434 resultados para BOLUS


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We measured the oral and pharyngeal transit of a paste bolus in 20 patients with Chagas` disease and 21 controls. Each subject swallowed of a 10-ml paste bolus prepared with 50 ml of water and 4.5 g of instant food thickener labeled with 55.5 MBq of 99(m) technetium phytate. After the scintigraphic recording of the transit, we delineated regions of interest (ROI) corresponding to mouth, pharynx, and proximal esophagus. Time-activity curves were generated for each ROI. There was no difference between patients with Chagas` disease and controls with respect to the duration of oral and pharyngeal transit, amount of pharyngeal residue, or flux of bolus entry into the proximal esophagus. The amount of oral residue was higher in patients with Chagas` disease (median = 0.71 ml) than in controls (median = 0.45 ml). The pharyngeal clearance duration was longer in patients with Chagas` disease (median = 0.85 s) than in controls (median = 0.60 s). The oral transit duration of the patients with Chagas` disease and dysphagia (median = 0.55 s, n = 14) was shorter than the oral transit duration of chagasic patients without dysphagia (median = 0.80 s, n = 6). We conclude that when swallowing a paste bolus, patients with Chagas` disease may have an increased amount of oral residue and a longer pharyngeal clearance duration than asymptomatic volunteers.


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Chagas` disease and idiopathic achalasia patients have similar impairment of distal esophageal motility. In Chagas` disease, the contractions occurring in the distal esophageal body are similar after wet or dry swallows. Our aim in this investigation was to evaluate the effect of wet swallows and dry swallows on proximal esophageal contractions of patients with Chagas` disease and with idiopathic achalasia. We studied 49 patients with Chagas` disease, 25 patients with idiopathic achalasia, and 33 normal volunteers. We recorded by the manometric method with continuous water perfusion the pharyngeal contractions 1 cm above the upper esophageal sphincter and the proximal esophageal contractions 5 cm from the pharyngeal recording point. Each subject performed in duplicate swallows of 3-mL and 6-mL boluses of water and dry swallows. We measured the time between the onset of pharyngeal contractions and the onset of proximal esophageal contractions (pharyngeal-esophageal time [ PET]), and the amplitude, duration, and area under the curve (AUC) of proximal esophageal contractions. Patients with Chagas` disease and with achalasia had longer PET, lower esophageal proximal contraction amplitude, and lower AUC than controls (P <= 0.02). In Chagas` disease, wet swallows caused shorter PET, higher amplitude, and higher AUC than dry swallows (P <= 0.03). There was no difference between swallows of 3- or 6-mL boluses. There was no difference between patients with Chagas` disease and with idiopathic achalasia. We conclude that patients with Chagas` disease and with idiopathic achalasia have a delay in the proximal esophageal response and lower amplitude of the proximal esophageal contractions.


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Despite growing clinical use, cervical auscultation suffers from a lack of research-based data. One of the strongest criticisms of cervical auscultation is that there has been little research to demonstrate how dysphagic swallowing sounds are different from normal swallowing sounds, In order to answer this question, however, one first needs to document the acoustic characteristics of normal, nondysphagic swallowing sounds, This article provides the first normative database of normal swallowing sounds for the adult population. The current investigation documents the acoustic characteristics of normal swallowing sounds for individuals from 18 to more than 60 years of age over a range of thin liquid volumes. Previous research has shown the normal swallow to be a dynamic event. The normal swallow is sensitive to aging of the oropharyngeal system, and also to the volume of bolus swallowed. The current investigation found that the acoustic signals generated during swallowing were sensitive to an individual's age and to the volume of the bolus swallowed. There were also some gender-specific differences in the acoustic profile of the swallowing sound, It is anticipated that the results will provide a catalyst for further research into cervical auscultation.


