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Proxy reconstructions of tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) that extend beyond the period of instrumental observations have primarily focused on centennial to millennial variability rather than on seasonal to multidecadal variability. Here we present monthly-resolved records of Sr/Ca (a proxy of SST) from fossil annually-banded Diploria strigosa corals from Bonaire (southern Caribbean Sea). The individual corals provide time-windows of up to 68 years length, and the total number of 295 years of record allows for assessing the natural range of seasonal to multidecadal SST variability in the western tropical Atlantic during snapshots of the mid- to late Holocene. Comparable to modern climate, the coral Sr/Ca records reveal that mid- to late Holocene SST was characterised by clear seasonal cycles, persistent quasi-biennial and prominent interannual as well as inter- to multidecadal-scale variability. However, the magnitude of SST variations on these timescales has varied over the last 6.2 ka. The coral records show increased seasonality during the mid-Holocene consistent with climate model simulations indicating that southern Caribbean SST seasonality is induced by insolation changes on orbital timescales, whereas internal dynamics of the climate system play an important role on shorter timescales. Interannual SST variability is linked to ocean-atmosphere interactions of Atlantic and Pacific origin. Pronounced interannual variability in the western tropical Atlantic is indicated by a 2.35 ka coral, possibly related to a strengthening of the variability of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation throughout the Holocene. Prominent inter- to multidecadal SST variability is evident in the coral records and slightly more pronounced in the mid-Holocene. We finally argue that our coral data provide a target for studying Holocene climate variability on seasonal and interannual to multidecadal timescales, when using further numerical models and high-resolution proxy data.
La creació, anàlisi i implementació d’una marca pròpia online i offline com a forma d’autopromoció del valor individual en el món laboral. Amb aquesta finalitat es desenvoluparà una estratègia de comunicació personal que comprengui els coneixements, eines i recursos necessaris per convertir-se en l’opció preferent. L’elaboració d’aquesta estratègia estarà basada en un context real i avalada per casos d’èxit d’un bon Pla de Personal Branding i confrontada per autors de referència.
Per fer front a l’expansió d’espècies invasores, i tenint en compte que en molts casos es tracta d’espècies comestibles a llurs països d’origen, ha sorgit la nova iniciativa “Eat the Invaders”: simplement, mengem-nos-les!
The eruption of Web 2.0 has transformed the uses and strategies of political communication. The campaign developed by Obama's team is a good example of the electoral efficiency of these new tools whose results we are now analysing and evaluating. While our present leaders could be classified as the "fax generation", the North American experience opens the doors to a new way of relating with the electoral masses. With these new instruments of interactive communication, voters have the space to be able to make their voices heard and to be able to affect the electoral programme, something which undoubtedly benefits an election campaign's degree of democratic quality
Créditos para ESO de Matemáticas. Para cada uno de los dos ciclos que constituyen la ESO se ofrece: un volumen para el profesorado y cuatro créditos separados en cuatro volúmenes para el alumnado. Algunos de los contenidos tratados son: introducción a los números, geometría, números enteros, fracciones, proporcionalidad, medición, tratamiento de datos estadísticos, fracciones, funciones, medida de ángulos, probabilidad, resolución de problemas y trigonometría.
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