-D), ratos foram tratados com o éster metílico de succinilacetona-(SAME), um catabólito da tirosina que inibe fortemente a ALA-O, mimetízando o estado metabólico observado nos portadores de portirias e tirosinemias. Estabeleceram-se modelos de tratamento agudo por 36 e 18 h. No primeiro, os animais receberam 3 injeções de SAME (10, 40 ou 80 mg/kg, grupos Ali-IV). No segundo, os animais receberam 3 injeções de 40 mg/kg de SAME, ALA ou éster metílico de ALA (grupos BII-IV), ALA:SAME (30: 10 mg/kg, grupo BV), ou 10 mg/kg SAME (grupo BVI). Paralelamente, avaliou-se se os sintomas neurológicos característicos das portirias decorriam de danos oxidativos mitocondriais. Para isso, aplicou-se uma tecnologia óptica para medidas da difusão da depressão cortical que determinou a oxigenação e o estado redox do cit c em mitocôndrias do córtex cerebral de ratos submetidos ao tratamento crônico com ALA (40 mg/kg), SAME (10 e 40 mg/kg) e ALA:SAME (30: 1O mg/kg), a cada 48 h, durante 30 dias. Tratamento agudo/36 h: Os níveis de ALA no plasma, fígado, cérebro e urina e o clearance renal do ALA aumentaram nos grupos tratados. A atividade de ALA-D e a coproporfirina urinária reduziram. A marcação para proteínas carboniladas, ferro e ferritina aumentou no fígado e cérebro dos grupos tratados, especialmente no All. Os níveis de malondialdeído hepático aumentaram no grupo AIV. A razão GSH/GSH+GSSG e a atividade de GPx cerebrais aumentaram nos grupos AIV e AIII, respectivamente. Consistentemente com estes dados indicando um desbalanço oxidativo induzido pelo SAME, alterações mitocondriais e citosólicas ultraestruturais foram reveladas, especialmente no fígado. Tratamento agudo/18 h: Os níveis de ALA plasmáticos aumentaram nos grupos tratados, exceto em BIV. O grupo BII mostrou aumento dos níveis hepáticos de ALA. Interessantemente, a inibição da atividade de ALA-D não foi evidenciada. O conteúdo de ferro plasmático aumentou no grupo BII. Para os grupos tratados com 10 e 40 mg SAME/kg, a atividade de SOD hepática reduziu ~50% com a extensão do tratamento de 18 para 36 h, sugerindo que este último é mais efetivo em promover danos oxidativos induzidos pelo ALA. Tratamento crônico/30 dias: Embora nenhuma alteração tenha sido evidenciada no estado redox dos animais tratados, o tratamento com ALA reduziu o fluxo sanguíneo cerebral (CBF) e o consumo de oxigênio-(CMRO2), sugerindo uma vasoconstrição mediada pelo ALA, efeito este confirmado por ensaios de reatividade vascular conduzidos em anéis de aorta de ratos incubados com ALA. O tratamento com ALA:SAME restaurou os níveis de CBF e CMRO2. Interessantemente, a disponibilidade do radical superóxido-(O2•-) estava reduzida nos anéis de aorta incubados com ALA. Juntos, estes dados: a)validam o modelo de tratamento agudo/36 h para o estudo bioquímico e dos possíveis efeitos fisiológicos induzidos pelo ALA, e b)sugerem que as alterações mediadas pelo ALA exógeno levam à vasoconstrição.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) promotes synaptic plasticity via an enhancement in expression of specific synaptic proteins. Recent results suggest that the neuronal monocarboxylate transporter MCT2 is a postsynaptic protein critically involved in synaptic plasticity and long-term memory. To investigate in vivo whether BDNF can modulate the expression of MCT2 as well as other proteins involved in synaptic plasticity, acute injection of BDNF was performed in mouse dorsal hippocampal CA1 area. Using immunohistochemistry, it was found that MCT2 expression was enhanced in part of the CA1 area and in the dentate gyrus 6 h after a single intrahippocampal injection of BDNF. Similarly, expression of the immediate early genes Arc and Zif268 was enhanced in the same hippocampal areas, in accordance with their role in synaptic plasticity. Immunoblot analysis confirmed the significant enhancement in MCT2 protein expression. In contrast, no changes were observed for the glial monocarboxylate transporters MCT1 and MCT4. When other synaptic proteins were investigated, it was found that postsynaptic density 95 (PSD95) and glutamate receptor 2 (GluR2) protein levels were significantly enhanced while no effect could be detected for synaptophysin, synaptosomal-associated protein 25 (SNAP25), αCaMKII and GluR1. These results demonstrate that MCT2 expression can be upregulated together with other key postsynaptic proteins in vivo under conditions related to synaptic plasticity, further suggesting the importance of energetics for memory formation.
