841 resultados para BOUNDED SOLUTIONS
In this paper we extend the guiding function approach to show that there are periodic or bounded solutions for first order systems of ordinary differential equations of the form x1 =f(t,x), a.e. epsilon[a,b], where f satisfies the Caratheodory conditions. Our results generalize recent ones of Mawhin and Ward.
The problem of a fermion subject to a general mixing of vector and scalar potentials in a two-dimensional world is mapped into a Sturm-Liouville problem. Isolated bounded solutions are also searched. For the specific case of an inversely linear potential, which gives rise to an effective Kratzer potential in the Sturm-Liouville problem, exact bounded solutions are found in closed form. The case of a pure scalar potential with their isolated zero-energy solutions, already analyzed in a previous work, is obtained as a particular case. The behavior of the upper and lower components of the Dirac spinor is discussed in detail and some unusual results are revealed. The nonrelativistic limit of our results adds a new support to the conclusion that even-parity solutions to the nonrelativistic one-dimensional hydrogen atom do not exist. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The problem of a fermion subject to a convenient mixing of vector and scalar potentials in a two-dimensional space-time is mapped into a Sturm-Liouville problem. For a specific case which gives rise to an exactly solvable effective modified Poschl-Teller potential in the Sturm-Liouville problem, bound-state solutions are found. The behaviour of the upper and lower components of the Dirac spinor is discussed in detail and some unusual results are revealed. The Dirac delta potential as a limit of the modified Poschl-Teller potential is also discussed. The problem is also shown to be mapped into that of massless fermions subject to classical topological scalar and pseudoscalar potentials. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2007.
The Dirac equation is analyzed for nonconserving-parity pseudoscalar radial potentials in 3+1 dimensions. It is shown that despite the nonconservation of parity this general problem can be reduced to a Sturm-Liouville problem of nonrelativistic fermions in spherically symmetric effective potentials. The searching for bounded solutions is done for the power-law and Yukawa potentials. The use of the methodology of effective potentials allow us to conclude that the existence of bound-state solutions depends whether the potential leads to a definite effective potential-well structure or to an effective potential less singular than -1/4r(2).
The intrinsically relativistic problem of a fermion subject to a pseudoscalar screened Coulomb plus a uniform background potential in two-dimensional space-time is mapped into a Sturm-Liouville. This mapping gives rise to an effective Morse-like potential and exact bounded solutions are found. It is shown that the uniform background potential determinates the number of bound-state solutions. The behaviour of the eigenenergies as well as of the upper and lower components of the Dirac spinor corresponding to bounded solutions is discussed in detail and some unusual results are revealed. An apparent paradox concerning the uncertainty principle is solved by recurring to the concepts of effective mass and effective Compton wavelength. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Sufficient conditions for the existence of bounded solutions of singularly perturbed impulsive differential equations are obtained. For this purpose integral manifolds are used.
Exact bounded solutions for a fermion subject to exponential scalar potential in 1 + 1 dimensions are found in closed form. We discuss the existence of zero modes which are related to the ultrarelativistic limit of the Dirac equation and are responsible for the induction of a fractional fermion number on the vacuum.
An extension of the uniform invariance principle for ordinary differential equations with finite delay is developed. The uniform invariance principle allows the derivative of the auxiliary scalar function V to be positive in some bounded sets of the state space while the classical invariance principle assumes that. V <= 0. As a consequence, the uniform invariance principle can deal with a larger class of problems. The main difficulty to prove an invariance principle for functional differential equations is the fact that flows are defined on an infinite dimensional space and, in such spaces, bounded solutions may not be precompact. This difficulty is overcome by imposing the vector field taking bounded sets into bounded sets.
Uncontrolled systems (x) over dot is an element of Ax, where A is a non-empty compact set of matrices, and controlled systems (x) over dot is an element of Ax + Bu are considered. Higher-order systems 0 is an element of Px - Du, where and are sets of differential polynomials, are also studied. It is shown that, under natural conditions commonly occurring in robust control theory, with some mild additional restrictions, asymptotic stability of differential inclusions is guaranteed. The main results are variants of small-gain theorems and the principal technique used is the Krasnosel'skii-Pokrovskii principle of absence of bounded solutions.
