999 resultados para BIOMOLECULAR SYSTEMS


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A novel framework for modelling biomolecular systems at multiple scales in space and time simultaneously is described. The atomistic molecular dynamics representation is smoothly connected with a statistical continuum hydrodynamics description. The system behaves correctly at the limits of pure molecular dynamics (hydrodynamics) and at the intermediate regimes when the atoms move partly as atomistic particles, and at the same time follow the hydrodynamic flows. The corresponding contributions are controlled by a parameter, which is defined as an arbitrary function of space and time, thus, allowing an effective separation of the atomistic 'core' and continuum 'environment'. To fill the scale gap between the atomistic and the continuum representations our special purpose computer for molecular dynamics, MDGRAPE-4, as well as GPU-based computing were used for developing the framework. These hardware developments also include interactive molecular dynamics simulations that allow intervention of the modelling through force-feedback devices.


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The Computational Biophysics Group at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (GRIB-UPF) hosts two unique computational resources dedicated to the execution of large scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations: (a) the ACMD molecular-dynamics software, used on standard personal computers with graphical processing units (GPUs); and (b) the GPUGRID. net computing network, supported by users distributed worldwide that volunteer GPUs for biomedical research. We leveraged these resources and developed studies, protocols and open-source software to elucidate energetics and pathways of a number of biomolecular systems, with a special focus on flexible proteins with many degrees of freedom. First, we characterized ion permeation through the bactericidal model protein Gramicidin A conducting one of the largest studies to date with the steered MD biasing methodology. Next, we addressed an open problem in structural biology, the determination of drug-protein association kinetics; we reconstructed the binding free energy, association, and dissaciociation rates of a drug like model system through a spatial decomposition and a Makov-chain analysis. The work was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and become one of the few landmark papers elucidating a ligand-binding pathway. Furthermore, we investigated the unstructured Kinase Inducible Domain (KID), a 28-peptide central to signalling and transcriptional response; the kinetics of this challenging system was modelled with a Markovian approach in collaboration with Frank Noe’s group at the Freie University of Berlin. The impact of the funding includes three peer-reviewed publication on high-impact journals; three more papers under review; four MD analysis components, released as open-source software; MD protocols; didactic material, and code for the hosting group.


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Pterins are members of a family of heterocyclic compounds present in a wide variety of biological systems and may exist in two forms, corresponding to an acid and a basic tautomer. In this work, the proton transfer reaction between these tautomeric forms was investigated in the gas phase and in aqueous solution. In gas phase, the intramolecular mechanism was carried out for die isolated pterin by quantum mechanical second-order Moller-Plesset Perturbation theory (MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ) calculations and it indicates that the acid form is more stable than the basic form by -1.4 kcal/mol with a barrier of 34.2 kcal/mol with respect to the basic form. In aqueous solution, the role of the water molecules in the proton transfer reaction was analyzed in two separated parts, the direct participation of one water molecule in the reaction path, called water-assisted mechanism, and the complementary participation of the aqueous solvation. The water-assisted mechanism was carried out for one pterin-water cluster by quantum mechanical calculations and it indicates that the acid form is still more stable by -3.3 kcal/mol with a drastic reduction of 70% of the barrier, The bulk solution effect on the intramolecular and water-assisted mechanisms was included by free energy perturbation implemented on Monte Carlo simulations. The bulk water effect is found to be substantial and decisive when the reaction path involves the water-assisted mechanism. In this case, the free energy barrier is only 6.7 kcal/mol and the calculated relative Gibbs free energy for the two tautomers is -11.2 kcal/mol. This value is used to calculate the pK(a) value of 8.2 +/- 0.6 that is in excellent agreement with the experimental result of 7.9.


