998 resultados para BETA ER-BETA


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The beta-delayed proton decays of Er-145,Er-147 have been studied experimentally using the Ni-58 + Mo-92 reaction at beam energy of 383 MeV. On the basis of a He-jet apparatus coupled with a tape transport system, the beta-delayed proton radioactivities both from the nu s(1/2) ground state and the nu h(11/2) isomer in Er-145,Er-147 were observed by proton-gamma coincidence measurements. By analyzing the time distributions of the 4(+) -> 2(gamma)(+) transitions in the granddaughter nuclei Dy-144,Dy-146, the half-lives of 1.0 +/- 0.3 s and 1.6 +/- 0.2 s have been deduced for the nu h(11/2) isomers in Er-145,Er-147, respectively.


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The beta-delayed proton decay of Er-147 is studied experimentally using the Ni-58+Mo-92 reaction at a beam energy of 383 MeV. Based on a He-jet apparatus coupled with a tape transport system, the beta-delayed proton radioactivities both from the nu s(1/2) ground state and the nu h(11/2) isomer in Er-147 are identified by proton-gamma coincidence measurements. By analyzing the time distribution of the 4(+) -> 2(+) gamma transition in the grand-daughter nucleus Dy-146, a half-life of 1.6 +/- 0.2 s is determined for the nu h(11/2) isomer in Er-147. The half-life for the ground state of Er-147 is estimated to be 3.2 +/- 1.2 s.


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用蒸发中子反应产生~(157)Tb和~(153)Er,收集活性样品,作x, #gamma# 单谱及符合谱测量,对~(157)Yb和~(153)Er的(EC+#beta#~+)衰变进行了研究,给出了~(157)Yb及~(153)Er的衰变纲图,其中~(157)Yb的衰变纲图包括25条新#gamma#射线,分析~(157)Yb的衰变纲图,~(153)Er的衰变纲图包括15条#gamma#射线,并指定出~(153)Er半衰变期值,该值与文献给出值符合得很好。指定了~(153)Er的衰变纲图中能级状况


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A series of novel, colorless, and transparent sot-gel derived hybrid materials Ln-DBM-Si covalently grafted with Ln(DBM-OH)(3)center dot 2H(2)O (where DBM-OH = o-hydroxydibenzoylmethane, Ln = Nd, Er, Yb, and Sin) were prepared through the primary beta-diketone ligand DBM-OH. The structures and optical properties of Ln-DBM-Si were studied in detail. The investigation results revealed that the lanthanide complexes were successfully in situ grafted into the corresponding hybrids Ln-DBM-Si. Upon excitation at the maximum absorption of ligands, the resultant materials displayed excellent near-infrared luminescence.


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beta-NaYF4:Ln(3+) (Ln = Eu, Tb, Yb/Er, and Yb/Tm) hexagonal microprisms with remarkably uniform morphology and size have been synthesized via a facile hydrothermal route. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), and photoluminescence (PL) spectra as well as kinetic decays were used to characterize the samples. It is found that sodium citrate as a shape modifier introduced into the reaction system plays a critical role in the shape evolution of the final products. Furthermore, the shape and size of the products can be further manipulated by adjusting the molar ratio of citrate/RE3+ (RE represents the total amount of Y3+ and the doped rare earth elements such as Eu3+, Tb3+, Yb3+/Er3+, or Yb3+/Tm3+). Under the excitation of 397 nm ultraviolet light, NaYF4:xEu(3+) (x = 1.5, 5%) shows the emission lines of Eu3+ corresponding to D-5(0-3) -> F-7(J) (J = 0-4) transitions from 400 to 700 nm (whole visible spectral region) with different intensity, resulting in yellow and red down-conversion (DC) light emissions, respectively.


