16 resultados para BEHAVIOURISM


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Educational assessment was a worldwide commonplace practice in the last century. With the theoretical underpinnings of education shifting from behaviourism and social efficiency to constructivism and cognitive theories in the past two decades, the assessment theories and practices show a widespread changing movement. The emergent assessment paradigm, with a futurist perspective, indicates a deviation away from the prevailing large scale high-stakes standardised testing and an inclination towards classroom-based formative assessment. Innovations and reforms initiated in attempts to achieve better education outcomes for a sustainable future via more developed learning and assessment theories have included the 2007 College English Reform Program (CERP) in Chinese higher education context. This paper focuses on the College English Test (CET) - the national English as a Foreign Language (EFL) testing system for non-English majors at tertiary level in China. It seeks to explore the roles that the CET played in the past two College English curriculum reforms, and the new role that testing and assessment assumed in the newly launched reform. The paper holds that the CET was operationalised to uplift the standards. However, the extended use of this standardised testing system brings constraints as well as negative washback effects on the tertiary EFL education. Therefore in the newly launched reform -CERP, a new assessment model which combines summative and formative assessment approaches is proposed. The testing and assessment, assumed a new role - to engender desirable education outcomes. The question asked is: will the mixed approach to formative and summative assessment provide the intended cure to the agony that tertiary EFL education in China has long been suffering - spending much time, yet achieving little effects? The paper reports the progresses and challenges as informed by the available research literature, yet asserts a lot needs to be explored on the potential of the assessment mix in this examination tradition deep-rooted and examination-obsessed society.


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There is no doubt that social engineering plays a vital role in compromising most security defenses, and in attacks on people, organizations, companies, or even governments. It is the art of deceiving and tricking people to reveal critical information or to perform an action that benefits the attacker in some way. Fraudulent and deceptive people have been using social engineering traps and tactics using information technology such as e-mails, social networks, web sites, and applications to trick victims into obeying them, accepting threats, and falling victim to various crimes and attacks such as phishing, sexual abuse, financial abuse, identity theft, impersonation, physical crime, and many other forms of attack. Although organizations, researchers, practitioners, and lawyers recognize the severe risk of social engineering-based threats, there is a severe lack of understanding and controlling of such threats. One side of the problem is perhaps the unclear concept of social engineering as well as the complexity of understand human behaviors in behaving toward, approaching, accepting, and failing to recognize threats or the deception behind them. The aim of this paper is to explain the definition of social engineering based on the related theories of the many related disciplines such as psychology, sociology, information technology, marketing, and behaviourism. We hope, by this work, to help researchers, practitioners, lawyers, and other decision makers to get a fuller picture of social engineering and, therefore, to open new directions of collaboration toward detecting and controlling it.


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Career development in the 21st century presents many challenges and opportunities to adults. They must now navigate a complex and rapidly changing world of work influenced by technology, globalisation and fluctuating economic conditions. The My System of Career Influences (MSCI) (Adult) is a qualitative career assessment tool based on the constructivist theory from cognitive psychology. Acknowledged as the third wave in cognitive science after psychoanalysis and behaviourism, constructivism emphasises the individual in the assessment and counselling process. Individuals actively participate in the construction of their own reality and are encouraged to respond to and deal with both anticipated and unanticipated events that influence their careers. The tool comprises a facilitator guide and participant workbooks. The guide describes the Systems Theory Framework of career development that provides the theoretical background to the MSCI as well as a step-by-step user guide to conducting the MSCI (Adult) process with individuals and groups. Each participant uses the accompanying MSCI (Adult) Workbook (sold separately) which they can complete and keep for later reference. With its attention to an holistic and storied approach to career intervention My System of Career Influences (MSCI) (Adult) is an essential resource for all career practitioners working with adults in today's workplaces.


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Given the growing complexity of human existence, there is a need for new ways of representing ideas and of illuminating the world and domains of knowledge. A growing recognition of the limits of traditional ways of representing the world has given rise to a search for alternative approaches to transform and represent the contents of consciousness or what can be known of lived experience. Researchers are recognising that scientific inquiry is just one type of research and that ‘research is not merely a species of social science’ (Eisner 1997: 261). Dissatisfaction with positivism and behaviourism as reductive modes of knowing has also come from within the science disciplines themselves. In his work entitled, The Discontinuous Universe, (1972) Werner Heisenberg states that the knowledge of science is applicable only to limited realms of experience and the scientific method is but a single method for understanding the world. Moreover, the notion of scientifically-based knowledge as statements of ultimate truth contains an inner contradiction since ‘the employment of this procedure changes and transforms its object’ (Heisenberg 1972: 189). The work of Heisenberg and others including: Lincoln and Denzin (2003), Schwandt, (2001) and Schon (1983) reveals that knowledge is relational and that different models of inquiry will yield different forms of knowledge.


