997 resultados para BOND-PERCOLATION


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Cell shape, signaling, and integrity depend on cytoskeletal organization. In this study we describe the cytoskeleton as a simple network of filamentary proteins (links) anchored by complex protein structures (nodes). The structure of this network is regulated by a distance-dependent probability of link formation as P = p/d(s), where p regulates the network density and s controls how fast the probability for link formation decays with node distance (d). It was previously shown that the regulation of the link lengths is crucial for the mechanical behavior of the cells. Here we examined the ability of the two-dimensional network to percolate (i.e. to have end-to-end connectivity), and found that the percolation threshold depends strongly on s. The system undergoes a transition around s = 2. The percolation threshold of networks with s < 2 decreases with increasing system size L, while the percolation threshold for networks with s > 2 converges to a finite value. We speculate that s < 2 may represent a condition in which cells can accommodate deformation while still preserving their mechanical integrity. Additionally, we measured the length distribution of F-actin filaments from publicly available images of a variety of cell types. In agreement with model predictions, cells originating from more deformable tissues show longer F-actin cytoskeletal filaments. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The critical behavior of the stochastic susceptible-infected-recovered model on a square lattice is obtained by numerical simulations and finite-size scaling. The order parameter as well as the distribution in the number of recovered individuals is determined as a function of the infection rate for several values of the system size. The analysis around criticality is obtained by exploring the close relationship between the present model and standard percolation theory. The quantity UP, equal to the ratio U between the second moment and the squared first moment of the size distribution multiplied by the order parameter P, is shown to have, for a square system, a universal value 1.0167(1) that is the same for site and bond percolation, confirming further that the SIR model is also in the percolation class.


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Using digitized images of the three-dimensional, branching structures for root systems of bean seedlings, together with analytical and numerical methods that map a common susceptible-infected- recovered (`SIR`) epidemiological model onto the bond percolation problem, we show how the spatially correlated branching structures of plant roots affect transmission efficiencies, and hence the invasion criterion, for a soil-borne pathogen as it spreads through ensembles of morphologically complex hosts. We conclude that the inherent heterogeneities in transmissibilities arising from correlations in the degrees of overlap between neighbouring plants render a population of root systems less susceptible to epidemic invasion than a corresponding homogeneous system. Several components of morphological complexity are analysed that contribute to disorder and heterogeneities in the transmissibility of infection. Anisotropy in root shape is shown to increase resilience to epidemic invasion, while increasing the degree of branching enhances the spread of epidemics in the population of roots. Some extension of the methods for other epidemiological systems are discussed.


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In this thesis we study some problems related to petroleum reservoirs using methods and concepts of Statistical Physics. The thesis could be divided percolation problem in random multifractal support motivated by its potential application in modelling oil reservoirs. We develped an heterogeneous and anisotropic grid that followin two parts. The first one introduce a study of the percolations a random multifractal distribution of its sites. After, we determine the percolation threshold for this grid, the fractal dimension of the percolating cluster and the critical exponents ß and v. In the second part, we propose an alternative systematic of modelling and simulating oil reservoirs. We introduce a statistical model based in a stochastic formulation do Darcy Law. In this model, the distribution of permeabilities is localy equivalent to the basic model of bond percolation


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The new technique for automatic search of the order parameters and critical properties is applied to several well-know physical systems, testing the efficiency of such a procedure, in order to apply it for complex systems in general. The automatic-search method is combined with Monte Carlo simulations, which makes use of a given dynamical rule for the time evolution of the system. In the problems inves¬tigated, the Metropolis and Glauber dynamics produced essentially equivalent results. We present a brief introduction to critical phenomena and phase transitions. We describe the automatic-search method and discuss some previous works, where the method has been applied successfully. We apply the method for the ferromagnetic fsing model, computing the critical fron¬tiers and the magnetization exponent (3 for several geometric lattices. We also apply the method for the site-diluted ferromagnetic Ising model on a square lattice, computing its critical frontier, as well as the magnetization exponent f3 and the susceptibility exponent 7. We verify that the universality class of the system remains unchanged when the site dilution is introduced. We study the problem of long-range bond percolation in a diluted linear chain and discuss the non-extensivity questions inherent to long-range-interaction systems. Finally we present our conclusions and possible extensions of this work


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A linear chain do not present phase transition at any finite temperature in a one dimensional system considering only first neighbors interaction. An example is the Ising ferromagnet in which his critical temperature lies at zero degree. Analogously, in percolation like disordered geometrical systems, the critical point is given by the critical probability equals to one. However, this situation can be drastically changed if we consider long-range bonds, replacing the probability distribution by a function like . In this kind of distribution the limit α → ∞ corresponds to the usual first neighbor bond case. In the other hand α = 0 corresponds to the well know "molecular field" situation. In this thesis we studied the behavior of Pc as a function of a to the bond percolation specially in d = 1. Our goal was to check a conjecture proposed by Tsallis in the context of his Generalized Statistics (a generalization to the Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics). By this conjecture, the scaling laws that depend with the size of the system N, vary in fact with the quantitie


