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O carrapato Boophilus microplus é um dos mais importantes ectoparasitas dos rebanhos bovinos, estando em todas as áreas tropicais e subtropicais entre o paralelo 32 °N e 32 °S, abrangendo regiões que se dedicam à pecuária na América, África, Ásia e Oceania. O controle do carrapato B. microplus é realizado principalmente com o uso de acaricidas, entretanto devido a crescente preocupação com os problemas criados pela poluição química do ambiente, ao alto custo e toxicidade das drogas e ao aparecimento de carrapatos resistentes aos acaricidas, alternativas para o controle do B. microplus devem ser encontradas. A sobrevivência dos carrapatos depende grandemente da sua capacidade de evadir o sistema imunológico dos hospedeiros, portanto antígenos da glândula salivar poderiam ser alvos para intervenção imunoprofilática. Neste trabalho foram isolados cDNAs não previamente descritos correspondentes a antígenos presentes na glândula salivar. cDNAs que codificam para proteínas similares a paramiosina e calreticulina foram seqüenciados, expressos em Escherichia coli e as proteínas recombinantes purificadas, tendo sido produzidos soros policlonais contra as proteínas recombinantes em coelhos. As seqüências foram caracterizadas e alinhamentos múltiplos com outras seqüências foram determinados. O gene da calreticulina mostrou ser expresso em todos os estágios e tecidos testados, tanto em experimentos de RT-PCR quanto de Western blot, tendo sido demonstrado também a sua secreção pela saliva. Análise filogenética indica o agrupamento do gene de B. microplus com seqüências de outros artrópodos. Soros de bovinos infestados não reconhecem a calreticulina recombinante, apesar dela ser reconhecida pelo soro de cães infestados pelo carrapato Rhippicephalus sanguineus. A paramiosina mostrou-se, em ensaios de Western blot, também estar presente em todos os estágios testados, porém não na saliva. A paramiosina recombinante foi capaz de ligar colágeno e IgGs. Ambas as proteínas correspondem a proteínas multi-funcionais possivelmente envolvidas na imunomodulação do hospedeiro, tendo sido sugeridas como imunógenos protetores contra outros parasitas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present study describes the morphology and ultrastructure of the salivary glands of semi-engorged females of the southern cattle-tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. The acini that compose these glands, at that specific feeding stage, show cells featuring degenerative process of the salivary glands, such as: vacuolated cytoplasm, condensed chromatin, fragmented nuclei, and presence of apoptotic bodies. In addition, the presence of microorganisms was detected, with morphology typical of protozoa, inside these organs. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study describes the morphology of salivary glands of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus female ticks at beginning of feeding (24-48 h of attachment) and semi-engorged (4-5 days of attachment) to verify the degenerative characteristics of these organs and the secretory phase in which the process begins. At the beginning of feeding, secretion granules had been observed only in the cytoplasm of cells b, c(1), c(2), c(4) (type II acinus) and d (type III acinus), as well as large nuclei with regular and preserved morphology. In the semi-engorged females the acini presented few normal cells, few partially preserved ones, and the remaining ones in several stages of degeneration, that is, with retraction and cytoplasmic vacuolization, and nuclei with chromatin in several stages of condensation, picnotic and/or in fragmentation. In type I acinus and in the excretory ducts of the studied glands, at both feeding stages, no degenerative characteristic was observed. In females of R. (B.) microplus, the salivary glands degenerate asynchronically and precociously when compared with those of others tick's species. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study presents the morphology of the ovary, as well as the dynamics of the vitellogenesis process in oocytes of the cattle-tick Boophilus microplus. The ovary of these individuals is of the panoistic type; therefore, it lacks nurse cells. This organ consists of a single tubular structure, continuous, and composed of a lumen delimitated by a wall of small epithelial cells with rounded nuclei. In this tick species, the oocytes were classified into six stages varying from I to VI and according to: cytoplasm appearance and presence of the germ vesicle, yolk granules, and chorion. Oocytes of various sizes and at different developmental stages remain attached to the ovary through a cellular pedicel until completing stage V. Afterwards, they are liberated into the lumen and from there to the exterior. Some oocytes (classified as type VI) showed an atypical appearance indicating that some of the cellular components would be undergoing a degenerative process and/or reabsorption. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study investigates the presence and the localization of acid phosphatase and ATPase in the salivary glands of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus female ticks during feeding. Semi-engorged females showed a larger amount of acid phosphatase compared to those at beginning of feeding, localized mainly in the apical portion of the secretory cells, and in the basal labyrinth of the interstitial cells. Ultrastructural observations also demonstrated its presence in secretion granules and inside some nuclei of secretory cells at beginning of feeding. Acid phosphatase in a free form probably has a hemolymph and/or ribosomal origin and participates in salivary gland secretion control. ATPase was detected in basal membrane of all types of acini and/or in the cytoplasm of the secretory cells at both feeding stages. The enzyme activities found strongly suggests that cell death by apoptosis occurs during the degenerative process. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this research was to evaluate the efficacy of plant extracts and chemical products for the control of Boophilus microplus. Three commercial products for the control of Boophilus microplus were in vitro evaluated, chemical compounds of cypermethrin + DDVP and organophosphate as recomended by the manufacturer, and also four plant extracts, Azadirachta indica (1%), Cymbopogon densiflorus, Lippia alba and Ipomoea asarifolia at different concentrations. The results showed that the chemical compounds tested had efficacy lower than 95% against the Boophilus microplus samples in the experiment. The extracts of all plants have shown some biological activity in the mortality of ingurgitated females and inhibition of egg crash, however the extract of Azadirachta indica presented efficacy higher than 95% in all tested concentrations, being the best sample tested in this experiment.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Using conventional staining with acetic orcein and C-banding techniques it was investigated constitutive heterochromatin chromosomal polymorphisms and the mitotic and the meiotic behavior of male and female chromosomes of Boophilus microplus (Canestrini, 1887). Some differences were detected in the population of southern Brazil as compared to the data of other authors for populations in other latitudes. The differences being mainly concerned with the distribution of constitutive centromeric heterochromatin and variation in the length of heterochromatic blocks in the pericentromeric regions of some chromosome pairs.