5 resultados para BICKLEYI
The eriophyid mite Aceria guerreronis occurs in most coconut growing regions of the world and causes enormous damage to coconut fruits. The concealed environment of the fruit perianth under which the mite resides renders its control extremely difficult. Recent studies suggest that biological control could mitigate the problems caused by this pest. Neoseiulus paspalivorus and Proctolaelaps bickleyi are two of the most frequently found predatory mites associated with A. guerreronis on coconut fruits. Regarding biological control, the former has an advantage in invading the tight areas under the coconut fruit perianth while the latter is more voracious on the pest mites and has a higher reproductive capacity. Based on the idea of the combined use/release of both predators on coconut fruits, we studied their compatibility in spatial niche use and intraguild predation (IGP). Spatial niche use on coconut fruits was examined on artificial arenas mimicking the area under the coconut fruit perianth and the open fruit surface. Both N. paspalivorus and P. bickleyi preferentially resided and oviposited inside the tight artificial chamber. Oviposition rate of P. bickleyi and residence time of N. paspalivorus inside the chamber were reduced in the presence of a conspecific female. Residence of N. paspalivorus inside the chamber was also influenced by the presence of P. bickleyi. Both N. paspalivorus and P. bickleyi preyed upon each other with relatively moderate IGP rates of adult females on larvae but neither species yielded nutritional benefits from IGP in terms of adult survival and oviposition. We discuss the relevance of our findings for a hypothetic combined use of both predators in biological control of A. guerreronis.
Several predatory mites have been found in association with the coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis Keifer, in northeast Brazil. However, the latter still causes damage to coconut in that region. The objectives of this work were to compare the frequencies of occurrence of Neoseiulus (Phytoseiidae) and Proctolaelaps (Melicharidae) species on standing and aborted coconuts in coastal Pernambuco State, northeast Brazil and to analyze their possible limitations as control agents of the coconut mite, based on evaluations of the restrictions they may have to access the microhabitat inhabited by the pest and their functional and reproductive responses to increasing densities of the latter. Neoseiulus baraki (Athias-Henriot) was found mostly on standing coconuts whereas Proctolaelaps bickleyi (Bram) was found mostly on aborted coconuts. Measurements of the entrance to the microhabitat occupied by the coconut mite, between the bracts and the subjacent fruit surface, showed that this different pattern of predator prevalence could be related to predator sizes, although other environmental factors could not be disregarded. Progressively higher predation rate of N. baraki was observed up to an experimental density that corresponded to 1,200 coconut mites per fruit, which is close to the average number determined in northeast Brazil, reducing slightly afterwards. Predation rate of P. bickleyi reduced consistently but slightly with increasing prey densities, but in absolute values, rates were always much higher than determined for N. baraki. The excessively high killing capacity of P. bickleyi, probably related to its high feeding requirement, may be detrimental in terms of stability. In fact, such high requirement for food suggests that P. bickleyi might not have a strong relation with the coconut mite and that the latter may not be its main food source under natural conditions. It is concluded that body sizes of both predators and the exceedingly high feeding requirement of P. bickleyi may limit their performance as control agents of the coconut mite.
Aceria guerreronis Keifer (Acari: Eriophyidae) is a major pest of coconut fruits (Cocos nucifera L.) in many countries of the Americas, Africa, and parts of Asia. Considerable attention has been given to studies of biological control agents of A. guerreronis. Proctolaelaps bulbosus Moraes, Reis and Gondim Jr. is a predator recently discovered in association with A. guerreronis. Nothing is known about its biology. The aim of this study was to determine suitable food sources for P. bulbosus, among items commonly found on coconut fruits, including A. guerreronis. Food sources evaluated included the mites A. guerreronis, Steneotarsonemus concavuscutum Lofego and Gondim Jr., and Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank), the fungus Rhizopus aff. stolonifer (Ehrenb.) Vuill and coconut pollen; the mite Tetranychus urticae Koch was also included in the assessments, for being a commonly used prey for mass production and laboratory rearing of predatory mites. Proctolaelaps bulbosus was able to develop up to adulthood when fed A. guerreronis, R. aff. stolonifer and T. putrescentiae. It had the highest population growth rates when feeding on the former (R (o) = 17.5; r (m) = 0.392). These results indicate that A. guerreronis is the most suitable food for P. bulbosus among the possible food sources found on coconut fruits and that P. bulbosus can survive in the absence of eriophyid using R. aff. stolonifer as a food source.
