80 resultados para BORRELIA-BURGDORFERI
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Entomología Médica) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Entomología Médica) U.A.N.L.
Pesquisou-se a presença de anticorpos contra Borrelia burgdorferi latu sensu em cães de áreas rurais de sete municípios do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, pelo ensaio imunoenzimático indireto, associando-se os resultados com a presença de carrapatos nestes animais. de 199 cães examinados, 15,58% estavam positivos, com títulos que variaram de 400 (13,57%) a 1600 (0,5%). Os casos positivos se distribuíram uniformemente nos sete municípios. Não houve diferença estatística (P > 0,05) de soropositivos entre as faixas etárias dos cães acima de seis meses. Carrapatos foram encontrados e coletados em 71 (35,68%) cães, dos quais 24,1% estavam infestados com Amblyomma cajennense, 13,6% com Rhipicephalus sanguineus, 2,5% com Amblyomma aureolatum e 1,5% com Amblyomma ovale. Dos animais soropositivos para B. burgdorferi, 38,7% apresentavam A. cajennense e 22,6% apresentavam R. sanguineus, não havendo, entretanto, correlação positiva entre a presença do carrapato e sorologia positiva.
The occurrence of serum antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi in professionals in close contact with wild animals was determined. Seventy eight technicians workers coming from two São Paulo public institutions housing wild animals had their blood collected (serum samples). All samples were submitted to ELISA for IgM and IgG antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi. The results showed five positive (6.4%), two suspect (2.6%) and 71 negatives (91%) samples. Based on positive results it is concluded that the infection level is higher to that detected in the general population and similar to values of endemic areas, concluding that this assessed population could be considered at risk for Lyme disease.
Espiroquetas transmitidas por carrapatos são microrganismos de ampla distribuição geográfica e acometem animais silvestres, domésticos e seres humanos. Procedeu-se a análise sorológica de 300 soros de eqüinos onde 58 animais eram do município Ananideua, 61 eram de Belém, 131 de Castanhal e 50 eram do município de Santa Izabel do Pará para Borrelia burgdorferi através do teste ELISA indireto. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas (P < 0,05) entre os municípios, nem quanto à raça, sexo e função dos animais. Um total de 80 (26,7%) animais foram positivos para B. burgdorferi com os títulos de 1:800, 72 (90%) eqüinos; 1:1.600, 6 (7,5%) eqüinos; e 1:3.200, 2 (2,5%) eqüinos. Os resultados observados foram similares aos descritos nos EUA, onde foram relatadas freqüências de soropositivos variando entre 7 e 75% em eqüinos assintomáticos. A presença de anticorpos homólogos contra B. burgdorferi em eqüinos na mesorregião metropolitana de Belém é indicativo da ampla distribuição do agente e da possibilidade de ocorrerem casos humanos deste agente na região.
A Borreliose de Lyme é uma doença multissistêmica causada pela espiroqueta Borrelia burgdorferi latu sensu e transmitida por carrapatos ixodideos, acometendo seres humanos e animais domésticos, tendo como reservatórios naturais os animais silvestres, sendo ainda considerada uma zoonose de ampla distribuição geográfica. Foram coletadas 300 amostras sanguíneas de eqüinos aparentemente sadios, procedentes dos municípios de Ananideua, Belém, Benevides, Castanhal, Marituba e Santa Izabel do Pará da mesorregião metropolitana de Belém – Pará. O sangue foi coletado pela veia jugular e os soros foram analisados através do ensaio de imunoadsorção enzimática (ELISA) indireto no Laboratório de Doenças Parasitárias na Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a soroepidemiologia da Borrelia burgdorferi na mesorregião metropolitana de Belém. A freqüência de soropositividade foi de 26,67% (n=80), sendo 72 (24%) com título de 1:800, seis (2%) a 1:1600 e dois (0,6%) a 1:3200. A soropositividade entre os sexos foram valores aproximados sendo 13,67% nas fêmeas e 13% nos machos. A freqüência entre os animais de raças e mestiços foram 9% e 18%, respectivamente. Não houve diferença significativa de animais soropositivos quanto aos municípios, sexo, raça e faixa etária. A freqüência encontrada corrobora a hipótese da ocorrência de Borrelia sp. na região estudada.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A total of 6071 Ixodes ricinus ticks were collected on Swiss Army training grounds in five regions of Switzerland. The aim of the survey was to assess the prevalence of ticks infected with the human pathogens Francisella tularensis, members of the Ehrlichia phagocytophila genogroup, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, and the European tick-borne encephalitis virus. TaqMan PCR (PE Biosystems, USA) and TaqMan RT-PCR (PE Biosystems) analyses were performed on DNA and RNA extracted from pools of ten ticks grouped by gender. Here, for the first time, it is shown that ticks may harbor Francisella tularensis in Switzerland, at a rate of 0.12%. Furthermore, 26.54% of the ticks investigated harbored Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, 1.18% harbored members of the Ehrlichia phagocytophila genogroup, and 0.32% harbored the European tick-borne encephalitis virus. A new instrumentation was applied in this study to carry out and analyze more than 2300 PCR reactions in only 5 days. Furthermore, the results reveal that people working in outdoor areas, including army personnel on certain training grounds contaminated with ticks containing tick-borne pathogens, are at risk for different tick-borne diseases.