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This article attempts to trace the origins of competency-based training (CBT), the theory of vocational education that underpins the National Training Framework in Australia. A distinction is made between societal and theoretical origins. This paper argues that CBT has its societal origins in the United States of America during the 1950s, 60s and 70s. Public debate and government initiatives centred on the widely held view that there was a problem with the quality of education in the United States. One of the responses to this crisis was the Performance-Based Teacher Education movement which synthesised the theory of education that became CBT.The theoretical origins of CBT derive principally from behaviourism and systems theory - two broad theoretical orientations that influenced educational debate in the United States during the fomative period of CBT. Most of the component parts of CBT were contributed by specialists with a background in one or both of these theoretical orientations.


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This voluminous book which draws on almost 1000 references provides an important theoretical base for practice. After an informative introduction about models, maps and metaphors, Forte provides an impressive presentation of several perspectives for use in practice; applied ecological theory, applied system theory, applied biology, applied cognitive science, applied psychodynamic theory, applied behaviourism, applied symbolic interactionism, applied social role theory, applied economic theory, and applied critical theory. Finally he completes his book with a chapter on “Multi theory practice and routes to integration.”


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En este artículo se parte de las aporías en las que el conductismo lógico de Gilbert Ryle deja la adscripción de los estados subjetivos y de la intencionalidad y se examina el argumento que orienta la solución ontológica de Peter Strawson a través de su noción primitiva de persona como particular de base. Se muestra que la noción de persona de Strawson es una salida a las aporías del mentalismo y del conductismo que anticipa la ontología del soi-même de Paul Ricoeur, aunque sin alcanzar la densidad narrativa que los quiénes reciben en el filósofo francés a partir del paso de las acciones discretas a las prácticas. Asimismo se establecen nexos entre la ontología de la persona y los problemas epistemológicos de la acción en las ciencias sociales.


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Este trabajo se inscribe en la discusión en torno a la relación existente entre la cinematografía y la llamada "literatura experimental" de Antonio Di Benedetto. Se parte de la consideración del cine como manifestación artística central en la escena de los años 50, es decir, como un fenómeno cultural de amplio alcance cuyas proyecciones se pueden advertir en la literatura de mediados de siglo. Esta apreciación, por un lado, explica ciertos aspectos de las dos corrientes literarias con las que el escritor de Mendoza ha sido relacionado: el objetivismo francés y el behaviorismo de la novela norteamericana de entreguerras; por el otro, ilumina muchas características formales y temáticas de sus textos


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En este artículo se parte de las aporías en las que el conductismo lógico de Gilbert Ryle deja la adscripción de los estados subjetivos y de la intencionalidad y se examina el argumento que orienta la solución ontológica de Peter Strawson a través de su noción primitiva de persona como particular de base. Se muestra que la noción de persona de Strawson es una salida a las aporías del mentalismo y del conductismo que anticipa la ontología del soi-même de Paul Ricoeur, aunque sin alcanzar la densidad narrativa que los quiénes reciben en el filósofo francés a partir del paso de las acciones discretas a las prácticas. Asimismo se establecen nexos entre la ontología de la persona y los problemas epistemológicos de la acción en las ciencias sociales.


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Este trabajo se inscribe en la discusión en torno a la relación existente entre la cinematografía y la llamada "literatura experimental" de Antonio Di Benedetto. Se parte de la consideración del cine como manifestación artística central en la escena de los años 50, es decir, como un fenómeno cultural de amplio alcance cuyas proyecciones se pueden advertir en la literatura de mediados de siglo. Esta apreciación, por un lado, explica ciertos aspectos de las dos corrientes literarias con las que el escritor de Mendoza ha sido relacionado: el objetivismo francés y el behaviorismo de la novela norteamericana de entreguerras; por el otro, ilumina muchas características formales y temáticas de sus textos


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Este trabajo se inscribe en la discusión en torno a la relación existente entre la cinematografía y la llamada "literatura experimental" de Antonio Di Benedetto. Se parte de la consideración del cine como manifestación artística central en la escena de los años 50, es decir, como un fenómeno cultural de amplio alcance cuyas proyecciones se pueden advertir en la literatura de mediados de siglo. Esta apreciación, por un lado, explica ciertos aspectos de las dos corrientes literarias con las que el escritor de Mendoza ha sido relacionado: el objetivismo francés y el behaviorismo de la novela norteamericana de entreguerras; por el otro, ilumina muchas características formales y temáticas de sus textos


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En este artículo se parte de las aporías en las que el conductismo lógico de Gilbert Ryle deja la adscripción de los estados subjetivos y de la intencionalidad y se examina el argumento que orienta la solución ontológica de Peter Strawson a través de su noción primitiva de persona como particular de base. Se muestra que la noción de persona de Strawson es una salida a las aporías del mentalismo y del conductismo que anticipa la ontología del soi-même de Paul Ricoeur, aunque sin alcanzar la densidad narrativa que los quiénes reciben en el filósofo francés a partir del paso de las acciones discretas a las prácticas. Asimismo se establecen nexos entre la ontología de la persona y los problemas epistemológicos de la acción en las ciencias sociales.