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PURPOSE: Enteral alimentation is the preferred modality of support in critical patients who have acceptable digestive function and are unable to eat orally, but the advantages of continuous versus intermittent administration are surrounded by controversy. With the purpose of identifying the benefits and complications of each technique, a prospective controlled study with matched subjects was conducted. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-eight consecutive candidates for enteral feeding were divided into 2 groups (n = 14 each) that were matched for diagnosis and APACHE II score. A commercial immune-stimulating polymeric diet was administered via nasogastric tube by electronic pump in the proportion of 25 kcal/kg/day, either as a 1-hour bolus every 3 hours (Group I), or continuously for 24 hours (Group II), over a 3-day period. Anthropometrics, biochemical measurements, recording of administered drugs and other therapies, thorax X-ray, measurement of abdominal circumference, monitoring of gastric residue, and clinical and nutritional assessments were performed at least once daily. The principal measured outcomes of this protocol were frequency of abdominal distention and pulmonary aspiration, and efficacy in supplying the desired amount of nutrients. RESULTS: Nearly half of the total population (46.4%) exhibited high gastric residues on at least 1 occasion, but only 1 confirmed episode of pulmonary aspiration occurred (3.6%). Both groups displayed a moderate number of complications, without differences. Food input during the first day was greater in Group II (approximately 20% difference), but by the third day, both groups displayed similarly small deficits in total furnished volume of about 10%, when compared with the prescribed diet. CONCLUSIONS: Both administration modalities permitted practical and effective administration of the diet with frequent registered abnormalities but few clinically significant problems. The two groups were similar in this regard, without statistical differences, probably because of meticulous technique, careful monitoring, strict patient matching, and conservative amounts of diet employed in both situations. Further studies with additional populations, diagnostic groups, and dietetic prescriptions should be performed in order to elucidate the differences between these commonly used feeding modalities.


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OBJETIVO: Benefícios clínicos obtidos pelo azul de metileno (AM) no tratamento da vasoplegia induzida pela ação do óxido nítrico (NO) têm sido relatados na sepse, na síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica (SIRS) em cirurgia cardíaca e no choque anafilático, mas a sua segurança é muitas vezes questionada, principalmente relacionada aos seus efeitos hemodinâmicos e à possibilidade de causar disfunção endotelial. O objetivo deste estudo foi examinar os efeitos hemodinâmicos e a função endotelial da infusão endovenosa in vivo do AM em porcos. MÉTODOS: O protocolo de estudo incluiu dois grupos experimentais de porcas fêmeas: Grupo I (Controle) - os animais (n = 6) não receberam AM; Grupo II (AM) - os animais receberam 3 mg/kg de AM em forma de bolus endovenoso. Após quinze minutos de registro dos parâmetros hemodinâmicos os animais foram sacrificados por exsangüinação, e os estudos in vitro foram conduzidos usando segmentos de artérias coronária, hepática, mesentérica superior, renal, para determinar o efeito do AM na função endotelial relacionada com a liberação de NO. Mediu-se também o NO plasmático nos dois grupos experimentais. RESULTADOS: Os resultados obtidos no presente estudo foram: 1) a infusão endovenosa de AM (3,0 mg/kg) não causou nenhuma alteração hemodinâmica significativa; 2) os valores absolutos e porcentuais e nitrito/nitrato plasmático (NOx) não apresentaram diferenças nos dois grupos experimentais; 3) o estudo in vitro dos segmentos arteriais (coronária, hepática, renal e mesentérica superior) não apresentou disfunção endotelial nos dois grupos. Os resultados sugerem que a injeção endovenosa de AM é segura. Esse dado concorda com dados clínicos no qual o AM foi utilizado para tratar a síndrome vasoplégica após circulação extracorpórea, síndrome da resposta infamatória sistêmica (SIRS) e anafilaxia. Os resultados não foram inesperados porque os animais não apresentavam vasoplegia, não se esperando que a inibição da guanilatociclase tenha algum efeito. CONCLUSÃO: A infusão em bolus endovenoso in vivo na dose investigada (3 mg/kg) não causou alterações hemodinâmicas e comprometimento da liberação in vitro de NO.


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Diversos estudios han puesto de manifiesto la asociación entre hiperglucemia y peor pronóstico en el paciente hospitalizado, tanto en el campo médico como en el quirúrgico. Esta asociación no implica una relación causa-efecto en el peor pronóstico, y los estudios realizados en este tema no han concluido definitivamente, si la hiperglucemia es una mera manifestación de la gravedad de la enfermedad, o si realmente predispone a un peor pronóstico. El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar el impacto en la morbimortalidad hospitalaria del tratamiento intensivo de la glucemia en pacientes sometidos a trasplante hepático. Diversos estudis han posat de manifest l´associació entre hiperglucèmia i pitjor pronòstic en el pacient hospitalitzat, tant en el camp mèdic como en el quirúrgic. Aquesta associació no implica una relació causa-efecte en el pitjor pronòstic, i els estudis realitzats en aquest tema no han conclòs definitivament, si la hiperglucèmia és una mera manifestació de la gravetat de la malaltia, o si realment predisposa a un pitjor pronòstic. L`objectiu d´aquest treball és estudiar l´impacte en la morbimortalitat hospitalària del tractament intensiu de la glucèmia en pacients sotmesos a trasplantament hepàtic.


