971 resultados para BINDING DOMAIN


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RuvA, along with RuvB, is involved in branch migration of heteroduplex DNA in homologous recombination. The structures of three new crystal forms of RuvA from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtRuvA) have been determined. The RuvB-binding domain is cleaved off in one of them. Detailed models of the complexes of octameric RuvA from different species with the Holliday junction have also been constructed. A thorough examination of the structures presented here and those reported earlier brings to light the hitherto unappreciated role of the RuvB-binding domain in determining inter-domain orientation and oligomerization. These structures also permit an exploration of the interspecies variability of structural features such as oligomerization and the conformation of the loop that carries the acidic pin, in terms of amino acid substitutions. These models emphasize the additional role of the RuvB-binding domain in Holliday junction binding. This role along with its role in oligomerization could have important biological implications.


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beta protein, a key component of Red-pathway of phage lambda is necessary for its growth and general genetic recombination in recombination-deficient mutants of Escherichia coli. To facilitate studies on structure-function relationships, we overexpressed beta protein and purified it to homogeneity. A chemical cross-linking reagent, glutaraldehyde, was used to stabilize the physical association of beta protein in solution. A 67-kDa band, corresponding to homodimer, was identified after separation by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Stoichiometric measurements indicated a site-size of 1 monomer of beta protein/5 nucleotide residues. Electrophoretic gel mobility shift assays suggested that beta protein formed stable nucleoprotein complexes with 36-mer, but not with 27- or 17-mer DNA. Interestingly, the interaction of beta protein with DNA and the stability of nucleoprotein complexes was dependent on the presence of MgCl2, and the binding was abolished by 250 mM NaCl. The K-d of beta protein binding to 36-mer DNA was on the order of 1.8 x 10(-6) M. Photochemical cross-linking of native beta protein or its fragments, generated by chymotrypsin, to 36-mer DNA was performed to identify its DNA-binding domain. Characterization of the cross-linked peptide disclosed that amino acids required for DNA-binding specificity resided within a 20-kDa peptide at the N-terminal end. These findings provide a basis for further understanding oi the structure and function of beta protein.


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Overexpression of Notch receptors and ligands has been associated with various cancers and developmental disorders, making Notch a potential therapeutic target. Here, we report characterization of Notch1 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) with therapeutic potential. The mAbs generated against epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeats 11 to 15 inhibited binding of Jagged1 and Delta-like4 and consequently, signaling in a dose-dependent manner, the antibodies against EGF repeats 11 to 12 being more effective than those against repeats 13 to 15. These data emphasize the role of EGF repeats 11 to 12 in ligand binding. One of the mAbs, 602.101, which specifically recognizes Notch1, inhibited ligand-dependent expression of downstream target genes of Notch such as HES-1, HES-5, and HEY-L in the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. The mAb also decreased cell proliferation and induced apoptotic cell death. Furthermore, exposure to this antibody reduced CD44(Hi)/CD24(Low) subpopulation in MDA-MB-231 cells, suggesting a decrease in the cancer stem-like cell subpopulation. This was confirmed by showing that exposure to the antibody decreased the primary, secondary, and tertiary mammosphere formation efficiency of the cells. Interestingly, effect of the antibody on the putative stem-like cells appeared to be irreversible, because the mammosphere-forming efficiency could not be salvaged even after antibody removal during the secondary sphere formation. The antibody also modulated expression of genes associated with stemness and epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Thus, targeting individual Notch receptors by specific mAbs is a potential therapeutic strategy to reduce the potential breast cancer stem-like cell subpopulation. Mol Cancer Ther; 11(1); 77-86. (C) 2011 AACR.


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During V(D)J recombination, RAG (recombination-activating gene) complex cleaves DNA based on sequence specificity. Besides its physiological function, RAG has been shown to act as a structure-specific nuclease. Recently, we showed that the presence of cytosine within the single-stranded region of heteroduplex DNA is important when RAGs cleave on DNA structures. In the present study, we report that heteroduplex DNA containing a bubble region can be cleaved efficiently when present along with a recombination signal sequence (RSS) in cis or trans configuration. The sequence of the bubble region influences RAG cleavage at RSS when present in cis. We also find that the kinetics of RAG cleavage differs between RSS and bubble, wherein RSS cleavage reaches maximum efficiency faster than bubble cleavage. In addition, unlike RSS, RAG cleavage at bubbles does not lead to cleavage complex formation. Finally, we show that the ``nonamer binding region,'' which regulates RAG cleavage on RSS, is not important during RAG activity in non-B DNA structures. Therefore, in the current study, we identify the possible mechanism by which RAG cleavage is regulated when it acts as a structure-specific nuclease. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The involvement of Hsp90 in progression of diseases like cancer, neurological disorders and several pathogen related conditions is well established. Hsp90, therefore, has emerged as an attractive drug target for many of these diseases. Several small molecule inhibitors of Hsp90, such as geldanamycin derivatives, that display antitumor activity, have been developed and are under clinical trials. However, none of these tested inhibitors or drugs are peptide-based compounds. Here we report the first crystal structure of a peptide bound at the ATP binding site of the N-terminal domain of Hsp90. The peptide makes several specific interactions with the binding site residues, which are comparable to those made by the nucleotide and geldanamycin. A modified peptide was designed based on these interactions. Inhibition of ATPase activity of Hsp90 was observed in the presence of the modified peptide. This study provides an alternative approach and a lead peptide molecule for the rational design of effective inhibitors of Hsp90 function.


