999 resultados para BIOLOGICAL WASTES


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Globally, agriculture is being intensified with mechanization and increased use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. There has been a scaling up of production to satisfy the demands of supermarket distribution. Problems associated with intensification of production, trade globalisation and a larger market demand for greater volumes of fresh produce, include consumers' concern about pesticide residues and leaching of nutrients and pesticides into the environment, as well as increases in the transmission of human food-poisoning pathogens on raw vegetables and in fruit juices. The first part of this research was concerned with the evaluation of a biological control strategy for soil-borne pathogens, these are difficult to eliminate and the chemicals of which the most effective fumigants e.g. methyl bromide, are being withdrawn form use. Chitin-containing crustaceans shellfish waste was investigated as a selective growth substrate amendment in the field, in glasshouse and in storage trials against Sclerotinia disease of Helianthus tuberosus, Phytophthora fragariae disease of Fragaria vesca and Fusarium disease of Dianthus. Results showed that addition to shellfish waste stimulated substrate microbial populations and lytic activity and induced plant defense proteins, namely chitinases and cellulases. Protective effects were seen in all crop models but the results indicate that further trials are required to confirm long-term efficacy. The second part of the research investigated the persistence of enteric bacteria in raw salad vegetables using model food poisoning isolates. In clinical investigations plants are sampled for bacterial contamination but no attempt is made to differentiate between epiphytes and endophytes. Results here indicate that the mode isolates persist endophytically thereby escaping conventional chlorine washes and they may also induce host defenses, which results in their suppression and in negative results in conventional plate count screening. Finally a discussion of criteria that should be considered for a HACCP plan for safe raw salad vegetable production is presented.


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Il presente elaborato è stato finalizzato allo sviluppo di un processo di digestione anaerobica della frazione organica dei rifiuti solidi urbani (FORSU oppure, in lingua inglese OFMSW, Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste) provenienti da raccolta indifferenziata e conseguente produzione di biogas da impiegarsi per il recupero energetico. Questo lavoro rientra nell’ambito di un progetto, cofinanziato dalla Regione Emilia Romagna attraverso il Programma Regionale per la Ricerca Industriale, l’Innovazione e il Trasferimento Tecnologico (PRRIITT), sviluppato dal Dipartimento di Chimica Applicata e Scienza dei Materiali (DICASM) dell’Università di Bologna in collaborazione con la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università di Ferrara e con la società Recupera s.r.l. che applicherà il processo nell’impianto pilota realizzato presso il proprio sito di biostabilizzazione e compostaggio ad Ostellato (FE). L’obiettivo è stato la verifica della possibilità di impiegare la frazione organica dei rifiuti indifferenziati per la produzione di biogas, e in particolare di metano, attraverso un processo di digestione anaerobica previo trattamento chimico oppure in codigestione con altri substrati organici facilmente fermentabili. E’ stata inoltre studiata la possibilità di impiego di reattori con biomassa adesa per migliorare la produzione specifica di metano e diminuire la lag phase. Dalla sperimentazione si può concludere che è possibile giungere allo sviluppo di metano dalla purea codigerendola assieme a refluo zootecnico. Per ottenere però produzioni significative la quantità di solidi volatili apportati dal rifiuto non deve superare il 50% dei solidi volatili complessivi. Viceversa, l’addizione di solfuri alla sola purea si è dimostrata ininfluente nel tentativo di sottrarre gli agenti inibitori della metanogenesi. Inoltre, l’impiego di supporti di riempimento lavorando attraverso processi batch sequenziali permette di eliminare, nei cicli successivi al primo, la lag phase dei batteri metanogeni ed incrementare la produzione specifica di metano.


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This is the Biological survey of River Teign and tributaries with references to the discharge of ball clay wastes, document produced by South West Water Authority in 1973. This report focuses on on-site assessment of the benthic macro-invertebrates of the lower River Teign, River Bovey, Ugbrooke Stream and Blatchford Brook was undertaken on 19th and 22nd August 1977 to assess the effects of discharges from ball clay mining premises. Inspection of aquatic fauna in the field is of necessity, less extensive than laboratory identification of sorted samples, so that the resulting data underestimates the water quality. This is more pronounced in the Chandler Score than in the Trent Biotic Index which does not take account of species abundance. Chandler should thus be interpreted by the trends described rather than by absolute values calculated.


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Grant no. 12060 DPE.


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Supported by Division of Water Supply and Pollution Control U.S. Public Health Service Research Project WP-138.


