984 resultados para BOUSSINESQ EQUATIONS


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Wave-activity conservation laws are key to understanding wave propagation in inhomogeneous environments. Their most general formulation follows from the Hamiltonian structure of geophysical fluid dynamics. For large-scale atmospheric dynamics, the Eliassen–Palm wave activity is a well-known example and is central to theoretical analysis. On the mesoscale, while such conservation laws have been worked out in two dimensions, their application to a horizontally homogeneous background flow in three dimensions fails because of a degeneracy created by the absence of a background potential vorticity gradient. Earlier three-dimensional results based on linear WKB theory considered only Doppler-shifted gravity waves, not waves in a stratified shear flow. Consideration of a background flow depending only on altitude is motivated by the parameterization of subgrid-scales in climate models where there is an imposed separation of horizontal length and time scales, but vertical coupling within each column. Here we show how this degeneracy can be overcome and wave-activity conservation laws derived for three-dimensional disturbances to a horizontally homogeneous background flow. Explicit expressions for pseudoenergy and pseudomomentum in the anelastic and Boussinesq models are derived, and it is shown how the previously derived relations for the two-dimensional problem can be treated as a limiting case of the three-dimensional problem. The results also generalize earlier three-dimensional results in that there is no slowly varying WKB-type requirement on the background flow, and the results are extendable to finite amplitude. The relationship A E =cA P between pseudoenergy A E and pseudomomentum A P, where c is the horizontal phase speed in the direction of symmetry associated with A P, has important applications to gravity-wave parameterization and provides a generalized statement of the first Eliassen–Palm theorem.


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Asymptotic soliton trains arising from a 'large and smooth' enough initial pulse are investigated by the use of the quasiclassical quantization method for the case of Kaup-Boussinesq shallow water equations. The parameter varying along the soliton train is determined by the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule which generalizes the usual rule to the case of 'two potentials' h(0)(x) and u(0)(x) representing initial distributions of height and velocity, respectively. The influence of the initial velocity u(0)(x) on the asymptotic stage of the evolution is determined. Excellent agreement of numerical solutions of the Kaup-Boussinesq equations with predictions of the asymptotic theory is found. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In Part I, a method for finding solutions of certain diffusive dispersive nonlinear evolution equations is introduced. The method consists of a straightforward iteration procedure, applied to the equation as it stands (in most cases), which can be carried out to all terms, followed by a summation of the resulting infinite series, sometimes directly and other times in terms of traces of inverses of operators in an appropriate space.

We first illustrate our method with Burgers' and Thomas' equations, and show how it quickly leads to the Cole-Hopft transformation, which is known to linearize these equations.

We also apply this method to the Korteweg and de Vries, nonlinear (cubic) Schrödinger, Sine-Gordon, modified KdV and Boussinesq equations. In all these cases the multisoliton solutions are easily obtained and new expressions for some of them follow. More generally we show that the Marcenko integral equations, together with the inverse problem that originates them, follow naturally from our expressions.

Only solutions that are small in some sense (i.e., they tend to zero as the independent variable goes to ∞) are covered by our methods. However, by the study of the effect of writing the initial iterate u_1 = u_(1)(x,t) as a sum u_1 = ^∼/u_1 + ^≈/u_1 when we know the solution which results if u_1 = ^∼/u_1, we are led to expressions that describe the interaction of two arbitrary solutions, only one of which is small. This should not be confused with Backlund transformations and is more in the direction of performing the inverse scattering over an arbitrary “base” solution. Thus we are able to write expressions for the interaction of a cnoidal wave with a multisoliton in the case of the KdV equation; these expressions are somewhat different from the ones obtained by Wahlquist (1976). Similarly, we find multi-dark-pulse solutions and solutions describing the interaction of envelope-solitons with a uniform wave train in the case of the Schrodinger equation.

Other equations tractable by our method are presented. These include the following equations: Self-induced transparency, reduced Maxwell-Bloch, and a two-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger. Higher order and matrix-valued equations with nonscalar dispersion functions are also presented.

In Part II, the second Painleve transcendent is treated in conjunction with the similarity solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equat ion and the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation.


