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The Church in one s heart. The formation of religion and individuation in the lives of Ingrian Finns in the 20th century. Sinikka Haapaniemi University of Helsinki, Finland 302 pages The study falls within the sphere of religious views and the problematique of the life trajectory. The target group comprises those Finnish speakers (Ingrian Finns, Ingrians) living in what was historically Ingermanland and who in varying circumstances became scattered. These times were characterized by pressures for change due to societal reasons and reasons of war. In conditions of change external living conditions matters of religious conviction may assume new meaning and form. The examination focuses on sustaining personal faith in difficult life situations and on how crises affected religious views. Another level of scrutiny takes shape through the terminology of the analytic psychology of C.G. Jung. Individuation is deemed to occur as a cumulative process through the stages of life. The basic data for the study comprises interviews with twenty (20) natives of Ingria and their biographical narratives written in standard language. Many biographical accounts and memoirs serve as secondary data. The interviewees, who were largely selected at random, recounted their lives without questions formulated in advance. The study falls within the field of comparative religion and adheres to the principles of qualitative research practice and the case-study method. Effort was made to get to know each interviewee in the situation which his/her narrative presents. The aim is to pay attention to the interpretations given by the narrators of their various experiences and to understand their meanings on a personal level. The years during which the Ingrians were scattered, wandering and returning raise problems of survival. An individual s own initiative assumes individual forms and emphases. Religion was part of the narrators lives as one factor in the quality of life. Their religious thinking was influenced by both their home upbringing and the teaching of the Church. The interviewees took a serious attitude to the informative teaching of confirmation training. When there was no longer a church, it was claimed that the church travelled with them. Changed circumstances tested the validity of the teachings. The message of the Church institution persisted and helped them to preserve their traditions. A striving for unity and for the presence of a community emerged both in the form of ritual behaviour and in a predilection to sociability. Gradually, as they returned, the activity of the Church of Ingria began to revive. At the turn of the millennium the network of parishes was extensive and cultural activity flourished wherever the Ingrians settled in the postwar decades. Religion is part of the process of individuation. Examination of religion and individuation shows that religion remained an individual view, whose factual base was formed by Christianity and the tradition of the Church. Home upbringing served to orientate, but not to bind. With ageing the importance of independent thought is emphasized, for example in relation to confession, it did not pose a threat to individuality. Keywords: Life story, Religiosity, individuation, Ingrian, the Church of Ingria


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Este trabalho consiste em um estudo sobre a relação entre subjetividade e meio, mais especificamente, sobre a formação subjetiva no contexto da violência nas favelas cariocas. A reflexão proposta traz, como principal referencial teórico, a noção, adotada, entre outros, por John Bowlby e Donald Winnicott, de uma constituição subjetiva marcada pela intersubjetividade. Dito de outro modo, a subjetividade aqui é resultante do encontro do indivíduo com o meio (inicialmente a própria figura materna); o que significa que um não pode ser compreendido a não ser na interação com outro. Desse pressuposto comum, tais autores partem para construir percursos teóricos independentes, que ora se aproximam, ora se distanciam. Contemporâneos e membros da Sociedade Psicanalítica Britânica da época, Bowlby e Winnicott fizeram parte do chamado Middle Group. Tal vertente psicanalítica, sob a influência da biologia de Darwin, da etologia e da literatura, apresenta como característica fundamental a de conferir uma importância inédita ao ambiente no processo do desenvolvimento emocional. A adaptação dos cuidados maternos às necessidades do bebê, nos estágios precoces de seu desenvolvimento, ganha a função primordial de sobrevivência e desempenha aqui um papel decisivo para a saúde mental do sujeito. Bowlby utilizar-se-á da idéia de que os pais, ou cuidadores, funcionam como uma espécie de base segura a partir da qual a criança pode explorar o mundo com a confiança de que será acolhida caso precise. Para ele, o comportamento de apego sustenta o processo de subjetivação e representa um elemento constituinte da natureza humana, que se manifesta através da propensão para estabelecer laços íntimos. Já Winnicott adotará a idéia de uma maternagem suficientemente boa, capaz de garantir à criança a continuidade de sua existência. Interrupções nessa provisão dos cuidados precoces são, para estes autores, potenciais agentes patogênicos. À luz dessa perspectiva teórica, serão apresentadas as narrativas biográficas de três moradores de uma favela da zona sul carioca representativa dos constantes e violentos confrontos que vêm ocorrendo entre os integrantes do tráfico de drogas daquela localidade com a polícia, com outras facções rivais e entre eles próprios. A experiência da provisão materna, em ambientes prejudicados por um determinado tipo de violência contextualizada, é o que tais histórias pessoais tentam retratar.


