838 resultados para BCS pairing


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In this work we investigate the effect of a BCS-type pairing term for free spinless fermions, with a propensity to form a condensate of pairs in a 1+1 dimension. Using the of bosonization technique we explore the possible condition of existence of quasiparticles in a superconducting state. Although there is no spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry the propagator of one-particle fermion is massive and, in fact, resembles the one-particle Green s function of conventional quasiparticles


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In a superconductor pair occupancy probabilities are doubly defined with conflicting values when normal and umklapp scattering coexist with the same destination momentum. To resolve this issue a new pairing scheme is introduced to assert normal–umklapp frustration under such circumstances. Superconductivity then arises solely from residual umklapp scattering to destination momenta not reached by normal scattering. Consequent Tc calculations from first principles for niobium, tantalum, lead and aluminum turn out to be accurate within a few percent. A new perspective is revealed to support Matthias׳ rule. New light is also shed relevant to the future study of metallic hydrogen.


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Superconducting pairing of electrons in nanoscale metallic particles with discrete energy levels and a fixed number of electrons is described by the reduced Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer model Hamiltonian. We show that this model is integrable by the algebraic Bethe ansatz. The eigenstates, spectrum, conserved operators, integrals of motion, and norms of wave functions are obtained. Furthermore, the quantum inverse problem is solved, meaning that form factors and correlation functions can be explicitly evaluated. Closed form expressions are given for the form factors and correlation functions that describe superconducting pairing.


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The finite-size-dependent enhancement of pairing in mesoscopic Fermi systems is studied under the assumption that the BCS approach is valid and that the two-body force is size independent. Different systems are investigated such as superconducting metallic grains and films as well as atomic nuclei. It is shown that the finite size enhancement of pairing in these systems is in part due to the presence of a surface which accounts quite well for the data of nuclei and explains a good fraction of the enhancement in Al grains.


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We study the properties of the 1S0 pairing gap in low-density neutron matter. Different corrections to the lowest-order scattering length approximation are explored, resulting in a strong suppression with respect to the BCS result.


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We explore the phase diagram of a two-component ultracold atomic Fermi gas interacting with zero-range forces in the limit of weak coupling. We focus on the dependence of the pairing gap and the free energy on the variations in the number densities of the two species while the total density of the system is held fixed. As the density asymmetry is increased, the system exhibits a transition from a homogenous Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) phase to phases with spontaneously broken global space symmetries. One such realization is the deformed Fermi surface superfluidity (DFS) which exploits the possibility of deforming the Fermi surfaces of the species into ellipsoidal form at zero total momentum of Cooper pairs. The critical asymmetries at which the transition from DFS to the unpaired state occurs are larger than those for the BCS phase. In this precritical region the DFS phase lowers the pairing energy of the asymmetric BCS state. We compare quantitatively the DFS phase to another realization of superconducting phases with broken translational symmetry: the single-plane-wave Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell phase, which is characterized by a nonvanishing center-of-mass momentum of the Cooper pairs. The possibility of the detection of the DFS phase in the time-of-flight experiments is discussed and quantified for the case of 6Li atoms trapped in two different hyperfine states.


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The finite-size-dependent enhancement of pairing in mesoscopic Fermi systems is studied under the assumption that the BCS approach is valid and that the two-body force is size independent. Different systems are investigated such as superconducting metallic grains and films as well as atomic nuclei. It is shown that the finite size enhancement of pairing in these systems is in part due to the presence of a surface which accounts quite well for the data of nuclei and explains a good fraction of the enhancement in Al grains.


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We study the properties of the 1S0 pairing gap in low-density neutron matter. Different corrections to the lowest-order scattering length approximation are explored, resulting in a strong suppression with respect to the BCS result.


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The BCS superconductivity to Bose condensation crossover problem is studied in two dimensions in S, P, and D waves, for a simple anisotropic pairing, with a finite-range separable potential at zero temperature. The gap parameter and the chemical potential as a function of Cooper-pair binding B c exhibit universal scaling. In the BCS limit the results for coherence length ξ and the critical temperature T c are appropriate for highT c cuprate superconductors and also exhibit universal scaling as a function of B c.


