897 resultados para BLASTOCYST STAGE


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The objective was to determine whether aging of sperm caused by incubation at normothermic (38.5 C) or heat shock (40 C) temperatures for 4 h prior to oocyte insemination affects sperm motility, fertilizing ability, competence of the resultant embryo to develop to the blastocyst stage and blastocyst sex ratio. In the first experiment, the percent of sperm that were motile was reduced by aging (P<0.001) and the reduction in motility was greater for sperm at 40 C compared to sperm at 38.5 C (P<0.01). In the second experiment, oocytes were inseminated with aged sperm. A smaller percent of oocytes fertilized with sperm aged at either temperature cleaved by Day 3 after insemination than oocytes fertilized with fresh sperm (P<0.05). There was no effect of sperm aging on the percent of oocytes or cleaved embryos that developed to the blastocyst stage. Aging of sperm before fertilization at 38.5 C reduced the percent of blastocysts that were male (P=0.08). In the third experiment, incubation of sperm at 38.5 C or 40 C for 4 h did not reduce fertilizing ability of sperm as determined by pronuclear formation at 18 h post insemination. In conclusion, aging of sperm reduced cleavage rate and the percent of blastocysts that were males but had no effect on the developmental capacity of the. embryo. The effect of aging on cleavage rate may represent reduced motility and errors occurring after fertilization and pronuclear formation. Aging at a temperature characteristic of maternal hyperthermia had little additional effect except that polyspermy was reduced. Results indicate that embryo competence for development to the blastocyst stage is independent of sperm damage as a result of aging for 4 h at normothermic or hyperthermic temperatures.


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Objectives were to evaluate the role of canonical WNT signaling in development of the preimplantation embryo. Signaling was activated with 2-Amino-4-(3,4-(methylenedioxy)benzylamino)-6-(3-methoxyphenyl)pyrimidine (AMBMP) and inhibited with Dickkopf-related protein 1 (DKK1). Treatment of bovine embryos with AMBMP at day 5 after insemination decreased development to the blastocyst stage at day 7 and reduced numbers of trophectoderm and inner cell mass cells. At high concentrations, AMBMP caused disorganization of the inner cell mass. DKK1 blocked actions of AMBMP but did not affect development in the absence of AMBMP. Examination of gene expression in day 6 morulae by microarray revealed expression of 16 WNT genes and other genes involved in WNT signaling; differences in relative expression were confirmed by PCR for 7 genes. In conclusion, the preimplantation embryo possesses a functional WNT signaling system and activation of the canonical pathway can inhibit embryonic development.


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Background: The first distinct differentiation event in mammals occurs at the blastocyst stage when totipotent blastomeres differentiate into either pluripotent inner cell mass (ICM) or multipotent trophectoderm (TE). Here we determined, for the first time, global gene expression patterns in the ICM and TE isolated from bovine blastocysts. The ICM and TE were isolated from blastocysts harvested at day 8 after insemination by magnetic activated cell sorting, and cDNA sequenced using the SOLiD 4.0 system.Results: A total of 870 genes were differentially expressed between ICM and TE. Several genes characteristic of ICM (for example, NANOG, SOX2, and STAT3) and TE (ELF5, GATA3, and KRT18) in mouse and human showed similar patterns in bovine. Other genes, however, showed differences in expression between ICM and TE that deviates from the expected based on mouse and human.Conclusion: Analysis of gene expression indicated that differentiation of blastomeres of the morula-stage embryo into the ICM and TE of the blastocyst is accompanied by differences between the two cell lineages in expression of genes controlling metabolic processes, endocytosis, hatching from the zona pellucida, paracrine and endocrine signaling with the mother, and genes supporting the changes in cellular architecture, stemness, and hematopoiesis necessary for development of the trophoblast.


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We previously showed that estrogen receptor (ER) mRNA is present in preimplantation mouse embryos. The apparent synthesis of ER mRNA by the blastocyst at the time of implantation when estrogen is required was of special interest. A demonstration of the presence of ER protein would support the idea that estrogen can act directly on the embryo. The mouse embryo at the blastocyst stage is differentiated into two cell types, the trophectoderm and the inner cell mass. To determine whether ER mRNA is translated into ER protein and its cell-specific distribution, immunocytochemical analyses were performed in mouse blastocysts. ER protein was detected in all cell types of the normal, dormant, or activated blastocyst. To trace the fate of ER in these cell types, immunocytochemistry was performed in implanting blastocysts and early egg cylinder stage embryos developed in culture. Again, ER was detected in all cells of the implanting blastocyst. At the early egg cylinder stage, continued expression of ER was observed in cells derived from the inner cell mass or the trophoblast. In trophoblast giant cells, ER was concentrated in small regions of the nucleus, possibly the nucleoli, which was similar to that observed in dormant and activated blastocysts. The embryonic expression of ER at such early stages in a broad array of cells suggests that ER may have a general role during early development.