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Exact, finite-amplitude, local wave-activity conservation laws are derived for disturbances to steady flows in the context of the two-dimensional anelastic equations. The conservation laws are expressed entirely in terms of Eulerian quantities, and have the property that, in the limit of a small-amplitude, slowly varying, monochromatic wave train, the wave-activity density A and flux F, when averaged over phase, satisfy F = cgA where cg is the group velocity of the waves. For nonparallel steady flows, the only conserved wave activity is a form of disturbance pseudoenergy; when the steady flow is parallel, there is in addition a conservation law for the disturbance pseudomomentum. The above results are obtained not only for isentropic background states (which give the so-called “deep form” of the anelastic equations), but also for arbitrary background potential-temperature profiles θ0(z) so long as the variation in θ0(z) over the depth of the fluid is small compared with θ0 itself. The Hamiltonian structure of the equations is established in both cases, and its symmetry properties discussed. An expression for available potential energy is also derived that, for the case of a stably stratified background state (i.e., dθ0/dz > 0), is locally positive definite; the expression is valid for fully three-dimensional flow. The counterparts to results for the two-dimensional Boussinesq equations are also noted.


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Many operational weather forecasting centres use semi-implicit time-stepping schemes because of their good efficiency. However, as computers become ever more parallel, horizontally explicit solutions of the equations of atmospheric motion might become an attractive alternative due to the additional inter-processor communication of implicit methods. Implicit and explicit (IMEX) time-stepping schemes have long been combined in models of the atmosphere using semi-implicit, split-explicit or HEVI splitting. However, most studies of the accuracy and stability of IMEX schemes have been limited to the parabolic case of advection–diffusion equations. We demonstrate how a number of Runge–Kutta IMEX schemes can be used to solve hyperbolic wave equations either semi-implicitly or HEVI. A new form of HEVI splitting is proposed, UfPreb, which dramatically improves accuracy and stability of simulations of gravity waves in stratified flow. As a consequence it is found that there are HEVI schemes that do not lose accuracy in comparison to semi-implicit ones. The stability limits of a number of variations of trapezoidal implicit and some Runge–Kutta IMEX schemes are found and the schemes are tested on two vertical slice cases using the compressible Boussinesq equations split into various combinations of implicit and explicit terms. Some of the Runge–Kutta schemes are found to be beneficial over trapezoidal, especially since they damp high frequencies without dropping to first-order accuracy. We test schemes that are not formally accurate for stiff systems but in stiff limits (nearly incompressible) and find that they can perform well. The scheme ARK2(2,3,2) performs the best in the tests.


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This paper is a review prepared for the second Marseille Colloquium on the mechanics of turbulence, held in 2011, 50 years after the first. The review covers recent developments in our understanding of the large-scale dynamics of cumulus cloud flows and of the atmospheric boundary layer in the low-wind convective regime that is often encountered in the tropics. It has recently been shown that a variety of cumulus cloud forms and life cycles can be experimentally realized in the laboratory, with the transient diabatic plume taken as the flow model for a cumulus cloud. The plume is subjected to diabatic heating scaled to be dynamically similar to heat release from phase changes in clouds. The experiments are complemented by exact numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes-Boussinesq equations for plumes with scaled off-source heating. The results show that the Taylor entrainment coefficient first increases with heating, reaches a positive maximum and then drops rapidly to zero or even negative values. This reduction in entrainment is a consequence of structural changes in the flow, smoothing out the convoluted boundaries in the non-diabatic plume, including the tongues engulfing the ambient flow. This is accompanied by a greater degree of mixedness in the core flow because of lower dilution by the ambient fluid. The cloud forms generated depend strongly on the history of the diabatic heating profile in the vertical direction. The striking effects of heating on the flow are attributable to the operation of the baroclinic torque due to the temperature field. The mean baroclinic torque is shown to peak around a quasi-cylindrical sheet situated midway between the axis of the flow and the edges. This torque is shear-enhancing and folds down the engulfment tongues. The increase in mixedness can be traced to an explosive growth in the enstrophy, triggered by a strong fluctuating baroclinic torque that acts as a source, especially at the higher wave numbers, thus enhancing the mixedness. In convective boundary layers field measurements show that, under conditions prevailing in the tropics, the eddy fluxes of momentum and energy do not follow the Monin-Obukhov similarity. Instead, the eddy momentum flux is found to be linear in the wind speed at low winds; and the eddy heat flux is, to a first approximation, governed by free convection laws, with wind acting as a small perturbation on a regime of free convection. A new boundary layer code, based on heat flux scaling rather than wall-stress scaling, shows promising improvements in predictive skills of a general circulation model.


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This paper deals with the interaction of solitary waves in a two-fluid system which consistsof two superimposed incompressible inviscid fluids with a free surface and a horizontal rigidbottom. Under the assumption of shallow water wave, we first derive the basic equationssuitable for the model considered, a generalized form of the Boussinesq equations, then usingthe PLK method and the reductive perturbation method, obtain the second-order approximatesolution for the head-on collision between two pairs of interface and surface solitary waves,and give their maximum amplitudes during the collision and the nonuniform phase shiftsafter the collision which lead to the distortion of the wave profiles.