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OBJECTIVE: A single bolus dose of etomidate decreases cortisol synthesis by inhibiting the 11-beta hydroxylase, a mitochondrial enzyme in the final step of cortisol synthesis. In our institution, all the patients undergoing cardiac surgery receive etomidate at anesthesia induction. The purpose of this study was to assess the incidence of adrenocortical dysfunction after a single dose of etomidate in selected patients undergoing major cardiac surgery and requiring high-dose norepinephrine postoperatively. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective descriptive study in the surgical ICU of a university hospital. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sixty-three patients presented acute circulatory failure requiring norepinephrine (>0,2 microg/kg/min) during the 48 hours following cardiac surgery. Absolute adrenal insufficiency was defined as a basal cortisol below 414 nmo/l (15 microg/dl) and relative adrenal insufficiency as a basal plasma cortisol between 414 nmo/l (15 microg/dl) and 938 nmo/l (34 microg/dl) with an incremental response after 250 microg of synthetic corticotropin (measured at 60 minutes) below 250 nmol/l (9 microg/dl). RESULTS: Fourteen patients (22%) had normal corticotropin test results, 10 (16%) had absolute and 39 (62%) relative adrenal insufficiency. All patients received a low-dose steroid substitution after the corticotropin test. Substituted patients had similar clinical outcomes compared to patients with normal adrenal function. CONCLUSION: A high incidence of relative adrenal failure was observed in selected cardiac surgery patients with acute postoperative circulatory failure.


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BACKGROUND: Long-lasting food impactions requiring endoscopic bolus removal occur frequently in patients with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) and harbor a risk for severe esophageal injuries. We evaluated whether treatment with swallowed topical corticosteroids is able to reduce the risk of occurrence of this complication. METHODS: We analyzed data from the Swiss EoE Cohort Study. Patients with yearly clinic visits, during which standardized assessment of symptoms, endoscopic, histologic, and laboratory findings was carried out, were included. RESULTS: A total of 206 patients (157 males) were analyzed. The median follow-up time was 5 years with a total of 703 visits (mean 3.41 visits/patient). During the follow-up period, 33 patients (16 % of the cohort) experienced 42 impactions requiring endoscopic bolus removal. We evaluated the following factors regarding the outcome 'bolus impaction' by univariate logistic regression modeling: swallowed topical corticosteroid therapy (OR 0.503, 95%-CI 0.255-0.993, P = 0.048), presence of EoE symptoms (OR 1.150, 95%-CI 0.4668-2.835, P = 0.761), esophageal stricture (OR 2.832, 95%-CI 1.508-5.321, P = 0.001), peak eosinophil count >10 eosinophils/HPF (OR 0.724, 95%-CI 0.324-1.621, P = 0.433), blood eosinophilia (OR 1.532, 95%-CI 0.569-4.118, P = 0.398), and esophageal dilation (OR 1.852, 95%-CI 1.034-3.755, P = 0.017). In the multivariate model, the following factors were significantly associated with bolus impaction: swallowed topical corticosteroid therapy (OR 0.411, 95%-CI 0.203-0.835, P = 0.014) and esophageal stricture (OR 2.666, 95%-CI 1.259-5.645, P = 0.01). Increasing frequency of use of swallowed topical steroids was associated with a lower risk for bolus impactions. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of EoE with swallowed topical corticosteroids significantly reduces the risk for long-lasting bolus impactions.


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Aims: To evaluate the impact on glycemic control and quality of life of a bolus calculator. Methods: Multicentre randomized prospective crosssectional study. Patients were randomized to control phase (3 months; calculation of prandial insulin according to insulinto-carbohydrate ratio and insulin sensitivity factor using a single strip meter) or intervention phase (3 months; calculation of prandial insulin with a bolus advisor), with a washout period (3 months). Patients wore a continuous glucosensor (7 days) and answered a quality of life questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of each phase. A questionnaire of satisfaction was obtained at the end of both phases. Inclusion criteria: Adults; T1DM> 1 year, HbA1c > 7.5%, basal-bolus therapy with insulin analogs, experience with carbohydrate Results: Data from the first 32 subjects with at least 1 ended phase (27 females, age 38 – 11 years, diabetes duration 16.8 – 7.5 years). Basal characteristics were comparable independently of the starting phase. No differences were found between phases in terms of mean blood glucose, standard deviation (from meter neither from sensor) and satisfaction. Conclusions: The use of a bolus calculator improves glycemic control and quality of life of T1DM subjects.