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Esta dissertação tem como centralidade investigar as narrativas de professores que atuaram no segmento da Educação Infantil do Centro Educacional de Niterói (CEN), entre 1980 e 2006. Esta pesquisa busca compreender, em um mergulho nas abordagens (auto)biográficas, como estes docentes viveram as ações de formação, ou de (trans)formação, desenvolvidas no espaçotempo desta escola, percebidas como movimentos instituintes. Por último, busca compreender os impactos que a experiência de ser docente no CEN, ou tornar-se doCENte, trouxe para a construção de sua identidade e de sua atuação pedagógica. Para a consecução destes objetivos, tornou-se necessário, em paralelo, compreender a escola e suas principais marcas identitárias. Sendo assim, a dissertação contempla também uma investigação sobre o contexto histórico de sua criação no final da década de 1950 e início da década de 1960. Elementos de uma viagem foram tomados como metáfora a fim de elucidar o itinerário da pesquisa e, assim, refletir acerca dos referenciais teóricos metodológicos que a perpassam e fundamentam, tais como os conceitos de história, experiência, narrativas (auto)biográficas, formação docente, movimentos instituintes, conversas e análise de conteúdo. A partir do entrelaçamento destes conceitos, tomados como fundamentais à investigação, da interlocução com o contexto histórico institucional e das conversas com os professores, vividas como parte do trabalho de pesquisa, esta dissertação busca compreender discursos, processos de formação e espaços formativos. Dentre as muitas reflexões que a pesquisa proporciona, destaco: a importância da busca pelo conhecimento como elemento constitutivo da identidade docente, ou seja, a formação docente deve ter com preocupação central a formação de professores pesquisadores; a necessidade do estreitamento do diálogo entre escola e universidade; e a transformação de cada escola em centro de formação docente, em fórum de discussão e construção de saberes e fazeres, em uma perspectiva pessoal e coletiva.


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Esta tese analisa narrativas de trajetórias acadêmico-profissionais a partir de um banco de entrevistas com atores de destaque no campo intelectual latino-americano de direitos sexuais. Foi feito um recorte privilegiando os atores brasileiros, buscando compreender que gramática emotiva informa o discurso sobre a motivação no engajamento político e intelectual em temas ligados ao gênero e à sexualidade. Os conceitos de violência e compaixão emergem, na análise, como importantes noções que ajudam a explicar o engajamento nesses temas. O aporte teórico utilizado é o da bibliografia da antropologia das emoções, na qual se destacam os referenciais analíticos que discutem o papel das emoções em movimentos sociais. Este referencial é utilizado para pensar as narrativas, com foco na relação discursiva entre a emoção e escolhas profissionais nestas carreiras interseccionadas tanto por estudos temáticos em direitos sexuais, quanto pela interlocução com movimentos sociais em diálogo com estes temas. O objetivo é investir em uma análise discursiva focando na gramática emocional das narrativas sobre o engajamento nas temáticas da política, dos direitos sexuais e das questões de gênero e sexualidade, com ênfase nas articulações entre engajamento intelectual e engajamento político.


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Although the impact of multiple adverse events in childhood is well known, it is equally accepted that the variation in individual trajectories and outcomes is significant. Resilience focuses on positive adaption in the face of adversity, offering a counterbalance to deficit-based research and risk averse, procedurally driven practice. Positive relationships and secure attachments are widely considered to be the cornerstone of resilience, yet, within social work practice, there is a tendency to consider attachment only in relation to children and adults. Three biographical narratives are used to explore resilience and attachment through a narrative identity framework, exploring parents' experiences of multiple adversities over their lifespan, their close relationships, and their experiences of child welfare interventions. It argues for the importance of narrative in social work assessment, particularly in relation to families with complex needs, illustrating how this enables a richer, more nuanced understanding of mothers and fathers as individuals in their own right, and provides insight into how alternative narratives might be better supported and developed.