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Nas últimas décadas tem havido uma crescente abordagem física no estudo de moléculas e sistemas macromoleculares de interesse biológico. Essa abordagem inclui tanto aspectos experimentais quanto teóricos. de fato, há um vasto campo a ser explorado pela física nessa área. Discutimos neste texto as características gerais e formação básica do profissional interessado em ter como objeto o estudo de sistemas biomoleculares, tanto em nível de graduação como na pós-graduação. Nessa linha de pensamento, assuntos como a formação básica e os fundamentos biológicos e físicos são discutidos.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Essential biological processes are governed by organized, dynamic interactions between multiple biomolecular systems. Complexes are thus formed to enable the biological function and get dissembled as the process is completed. Examples of such processes include the translation of the messenger RNA into protein by the ribosome, the folding of proteins by chaperonins or the entry of viruses in host cells. Understanding these fundamental processes by characterizing the molecular mechanisms that enable then, would allow the (better) design of therapies and drugs. Such molecular mechanisms may be revealed trough the structural elucidation of the biomolecular assemblies at the core of these processes. Various experimental techniques may be applied to investigate the molecular architecture of biomolecular assemblies. High-resolution techniques, such as X-ray crystallography, may solve the atomic structure of the system, but are typically constrained to biomolecules of reduced flexibility and dimensions. In particular, X-ray crystallography requires the sample to form a three dimensional (3D) crystal lattice which is technically di‑cult, if not impossible, to obtain, especially for large, dynamic systems. Often these techniques solve the structure of the different constituent components within the assembly, but encounter difficulties when investigating the entire system. On the other hand, imaging techniques, such as cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), are able to depict large systems in near-native environment, without requiring the formation of crystals. The structures solved by cryo-EM cover a wide range of resolutions, from very low level of detail where only the overall shape of the system is visible, to high-resolution that approach, but not yet reach, atomic level of detail. In this dissertation, several modeling methods are introduced to either integrate cryo-EM datasets with structural data from X-ray crystallography, or to directly interpret the cryo-EM reconstruction. Such computational techniques were developed with the goal of creating an atomic model for the cryo-EM data. The low-resolution reconstructions lack the level of detail to permit a direct atomic interpretation, i.e. one cannot reliably locate the atoms or amino-acid residues within the structure obtained by cryo-EM. Thereby one needs to consider additional information, for example, structural data from other sources such as X-ray crystallography, in order to enable such a high-resolution interpretation. Modeling techniques are thus developed to integrate the structural data from the different biophysical sources, examples including the work described in the manuscript I and II of this dissertation. At intermediate and high-resolution, cryo-EM reconstructions depict consistent 3D folds such as tubular features which in general correspond to alpha-helices. Such features can be annotated and later on used to build the atomic model of the system, see manuscript III as alternative. Three manuscripts are presented as part of the PhD dissertation, each introducing a computational technique that facilitates the interpretation of cryo-EM reconstructions. The first manuscript is an application paper that describes a heuristics to generate the atomic model for the protein envelope of the Rift Valley fever virus. The second manuscript introduces the evolutionary tabu search strategies to enable the integration of multiple component atomic structures with the cryo-EM map of their assembly. Finally, the third manuscript develops further the latter technique and apply it to annotate consistent 3D patterns in intermediate-resolution cryo-EM reconstructions. The first manuscript, titled An assembly model for Rift Valley fever virus, was submitted for publication in the Journal of Molecular Biology. The cryo-EM structure of