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Les estrogènes jouent un rôle primordial dans le développement et le fonctionnement des tissus reproducteurs par leurs interactions avec les récepteurs des estrogènes ERα et ERβ. Ces récepteurs nucléaires agissent comme facteurs de transcription et contrôlent l’expression des gènes de façon hormono-dépendante et indépendante grâce à leurs deux domaines d’activation (AF-1 et AF-2). Une dérégulation de leur activité transcriptionnelle est souvent à l’origine de pathologies telles que le cancer du sein, de l’endomètre et des ovaires. Alors que ERα est utilisé comme facteur pronostic pour l’utilisation d’agents thérapeutiques, l’importance de la valeur clinique de ERβ est encore controversée. Toutefois, des évidences récentes lui associent un pouvoir anti-tumorigénique en démontrant que sa présence favorise l’inhibition de la progression de ces cancers ainsi que l’efficacité des traitements. En combinaisons avec d’autres études, ces observations démontrent que bien que les deux isoformes partagent une certaine similitude d’action, les ERs sont en mesure d’exercer des fonctions distinctes. Ces différences sont fortement attribuables au faible degré d’homologie observé entre certains domaines structuraux des ERs, comme le domaine AF-1, ce qui fait en sorte que les différents sites de modifications post-traductionnelles (MPTs) présents sur les ERs sont très peu conservés entre les isoformes. Or, l’activité transcriptionnelle ligand-dépendante et indépendante des ERs est hautement régulée par les MPTs. Elles sont impliquées à tous les niveaux de l’activation des ERs incluant la liaison et la sensibilité au ligand, la localisation cellulaire, la dimérisation, l’interaction avec l’ADN, le recrutement de corégulateurs transcriptionnels, la stabilité et l’arrêt de la transcription. Ainsi, de par leur dissimilitude, les ERs seront différemment régulés par la signalisation cellulaire. Comme un débalancement de plusieurs voies de signalisation ont été associées à la progression de tumeurs ER-positives ainsi qu’au développement d’une résistance, une meilleure compréhension de l’impact des MPTs sur la régulation spécifique des ERs s’avère essentielle en vue de proposer et/ou développer des traitements adéquats pour les cancers gynécologiques. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse ont pour objectif de mieux comprendre les rôles des MPTs sur l’activité transcriptionnelle de ERβ qui sont, contrairement à ERα, très peu connus. Nous démontrons une régulation dynamique de ERβ par la phosphorylation, l’ubiquitination et la sumoylation. De plus, toutes les MPTs nouvellement découvertes par mes recherches se situent dans l’AF-1 de ERβ et permettent de mieux comprendre le rôle capital joué par ce domaine dans la régulation de l’activité ligand-dépendante et indépendante du récepteur. Dans la première étude, nous observons qu’en réponse aux MAPK, l’AF-1 de ERβ est phosphorylé au niveau de sérines spécifiques et qu’elles jouent un rôle important dans la régulation de l’activité ligand-indépendante de ERβ par la voie ubiquitine-protéasome. En effet, la phosphorylation de ces sérines régule le cycle d’activation-dégradation de ERβ en modulant son ubiquitination, sa mobilité nucléaire et sa stabilité en favorisant le recrutement de l’ubiquitine ligase E6-AP. De plus, ce mécanisme d’action semble être derrière la régulation différentielle de l’activité de ERα et ERβ observée lors de l’inhibition du protéasome. Dans le second papier, nous démontrons que l’activité et la stabilité de ERβ en présence d’estrogène sont étroitement régulées par la sumoylation phosphorylation-dépendante de l’AF-1, processus hautement favorisé par l’action de la kinase GSK-3. La sumoylation de ERβ par SUMO-1 prévient la dégradation du récepteur en entrant en compétition avec l’ubiquitination au niveau du même site accepteur. De plus, contrairement à ERα, SUMO-1 réprime l’activité de ERβ en altérant son interaction avec l’ADN et l’expression de ses gènes cibles dans les cellules de cancers du sein. Également, ces recherches ont permis d’identifier un motif de sumoylation dépendant de la phosphorylation (pSuM) jusqu’à lors inconnu de la communauté scientifique, offrant ainsi un outil supplémentaire à la prédiction de nouveau substrat de la sumoylation. En plus de permettre une meilleure compréhension du rôle des signaux intracellulaires dans la régulation de l’activité transcriptionnelle de ERβ, nos résultats soulignent l’importance des MPTs dans l’induction des différences fonctionnelles observées entre ERα et ERβ et apportent des pistes supplémentaires à la compréhension de leurs rôles physiopathologiques respectifs.