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Maria Tamboukou links Foucauldian ideas to feminism and education. Its central argument is that the Foucauldian notion of 'technologies of the self' needs to be gendered and contextualized. This argument is pursued through a genealogical analysis of auto/biographical narratives of women educators at the turn of the nineteenth century. This is a new theoretical approach, since Foucault's work has proved to be of great interest to feminist scholars, but as yet, his theroies have only intermittently been used in educational feminist work. The genealogical analysis of situated female sujectivities has highlighted the importance of space in the 'technologies of the female self' and has reconsidered the private/public couplet. It has acted as a continuous source of uncertainty, experimenting with Foucauldian questions of what we are, of how we have become what we are, but also and perhaps most importantly of how we can become other than what we are already.


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: In this paper, I look at Joanne Leonard’s Being in Pictures and engage in a critical dialogue with an assemblage of visual and textual narratives that comprise her intimate photo memoir. In doing this I draw on Hannah Arendt’s take on narratives as tangible traces of uniqueness and plurality, political traits par excellence in the cultural histories of the human condition. Being aware of my role as a reader/viewer/interpreter of a woman artist’s auto/biographical narratives, I move beyond dilemmas of representation or questions of unveiling “the real Leonard”. The artist is instead configured as a narrative persona, whose narratives respond to three interrelated themes of inquiry, namely the visualization of spatial technologies, vulnerability and the gendering of memory. Key words: gendered memories, narrative persona, spatial technologies, photo memoir, vulnerability


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The integration of Biographical Knowledge in research processes is a methodological proposal of critical empiricism that shifts the centre of production of knowledge to the research objects. We try to show haw Biographical Narratives can allow bypassing the locks and the deviations from real observation by the researcher and focus is work on actors in process. In the critique of the Eurocentric paradigm and is production of hegemonic scientific discourses by Bonaventura Sousa Santos (Santos, 2000) proposes the "south epistemologies" as a research process and the inclusion of knowledge of actors as the research field. In the article we will try to look at the process of production of biographical narratives using the tools of south epistemological proposal. We start reviewing the methodologies working on biographical objects. Then we present the preliminary studies and research we have been doing in communities in southern Mozambique in Djabula Community Centre. These results should be completed with other works on the ground, and now we opened as a collaborative process discussion on African Studies community. The project will be completed in the coming months, through the proposal of a "House of memories" to develop with the local population through articles, stories, sounds and dances that are chosen and will support the chosen narratives by the community. The projects created with local players, from their problems allow rapprochement and dialogue between the different knowledge.


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The integration of Biographical Knowledge in research processes is a methodological proposal of critical empiricism that shifts the center of production of knowledge to the referred research objects. We try to show how Biographical Narratives can allow bypassing the locks and the deviations from real observation by the researcher, and focus his work on the actors in process. In the critique of the Eurocentric paradigm and its production of hegemonic scientific papers presentations and speaches, by Bonaventura Sousa Santos (Santos, 2000), proposes the "south epistemologies" as a research process and the inclusion of knowledge of actors as the research field. In the article, we will try to look at the production process of biographical narratives, using the tools of south epistemological proposal. We start with reviewing the methodologies, working on biographical objects, then we will present the preliminary studies and research that has been ongoing in several communities in southern Mozambique, in Djabula Community Centre. These results should be completed with other field works, as we open as a collaborative process discussion on African Studies community. We expect the project to be completed in the coming months, aiming towards the proposal of a "House of memories", in order to develop with the local population through articles, stories, sounds and dances that are selected and will support the chosen narratives by the community. The projects created with local players, from their problems will allow a rapprochement and dialogue between different kinds of knowledge."