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Rapport de synthèse : Enjeux et contexte Etant le seul agent hypnotique à avoir des effets hémodynamiques négligeables, l'étomidate est souvent considéré comme l'agent anesthésique d'induction de choix lors de l'anesthésie de patients hémodynamiquement instables Cependant, une dose unique de cet hypnotique imidazolé inhibe la 11-ß hydroxylase, une enzyme mitochondriale de la phase terminale de la synthèse du cortisol. Au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, tout patient candidat à une chirurgie cardiaque reçoit de l'étomidate à l'induction de l'anesthésie. L'objectif de cette étude a été de déterminer l'incidence de dysfonction surrénalienne chez les patients subissant une chirurgie cardiaque et présentant un état de choc postopératoire nécessitant de hautes doses de noradrénaline. t Méthodes Une étude rétrospective et descriptive a été réalisée dans le service de médecine intensive adulte du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois. Soixante-trois patients admis en réanimation après chirurgie cardiaque nécessitant plus de 0.2 νg/kg/min de noradrénaline au cours des premières 48 heures postopératoires ont été étudiés. L'insuffisance surrénalienne absolue a été définie par un cortisol basal inférieur à 414mmo/L, l'insuffisance surrénalienne relative par un cortisol basal entre 414mmo/L et 938nmo/L avec augmentation de la cortisolémie (à 60 minute .après un test de stimulation par 250Ng of corticotropine de synthèse) inférieure à 250mmo/L. Statistiques Les résultats ont été rapportés en médianes et extrêmes. Les comparaisons entre les groupes ont été réalisées, lorsque cela était indiqué, par un test Chi 2 ou un test de Wilcoxon. Pour les comparaisons répétées des taux de cortisol et des doses de noradrénaline, une correction de Bonferroni a été appliquée. Une valeur de p<0,05 a été considérée comme significative. Résultats : Quatorze patients [22%] ont présenté une fonction surrénalienne normale, 10 [16%] une insuffisance surrénalienne absolue et 39 [62%] une insuffisance surrénalienne relative. Tous les patients ont reçu une substitution stéroïdienne, sans aucune différence d'évolution clinique entre les différents groupes. Conclusions : L'incidence d'insuffisance surrénalienne chez les patients qui ont reçu un bolus d'étomidate à l'induction, subi une chirurgie cardiaque avec circulation extra-corporelle et présenté une défaillance circulatoire postopératoire est élevée. Il convient probablement de garder à l'esprit qu'une telle insuffisance peut contribuer à l'état de choc du patient. Dans de telles circonstances, l'exploration de la fonction surrénalienne et la suppléance par stéroïdes d'une éventuelle insuffisance surrénalienne en attendant les résultats des examens endocrinologiques devraient être discutés.


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Continuous respiratory exchange measurements were performed on five women and five men for 1 h before and 6 h after the administration of a milkshake (53% carbohydrates, 30% lipid, and 17% protein energy) given either as a single bolus dose or continuously during 3 h using a nasogastric tube. The energy administered corresponded to 2.3 times the postabsorptive resting energy expenditure. Resting energy expenditure, respiratory quotient, plasma glucose, and insulin concentrations increased sooner and steeper, and plasma free fatty acids levels decreased earlier with the meal ingested as a single dose than with continuous administration. The magnitude of nutrient-induced thermogenesis was greater (P less than 0.01) with the single dose (means +/- SE, 10.0 +/- 0.6%) than with the continuous administration (8.1 +/- 0.5%). The overall (6 h) substrate balances were not significantly different between the two modes of administration. It is concluded that the mode of enteral nutrient administration influences the immediate thermogenic response as well as changes in respiratory quotient, glycemia, and insulinemia; however, the overall nutrient balance was not affected by the mode of enteral nutrient administration.