the Rift Valley fever virus was previously solved at 27Å-resolution by Dr. Freiberg and collaborators. Such reconstruction shows the overall shape of the virus envelope, yet the reduced level of detail prevents the direct atomic interpretation. High-resolution structures are not yet available for the entire virus nor for the two different component glycoproteins that form its envelope. However, homology models may be generated for these glycoproteins based on similar structures that are available at atomic resolutions. The manuscript presents the steps required to identify an atomic model of the entire virus envelope, based on the low-resolution cryo-EM map of the envelope and the homology models of the two glycoproteins. Starting with the results of the exhaustive search to place the two glycoproteins, the model is built iterative by running multiple multi-body refinements to hierarchically generate models for the different regions of the envelope. The generated atomic model is supported by prior knowledge regarding virus biology and contains valuable information about the molecular architecture of the system. It provides the basis for further investigations seeking to reveal different processes in which the virus is involved such as assembly or fusion. The second manuscript was recently published in the of Journal of Structural Biology (doi:10.1016/j.jsb.2009.12.028) under the title Evolutionary tabu search strategies for the simultaneous registration of multiple atomic structures in cryo-EM reconstructions. This manuscript introduces the evolutionary tabu search strategies applied to enable a multi-body registration. This technique is a hybrid approach that combines a genetic algorithm with a tabu search strategy to promote the proper exploration of the high-dimensional search space. Similar to the Rift Valley fever virus, it is common that the structure of a large multi-component assembly is available at low-resolution from cryo-EM, while high-resolution structures are solved for the different components but lack for the entire system. Evolutionary tabu search strategies enable the building of an atomic model for the entire system by considering simultaneously the different components. Such registration indirectly introduces spatial constrains as all components need to be placed within the assembly, enabling the proper docked in the low-resolution map of the entire assembly. Along with the method description, the manuscript covers the validation, presenting the benefit of the technique in both synthetic and experimental test cases. Such approach successfully docked multiple components up to resolutions of 40Å. The third manuscript is entitled Evolutionary Bidirectional Expansion for the Annotation of Alpha Helices in Electron Cryo-Microscopy Reconstructions and was submitted for publication in the Journal of Structural Biology. The modeling approach described in this manuscript applies the evolutionary tabu search strategies in combination with the bidirectional expansion to annotate secondary structure elements in intermediate resolution cryo-EM reconstructions. In particular, secondary structure elements such as alpha helices show consistent patterns in cryo-EM data, and are visible as rod-like patterns of high density. The evolutionary tabu search strategy is applied to identify the placement of the different alpha helices, while the bidirectional expansion characterizes their length and curvature. The manuscript presents the validation of the approach at resolutions ranging between 6 and 14Å, a level of detail where alpha helices are visible. Up to resolution of 12 Å, the method measures sensitivities between 70-100% as estimated in experimental test cases, i.e. 70-100% of the alpha-helices were correctly predicted in an automatic manner in the experimental data. The three manuscripts presented in this PhD dissertation cover different computation methods for the integration and interpretation of cryo-EM reconstructions. The methods were developed in the molecular modeling software Sculptor (http://sculptor.biomachina.org) and are available for the scientific community interested in the multi-resolution modeling of cryo-EM data. The work spans a wide range of resolution covering multi-body refinement and registration at low-resolution along with annotation of consistent patterns at high-resolution. Such methods are essential for the modeling of cryo-EM data, and may be applied in other fields where similar spatial problems are encountered, such as medical imaging.