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Previously, we have shown that a maternal low protein diet, fed exclusively during the preimplantation period of mouse development (Emb-LPD), is sufficient to induce by the blastocyst stage a compensatory growth phenotype in late gestation and postnatally, correlating with increased risk of adult onset cardiovascular disease and behavioural dysfunction. Here, we examine mechanisms of induction of maternal Emb-LPD programming and early compensatory responses by the embryo. Emb-LPD induced changes in maternal serum metabolites at the time of blastocyst formation (E3.5), notably reduced insulin and increased glucose, together with reduced levels of free amino acids (AAs) including branched chain AAs leucine, isoleucine and valine. Emb-LPD also caused reduction in the branched chain AAs within uterine fluid at the blastocyst stage. These maternal changes coincided with an altered content of blastocyst AAs and reduced mTORC1 signalling within blastocysts evident in reduced phosphorylation of effector S6 ribosomal protein and its ratio to total S6 protein but no change in effector 4E-BP1 phosphorylated and total pools. These changes were accompanied by increased proliferation of blastocyst trophectoderm and total cells and subsequent increased spreading of trophoblast cells in blastocyst outgrowths. We propose that induction of metabolic programming following Emb-LPD is achieved through mTORC1signalling which acts as a sensor for preimplantation embryos to detect maternal nutrient levels via branched chain AAs and/or insulin availability. Moreover, this induction step associates with changes in extra-embryonic trophectoderm behaviour occurring as early compensatory responses leading to later nutrient recovery. © 2012 Fleming et al.


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito do número da passagem e do sexo das células doadoras de núcleo no desenvolvimento embrionário e fetal após transferência nuclear. Para isso, oócitos bovinos foram maturados, enucleados e reconstruídos com células somáticas de animal adulto. Após a fusão e ativação química, os zigotos reconstituídos foram cultivados em Charles Rosenkranz 2 (CR2) com monocamada de células da granulosa a 38,8ºC em atmosfera umidificada a 5% de CO2 em ar, durante sete dias, e transferidos para receptoras sincronizadas. As taxas de clivagem e desenvolvimento a blastocisto de embriões reconstruídos com células cultivadas por tempo maior foram inferiores às obtidas com os demais tempos de cultivo. Além disso, os blastocistos produzidos não resultaram no desenvolvimento de uma gestação a termo. Embora a taxa de clivagem em embriões fêmeas tenha sido maior, o número de embriões que atingiram o estádio de blastocisto foi maior nos embriões machos. No período gestacional, fêmeas apresentaram maior taxa de aborto entre 90 e 120 dias de gestação. Esses resultados indicam que células doadoras de núcleos cultivados por longos períodos dificultam a produção de blastocistos e aumentam as chances de perdas durante a gestação. Embriões clonados machos têm maior competência para se desenvolver a blastocisto e resultam em menor taxa de perda gestacional.


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A metodologia de produção in vitro de embriões de ovinos implica no desenvolvimento de meios de maturação, fertilização e cultivo que permitam aumentar a taxa de clivagem e desenvolvimento, tanto para o investimento biotecnológico em programas comerciais, quanto para sua utilização em clonagem e transgenia dessa espécie animal. Do ponto de vista da pesquisa, os ovócitos podem ser obtidos pelas técnicas de punção e slicing a partir de ovários oriundos de matadouros, ou através de aspiração folicular por laparoscopia. Como vantagem, este método permite o uso de uma mesma doadora estimulada hormonialmente em intervalos periódicos, mantida sob rigoroso controle sanitário, o que é de vital importância para a produção de biofármacos em programas que utilisem os ovinos como modelo biológico. Por outro lado, em nosso país a demanda pela multiplicação de animais de alto valor genético, seja pela produtividade ou pelo elevado valor comercial dos mesmos, impõe o desenvolvimento, adaptação e otimização das diferentes metodologias desenvolvidas ao longo dos ultimos anos em laboratórios de referência mundiais. Nesse contexto, cresce de importância o perfeito conhecimento da fisiologia dessa espécie e das raças criadas em nosso país, e da problemática da produção in vitro de seus embriões. Respeitando essas premissas, gerar o desenvolvimento de protocolos que permitam não apenas aumentar a população de ovócitos passíveis de maturação in vitro, mas de sua competência ao desenvolvimento ao estágio de blastocisto, ou, alternativamente, sua transferência a receptoras em estágios precoces do desenvolvimento, evitando assim as conhecidas perdas durante o desenvolvimento in vitro, e o baixo percentual de gestações que chegam a termo, com cordeiro saudáveis. Trata-se de um desafio, que já apresenta os primeiros resultados em nosso país, tanto na produção comercial de embriões produzidos in vitro, quanto em programas de clonagem e transgenia.