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Pebble matrix filtration (PMF) is a water treatment technology that can remove suspended solids in highly turbid surface water during heavy storms. PMF typically uses sand and natural pebbles as filter media. Hand-made clay pebbles (balls) can be used as alternatives to natural pebbles in PMF treatment plants, where natural pebbles are not readily available. Since the high turbidity is a seasonal problem that occurs during heavy rains, the use of newly developed composite clay balls instead of pure clay balls have the advantage of removing other pollutants such as natural organic matter (NOM) during other times. Only the strength properties of composite clay balls are described here as the pollutant removal is beyond the scope of this paper. These new composite clay balls must be able to withstand dead and live loads under dry and saturated conditions in a filter assembly. Absence of a standard ball preparation process and expected strength properties of composite clay balls were the main reasons behind the present study. Five different raw materials from industry wastes: Red Mud (RM), Water Treatment Alum Sludge (S), Shredded Paper (SP), Saw Dust (SD), and Sugar Mulch (SM) were added to common clay brick mix (BM) in different proportions. In an effort to minimize costs, in this study clay balls were fired to 1100 0C at a local brick factory together with their bricks. A comprehensive experimental program was performed to evaluate crushing strength of composite hand-made clay balls, using uniaxial compression test to establish the best material combination on the basis of strength properties for designing sustainable filter media for water treatment plants. Performance at both construction and operating stages were considered by analyzing both strength properties under fully dry conditions and strength degradation after saturation in a water bath. The BM-75% as the main component produced optimum combination in terms of workability and strength. With the material combination of BM-75% and additives-25%, the use of Red Mud and water treatment sludge as additives produced the highest and lowest strength of composite clay balls, with a failure load of 5.4 kN and 1.4 kN respectively. However, this lower value of 1.4 kN is much higher than the effective load on each clay ball of 0.04 kN in a typical filter assembly (safety factor of 35), therefore, can still be used as a suitable filter material for enhanced pollutant removal.


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Fermentable components of municipal solid wastes (MSW) such as fruit and vegetable wastes (FVW), leaf litter, paddy straw, cane bagasse, cane trash and paper are generated in large quantities at various pockets of the city. These form potential feedstocks for decentralized biogas plants to be operated in the vicinity. We characterized the fermentation potential of six of the above MSW fractions for their suitability to be converted to biogas and anaerobic compost using the solid-state stratified bed (SSB) process in a laboratory study. FVW and leaf litter (papermulberry leaves) decomposed almost completely while paddy straw, sugarcane trash, sugarcane bagasse and photocopying paper decomposed to a lower extent. In the SSB process between 50-60% of the biological methane potential (BMP) could be realized. Observations revealed that the SSB process needs to be adapted differently for each of the feedstocks to obtain a higher gas recovery. Bagasse produced the largest fraction of anaerobic compost (fermentation residue) and has the potential for reuse in many ways.


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Os riscos dos resíduos provenientes da extração do urânio estão associados ao seu conteúdo em metais e radionuclídeos, o que levanta preocupações às autoridades governamentais e à população em geral. As populações humanas e outras espécies animais que vivem em zonas de exploração de urânio poderão estar expostas à radiação através de resíduos e poeiras radioactivase também através de água e alimentos contaminados. A determinação dos riscos deste tipo de contaminantes é feita, principalmente, através da análise química de amostras ambientais, dando-se menos importância à determinação de efeitos biológicos. A determinação de efeitos biológicos causados pela exposição a poluentes, tem-se revelado muito importante para uma avaliação da qualidade ambiental, de modo a providenciar indicações acerca dos efeitos negativos nos seres vivos e também para complementar a informação dada pelas análises químicas de amostras ambientais. Este facto levou ao estabelecimento de biomarcadores, que consistem em respostas biológicas adversas que são específicas de uma exposição a toxinas ambientais, para serem usadas como ferramentas de avaliação da qualidade ambiental. Neste trabalho foram analisadas respostas a nível molecular e celular, em minhocas, ratinhos do campo e humanos, a fim de determinar o risco químico e radiológico dos resíduos provenientes da mina de urânio da Cunha Baixa. Este trabalho teve também como objectivo a clarificação das respostas subjacentes à exposição a metais e radionuclídeos, a fim de permitir o desenvolvimento de potenciais novos biomarcadores moleculares. Durante este trabalho foram efectuados ensaios com minhocas, em que estas foram expostas durante 56 dias a solo contaminado proveniente da mina de urânio da Cunha Baixa, em laboratório e in situ. Durante a exposição foram analisados vários parâmetros, como o crescimento, reprodução, bioacumulação de metais e radionuclídeos, histopatologia, danos no DNA, citotoxicidade e perfil de expressão genética. Para além disso, foram amostrados ratinhos do campo na mina de urânio da Cunha Baixa e numa área de referência para determinação de danos no DNA, níveis de expressão e mutações em genes supressores de tumores e também bioacumulação de metais. Por fim, foram recolhidas amostras de sangue em voluntários saudáveis pertencentes à população da aldeia da Cunha Baixa, para determinação de danos no DNA, imunofenotipagem e quantificação de metais no sangue. Os resultados revelaram que as minhocas assim como os ratinhos do campo foram negativamente afetados pela exposição aos resíduos mineiros em todos os níveis de organização biológica aqui analisados, o que faz destes organismos bons indicadores para a determinação do risco destas áreas contaminadas, evidenciando o potencial risco da exposição a estes contaminantes. Para além disso, o estudo feito à população da Cunha Baixa revelou danos no ADN e diminuição de populações importantes de células imunitárias (nomeadamente linfócitos T e NK), o que poderá resultar da exposição aos resíduos da mina, tornando as pessoas mais susceptíveis ao desenvolvimento de processos de carcinogénese. O presente estudo contribuiu significativamente para a caracterização dos riscos da exposição a resíduos provenientes de minas de urânio abandonadas, evidenciando os seus efeitos negativos a nível molecular e celular, que potencialmente poderão causar instabilidade genómica e aumentar o risco de desenvolvimento de doenças genéticas.


