994 resultados para BINDING MODES


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The X-ray crystal structure of a complex between ribonuclease T-1 and guanylyl(3'-6')-6'-deoxyhomouridine (GpcU) has been determined at 2.0 Angstrom resolution. This Ligand is an isosteric analogue of the minimal RNA substrate, guanylyl(3'-5')uridine (GpU), where a methylene is substituted for the uridine 5'-oxygen atom. Two protein molecules are part of the asymmetric unit and both have a GpcU bound at the active site in the same manner. The protein-protein interface reveals an extended aromatic stack involving both guanines and three enzyme phenolic groups. A third GpcU has its guanine moiety stacked on His92 at the active site on enzyme molecule A and interacts with GpcU on molecule B in a neighboring unit via hydrogen bonding between uridine ribose 2'- and 3'-OH groups. None of the uridine moieties of the three GpcU molecules in the asymmetric unit interacts directly with the protein. GpcU-active-site interactions involve extensive hydrogen bonding of the guanine moiety at the primary recognition site and of the guanosine 2'-hydroxyl group with His40 and Glu58. on the other hand, the phosphonate group is weakly bound only by a single hydrogen bond with Tyr38, unlike ligand phosphate groups of other substrate analogues and 3'-GMP, which hydrogen-bonded with three additional active-site residues. Hydrogen bonding of the guanylyl 2'-OH group and the phosphonate moiety is essentially the same as that recently observed for a novel structure of a RNase T-1-3'-GMP complex obtained immediately after in situ hydrolysis of exo-(S-p)-guanosine 2',3'-cyclophosphorothioate [Zegers et al. (1998) Nature Struct. Biol. 5, 280-283]. It is likely that GpcU at the active site represents a nonproductive binding mode for GpU [:Steyaert, J., and Engleborghs (1995) fur. J. Biochem. 233, 140-144]. The results suggest that the active site of ribonuclease T-1 is adapted for optimal tight binding of both the guanylyl 2'-OH and phosphate groups (of GpU) only in the transition state for catalytic transesterification, which is stabilized by adjacent binding of the leaving nucleoside (U) group.


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The crystal structure at 2.0-Å resolution of the complex of the Escherichia coli chemotaxis response regulator CheY and the phosphoacceptor-binding domain (P2) of the kinase CheA is presented. The binding interface involves the fourth and fifth helices and fifth β-strand of CheY and both helices of P2. Surprisingly, the two heterodimers in the asymmetric unit have two different binding modes involving the same interface, suggesting some flexibility in the binding regions. Significant conformational changes have occurred in CheY compared with previously determined unbound structures. The active site of CheY is exposed by the binding of the kinase domain, possibly to enhance phosphotransfer from CheA to CheY. The conformational changes upon complex formation as well as the observation that there are two different binding modes suggest that the plasticity of CheY is an essential feature of response regulator function.


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Two-dimensional homonuclear NMR was used to characterize synthetic DNA minor groove-binding ligands in complexes with oligonucleotides containing three different A-T binding sites. The three ligands studied have a C2 axis of symmetry and have the same general structural motif of a central para-substituted benzene ring flanked by two meta-substituted rings, giving the molecules a crescent shape. As with other ligands of this shape, specificity seems to arise from a tight fit in the narrow minor groove of the preferred A-T-rich sequences. We found that these ligands slide between binding subsites, behavior attributed to the fact that all of the amide protons in the ligand backbone cannot hydrogen bond to the minor groove simultaneously.