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Background: Without intensive selection, the majority of bovine oocytes submitted to in vitro embryo production (IVP) fail to develop to the blastocyst stage. This is attributed partly to their maturation status and competences. Using the Affymetrix GeneChip Bovine Genome Array, global mRNA expression analysis of immature (GV) and in vitro matured (IVM) bovine oocytes was carried out to characterize the transcriptome of bovine oocytes and then use a variety of approaches to determine whether the observed transcriptional changes during IVM was real or an artifact of the techniques used during analysis. Results: 8489 transcripts were detected across the two oocyte groups, of which similar to 25.0% (2117 transcripts) were differentially expressed (p < 0.001); corresponding to 589 over-expressed and 1528 under-expressed transcripts in the IVM oocytes compared to their immature counterparts. Over expression of transcripts by IVM oocytes is particularly interesting, therefore, a variety of approaches were employed to determine whether the observed transcriptional changes during IVM were real or an artifact of the techniques used during analysis, including the analysis of transcript abundance in oocytes in vitro matured in the presence of a-amanitin. Subsets of the differentially expressed genes were also validated by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) and the gene expression data was classified according to gene ontology and pathway enrichment. Numerous cell cycle linked (CDC2, CDK5, CDK8, HSPA2, MAPK14, TXNL4B), molecular transport (STX5, STX17, SEC22A, SEC22B), and differentiation (NACA) related genes were found to be among the several over-expressed transcripts in GV oocytes compared to the matured counterparts, while ANXA1, PLAU, STC1and LUM were among the over-expressed genes after oocyte maturation. Conclusion: Using sequential experiments, we have shown and confirmed transcriptional changes during oocyte maturation. This dataset provides a unique reference resource for studies concerned with the molecular mechanisms controlling oocyte meiotic maturation in cattle, addresses the existing conflicting issue of transcription during meiotic maturation and contributes to the global goal of improving assisted reproductive technology.


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In early development, female embryos (XX) produce twice the transcripts of X-linked genes compared with male embryos (XY). During the course of development, inactivation of the X chromosome equilibrates gene dosage, making the development of female embryos viable. Moreover, the biotechnologies used for producing embryos in vitro seem to work better with male embryos, making it easier for them to reach the blastocyst stage and allow for complete gestation. We investigated the expression of three X-linked genes that are involved in development, XIST, G6PD, and HPRT, and of the transcript interferon-tau, in male and female bovine blastocysts produced by nuclear transfer (NT) and by in vitro fertilization (IVF). Oocytes that had been matured in vitro were enucleated and reconstructed with somatic cells from adult animals at 18 h post-maturation. After fusion (two pulses of 2.25 kv/cm) and chemical activation (5.0 mu M ionomycin for 5 min and 2.0 mM 6-DMAP for 3 h), the oocytesomatic cell units were cultivated in CR2 with a monolayer of granulosa cells at 38.8 degrees C, in a humidified 5% CO(2) atmosphere. IVF embryos were inseminated, after centrifugation in a Percoll gradient, with 2 x 10(6) sperm/mL TALP medium supplemented with BSA and PHE and cultivated under the same conditions as the cloned embryos. We used real-time PCR to analyze the gene expression of individual blastocysts compared to expression of the housekeeping gene, GAPDH. The gene XIST was expressed in female embryos and not in male embryos produced by IVF, though it was expressed at low levels in male embryos produced by NT. Unlike previous reports, we found lower levels of the transcript of G6PD in females than in males, suggesting double silencing or other mechanisms of control of this gene. Female embryos produced by IVF expressed the HPRT gene at a higher level than female embryos produced by NT, suggesting that gene silencing proceeds faster in NT-produced female embryos due to ""inactivation memory"" from the nucleus donor. In conclusion, male and female embryos express different levels of X-chromosome genes and failures of these genes that are essential for development could reduce the viability of females. Nuclear transfer can modify this relation, possibly due to epigenetic memory, leading to frequent failures in nuclear reprogramming.