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The date palm Phoenix dactylifera has played an important role in the day-to-day life of the people for the last 7000 years. Today worldwide production, utilization and industrialization of dates are continuously increasing since date fruits have earned great importance in human nutrition owing to their rich content of essential nutrients. Tons of date palm fruit wastes are discarded daily by the date processing industries leading to environmental problems. Wastes such as date pits represent an average of 10% of the date fruits. Thus, there is an urgent need to find suitable applications for this waste. In spite of several studies on date palm cultivation, their utilization and scope for utilizing date fruit in therapeutic applications, very few reviews are available and they are limited to the chemistry and pharmacology of the date fruits and phytochemical composition, nutritional significance and potential health benefits of date fruit consumption. In this context, in the present review the prospects of valorization of these date fruit processing by-products and wastes’ employing fermentation and enzyme processing technologies towards total utilization of this valuable commodity for the production of biofuels, biopolymers, biosurfactants, organic acids, antibiotics, industrial enzymes and other possible industrial chemicals are discussed


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O impacto dos resíduos orgânicos agroindustriais no ambiente pode ser reduzido com o seu uso agrícola. do ponto de vista da fertilidade do solo, o que se deseja com a aplicação dos resíduos é aumentar o teor de matéria orgânica e fornecer nutrientes para as plantas. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do lodo biológico de indústria de gelatina em atributos químicos de dois Argissolos Vermelho-Amarelos (PVA-arenoso e PVA-textura média) e de um Latossolo Vermelho (LV-argiloso). O experimento foi conduzido por 120 dias em laboratório, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado e esquema fatorial combinando os três solos e seis doses de lodo (0, 100, 200, 300, 400 e 500 m³ ha-1), com três repetições. A aplicação de até 500 m³ ha-1 de lodo diminui a acidez do solo e aumenta a CTC efetiva e a disponibilidade de N, Ca, Mg e P, sem ultrapassar o limite de tolerância para Na. O aumento do teor de bases, maior do que o da CTC efetiva, indica que a maior parte dos cátions adicionados pelo lodo permanece em solução e pode ser perdida por lixiviação.


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The objective of this work is to evaluate the acidic and biological leaching of tailings containing Ni/Cu from a flotation and smelting plant. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, strain LR, was used for bioleaching at pH 1.8 and chemical controls were run parallel to that. The acidic leaching was done within 48 hours at pH 0.5 and 1.0. In the slag inoculated flasks the redox potential was high (600 mV), thus indicating oxidative bacterial activity, however, the obtained results after 15 days showed only around 13% Ni and 8% Cu extractions, which were not different to those of the controls. For the flotation tailings bioleaching extractions were approximately 45% for Ni and 16% for Cu while differing figures were obtained for the chemical controls. These were 30% and 12% respectively. Here we could observe that the presence of bacterial activity led to a higher solubility of Ni. Acid leaching of slag showed higher nickel and copper extractions: 56% and 24% respectively at pH 0.5 and 21% and 11% at pH 1.0. However, the acid consumption was 320 and 150 Kg/ton of slag, respectively, both much higher than in bacterial assays. These results indicated that Ni and Cu solubilization from the slag is acid dependent no matter the redox potential or ferric iron concentration of the leaching solution. For flotation tailings, acid treatment showed extractions of 23% for Ni and 16% for copper at pH 0.5 and 22% and 28%, respectively at pH 1.0. The acid consumption was also higher: 220 and 120 Kg/ton, at pH 0.5 and 1.0, respectively. Based on own findings we could observe that acid leaching is found to be more effective for slag, though the acid consumption is much higher, while for the flotation tailings, bacterial leaching seems to be the best alternative. © (2009) Trans Tech Publications.