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RAG complex consisting of RAG1 and RAG2 is a site-specific endonuclease responsible for the generation of antigen receptor diversity. It cleaves recombination signal sequence (RSS), comprising of conserved heptamer and nonamer. Nonamer binding domain (NBD) of RAG1 plays a central role in the recognition of RSS. To investigate the DNA binding properties of the domain, NBD of murine RAG1 was cloned, expressed and purified. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that NBD binds with high affinity to nonamer in the context of 12/23 RSS or heteroduplex DNA. NBD binding was specific to thymines when single stranded DNA containing poly A, C, G or T were used. Biolayer interferometry studies showed that poly T binding to NBD was robust and comparable to that of 12RSS. More than 23 nt was essential for NBD binding at homothymidine stretches. On a double-stranded DNA, NBD could bind to A:T stretches, but not G:C or random sequences. Although NBD is indispensable for sequence specific activity of RAGs, external supplementation of purified nonamer binding domain to NBD deleted cRAG1/cRAG2 did not restore its activity, suggesting that the overall domain architecture of RAG1 is important. Therefore, we define the sequence requirements of NBD binding to DNA.


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P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is one of the best-known mediators of drug efflux-based multidrug resistance in many cancers. This validated therapeutic target is a prototypic, plasma membrane resident ATPBinding Cassette transporter that pumps xenobiotic compounds out of cells. The large, polyspecific drug-binding pocket of P-gp recognizes a variety of structurally unrelated compounds. The transport of these drugs across the membrane is coincident with changes in the size and shape of this pocket during the course of the transport cycle. Here, we present the crystal structures of three inward-facing conformations of mouse P-gp derived from two different crystal forms. One structure has a nanobody bound to the C-terminal side of the first nucleotide-binding domain. This nanobody strongly inhibits the ATP hydrolysis activity of mouse Pgp by hindering the formation of a dimeric complex between the ATP-binding domains, which is essential for nucleotide hydrolysis. Together, these inward-facing conformational snapshots of P-gp demonstrate a range of flexibility exhibited by this transporter, which is likely an essential feature for the binding and transport of large, diverse substrates. The nanobody-bound structure also reveals a unique epitope on P-gp.


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The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structure of a globular domain of residues 1071 to 1178 within the previously annotated nucleic acid-binding region (NAB) of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nonstructural protein 3 (nsp3) has been determined, and N- and C-terminally adjoining polypeptide segments of 37 and 25 residues, respectively, have been shown to form flexibly extended linkers to the preceding globular domain and to the following, as yet uncharacterized domain. This extension of the structural coverage of nsp3 was obtained from NMR studies with an nsp3 construct comprising residues 1066 to 1181 [ nsp3(1066-1181)] and the constructs nsp3(1066-1203) and nsp3(1035-1181). A search of the protein structure database indicates that the globular domain of the NAB represents a new fold, with a parallel four-strand beta-sheet holding two alpha-helices of three and four turns that are oriented antiparallel to the beta-strands. Two antiparallel two-strand beta-sheets and two 3(10)-helices are anchored against the surface of this barrel-like molecular core. Chemical shift changes upon the addition of single-stranded RNAs (ssRNAs) identified a group of residues that form a positively charged patch on the protein surface as the binding site responsible for the previously reported affinity for nucleic acids. This binding site is similar to the ssRNA-binding site of the sterile alpha motif domain of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Vts1p protein, although the two proteins do not share a common globular fold.