Lyme disease Borrelia can infect humans and animals for months to years, despite the presence of an active host immune response. The vls antigenic variation system, which expresses the surface-exposed lipoprotein VlsE, plays a major role in B. burgdorferi immune evasion. Gene conversion between vls silent cassettes and the vlsE expression site occurs at high frequency during mammalian infection, resulting in sequence variation in the VlsE product. In this study, we examined vlsE sequence variation in B. burgdorferi B31 during mouse infection by analyzing 1,399 clones isolated from bladder, heart, joint, ear, and skin tissues of mice infected for 4 to 365 days. The median number of codon changes increased progressively in C3H/HeN mice from 4 to 28 days post infection, and no clones retained the parental vlsE sequence at 28 days. In contrast, the decrease in the number of clones with the parental vlsE sequence and the increase in the number of sequence changes occurred more gradually in severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice. Clones containing a stop codon were isolated, indicating that continuous expression of full-length VlsE is not required for survival in vivo; also, these clones continued to undergo vlsE recombination. Analysis of clones with apparent single recombination events indicated that recombinations into vlsE are nonselective with regard to the silent cassette utilized, as well as the length and location of the recombination event. Sequence changes as small as one base pair were common. Fifteen percent of recovered vlsE variants contained "template-independent" sequence changes, which clustered in the variable regions of vlsE. We hypothesize that the increased frequency and complexity of vlsE sequence changes observed in clones recovered from immunocompetent mice (as compared with SCID mice) is due to rapid clearance of relatively invariant clones by variable region-specific anti-VlsE antibody responses.
Lyme disease Borrelia can infect humans and animals for months to years, despite the presence of an active host immune response. The vls antigenic variation system, which expresses the surface-exposed lipoprotein VlsE, plays a major role in B. burgdorferi immune evasion. Gene conversion between vls silent cassettes and the vlsE expression site occurs at high frequency during mammalian infection, resulting in sequence variation in the VlsE product. In this study, we examined vlsE sequence variation in B. burgdorferi B31 during mouse infection by analyzing 1,399 clones isolated from bladder, heart, joint, ear, and skin tissues of mice infected for 4 to 365 days. The median number of codon changes increased progressively in C3H/HeN mice from 4 to 28 days post infection, and no clones retained the parental vlsE sequence at 28 days. In contrast, the decrease in the number of clones with the parental vlsE sequence and the increase in the number of sequence changes occurred more gradually in severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice. Clones containing a stop codon were isolated, indicating that continuous expression of full-length VlsE is not required for survival in vivo; also, these clones continued to undergo vlsE recombination. Analysis of clones with apparent single recombination events indicated that recombinations into vlsE are nonselective with regard to the silent cassette utilized, as well as the length and location of the recombination event. Sequence changes as small as one base pair were common. Fifteen percent of recovered vlsE variants contained "template-independent" sequence changes, which clustered in the variable regions of vlsE. We hypothesize that the increased frequency and complexity of vlsE sequence changes observed in clones recovered from immunocompetent mice (as compared with SCID mice) is due to rapid clearance of relatively invariant clones by variable region-specific anti-VlsE antibody responses.
The bacterial flagellar motor is a remarkable nanomachine that provides motility through flagellar rotation. Prior structural studies have revealed the stunning complexity of the purified rotor and C-ring assemblies from flagellar motors. In this study, we used high-throughput cryo-electron tomography and image analysis of intact Borrelia burgdorferi to produce a three-dimensional (3-D) model of the in situ flagellar motor without imposing rotational symmetry. Structural details of B. burgdorferi, including a layer of outer surface proteins, were clearly visible in the resulting 3-D reconstructions. By averaging the 3-D images of approximately 1,280 flagellar motors, a approximately 3.5-nm-resolution model of the stator and rotor structures was obtained. flgI transposon mutants lacked a torus-shaped structure attached to the flagellar rod, establishing the structural location of the spirochetal P ring. Treatment of intact organisms with the nonionic detergent NP-40 resulted in dissolution of the outermost portion of the motor structure and the C ring, providing insight into the in situ arrangement of the stator and rotor structures. Structural elements associated with the stator followed the curvature of the cytoplasmic membrane. The rotor and the C ring also exhibited angular flexion, resulting in a slight narrowing of both structures in the direction perpendicular to the cell axis. These results indicate an inherent flexibility in the rotor-stator interaction. The FliG switching and energizing component likely provides much of the flexibility needed to maintain the interaction between the curved stator and the relatively symmetrical rotor/C-ring assembly during flagellar rotation.
Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease spirochete, dramatically alters its transcriptome and proteome as it cycles between the arthropod vector and mammalian host. During this enzootic cycle, a novel regulatory network, the Rrp2-RpoN-RpoS pathway (also known as the σ(54)-σ(S) sigma factor cascade), plays a central role in modulating the differential expression of more than 10% of all B. burgdorferi genes, including the major virulence genes ospA and ospC. However, the mechanism(s) by which the upstream activator and response regulator Rrp2 is activated remains unclear. Here, we show that none of the histidine kinases present in the B. burgdorferi genome are required for the activation of Rrp2. Instead, we present biochemical and genetic evidence that supports the hypothesis that activation of the Rrp2-RpoN-RpoS pathway occurs via the small, high-energy, phosphoryl-donor acetyl phosphate (acetyl∼P), the intermediate of the Ack-Pta (acetate kinase-phosphate acetyltransferase) pathway that converts acetate to acetyl-CoA. Supplementation of the growth medium with acetate induced activation of the Rrp2-RpoN-RpoS pathway in a dose-dependent manner. Conversely, the overexpression of Pta virtually abolished acetate-induced activation of this pathway, suggesting that acetate works through acetyl∼P. Overexpression of Pta also greatly inhibited temperature and cell density-induced activation of RpoS and OspC, suggesting that these environmental cues affect the Rrp2-RpoN-RpoS pathway by influencing acetyl∼P. Finally, overexpression of Pta partially reduced infectivity of B. burgdorferi in mice. Taken together, these findings suggest that acetyl∼P is one of the key activating molecule for the activation of the Rrp2-RpoN-RpoS pathway and support the emerging concept that acetyl∼P can serve as a global signal in bacterial pathogenesis.