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A newly developed computer model, which solves the horizontal two-dimensional Boussinesq equations using a total variation diminishing Lax-Wendroff scheme, has been used to study the runup of solitary waves, with various heights, on idealized conical islands consisting of side slopes of different angles. This numerical model has first been validated against high-quality laboratory measurements of solitary wave runups on a uniform plane slope and on an isoliated conical island, with satisfactory agreement being achieved. An extensive parametric study concerning the effects of the wave height and island slope on the solitary wave runup has subsequently been carried out. Strong wave shoaling and diffraction effects have been observed for all the cases investigated. The relationship between the runup height and wave height has been obtained and compared with that for the case on uniform plane slopes. It has been found that the runup on a conical island is generally lower than that on a uniform plane slope, as a result of the two-dimensional effect. The correlation between the runup with the side slope of an island has also been identified, with higher runups on milder slopes. This comprehensive study on the soliton runup on islands is relevant to the protection of coastal and inland regions from extreme wave attacks. © the Coastal Education & Research Foundation 2012.


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In this paper, long interfacial waves of finite amplitude in uniform basic flows are considered with the assumption that the aspect ratio between wavelength and water depth is small. A new model is derived using the velocities at arbitrary distances from the still water level as the velocity variables instead of the commonly used depth-averaged velocities. This significantly improves the dispersion properties and makes them applicable to a wider range of water depths. Since its derivation requires no assumption on wave amplitude, the model thus can be used to describe waves with arbitrary amplitude.


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A theory of available energy for axisymmetric circulations is presented. The theory is a generalization of the classical theory of available potential energy, in that it accounts for both thermal and angular momentum constraints on the circulation. The generalization relies on the Hamiltonian structure of the (conservative) dynamics, is exact at finite amplitude, and has a local form. Application of the theory is presented for the case of an axisymmetric vortex on an f -plane in the context of the Boussinesq equations.


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Many physical systems exhibit dynamics with vastly different time scales. Often the different motions interact only weakly and the slow dynamics is naturally constrained to a subspace of phase space, in the vicinity of a slow manifold. In geophysical fluid dynamics this reduction in phase space is called balance. Classically, balance is understood by way of the Rossby number R or the Froude number F; either R ≪ 1 or F ≪ 1. We examined the shallow-water equations and Boussinesq equations on an f -plane and determined a dimensionless parameter _, small values of which imply a time-scale separation. In terms of R and F, ∈= RF/√(R^2+R^2 ) We then developed a unified theory of (extratropical) balance based on _ that includes all cases of small R and/or small F. The leading-order systems are ensured to be Hamiltonian and turn out to be governed by the quasi-geostrophic potential-vorticity equation. However, the height field is not necessarily in geostrophic balance, so the leading-order dynamics are more general than in quasi-geostrophy. Thus the quasi-geostrophic potential-vorticity equation (as distinct from the quasi-geostrophic dynamics) is valid more generally than its traditional derivation would suggest. In the case of the Boussinesq equations, we have found that balanced dynamics generally implies hydrostatic balance without any assumption on the aspect ratio; only when the Froude number is not small and it is the Rossby number that guarantees a timescale separation must we impose the requirement of a small aspect ratio to ensure hydrostatic balance.


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A theory of available potential energy (APE) for symmetric circulations, which includes momentum constraints, is presented. The theory is a generalization of the classical theory of APE, which includes only thermal constraints on the circulation. Physically, centrifugal potential energy is included along with gravitational potential energy. The generalization relies on the Hamiltonian structure of the conservative dynamics, although (as with classical APE) it still defines the energetics in a nonconservative framework. It follows that the theory is exact at finite amplitude, has a local form, and can be applied to a variety of fluid models. It is applied here to the f -plane Boussinesq equations. It is shown that, by including momentum constraints, the APE of a symmetrically stable flow is zero, while the energetics of a mechanically driven symmetric circulation properly reflect its causality.


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A nonlinear symmetric stability theorem is derived in the context of the f-plane Boussinesq equations, recovering an earlier result of Xu within a more general framework. The theorem applies to symmetric disturbances to a baroclinic basic flow, the disturbances having arbitrary structure and magnitude. The criteria for nonlinear stability are virtually identical to those for linear stability. As in Xu, the nonlinear stability theorem can be used to obtain rigorous upper bounds on the saturation amplitude of symmetric instabilities. In a simple example, the bounds are found to compare favorably with heuristic parcel-based estimates in both the hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic limits.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)