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Underlying the unique structures and diverse functions of proteins area vast range of amino-acid sequences and a highly limited number of folds taken up by the polypeptide backbone. By investigating the role of noncovalent connections at the backbone level and at the detailed side-chain level, we show that these unique structures emerge from interplay between random and selected features. Primarily, the protein structure network formed by these connections shows simple (bond) and higher order (clique) percolation behavior distinctly reminiscent of random network models. However, the clique percolation specific to the side-chain interaction network bears signatures unique to proteins characterized by a larger degree of connectivity than in random networks. These studies reflect some salient features of the manner in which amino acid sequences select the unique structure of proteins from the pool of a limited number of available folds.


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The variation of resistivity in an amorphous As30Te70-xSix system of glasses with high pressure has been studied for pressures up to 8 GPa. It is found that the electrical resistivity and the conduction activation energy decrease continuously with increase in pressure, and samples become metallic in the pressure range 1.0-2.0 GPa. Temperature variation studies carried out at a pressure of 0.92 GPa show that the activation energies lie in the range 0.16-0.18eV. Studies on the composition/average co-ordination number (r) dependence of normalized electrical resistivity at different pressures indicate that rigidity percolation is extended, the onset of the intermediate phase is around (r) = 2.44, and completion at (r) = 2.56, respectively, while the chemical threshold is at (r) = 2.67. These results compare favorably with those obtained from electrical switching and differential scanning calorimetric studies.


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Using artificial neural networks (ANN) and ordinal regression (OR) as alternative methods to predict LPT bond ratings, we examine the role that various financial and industry variables have on Listed Property Trust (LPT) bond ratings issued by Standard and Poor’s from 1999-2006. Our study shows that both OR and ANN provide robust alternatives to rating LPT bonds and that there are no significant differences in results between the two full models. OR results show that of the financial variables used in our models, debt coverage and financial leverage ratios have the most profound effect on LPT bond ratings. Further, ANN results show that 73.0% of LPT bond rating is attributable to financial variables and 23.0% to industry-based variables with office LPT sector accounting for 2.6%, retail LPT 10.9% and stapled management structure 13.5%.


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This paper analyzes the common factor structure of US, German, and Japanese Government bond returns. Unlike previous studies, we formally take into account the presence of country-specific factors when estimating common factors. We show that the classical approach of running a principal component analysis on a multi-country dataset of bond returns captures both local and common influences and therefore tends to pick too many factors. We conclude that US bond returns share only one common factor with German and Japanese bond returns. This single common factor is associated most notably with changes in the level of domestic term structures. We show that accounting for country-specific factors improves the performance of domestic and international hedging strategies.


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This paper describes a series of double strap shear tests loaded in tension to investigate the bond between CFRP sheets and steel plates. Both normal modulus (240 GPa) and high modulus (640 GPa) CFRPs were used in the test program. Strain gauges were mounted to capture the strain distribution along the CFRP length. Different failure modes were observed for joints with normal modulus CFRP and those with high modulus CFRP. The strain distribution along the CFRP length was found to be similar for the two cases. A shorter effective bond length was obtained for joints with high modulus CFRP whereas larger ultimate load carrying capacity can be achieved for joints with normal modulus CFRP when the bond length is long enough. The Hart-Smith Model was modified to predict the effective bond length and ultimate load carrying capacity of joints between the normal modulus CFRP and steel plates. The Multilayer Distribution Model developed by the authors was modified to predict the load carrying capacity of joints between the high modulus CFRP and steel plates. The predicted values agreed well with experimental ones.


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The character of James Bond for many people is intrinsically linked in their minds with particular brands – Aston Martin, Bollinger, Omega, Smirnoff vodka, and so on. This direct association between character and brand highlights the intrinsic role of product placement in the film industry, and in the James Bond films in particular. Selling James Bond: Product Placement in the James Bond Films provides a comprehensive overview of the history of product placement in the James Bond series – charting the progression of the practice and drawing direct correlations to significant cultural and historical events that impacted upon the number and types of products incorporated into the series. While primarily a financial arrangement, it is also important that the practice of product placement be examined and understood in relation to these cultural contexts, an area of research so far largely ignored by academic study. Through extensive content analysis of the official James Bond film series, as well as utilising directors’ commentary and industry reports, this book illustrates the strong impact specific cultural and historical events have had on the practice of product placement in the series. In doing so, it provides an exciting and in-depth “behind the scenes” look at the James Bond film series, and its complicated and sometimes contentious history of product placement. In the process, it charts the gradual emergence of product placement from the more traditional background shot to becoming so embedded in the actual film narrative that they have become simply yet another method for filmmakers to produce cultural meaning.