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The continuous advancement in computing, together with the decline in its cost, has resulted in technology becoming ubiquitous (Arbaugh, 2008, Gros, 2007). Technology is growing and is part of our lives in almost every respect, including the way we learn. Technology helps to collapse time and space in learning. For example, technology allows learners to engage with their instructors synchronously, in real time and also asynchronously, by enabling sessions to be recorded. Space and distance is no longer an issue provided there is adequate bandwidth, which determines the most appropriate format such text, audio or video. Technology has revolutionised the way learners learn; courses are designed; and ‘lessons’ are delivered, and continues to do so. The learning process can be made vastly more efficient as learners have knowledge at their fingertips, and unfamiliar concepts can be easily searched and an explanation found in seconds. Technology has also enabled learning to be more flexible, as learners can learn anywhere; at any time; and using different formats, e.g. text or audio. From the perspective of the instructors and L&D providers, technology offers these same advantages, plus easy scalability. Administratively, preparatory work can be undertaken more quickly even whilst student numbers grow. Learners from far and new locations can be easily accommodated. In addition, many technologies can be easily scaled to accommodate new functionality and/ or other new technologies. ‘Designing and Developing Digital and Blended Learning Solutions’ (5DBS), has been developed to recognise the growing importance of technology in L&D. This unit contains four learning outcomes and two assessment criteria, which is the same for all other units, besides Learning Outcome 3 which has three assessment criteria. The four learning outcomes in this unit are: • Learning Outcome 1: Understand current digital technologies and their contribution to learning and development solutions; • Learning Outcome 2: Be able to design blended learning solutions that make appropriate use of new technologies alongside more traditional approaches; • Learning Outcome 3: Know about the processes involved in designing and developing digital learning content efficiently and what makes for engaging and effective digital learning content; • Learning Outcome 4: Understand the issues involved in the successful implementation of digital and blended learning solutions. Each learning outcome is an individual chapter and each assessment unit is allocated its own sections within the respective chapters. This first chapter addresses the first learning outcome, which has two assessment criteria: summarise the range of currently available learning technologies; critically assess a learning requirement to determine the contribution that could be made through the use of learning technologies. The introduction to chapter one is in Section 1.0. Chapter 2 discusses the design of blended learning solutions in consideration of how digital learning technologies may support face-to-face and online delivery. Three learning theory sets: behaviourism; cognitivism; constructivism, are introduced, and the implication of each set of theory on instructional design for blended learning discussed. Chapter 3 centres on how relevant digital learning content may be created. This chapter includes a review of the key roles, tools and processes that are involved in developing digital learning content. Finally, Chapter 4 concerns delivery and implementation of digital and blended learning solutions. This chapter surveys the key formats and models used to inform the configuration of virtual learning environment software platforms. In addition, various software technologies which may be important in creating a VLE ecosystem that helps to enhance the learning experience, are outlined. We introduce the notion of personal learning environment (PLE), which has emerged from the democratisation of learning. We also review the roles, tools, standards and processes that L&D practitioners need to consider within a delivery and implementation of digital and blended learning solution.


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During the last decade a school subject with the designation of Life Competence Education ("Livskunskap" in Swedish) has emerged in many Swedish schools. The aim of this article is to describe and analyse the subject Life Competence Education, its historical and ideological roots and current place in the curricula of some selected schools. The article is based on analyses of policy documents, interviews and participant observations from fieldwork in two upper secondary schools and in one course for further training of teachers arranged by a municipality. Work by Foucault, especially on governmentality, is used as an analytic tool, as well as work developed from Foucault by Nicolas Rose and Stephen J. Ball. The analyses show that the subject Life Competence Education is constructed in many varied ways in Swedish schools due to different influences, both from the state, but also from private policy entrepreneurs (Ball, 2006). It is also shown that the SET-programme, which is only one example of programmes used for this type of education, is quite widely used in Life Competence Education in Swedish schools. In light of analyses from Foucault and Rose, I suggest that these programmes can be seen as the "psy", i.e. the "psychological domains" (Rose, 1999), entering into the educational arena and with the help of behaviouristic theories constructing "governable subjects" (Foucault, 1988, 1991). This raises questions regarding what kind of subjects are constructed in Life Competence Education, with what kind of methods, as well as how these methods are construed in the light of the Swedish National Curriculum


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Understanding Curriculum: An Australian Context encourages readers to reflect on how curriculum theory can enhance classroom practice. This book provides a critical introduction to contemporary curriculum theory and practice, outlining both traditional and progressive approaches in order to reconceptualise curriculum. Drawing on a range of perspectives, including behaviourism, constructivism and critical theory, it considers questions of curriculum ownership and culture. It explores technology, gender, equity and diversity, and Indigenous issues in depth. Key principles and debates are brought to life in each chapter through reflective questions and vignettes. Every day, teachers make countless judgements and decisions about the best learning experiences for their students. The authors show how understanding curriculum through different lenses can uncover habits and prejudices that may inhibit good teaching, and can enhance the value of the learning experiences offered to students.