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alpha-Conotoxins, from cone snails, and alpha-neurotoxins, from snakes, are competitive inhibitors of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) that have overlapping binding sites in the ACh binding pocket. These disulphide-rich peptides are used extensively as tools to localize and pharmacologically characterize specific nAChRs subtypes. Recently, a homology model based on the high-resolution structure of an ACh binding protein (AChBP) allowed the three-fingered alpha-neurotoxins to be docked onto the alpha7 nAChR. To investigate if alpha-conotoxins interact with the nAChR in a similar manner, we built homology models of human alpha7 and alpha3beta2 nAChRs, and performed docking simulations of alpha-conotoxins ImI, PnIB, PnIA and MII using the program GOLD. Docking revealed that alpha-conotoxins have a different mode of interaction compared with alpha-neurotoxins, with surprisingly few nAChR residues in common between their overlapping binding sites. These docking experiments show that Imi and PnIB bind to the ACh binding pocket via a small cavity located above the beta9/beta10 hairpin of the (+)alpha7 nAChR subunit. Interestingly, PnIB, PnIA and MII were found to bind in a similar location on alpha7 or alpha3beta2 receptors mostly through hydrophobic interactions, while ImI bound further from the ACh binding pocket, mostly through electrostatic interactions. These findings, which distinguish alpha-conotoxin and alpha-neurotoxin binding modes, have implications for the rational design of selective nAChR antagonists. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Isoniazid (INH) is still one of the two most effective antitubercular drugs and is included in all recommended multitherapeutic regimens. Because of the increasing resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to INH, mainly associated with mutations in the katG gene, new INH-based compounds have been proposed to circumvent this problem. In this work, we present a detailed comparative study of the molecular determinants of the interactions between wt KatG or its S315T mutant form and either INH or INH-C10, a new acylated INH derivative. MD simulations were used to explore the conformational space of both proteins, and results indicate that the S315T mutation did not have a significant impact on the average size of the access tunnel in the vicinity of these residues. Our simulations also indicate that the steric hindrance role assigned to Asp137 is transient and that electrostatic changes can be important in understanding the enzyme activity data of mutations in KatG. Additionally, molecular docking studies were used to determine the preferred modes of binding of the two substrates. Upon mutation, the apparently less favored docking solution for reaction became the most abundant, suggesting that S315T mutation favors less optimal binding modes. Moreover, the aliphatic tail in INH-C10 seems to bring the hydrazine group closer to the heme, thus favoring the apparent most reactive binding mode, regardless of the enzyme form. The ITC data is in agreement with our interpretation of the C10 alkyl chain role and helped to rationalize the significantly lower experimental MIC value observed for INH-C10. This compound seems to be able to counterbalance most of the conformational restrictions introduced by the mutation, which are thought to be responsible for the decrease in INH activity in the mutated strain. Therefore, INH-C10 appears to be a very promising lead compound for drug development.


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Crystallographic data about T-Cell Receptor - peptide - major histocompatibility complex class I (TCRpMHC) interaction have revealed extremely diverse TCR binding modes triggering antigen recognition. Understanding the molecular basis that governs TCR orientation over pMHC is still a considerable challenge. We present a simplified rigid approach applied on all non-redundant TCRpMHC crystal structures available. The CHARMM force field in combination with the FACTS implicit solvation model is used to study the role of long-distance interactions between the TCR and pMHC. We demonstrate that the sum of the coulomb interactions and the electrostatic solvation energies is sufficient to identify two orientations corresponding to energetic minima at 0° and 180° from the native orientation. Interestingly, these results are shown to be robust upon small structural variations of the TCR such as changes induced by Molecular Dynamics simulations, suggesting that shape complementarity is not required to obtain a reliable signal. Accurate energy minima are also identified by confronting unbound TCR crystal structures to pMHC. Furthermore, we decompose the electrostatic energy into residue contributions to estimate their role in the overall orientation. Results show that most of the driving force leading to the formation of the complex is defined by CDR1,2/MHC interactions. This long-distance contribution appears to be independent from the binding process itself, since it is reliably identified without considering neither short-range energy terms nor CDR induced fit upon binding. Ultimately, we present an attempt to predict the TCR/pMHC binding mode for a TCR structure obtained by homology modeling. The simplicity of the approach and the absence of any fitted parameters make it also easily applicable to other types of macromolecular protein complexes.