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Effet d'un bolus intraveineux de phénylephrine ou d'éphedríne sur le flux sanguin cutané lors d'une anesthésie rachidienne Introduction : La phénylephrine et l'éphedrine sont des substances vaso-actives utilisées de routine pour corriger des épisodes d'hypotension artérielle induits par l'anesthésie intrarachidienne. L'influence de ces deux vasopresseurs sur le flux sanguin cutané (FSC) dans ce contexte n'a jusqu'à maintenant pas été décrite. Cette étude évalue l'effet d'une injection intraveineuse de 75 µg de phénylephrine ou de 7.5 mg d'éphedrine sur le FSC mesuré par Laser Doppler, dans les zones concernées parle bloc sympathiqué induit par l'anesthésie intrarachidienne (membres inférieurs) et dans les zones non concernées (membres supérieurs). Méthode :Après acceptation par le Comité d'Éthique, et obtention de leur accord écrit, 20 patients devant subir une intervention chirurgicale élective en décubitus dorsal sous anesthésie. intrarachidienne ont été inclus dans cette étude randomisée en double insu. Le FSC a été mesuré en continu par deux sondes fixées l'une à la cuisse (zone avec bloc sympathique) et l'autre sur l'avantbras (zone sans bloc sympathique). Les valeurs de FSC ont été enregistrées après l'anesthésie rachidienne (valeur contrôle), puis après l'injection i.v. dè phénylephrine (10 patients) ou d'éphedrine (10 patients) pour corriger une hypotension définie comme une chute de 20 mmHg de la pression artérielle systolique. Les variations de FSC exprimées en pourcentage de la valeur contrôle moyenne (+/- écart type) ont été analysées par le test t de Student. Résultats :Les données démographiques des patients et le niveau sensitif induit par l'anesthésie rachidienne sont similaires dans les deux groupes. Aux doses utilisées, seule l'éphedrine restaure la pression artérielle aux valeurs précédant l'anesthésie rachidienne. La phénylephrine augmente le FSC de l'avant-bras de 44% (+/- 79%) et de la cuisse de 34% (+/-24%), alors que l'éphedrine diminue le débit sanguin cutané de l'avant-bras de 16% (+/- 15%) et de la cuisse de 22% (+/-11%). Conclusion : L'injection intraveineuse de phénylephrine et d'éphedrine ont des effets opposés sur le flux sanguin cutané, et cette réponse n'est pas modifiée par le bloc sympathique.. Cette différence peut s'expliquer par la distribution des sous-types de récepteurs adrénergiques alpha et leur prédominance relative dans les veines et les artères de différents diamètres perfusant le tissu sous-cutané et la peau. L'éphedrine, èn raison de sa meilleure efficacité pour traiter les épisodes d'hypotension artérielle après anesthésie intrarachidienne devrait être préféré à la phénylephrine, leurs effets opposés sur le flux sanguin cutané n'étant pas pertinents en pratique clinique. SUMMARY Background: Phenylephrine or ephedrine is routinely used to correct hypotensive episodes fallowing spinal anaesthesia (SA). The influence of these two vasopressors on skin blood flow (SBF) has not yet been described. We have therefore evaluated the effects of an i.v. bolus of 75 µg phenylephrine or 7.5 mg of ephedrine on SBF measured by laser Doppler flowmetry during sympathetic blockade induced by SA. Methods: With Ethical Committee approval and written consent, 20 patients scheduled for elective procedures in supine position under SA were enrolled in this double-blind randomized study. SBF was measured continuously by two probes fixed at the thigh (area with sympathic blockade) and forearm level (area without sympathic blockade) respectively. SBF values were recorded after SA (control values) and then after a bolus administration of phenylephriné (n=10) or ephedrine (n=10) when systolic blood pressure decreased by 20 mmHg. Changes were expressed as percentage of control SBF values and analysed by Student's paired t-test. Results: Patient characteristics and dermatomal sensory levels were similar in both groups. Phenylephrine increases mean SBF at the forearm level by 44% (79%) [mean (SD)j and at the thigh by 34% (24%). Ephedrine decreases SBF at the forearm level by 16% (15%) and at the thigh by 22% (il%). Ephedrine bolus restores arterial blood pressure to pre-anaesthesia values, whereas phenylephrine does not. Conclusion: Administratión of phenylephrine and ephedrine has opposite effects on skin blood flow and sympathetic blockade does not modify this response. These findings could be explained by the distribution of the alpha-adrenoréceptor subtypes and their relative predominance among veins and arteries of different size perfusing the subcutaneous tissue and the skin. Ephedrine, due to its better efficacy to correct hypotensive episodes following SA, should be preferred, to phenylephrine, their opposite effects on SBF being not relevant for clinical practice.