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Crosstalk between nuclear receptors is important for conversion of external and internal stimuli to a physiologically meaningful response by cells. Previous studies from this laboratory have demonstrated crosstalk between the estrogen (ER) and thyroid hormone receptors (TR) on two estrogen responsive physiological promoters, the preproenkephalin and oxytocin receptor gene promoter. Since ERa and ERb are isoforms possessing overlapping and distinct transactivation properties, we hypothesized that the interaction of ERa and b with the various TR isoforms would not be equivalent. To explore this hypothesis, the consensus estrogen response element (ERE)derived from the Xenopus vitellogenin gene is used to investigate the differences in interaction between ERa and b isoforms and the different TR isoforms in fibroblast cells. Both the ER isoforms transactivate from the consensus ERE, though ERa transactivates to a greater extent than ERb. Although neither of the TRb isoforms have an effect on ERa transactivation from the consensus ERE, the liganded TRa1 inhibits the ERa transactivation from the consensus ERE. In contrast, the liganded TRa1 facilitates ERb-mediated transactivation. The crosstalk between the TRb isoforms with the ERa isoform, on the consensus ERE, is different from that with the ERb isoform. The use of a TRa1 mutant, which is unable to bind DNA, abolishes the ability of the TRa1 isoform to interact with either of the ER isoforms. These differences in nuclear receptor crosstalk reveal an important functional difference between isoforms, which provides a novel mechanism for neuroendocrine integration.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Prostate cancer (PCa) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) are androgen-dependent diseases commonly treated by inhibiting androgen action. However, androgen ablation or castration fail to target androgen-independent cells implicated in disease etiology and recurrence. Mechanistically different to castration, this study shows beneficial proapoptotic actions of estrogen receptor–β (ERβ) in BPH and PCa. ERβ agonist induces apoptosis in prostatic stromal, luminal and castrate-resistant basal epithelial cells of estrogen-deficient aromatase knock-out mice. This occurs via extrinsic (caspase-8) pathways, without reducing serum hormones, and perturbs the regenerative capacity of the epithelium. TNFα knock-out mice fail to respond to ERβ agonist, demonstrating the requirement for TNFα signaling. In human tissues, ERβ agonist induces apoptosis in stroma and epithelium of xenografted BPH specimens, including in the CD133+ enriched putative stem/progenitor cells isolated from BPH-1 cells in vitro. In PCa, ERβ causes apoptosis in Gleason Grade 7 xenografted tissues and androgen-independent cells lines (PC3 and DU145) via caspase-8. These data provide evidence of the beneficial effects of ERβ agonist on epithelium and stroma of BPH, as well as androgen-independent tumor cells implicated in recurrent disease. Our data are indicative of the therapeutic potential of ERβ agonist for treatment of PCa and/or BPH with or without androgen withdrawal.


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A cascade aldol cyclization reaction between 3-isothiocyanato oxindoles and alpha-ketophosphonates has been developed for the synthesis of beta-amino-alpha-hydroxyphosphonate derivatives. Catalyzed by a quinine-based tertiary amino-thiourea derivative, this reaction delivers 2-thioxooxazolidinyl phosphonates based on a spirooxindole scaffold bearing two contiguous quaternary stereogenic centers in high yields with excellent diastereo- (up to >20:1 dr) and enantioselectivities (up to >99:1 er).


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Energies and relative intensities of gamma transitions in 152Sm, 152Gd, 154Gd, 166Er, and 232U following radioactive decay have been measured with a Ge(Li) spectrometer. A peak fitting program has been developed to determine gamma ray energies and relative intensities with precision sufficient to give a meaningful test of nuclear models. Several previously unobserved gamma rays were placed in the nuclear level schemes. Particular attention has been paid to transitions from the beta and gamma vibrational bands, since the gamma ray branching ratios are sensitive tests of configuration mixing in the nuclear levels. As the reduced branching ratios depend on the multipolarity of the gamma transitions, experiments were performed to measure multipole mixing ratios for transitions from the gamma vibrational band. In 154Gd, angular correlation experiments showed that transitions from the gamma band to the ground state band were predominantly electric quadrupole, in agreement with the rotational model. In 232U, the internal conversion spectrum has been studied with a Si(Li) spectrometer constructed for electron spectroscopy. The strength of electric monopole transitions and the multipolarity of some gamma transitions have been determined from the measured relative electron intensities.

The results of the experiments have been compared with the rotational model and several microscopic models. Relative B(E2) strengths for transitions from the gamma band in 232U and 166Er are in good agreement with a single parameter band mixing model, with values of z2= 0.025(10) and 0.046(2), respectively. Neither the beta nor the gamma band transition strengths in 152Sm and 154Gd can be accounted for by a single parameter theory, nor can agreement be found by considering the large mixing found between the beta and gamma bands. The relative B(E2) strength for transitions from the gamma band to the beta band in 232U is found to be five times greater than the strength to the ground state band, indicating collective transitions with strength approximately 15 single particle units.


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Previous experimental results of (EC+beta(+)) decay for the medium-heavy nuclei reported by our group since 1996, including Er-153, Yb-157, Fr-209, Ce-128, Ce-130, and Pr-128 have been briefly summarized. The observed low-lying states in their daughter nuclei have been reviewed in a systematic way and compared with different model calculations. Finally, some questions have been put forward for further study and discussion.