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In biomolecular systems, the mechanical transfer of free energy occurs with both high efficiency and high speed. It is shown here that such a transfer can be achieved only if the participating free-energy-storing elements exhibit opposing relationships between their content of free energy and the force they exert in the transfer direction. A kinetic equilibrium of forces (KEF) results, in which the transfer of free energy is mediated essentially by thermal molecular motion. On the basis of present evidence, KEF is used as a guiding principle in developing a mechanical model of the crossbridge cycle in muscle contraction. The model allows the basic features of molecular events to be visualized in terms of plausible structures. Real understanding of the process will require identification of the elements that perform the functions described here. Besides chemomechanical energy transduction, KEF may have a role in other biomolecular processes in which free energy is transferred mechanically over large distances.


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Diferentes abordagens teóricas têm sido utilizadas em estudos de sistemas biomoleculares com o objetivo de contribuir com o tratamento de diversas doenças. Para a dor neuropática, por exemplo, o estudo de compostos que interagem com o receptor sigma-1 (Sig-1R) pode elucidar os principais fatores associados à atividade biológica dos mesmos. Nesse propósito, estudos de Relações Quantitativas Estrutura-Atividade (QSAR) utilizando os métodos de regressão por Mínimos Quadrados Parciais (PLS) e Rede Neural Artificial (ANN) foram aplicados a 64 antagonistas do Sig-1R pertencentes à classe de 1-arilpirazóis. Modelos PLS e ANN foram utilizados com o objetivo de descrever comportamentos lineares e não lineares, respectivamente, entre um conjunto de descritores e a atividade biológica dos compostos selecionados. O modelo PLS foi obtido com 51 compostos no conjunto treinamento e 13 compostos no conjunto teste (r² = 0,768, q² = 0,684 e r²teste = 0,785). Testes de leave-N-out, randomização da atividade biológica e detecção de outliers confirmaram a robustez e estabilidade dos modelos e mostraram que os mesmos não foram obtidos por correlações ao acaso. Modelos também foram gerados a partir da Rede Neural Artificial Perceptron de Multicamadas (MLP-ANN), sendo que a arquitetura 6-12-1, treinada com as funções de transferência tansig-tansig, apresentou a melhor resposta para a predição da atividade biológica dos compostos (r²treinamento = 0,891, r²validação = 0,852 e r²teste = 0,793). Outra abordagem foi utilizada para simular o ambiente de membranas sinápticas utilizando bicamadas lipídicas compostas por POPC, DOPE, POPS e colesterol. Os estudos de dinâmica molecular desenvolvidos mostraram que altas concentrações de colesterol induzem redução da área por lipídeo e difusão lateral e aumento na espessura da membrana e nos valores de parâmetro de ordem causados pelo ordenamento das cadeias acil dos fosfolipídeos. As bicamadas lipídicas obtidas podem ser usadas para simular interações entre lipídeos e pequenas moléculas ou proteínas contribuindo para as pesquisas associadas a doenças como Alzheimer e Parkinson. As abordagens usadas nessa tese são essenciais para o desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas em Química Medicinal Computacional.


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A hybrid Molecular Dynamics/Fluctuating Hydrodynamics framework based on the analogy with two-phase hydrodynamics has been extended to dynamically tracking the feature of interest at all-atom resolution. In the model, the hydrodynamics description is used as an effective boundary condition to close the molecular dynamics solution without resorting to standard periodic boundary conditions. The approach is implemented in a popular Molecular Dynamics package GROMACS and results for two biomolecular systems are reported. A small peptide dialanine and a complete capsid of a virus porcine circovirus 2 in water are considered and shown to reproduce the structural and dynamic properties compared to those obtained in theory, purely atomistic simulations, and experiment.


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The basic framework for the JAK/STAT pathway is well documented. Recruitment of latent cytoplasmic STAT transcription factors to tyrosine phosphorylated docking sites on cytokine receptors and their JAK-mediated phosphorylation instigates their translocation to the nucleus and their ability to bind DNA, The biochemical processes underlying recruitment and activation of this pathway have commonly been studied in reconstituted in vitro systems using previously defined recombinant signaling components. We have dissected the Interferon gamma (IFN gamma) signal transduction pathway in crude extracts from wild-type and STAT1-negative mutant cell Lines by real-time BIAcore analysis, size-exclusion (SE) chromatography and immune-detection. The data indicate that in detergent-free cell extracts: (1) the phospho-tyrosine (Y440P)-containing peptide motif of the IFN gamma-receptor ct-chain interacts directly with STAT1, or STAT1 complexes, and no other protein; (2) nonactivated STAT 1 is present in a higher molecular weight complex(es) and, at least for IFN gamma-primed cells, is available for recruitment to the activated IFN gamma-receptor from only a subset of such complexes; (3) activated STAT1 is released from the receptor as a monomer.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Biotecnologia


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The double spin-echo point resolved spectroscopy sequence (PRESS) is a widely used method and standard in clinical MR spectroscopy. Existence of important J-modulations at constant echo times, depending on the temporal delays between the rf-pulses, have been demonstrated recently for strongly coupled spin systems and were exploited for difference editing, removing singlets from the spectrum (strong-coupling PRESS, S-PRESS). A drawback of this method for in vivo applications is that large signal modulations needed for difference editing occur only at relatively long echo times. In this work we demonstrate that, by simply adding a third refocusing pulse (3S-PRESS), difference editing becomes possible at substantially shorter echo times while, as applied to citrate, more favorable lineshapes can be obtained. For the example of an AB system an analytical description of the MR signal, obtained with this triple refocusing sequence (3S-PRESS), is provided.