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The ligand binding domain (LBD) of nuclear hormone receptors adopts a very compact, mostly alpha-helical structure that binds specific ligands with very high affinity. We use circular dichroism spectroscopy and high-temperature molecular dynamics Simulations to investigate unfolding of the LBDs of thyroid hormone receptors (TRs). A molecular description of the denaturation mechanisms is obtained by molecular dynamics Simulations of the TR alpha and TR beta LBDs in the absence and in the presence of the natural ligand Triac. The Simulations Show that the thermal unfolding of the LBD starts with the loss of native contacts and secondary Structure elements, while the Structure remains essentially compact, resembling a molten globule state. This differs From most protein denaturation simulations reported to date and suggests that the folding mechanism may start with the hydrophobic collapse of the TR LBDs. Our results reveal that the stabilities of the LBDs of the TR alpha and TR beta Subtypes are affected to different degrees by the binding of the isoform selective ligand Triac and that ligand binding confers protection against thermal denaturation and unfolding in a subtype specific manner. Our Simulations indicate two mechanisms by which the ligand stabilizes the LBD: (1) by enhancing the interactions between H8 and H 11, and the interaction of the region between H I and the Omega-loop with the core of the LBD, and (2) by shielding the hydrophobic H6 from hydration.


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A human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha ligand binding domain (PPARαLBD)-maltose binding protein fusion construct was expressed in Escherichia coli. A codon optimized DNA sequence encoding human PPARαLBD (aa196–468) was synthesized and ligated into the pDEST17 E. coli expression vector downstream of a MBP solubility fusion tag and an intermittent TEV protease cleavage site. Following auto-induction at 28 °C, PPARαLBD protein was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity by a nickel affinity chromatographic step, on-column TEV protease cleavage followed by Sephacryl S200 size exclusion chromatography. The recombinant protein displayed cross-reactivity with goat anti-(human PPARα) polyclonal antibody and was identified as human PPARα by trypic peptide mass finger-printing. The addition of a PPARα specific ligand (fenofibric acid, GW7647 or GW590735) to the growth media significantly stabilized the PPARαLBD structure and enhanced the expression of soluble protein. In-cell ligand binding was examined by monitoring the enhancement of PPARαLBD expression as a function of the concentration of ligand in the growth media. The efficient expression and in-cell assay of the reported PPARαLBD construct make it amenable to high through-put screening assays in drug discovery programs.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ? (PPAR?) is a transcription factor that promotes differentiation and cell survival in the stomach. PPAR? upregulates and interacts with caveolin-1 (Cav1), a scaffold protein of Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs). The cytoplasmic-to-nuclear localization of PPAR? is altered in gastric cancer (GC) patients, suggesting a so-far-unknown role for Cav1 in spatial regulation of PPAR? signaling. We show here that loss of Cav1 accelerated proliferation of normal stomach and GC cells in vitro and in vivo. Downregulation of Cav1 increased Ras/MAPK-dependent phosphorylation of serine 84 in PPAR? and enhanced nuclear translocation and ligand-independent transcription of PPAR? target genes. In contrast, Cav1 overexpression sequestered PPAR? in the cytosol through interaction of the Cav1 scaffolding domain (CSD) with a conserved hydrophobic motif in helix 7 of PPAR?'s ligand-binding domain. Cav1 cooperated with the endogenous Ras/MAPK inhibitor docking protein 1 (Dok1) to promote the ligand-dependent transcriptional activity of PPAR? and to inhibit cell proliferation. Ligand-activated PPAR? also reduced tumor growth and upregulated the Ras/MAPK inhibitors Cav1 and Dok1 in a murine model of GC. These results suggest a novel mechanism of PPAR? regulation by which Ras/MAPK inhibitors act as scaffold proteins that sequester and sensitize PPAR? to ligands, limiting proliferation of gastric epithelial cells.


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Cupiennius salei single insulin-like growth factor-binding domain protein (SIBD-1), which exhibits an IGFBP N-terminal domain-like profile, was identified in the hemocytes of the spider C. salei. SIBD-1 was purified by RP-HPLC and the sequence determined by a combination of Edman degradation and 5'-3'- RACE PCR. The peptide (8676.08 Da) is composed of 78 amino acids, contains six intrachain disulphide bridges and carries a modified Thr residue at position 2. SIBD-1 mRNA expression was detected by quantitative real-time PCR mainly in hemocytes, but also in the subesophageal nerve mass and muscle. After infection, the SIBD-1 content in the hemocytes decreases and, simultaneously, the temporal SIBD-1 expression seems to be down-regulated. Two further peptides, SIBD-2 and IGFBP-rP1, also exhibiting IGFBP N-terminal domain variants with unknown functions, were identified on cDNA level in spider hemocytes and venom glands. We conclude that SIBD-1 may play an important role in the immune system of spiders.