7 resultados para BOPA


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Resumen basado en la publicación


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Resumen basado en la publicación


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Estos materiales han sido realizados al amparo del Convenio de colaboración entre la Consejería de Educación y Ciencia del Principado de Asturias y la Universidad de Oviedo (BOPA, n. 180, sábado, 3 de agosto de 2002). Precede al tít.: Itinerarios por la naturaleza


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Se recoge el articulado del Decreto 43/2015, de 10 de junio, por el que se regula la ordenaci??n y se establece el curr??culo de Educaci??n Secundaria Obligatoria en el Principado de Asturias, publicado en el BOPA (Bolet??n Oficial del Principado de Asturias) el 30 de junio de 2015. La publicaci??n incluye adem??s la metodolog??a did??ctica, los contenidos, los criterios de valuaci??n y est??ndares de aprendizaje evaluables de las distintas materias troncales, espec??ficas y de aqu??llas de libre configuraci??n auton??mica, y el total de sesiones lectivas de las distintas asignaturas de los ciclos educativos de la Educaci??n Secundaria Obligatoria.


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Contiene el Decreto 42/2015, de 10 de junio, por el que se regula la ordenaci??n y se establece el curr??culo del Bachillerato en el Principado de Asturias. Publicado en el BOPA (Bolet??n Oficial del Principado de Asturias) el 29 de junio de 2015. Incluye adem??s, la metodolog??a did??ctica, los contenidos, los criterios de valuaci??n y est??ndares de aprendizaje evaluables de las distintas materias troncales, espec??ficas y de aqu??llas de libre configuraci??n auton??mica, y el total de sesiones lectivas de las distintas asignaturas del Bachillerato.


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Biotic indices have been developed to summarise information provided by benthic macroinvertebrates, but their use can require specialized taxonomic expertise as well as a time-consuming operation. Using high taxonomic level in biotic indices reduces sampling processing time but should be considered with caution, since assigning tolerance level to high taxonomic levels may cause uncertainty. A methodology for family level tolerance categorization based on the affinity of each family with disturbed or undisturbed conditions was employed. This family tolerance classification approach was tested in two different areas from Mediterranean Sea affected by sewage discharges. Biotic indices employed at family level responded correctly to sewage presence. However, in areas with different communities among stations and high diversity of species within each family, assigning the same tolerance level to a whole family could imply mistakes. Thus, use of high taxonomic level in biotic indices should be only restricted to areas where homogeneous community is presented and families across sites have similar species composition.


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Development of desalination projects requires simple methodologies and tools for cost-effective and environmentally-sensitive management. Sentinel taxa and biotic indices are easily interpreted in the perspective of environment management. Echinoderms are potential sentinel taxon to gauge the impact produced by brine discharge and the BOPA index is considered an effective tool for monitoring different types of impact. Salinity increase due to desalination brine discharge was evaluated in terms of these two indicators. They reflected the environmental impact and recovery after implementation of a mitigation measure. Echinoderms disappeared at the station closest to the discharge during the years with highest salinity and then recovered their abundance after installation of a diffuser reduced the salinity increase. In the same period, BOPA responded due to the decrease in sensitive amphipods and the increase in tolerant polychaete families when salinities rose. Although salinity changes explained most of the observed variability in both indicators, other abiotic parameters were also significant in explaining this variability.