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Development of organic molecules that exhibit selective interactions with different biomolecules has immense significance in biochemical and medicinal applications. In this context, our main objective has been to design a few novel functionaIized molecules that can selectively bind and recognize nucleotides and DNA in the aqueous medium through non-covalent interactions. Our strategy was to design novel cycIophane receptor systems based on the anthracene chromophore linked through different bridging moieties and spacer groups. It was proposed that such systems would have a rigid structure with well defined cavity, wherein the aromatic chromophore can undergo pi-stacking interactions with the guest molecules. The viologen and imidazolium moieties have been chosen as bridging units, since such groups, can in principle, could enhance the solubility of these derivatives in the aqueous medium as well as stabilize the inclusion complexes through electrostatic interactions.We synthesized a series of water soluble novel functionalized cyclophanes and have investigated their interactions with nucleotides, DNA and oligonucIeotides through photophysical. chiroptical, electrochemical and NMR techniques. Results indicate that these systems have favorable photophysical properties and exhibit selective interactions with ATP, GTP and DNA involving electrostatic. hydrophobic and pi-stacking interactions inside the cavity and hence can have potential use as probes in biology.


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Design and study of molecular receptors capable of mimicking natural processes has found applications in basic research as well as in the development of potentially useful technologies. Of the various receptors reported, the cyclophanes are known to encapsulate guest molecules in their cavity utilizing various non–covalent interactions resulting in significant changes in their optical properties. This unique property of the cyclophanes has been widely exploited for the development of selective and sensitive probes for a variety of guest molecules including complex biomolecules. Further, the incorporation of metal centres into these systems added new possibilities for designing receptors such as the metallocyclophanes and transition metal complexes, which can target a large variety of Lewis basic functional groups that act as selective synthetic receptors. The ligands that form complexes with the metal ions, and are capable of further binding to Lewis-basic substrates through open coordination sites present in various biomolecules are particularly important as biomolecular receptors. In this context, we synthesized a few anthracene and acridine based metal complexes and novel metallocyclophanes and have investigated their photophysical and biomolecular recognition properties.


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Advancements in the micro-and nano-scale fabrication techniques have opened up new avenues for the development of portable, scalable and easier-to-use biosensors. Over the last few years, electrodes made of carbon have been widely used as sensing units in biosensors due to their attractive physiochemical properties. The aim of this research is to investigate different strategies to develop functionalized high surface carbon micro/nano-structures for electrochemical and biosensing devices. High aspect ratio three-dimensional carbon microarrays were fabricated via carbon microelectromechanical systems (C-MEMS) technique, which is based on pyrolyzing pre-patterned organic photoresist polymers. To further increase the surface area of the carbon microstructures, surface porosity was introduced by two strategies, i.e. (i) using F127 as porogen and (ii) oxygen reactive ion etch (RIE) treatment. Electrochemical characterization showed that porous carbon thin film electrodes prepared by using F127 as porogen had an effective surface area (Aeff 185%) compared to the conventional carbon electrode. To achieve enhanced electrochemical sensitivity for C-MEMS based functional devices, graphene was conformally coated onto high aspect ratio three-dimensional (3D) carbon micropillar arrays using electrostatic spray deposition (ESD) technique. The amperometric response of graphene/carbon micropillar electrode arrays exhibited higher electrochemical activity, improved charge transfer and a linear response towards H2O2 detection between 250&mgr;M to 5.5mM. Furthermore, carbon structures with dimensions from 50 nano-to micrometer level have been fabricated by pyrolyzing photo-nanoimprint lithography patterned organic resist polymer. Microstructure, elemental composition and resistivity characterization of the carbon nanostructures produced by this process were very similar to conventional photoresist derived carbon. Surface functionalization of the carbon nanostructures was performed using direct amination technique. Considering the need for requisite functional groups to covalently attach bioreceptors on the carbon surface for biomolecule detection, different oxidation techniques were compared to study the types of carbon-oxygen groups formed on the surface and their percentages with respect to different oxidation pretreatment times. Finally, a label-free detection strategy using signaling aptamer/protein binding complex for platelet-derived growth factor oncoprotein detection on functionalized three-dimensional carbon microarrays platform was demonstrated. The sensor showed near linear relationship between the relative fluorescence difference and protein concentration even in the sub-nanomolar range with an excellent detection limit of 5 pmol.