La thèse est composée d’un chapitre de préliminaires et de deux articles sur le sujet du déploiement de singularités d’équations différentielles ordinaires analytiques dans le plan complexe. L’article Analytic classification of families of linear differential systems unfolding a resonant irregular singularity traite le problème de l’équivalence analytique de familles paramétriques de systèmes linéaires en dimension 2 qui déploient une singularité résonante générique de rang de Poincaré 1 dont la matrice principale est composée d’un seul bloc de Jordan. La question: quand deux telles familles sontelles équivalentes au moyen d’un changement analytique de coordonnées au voisinage d’une singularité? est complètement résolue et l’espace des modules des classes d’équivalence analytiques est décrit en termes d’un ensemble d’invariants formels et d’un invariant analytique, obtenu à partir de la trace de la monodromie. Des déploiements universels sont donnés pour toutes ces singularités. Dans l’article Confluence of singularities of non-linear differential equations via Borel–Laplace transformations on cherche des solutions bornées de systèmes paramétriques des équations non-linéaires de la variété centre de dimension 1 d’une singularité col-noeud déployée dans une famille de champs vectoriels complexes. En général, un système d’ÉDO analytiques avec une singularité double possède une unique solution formelle divergente au voisinage de la singularité, à laquelle on peut associer des vraies solutions sur certains secteurs dans le plan complexe en utilisant les transformations de Borel–Laplace. L’article montre comment généraliser cette méthode et déployer les solutions sectorielles. On construit des solutions de systèmes paramétriques, avec deux singularités régulières déployant une singularité irrégulière double, qui sont bornées sur des domaines «spirals» attachés aux deux points singuliers, et qui, à la limite, convergent vers une paire de solutions sectorielles couvrant un voisinage de la singularité confluente. La méthode apporte une description unifiée pour toutes les valeurs du paramètre.
In this paper we consider a dissipative damped wave equation with nonautonomous damping of the form u(tt) + beta(t)u(t) - Delta u + f(u) (1) in a bounded smooth domain Omega subset of R(n) with Dirichlet boundary conditions, where f is a dissipative smooth nonlinearity and the damping beta : R -> (0, infinity) is a suitable function. We prove, if (1) has finitely many equilibria, that all global bounded solutions of (1) are backwards and forwards asymptotic to equilibria. Thus, we give a class of examples of nonautonomous evolution processes for which the structure of the pullback attractors is well understood. That complements the results of [Carvalho & Langa, 2009] on characterization of attractors, where it was shown that a small nonautonomous perturbation of an autonomous gradient-like evolution process is also gradient-like. Note that the evolution process associated to (1) is not a small nonautonomous perturbation of any autonomous gradient-like evolution processes. Moreover, we are also able to prove that the pullback attractor for (1) is also a forwards attractor and that the rate of attraction is exponential.
A temporally global solution, if it exists, of a nonautonomous ordinary differential equation need not be periodic, almost periodic or almost automorphic when the forcing term is periodic, almost periodic or almost automorphic, respectively. An alternative class of functions extending periodic and almost periodic functions which has the property that a bounded temporally global solution solution of a nonautonomous ordinary differential equation belongs to this class when the forcing term does is introduced here. Specifically, the class of functions consists of uniformly continuous functions, defined on the real line and taking values in a Banach space, which have pre-compact ranges. Besides periodic and almost periodic functions, this class also includes many nonrecurrent functions. Assuming a hyperbolic structure for the unperturbed linear equation and certain properties for the linear and nonlinear parts, the existence of a special bounded entire solution, as well the existence of stable and unstable manifolds of this solution are established. Moreover, it is shown that this solution and these manifolds inherit the temporal behaviour of the vector field equation. In the stable case it is shown that this special solution is the pullback attractor of the system. A class of infinite dimensional examples involving a linear operator consisting of a time independent part which generates a C(0)-semigroup plus a small time dependent part is presented and applied to systems of coupled heat and beam equations. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The problem of a fermion subject to a general scalar potential in a two-dimensional world is mapped into a Sturm-Liouville problem for nonzero eigenenergies. The searching for possible bounded solutions is done in the circumstance of power-law potentials. The normalizable zero-eigenmode solutions are also searched. For the specific case of an inversely linear potential, which gives rise to an effective Kratzer potential, exact bounded solutions are found in closed form. The behaviour of the upper and lower components of the Dirac spinor is discussed in detail and some unusual results are revealed. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The problem of a spinless particle subject to a general mixing of vector and scalar screened Coulomb potentials in a two-dimensional world is analyzed and its bounded solutions are found. Some unusual results, including the existence of a bona fide solitary zero-eigenmode solution, are revealed for the Klein-Gordon equation. The cases of pure vector and scalar potentials, already analyzed in previous works, are obtained as particular cases.
The Dirac equation is solved for a pseudoscalar Coulomb potential in a two-dimensional world. An infinite sequence of bounded solutions are obtained. These results are in sharp contrast with those ones obtained in 3 + 1 dimensions where no bound-state solutions are found. Next the general two-dimensional problem for pseudoscalar power-law potentials is addressed consenting us to conclude that a nonsingular potential leads to bounded solutions. The behaviour of the upper and lower components of the Dirac spinor for a confining linear potential nonconserving- as well as conserving-parity, even if the potential is unbounded from below, is discussed in some detail. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.