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During embryogenesis, one of the two X chromosomes is inactivated in embryos. The production of embryos in vitro may affect epigenetic mechanisms that could alter the expression of genes related to embryo development and X chromosome inactivation (XCI). The aim of this study was to understand XCI during in vitro, pre-implantation bovine embryo development by characterizing the allele-specific expression pattern of the X chromosome-linked gene, monoamine oxidase A (MAOA). Two pools of ten embryos, comprised of the 4-, 8- to 16-cell, morula, blastocyst, and expanded blastocyst stages, were collected. Total RNA from embryos was isolated, and the RT-PCR-RFLP technique was used to observe expression of the MAOA gene. The DNA amplicons were also sequenced using the dideoxy sequencing method. MAOA mRNA was detected, and allele-specific expression was identified in each pool of embryos. We showed the presence of both the maternal and paternal alleles in the 4-, 8-to 16-cell, blastocyst and expanded blastocyst embryos, but only the maternal allele was present in the morula stage. Therefore, we can affirm that the paternal X chromosome is totally inactivated at the morula stage and reactivated at the blastocyst stage. To our knowledge, this is the first report of allele-specific expression of an X-linked gene that is subject to XCI in in vitro bovine embryos from the 4-cell to expanded blastocyst stages. We have established a pattern of XCI in our in vitro embryo production system that can be useful as a marker to assist the development of new protocols for in vitro embryo production. Mol. Reprod. Dev. MoL Reprod. Dev. 77: 615-621, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) was first identified as the inactivator of the anti-tubercular drug isoniazid, The enzyme was shown to catalyse the transfer of an acetyl group from acetyl-CoA to the terminal nitrogen of the hydrazine drug. The rate of inactivation of isoniazid was polymorphically distributed in the population and was one of the first examples of pharmacogenetic variation, NAT was identified recently in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and is a candidate for; modulating the response to isoniazid, Genome sequences have revealed many homologous members of this unique family of enzymes. The first three-dimensional structure of a member of the NAT family identifies a catalytic triad consisting of aspartate, histidine and cysteine proposed to form the activation mechanism. So far, all procaryotic NATs resemble the human enzyme which acetylates isoniazid (NAT2), Human NAT2 is characteristic of drug-metabolizing enzymes: it is found in liver and intestine, In humans and other mammals, there are up to three different isoenzymes. If only one isoenzyme is present, it is like human NAT1. Human NAT1 and its murine equivalent specifically acetylate the folate catabolite p-amino-benzoylglutamate. NAT1 and its murine homologue each have a ubiquitous tissue distribution and are expressed early in development at the blastocyst stage, During murine embryonic development, NAT is expressed in the developing neural tube. The proposed endogenous role of NAT in folate metabolism, and its multi-allelic nature, indicate that its role in development should be assessed further.


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Objective: To evaluate effects of pre- and/or postnatal exposure to ambient fine particulate matter on fertilization, embryo development, and cell lineage segregation in preimplantation blastocysts using the IVF mouse model. Design: Animal model. Setting: Academic institution. Animal(S): Six-week-old, superovulated mice. Intervention(s): Pre- and postnatal exposure to filtered air (FA-FA), filtered-ambient air (FA-AA), or ambient air (AA-AA) in exposure chambers 24 hours a day for 9 weeks. Main Outcome Measure(S): Gestation length, litter size, sex ratio, ovarian response to superovulation, fertilization rate, embryo development, blastocyst and hatching rates, total cell count, and proportion of cell allocation to inner-cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE). Result(S): Gestation length, litter size and birth weight, live-birth index, and sex ratio were similar among exposure groups. Ovarian response was not affected by the exposure protocol. A multivariate effect for pre- and/or postnatal exposure to ambient fine particulate matter on IVF, embryo development, and blastocyst differential staining was found. Cell counts in ICM and ICM/TE ratios in blastocysts produced in the FA-FA protocol were significantly higher than in blastocysts produced in the FA-AA and AA-AA protocols. No difference in total cell count was observed among groups. Conclusion(S): Our study suggests that exposure to ambient fine particulate matter may negatively affect female reproductive health by disrupting the lineage specification at the blastocyst stage without interfering in early development of the mouse embryo. (Fertil Steril (R) 2009;92:1725-35. (C) 2009 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)