Differential phosphorylation of some proteins of the neuronal cytoskeleton during brain development.
The cytoskeleton is important for neuronal morphogenesis. During the postnatal development of cat brain, the molecular composition of the neuronal cytoskeleton changes with maturation. Several of its proteins change in their rate of expression, in their degree of phosphorylation, in their subcellular distribution, or in their biochemical properties. It is proposed that phosphorylation is an essential mechanism to regulate the plasticity of the early, juvenile-type cytoskeleton. Among such proteins are several microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), such as MAP5a, MAP2c or the juvenile tau proteins. Phosphorylation may also act on neurofilaments, postulated to be involved in the adult-type stabilization of axons. These observations imply that phosphorylation may affect cytoskeleton function in axons and dendrites at various developmental stages. Yet, the mechanisms of phosphorylation and its regulation cascades are largely unknown. In view of the topic of this issue on CD15, the potential role of matrix molecules being involved in the modulation of phosphorylation activity and of cytoskeletal properties is addressed.
The production of extracellular soluble proteins was studied in serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon labeled on culture day 7 with a mixture of radioactive amino acid precursors. Cultures treated continuously with epidermal growth factor (EGF; 20 ng/ml) showed a generally increased protein secretion and a particularly enhanced production of a few distinct extracellular proteins. The time lag of this response after an initial dose of EGF (25 ng/ml) on day 7 was 48 h. The total macromolecular radioactivity that accumulated within 96 h of labeling in the media of EGF-treated cultures was 175% of untreated controls, whereas no difference was found in the proportions of intracellular amino acid incorporation. Cultures which received a single dose of EGF (25 ng/ml) on day 1 showed still a greatly increased protein secretion on day 7. Prevention of extracellular protein accumulation by reducing the initial cell number and increasing the rate of media changes did not affect the EGF-induced stimulation of the two glial enzymes, glutamine synthetase and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase. The results suggest that both the increased production of extracellular proteins and the enhanced development of glial enzymatic activities reflect the stimulated phenotypic expression of EGF-sensitive brain cells.
Differential distribution and phosphorylation of tau proteins were studied in developing kitten brain by using several antibodies, and was compared to phosphorylation in Alzheimer's disease. Several antibodies demonstrated the presence of phosphorylated tau proteins during kitten brain development and identified pathological structures in human brain tissue. Antibody AD2, recognized tau in kittens and adult cats, but reacted in Alzheimer's tissue only with a pathological tau form. Antibody AT8 was prominent in developing kitten neurons and was found in axons and dendrites. After the first postnatal month this phosphorylation type disappeared from axons. Furthermore, dephosphorylation of kitten tau with alkaline phosphatase abolished immunoreactivity of AT8, but not that of AD2, pointing to a protection of the AD2 epitope in cats. Tau proteins during early cat brain development are phosphorylated at several sites that are also phosphorylated in paired helical filaments during Alzheimer's disease. In either event, phosphorylation of tau may play a crucial role to modulate microtubule dynamics, contributing to increased microtubule instability and promoting growth of processes during neuronal development or changing dynamic properties of the cytoskeleton and contributing to the formation of pathological structures in neurodegenerative diseases.
The molecular mechanisms underlying the initiation and control of the release of cytochrome c during mitochondrion-dependent apoptosis are thought to involve the phosphorylation of mitochondrial Bcl-2 and Bcl-x(L). Although the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) has been proposed to mediate the phosphorylation of Bcl-2/Bcl-x(L) the mechanisms linking the modification of these proteins and the release of cytochrome c remain to be elucidated. This study was aimed at establishing interdependency between JNK signalling and mitochondrial apoptosis. Using an experimental model consisting of isolated, bioenergetically competent rat brain mitochondria, these studies show that (i) JNK catalysed the phosphorylation of Bcl-2 and Bcl-x(L) as well as other mitochondrial proteins, as shown by two-dimensional isoelectric focusing/SDS/PAGE; (ii) JNK-induced cytochrome c release, in a process independent of the permeability transition of the inner mitochondrial membrane (imPT) and insensitive to cyclosporin A; (iii) JNK mediated a partial collapse of the mitochondrial inner-membrane potential (Deltapsim) in an imPT- and cyclosporin A-independent manner; and (iv) JNK was unable to induce imPT/swelling and did not act as a co-inducer, but as an inhibitor of Ca-induced imPT. The results are discussed with regard to the functional link between the Deltapsim and factors influencing the permeability transition of the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes. Taken together, JNK-dependent phosphorylation of mitochondrial proteins including, but not limited to, Bcl-2/Bcl-x(L) may represent a potential of the modulation of mitochondrial function during apoptosis.