Coconut is an important crop in tropical and subtropical regions. Among the mites that infest coconut palms, Aceria guerreronis Keifer is economically the most important. We conducted surveys throughout the coconut growing areas of Brazil. Samples were taken from attached coconuts, leaflets, fallen coconuts and inflorescences of coconut palms in 112 localities aiming to determine the Occurrence and the distribution of phytophagous mites, particularly A. guerreronis, and associated natural enemies. Aceria guerreronis was the most abundant phytophagous mite followed by Steneotarsonemus concavuscutum Lofego & Gondim Jr. and Steneotarsonemus furcatus De Leon (Tarsonemidae). Infestation by A. guerreronis was recorded in 87% of the visited localities. About 81% of all predatory mites belonged to the family Phytoseiidae, mainly represented by Neoseiulus paspalivorus De Leon, Neoseiulus baraki Athias-Henriot and Amblyseius largoensis Muma; 12% were Ascidae, mainly Proctolaelaps bickleyi Bram, Proctolaelaps sp nov and Lasioseius subterraneus Chant. Neoseiulus paspalivorus and N. baraki were the most abundant predators on attached coconuts. Ascidae were predominant on fallen coconuts, while A. largoensis was predominant on leaflets; no mites were found on branches of inflorescences. Leaflets harboured higher mite diversity than the attached coconuts. Mite diversity was the highest in the state Para and on palms surrounded by seasonal forests and Amazonian rain-forests. Neoseiulus paspalivorus, N. baraki and P. bickleyi were identified as the most promising predators of A. guerreronis. Analyses of the influence of climatic factors revealed that dry ambient conditions favour the establishment of A. guerreronis. Neoseiulus paspalivorus and N. baraki have differing climatic requirements; the former being more abundant in warm and dry areas, the latter prevailing ill moderately tempered and humid areas. We discuss the significance of our findings for natural and biological control of A. guerreronis.
The coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis Keifer, is one of the main pests of coconut palms (Cocos nucifera) in northeastern Brazil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the levels of the coconut mite and other mites on coconut palms in the state of So Paulo and to estimate the possible role of predatory mites in the control of this pest. The effect of cultivated genotypes and sampling dates on the mite populations was also estimated. We sampled attached fruits, leaflets, inflorescences, and fallen fruits. The coconut mite was the main phytophagous mite found on attached and fallen fruits, with average densities of 110.0 and 20.5 mites per fruit, respectively. The prevalent predatory mites on attached and fallen fruits were Proctolaelaps bulbosus Moraes, Reis & Gondim Jr. and Proctolaelaps bickleyi (Bram), both Melicharidae. On leaflets, the tenuipalpids Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijsks) and Tenuipalpus coyacus De Leon and the tetranychid Oligonychus modestus (Banks) were the predominant phytophagous mites. On both leaflets and inflorescences, the predominant predatory mites belonged to the Phytoseiidae. Neoseiulus baraki (Athias-Henriot) and Neoseiulus paspalivorus (De Leon), predators widely associated with the coconut mite in northeastern Brazil and several other countries, were not found. The low densities of the coconut mite in So Paulo could be related to prevailing climatic conditions, scarcity of coconut plantations (hampering the dispersion of the coconut mite between fields), and to the fact that some of the genotypes cultivated in the region are unfavorable for its development.