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The hydrogen gas is regarded as clean and renewable energy source, since it generates only water during combustion when used as fuel. It shows 2.75 times more energy content than any hydrocarbon and it can be converted into electrical, mechanical energy or heat. Inoculum sources have been successfully tested for hydrogen biological production in temperate climate countries as sludge treatment plants sewage, sludge treatment plant wastewater, landfill sample, among others. However, hydrogen biologic production with inoculum from environmental samples such as sediment reservoirs, especially in tropical countries like Brazil, is rarely investigated. Reservoirs and fresh water lake sediment may contain conditions for the survival of a wide variety of microorganisms which use different carbon sources mainly glucose and xylose, in the fermentation. Glucose is an easily biodegradable, present in most of the industrial effluents and can be obtained abundantly from agricultural wastes. A wide variety of wastewater resulting from agriculture, industry and pulp and paper processed from wood may contain xylose in its constitution. Such effluent contains glucose and xylose concentrations of about 2 g/L. In this sense, this work verified hydrogen biological production in anaerobic batch reactor (1L), at 37 ° C, initial pH 5.5, headspace with N2 (100%), Del Nery medium, vitamins and peptone (1 g/L), fed separately with glucose (2g/L) and xylose (2 g/L). The inoculum was taken from environmental sample (sediment reservoir Itupararanga - Ibiúna - SP-Brazil). It was previously purified in serial dilutions at H2 generation (10-5, 10-7, 10-10), and heat treated (90º C - 10 min) later to inhibited the H2 consumers. The maximum H2 generations obtained in both tests were observed at 552 h, as described below. At the reactors fed with glucose and xylose were observed, respectively, 9.1 and 8.6 mmol H2/L, biomass growth (0.2 and 0.2 nm); consumption of sugar concentrations 53.6% (1.1 glucose g/L) and 90.5% (1.8 xylose g/L); acetic acid generation (124.7 mg/L and 82.7 mg/L), butyric acid (134.0 mg/L and 230.4 mg/L) and there wasn’t methane generation in the reactors. Microscopic analysis of biomass in anaerobic reactors showed the predominance of Gram positive rods and rods with endospores, whose morphology is characteristic of H2-generating bacteria, in both tests. These species were selected from the natural environment. In DGGE analysis performed difference were observed between populations from inoculum and in tests. This analysis confirmed that some species of bacteria were selected which remained under the conditions imposed on the experiment. The efficiency of the pre-treatment of inoculum and the imposition of pH 5.5 inhibited methane-producing microorganisms and the consumers of H2. Therefore, the experimental conditions imposed allowed the attainment of bacterial consortium of producer H2 taken from an environmental sample with concentration of xylose and glucose similar to the ones of the industrial effluents.


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The aim of this research was to evaluate the bioremediation of a soil contaminated with wastes from a plasticizers industry, located in Sao Paulo, Brazil. A 100-kg soil sample containing alcohols, adipates and phthalates was treated in an aerobic slurry-phase reactor using indigenous and acclimated microorganisms from the sludge of a wastewater treatment plant of the plasticizers industry (11gVSS kg(-1) dry soil), during 120 days. The soil pH and temperature were not corrected during bioremediation; soil humidity was corrected weekly to maintain 40%. The biodegradation of the pollutants followed first-order kinetics; the removal efficiencies were above 61% and, among the analyzed plasticizers, adipate was removed to below the detection limit. Biological molecular analysis during bioremediation revealed a significant change in the dominant populations initially present in the reactor.


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The aim of this research was to evaluate the bioremediation of a soil contaminated with wastes from a plasticizers industry, located in São Paulo, Brazil. A 100-kg soil sample containing alcohols, adipates and phthalates was treated in an aerobic slurry-phase reactor using indigenous and acclimated microorganisms from the sludge of a wastewater treatment plant of the plasticizers industry (11gVSS kg-1 dry soil), during 120 days. The soil pH and temperature were not corrected during bioremediation; soil humidity was corrected weekly to maintain 40%. The biodegradation of the pollutants followed first-order kinetics; the removal efficiencies were above 61% and, among the analyzed plasticizers, adipate was removed to below the detection limit. Biological molecular analysis during bioremediation revealed a significant change in the dominant populations initially present in the reactor.