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The structure of the duplex d[CG(5-BrU)ACG]2 bound to 9-bromophenazine-4-carboxamide has been solved through MAD phasing at 2.0 Å resolution. It shows an unexpected and previously unreported intercalation cavity stabilized by the drug and novel binding modes of Co2+ ions at certain guanine N7 sites. For the intercalation cavity the terminal cytosine is rotated to pair with the guanine of a symmetry-related duplex to create a pseudo-Holliday junction geometry, with two such cavities linked through the minor groove interactions of the N2/N3 guanine sites at an angle of 40°, creating a quadruplex-like structure. The mode of binding of the drug is shown to be disordered, with the major conformations showing the side chain bound to the N7 position of adjacent guanines. The other end of the duplex exhibits a terminal base fraying in the presence of Co2+ ions linking symmetry-related guanines, causing the helices to intertwine through the minor groove. The stabilization of the structure by the intercalating drug shows that this class of compound may bind to DNA junctions as well as duplex DNA or to strand-nicked DNA (‘hemi-intercalated'), as in the cleavable complex. This suggests a structural basis for the dual poisoning of topoisomerase I and II enzymes by this family of drugs.


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The DNA G-qadruplexes are one of the targets being actively explored for anti-cancer therapy by inhibiting them through small molecules. This computational study was conducted to predict the binding strengths and orientations of a set of novel dimethyl-amino-ethyl-acridine (DACA) analogues that are designed and synthesized in our laboratory, but did not diffract in Synchrotron light.Thecrystal structure of DNA G-Quadruplex(TGGGGT)4(PDB: 1O0K) was used as target for their binding properties in our studies.We used both the force field (FF) and QM/MM derived atomic charge schemes simultaneously for comparing the predictions of drug binding modes and their energetics. This study evaluates the comparative performance of fixed point charge based Glide XP docking and the quantum polarized ligand docking schemes. These results will provide insights on the effects of including or ignoring the drug-receptor interfacial polarization events in molecular docking simulations, which in turn, will aid the rational selection of computational methods at different levels of theory in future drug design programs. Plenty of molecular modelling tools and methods currently exist for modelling drug-receptor or protein-protein, or DNA-protein interactionssat different levels of complexities.Yet, the capasity of such tools to describevarious physico-chemical propertiesmore accuratelyis the next step ahead in currentresearch.Especially, the usage of most accurate methods in quantum mechanics(QM) is severely restricted by theirtedious nature. Though the usage of massively parallel super computing environments resulted in a tremendous improvement in molecular mechanics (MM) calculations like molecular dynamics,they are still capable of dealing with only a couple of tens to hundreds of atoms for QM methods. One such efficient strategy that utilizes thepowers of both MM and QM are the QM/MM hybrid methods. Lately, attempts have been directed towards the goal of deploying several different QM methods for betterment of force field based simulations, but with practical restrictions in place. One of such methods utilizes the inclusion of charge polarization events at the drug-receptor interface, that is not explicitly present in the MM FF.


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HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) catalyzes the synthesis of DNA from DNA or RNA templates. During this process, it must transfer its primer from one template to another RNA or DNA template. Binary complexes made of RT and a primer/template bind an additional single-stranded RNA molecule of the same nucleotide sequence as that of the DNA or RNA template. The additional RNA strand leads to a 10-fold decrease of the off-rate constant, koff, of RT from a primer/DNA template. In a binary complex of RT and a primer/template, the primer can be cross-linked to both the p66 and p51 subunits. Depending on the location of the photoreactive group in the primer, the distribution of the cross-linked primers between subunits is dependent on the nature of the template and of the additional single-stranded molecule. Greater cross-linking of the primer to p51 occurs with DNA templates, whereas cross-linking to p66 predominates with RNA templates. Excess single-stranded DNA shifts the distribution of cross-linking from p66 to p51 with RNA templates, and excess single-stranded RNA shifts the cross-linking from p51 to p66 with DNA templates. RT thus uses two primer/template binding modes depending on the nature of the template.


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The crystal structure of the sigma class glutathione transferase from squid digestive gland in complex with S-(3-iodobenzyl)glutathione reveals a third binding site for the glutathione conjugate besides the two in the active sites of the dimer. The additional binding site is near the crystallographic two-fold axis between the two alpha 4-turn-alpha 5 motifs. The principal binding interactions with the conjugate include specific electrostatic interactions between the peptide and the two subunits and a hydrophobic cavity found across the two-fold axis that accommodates the 3-iodobenzyl group. Thus, two identical, symmetry-related but mutually exclusive binding modes for the third conjugate are observed. The hydrophobic pocket is about 14 A from the hydroxyl group of Tyr-7 in the active site. This site is a potential transport binding site for hydrophobic molecules or their glutathione conjugates.