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Objective: To examine the effects of two commercial media on the development of mouse ova fertilized in vitro to the blastocyst stage. Design: Animal model. Setting: Academic institution. Animal(s): Eight-week old, superovulated mice. Intervention(s): One-cell embryos cultured in vitro up to the blastocyst stage in potassium-enriched simplex optimized medium (KSOM) or G1/G2 medium. Main Outcome Measure(s): Blastocyst and hatching rates, total cell number count, and proportion of allocation of cells to the inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE). Result(s): The percentage of zygotes that developed to the blastocyst stage 96 and 120 hours after insemination was statistically significantly higher in the KSOM group. The percentage of blastocysts that partially or completely hatched by day 5 of culture was 84% and 71% for the KSOM and G1/G2 groups, respectively, showing a statistically significant difference between the groups. The mean number of ICM cells was 11.7 +/- 4.0 and 9.2 +/- 5.2 for the zygotes cultured in KSOM and G1/G2 media, respectively, revealing a statistically significantly higher cell number in the ICM of blastocysts derived from culture in KSOM medium. The ICM/TE ratio in the blastocysts cultured in KSOM or G1/G2 media was similar in both groups. Conclusion(s): Commercially available KSOM medium is superior to sequential G1/G2 media for culturing one-cell embryos up to the blastocyst stage in the mouse IVF model.


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This study investigated the effect of porcine follicular fluid (PFF) and dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (dbcAMP) during in vitro maturation (IVM) of porcine oocytes on meiotic maturation, fertilization and embryo development, and compared the effect of supplementing the embryo culture media with PFF or foetal bovine serum (FBS) on embryo development. Oocytes from pre-pubertal gilts were IVM for 44 h, and parthenogenetically activated or in vitro-fertilized. Embryos were cultured in porcine zygote medium (PZM3) for 7 days. Cleavage and blastocyst rates were evaluated at 48 h and 7 days of culture. The supplementation of the IVM medium with 25% PFF and 1 mm dbcAMP for the first 22 h resulted in more (p < 0.05) embryos developing to the blastocyst stage as compared with the inclusion of dbcAMP alone. The dbcAMP + PFF combination increased (p < 0.05) the average number of nuclei per blastocyst as compared with either of these components alone or in its absence. A synergistic effect of dbcAMP + PFF during IVM was also reflected in the capacity of oocytes to regulate sperm penetration and prevent polyspermy, as twice as many oocytes from the control group were penetrated by more than one sperm as compared with those matured in the presence of both dbcAMP and PFF. The supplementation of PZM3 with 10% FBS from days 5 to 7 of culture significantly improved the total cell quantity in embryos derived either from control or dbcAMP + PFF matured oocytes. There was no effect on the total cell quantity when FBS was replaced by the same concentration of PFF. These studies showed that dbcAMP, PFF and FBS can improve both the quantity (57.3% vs 41.5%) and quality (74.8 vs 33.3 nuclei) of porcine blastocysts derived from oocytes recovered of pre-pubertal gilts.


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Increased amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during in vitro fertilization (IVF) may cause cytotoxic damage to gametes, whereas small amounts of ROS favour sperm capacitation. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of antioxidants [50 mu M beta-mercaptoethanol (beta-ME) and 50 mu M cysteamine (Cyst)] or a pro-oxidant (5 mm buthionine sulfoximine) on the quality and penetrability of spermatozoa into bovine oocytes and on the subsequent embryo development and quality when added during IVF. Sperm quality, evaluated by the integrity of plasma and acrosomal membranes, and mitochondrial function, was diminished (p < 0.05) after 4-h culture in the presence of antioxidants. Oocyte penetration rates were similar between treatments (p > 0.05), but antioxidants adversely affected the normal pronuclear formation rates (p < 0.05). The incidence of polyspermy was high for beta-ME (p < 0.05). No differences were observed in cleavage rates between treatments (p > 0.05). However, the developmental rate to the blastocyst stage was adversely affected by Cyst treatment (p < 0.05). The quality of embryos that reached the blastocyst stage, evaluated by total, inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm cell numbers and ICM/total cell ratio was unaffected (p > 0.05) by treatments. The results indicate that ROS play a role in the fertilizing capacity in bovine spermatozoa, as well as in the interaction between the spermatozoa and the oocytes. It can be concluded that supplementation with antioxidants during IVF procedures impairs sperm quality, normal pronuclear formation and embryo development to the blastocyst stage.