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The integration of Biographical Knowledge in research processes is a methodological proposal of critical empiricism that shifts the center of production of knowledge to the referred research objects. We try to show how Biographical Narratives can allow bypassing the locks and the deviations from real observation by the researcher, and focus his work on the actors in process. In the critique of the Eurocentric paradigm and its production of hegemonic scientific papers presentations and speaches, by Bonaventura Sousa Santos (Santos, 2000), proposes the "south epistemologies" as a research process and the inclusion of knowledge of actors as the research field. In the article, we will try to look at the production process of biographical narratives, using the tools of south epistemological proposal. We start with reviewing the methodologies, working on biographical objects, then we will present the preliminary studies and research that has been ongoing in several communities in southern Mozambique, in Djabula Community Centre. These results should be completed with other field works, as we open as a collaborative process discussion on African Studies community. We expect the project to be completed in the coming months, aiming towards the proposal of a "House of memories", in order to develop with the local population through articles, stories, sounds and dances that are selected and will support the chosen narratives by the community. The projects created with local players, from their problems will allow a rapprochement and dialogue between different kinds of knowledge."


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Este artigo constitui uma reflexão sobre as metodologias de investigação-ação aplicada na museologia informal. Iniciamos o artigo com uma reflexão sobre os Horizontes da emancipação social, a proposta de Boaventura Sousa Santos apresentada em 2000 no seu livro “Critica da Razão Indolente”, para de seguida fazermos uma atualização da nossa reflexão sobre a Investigação-ação aplicada na museologia informal. Constitui o nosso principal objetivo fazer uma reflexão crítica sobre as metodologias que temos vindo a testar.


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This paper is concerned with the social, spiritual and expressive ways of dealing with the pain of grief over loss of objects, of relationships, of persons, of the self. Dominant twentieth century medical and clinical models have assumed that grief will be "resolved" when survivors reach the point where they can emotionally detach themselves from the dead person. Freudian psychoanalysis sees mourning as a process necessary for survival It enables the bereaved to grieve by "letting go" of and "breaking the attachment" to the lost person or object. By contrast, melancholia involves the refusal to let go, sometimes leading to pathological outcomes. The melancholic figure, in popular perception, is often identified as a romantic symbol of the connection between insanity and creative genius. This paper argues that there is an interim space between detachment and pathological immersion. Contrary to detachment being necessary for creative remodelling of the experience of death through art-making, our psychological preservation actually requires continuity, not detachment, and the construction of biographical narratives of all kinds is a fundamental mechanism for restoring a sense of meaning and place for the dead and lost in the ongoing trajectory of self-narrative.


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The main focus of this thesis is the formation of a mathematical teacher at a college institution. The general aim is to describe and to analyze the formation process of a mathematical teacher which is an undergraduate student in Mathematics at the Instituto de Educação Superior Presidente Kennedy IFESP, in Natal-RN. It is based on a qualitative ethnographic approach, and has its theoretical anchorage in the (auto)biographical narratives, the social representative theories, and the mathematical education. The number of participants in this investigation was 12 undergraduate students, which corresponds to 25% of the total number of students. The corpus utilized in our analysis included 48 (auto)biographical essays, 12 (auto)biographies (formation's memories), and 12 contextualization files, besides the research's diary. The sources were obtained from the whole program of studies, i.e. from November 2003 to December 2006. The analysis revealed that the reminiscences of the 12 students' academic trajectory influenced their professional formation, since their images of a mathematical teacher were intrinsically related to the one they had before. These representations were being either demolished or constructed in a network along the assertive image of their profession, changing afterwards the mathematical representation and the teaching way of this discipline. Our study also shows that the beginning of their teacher career was marked by mechanical practices influenced by their old teachers. The (trans)formation of themselves and their teaching practices happened in a smooth way as soon as they increased their knowledgements in Mathematics, and it reflected upon the way they learned mathematics. The writing of their (auto)biographies helped the set up of new knowledgements, leaving to a self-consciousness as well as a self-formation, and contributed for the construction of a new way to see and to live the profession. Therefore, a mathematical teacher, for the undergraduate students of the IFESP involved in this work, is made at the interface of the familiar, academic, and professional context, besides the reflexive writings about the formation path, the way of life and the relationships among them