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Searching lead compounds for new antituberculosis drugs, the activity of synthetic sulfonamides and sulfonyl-hydrazones were assayed for their potential inhibitory activity towards a protein tyrosine phosphatase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis - PtpB. Four sulfonyl-hydrazones N-phenylmaleimide derivatives were active (compounds 14, 15, 19 and 21), and the inhibition of PtpB was found to be competitive with respect to the substrate p-nitrophenyl phosphate. Structure-based molecular docking simulations were performed and indicated that the new inhibitor candidates showed similar binding modes, filling the hydrophobic pocket of the protein by the establishment of van der Waals contacts, thereby contributing significantly to the complex stability.


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Conotoxins are valuable probes of receptors and ion channels because of their small size and highly selective activity. alpha-Conotoxin EpI, a 16-residue peptide from the mollusk-hunting Conus episcopatus, has the amino acid sequence GCCSDPRCNMNNPDY(SO3H)C-NH2 and appears to be an extremely potent and selective inhibitor of the alpha 3 beta 2 and alpha 3 beta 4 neuronal subtypes of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). The desulfated form of EpI ([Tyr(15)]EpI) has a potency and selectivity for the nAChR receptor similar to those of EpI. Here we describe the crystal structure of [Tyr(15)]EpI solved at a resolution of 1.1 Angstrom using SnB. The asymmetric unit has a total of 284 non-hydrogen atoms, making this one of the largest structures solved de novo try direct methods. The [Tyr(15)]EpI structure brings to six the number of alpha-conotoxin structures that have been determined to date. Four of these, [Tyr(15)]EpI, PnIA, PnIB, and MII, have an alpha 4/7 cysteine framework and are selective for the neuronal subtype of the nAChR. The structure of [Tyr(15)]EpI has the same backbone fold as the other alpha 4/7-conotoxin structures, supporting the notion that this conotoxin cysteine framework and spacing give rise to a conserved fold. The surface charge distribution of [Tyr(15)]EpI is similar to that of PnIA and PnIB but is likely to be different from that of MII, suggesting that [Tyr(15)]EpI and MII may have different binding modes for the same receptor subtype.


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The cyclic C5a receptor antagonist, phenylalanine [L-ornithine-proline-D-cyclohexylalanine-tryptophan-arginine] (F-[OPchaWR]), has similar to 1000-fold less affinity for the C5a receptor (C5aR) on murine polymorphonuclear leukocytes than on human. Analysis of C5aR from different species shows that a possible cause of this difference is the variation in the sequence of the first extracellular loop of the receptor. The mouse receptor contains Y at a position analogous to P-103 in the human receptor, and D at G(105). To test this hypothesis, we expressed human C5aR mutants ((PY)-Y-103, G(105)D and the double mutant, (PY)-Y-103/G(105)D) in RBL-2H3 cells and investigated the effects of these mutations on binding affinity and receptor activation. All three mutant receptors had a higher affinity for human C5a than the wild-type receptor, but showed no significant difference in the ability of F-[OPchaWR] to inhibit human C5a binding. However, all of the mutant receptors had substantially lower affinities for the weak agonist, C5a des Arg(74) (C5adR(74)), and two altered receptors (G(105)D and (PY)-Y-103/G(105)D) had much lower affinities for the C-terminal C5a agonist peptide analogue, L-tyrosine-serine-phenylalanine-lysine-proline-methionine-proline-leucine-D-alanine-arginine (YSFKPMPLaR). Although it is unlikely that differences at these residues are responsible for variations in the potency of F-[OPchaWR] across species, residues in the first extracellular loop are clearly involved in the recognition of both C5a and C5a agonists. The complex effects of mutating these residues on the affinity and response to C5a, C5adR(74), and the peptide analogues provide evidence of different binding modes for these ligands on the C5aR. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.