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We discuss the superfluid phase transition of a strongly interacting Fermi gas with unequal ( asymmetric) chemical potentials in two pairing hyperfine states, and map out its phase diagram near the BCS-BEC crossover. Our approach includes the fluctuation contributions of preformed Cooper pairs to the thermodynamic potential at finite temperature. We show that, below a critical difference in chemical potentials between species, a normal gas is unstable towards the formation of either a finite-momentum paired Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superconducting phase or a uniform superfluid, depending on the asymmetry and interaction strengths. We determine the value of critical chemical potential mismatch, and find that it is consistent with a recent measurement by Zwierlein et al. ( Science, 311 ( 2006) 492).


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We present a theory for a superfluid Fermi gas near the BCS-BEC crossover, including pairing fluctuation contributions to the free energy similar to that considered by Nozieres and Schmitt-Rink for the normal phase. In the strong coupling limit, our theory is able to recover the Bogoliubov theory of a weakly interacting Bose gas with a molecular scattering length very close to the known exact result. We compare our results with recent Quantum Monte Carlo simulations both for the ground state and at finite temperature. Excellent agreement is found for all interaction strengths where simulation results are available.


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The aim of this thesis is the study of the normal phase of a mass imbalanced and polarized ultra-cold Fermi gas in the context of the BCS-BEC crossover, using a diagrammatic approach known as t-matrix approximation. More specifically, the calculations are implemented using the fully self-consistent t-matrix (or Luttinger- Ward) approach, which is already experimentally and numerically validated for the balanced case. An imbalance (polarization) between the two spin populations works against pairing and superfluidity. For sufficiently large polarization (and not too strong attraction) the system remains in the normal phase even at zero temperature. This phase is expected to be well described by the Landau’s Fermi liquid theory. By reducing the spin polarization, a critical imbalance is reached where a quantum phase transition towards a superfluid phase occurs and the Fermi liquid description breaks down. Depending on the strength of the interaction, the exotic superfluid phase at the quantum critical point (QCP) can be either a FFLO phase (Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov) or a Sarma phase. In this regard, the presence of mass imbalance can strongly influence the nature of the QCP, by favouring one of these two exotic types of pairing over the other, depending on whether the majority of the two species is heavier or lighter than the minority. The analysis of the system is made by focusing on the temperature-coupling-polarization phase diagram for different mass ratios of the two components and on the study of different thermodynamic quantities at finite temperature. The evolution towards a non-Fermi liquid behavior at the QCP is investigated by calculating the fermionic quasi-particle residues, the effective masses and the self-energies at zero temperature.


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We show that integrability of the BCS model extends beyond Richardson's model (where all Cooper pair scatterings have equal coupling) to that of the Russian doll BCS model for which the couplings have a particular phase dependence that breaks time-reversal symmetry. This model is shown to be integrable using the quantum inverse scattering method, and the exact solution is obtained by means of the algebraic Bethe ansatz. The inverse problem of expressing local operators in terms of the global operators of the monodromy matrix is solved. This result is used to find a determinant formulation of a correlation function for fluctuations in the Cooper pair occupation numbers. These results are used to undertake exact numerical analysis for small systems at half-filling.


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CysView is a web-based application tool that identifies and classifies proteins according to their disulfide connectivity patterns. It accepts a dataset of annotated protein sequences in various formats and returns a graphical representation of cysteine pairing patterns. CysView displays cysteine patterns for those records in the data with disulfide annotations. It allows the viewing of records grouped by connectivity patterns. CysView's utility as an analysis tool was demonstrated by the rapid and correct classification of scorpion toxin entries from GenPept on the basis of their disulfide pairing patterns. It has proved useful for rapid detection of irrelevant and partial records, or those with incomplete annotations. CysView can be used to support distant homology between proteins. CysView is publicly available at http://research.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/CysView/.


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The concept of local concurrence is used to quantify the entanglement between a single qubit and the remainder of a multiqubit system. For the ground state of the BCS model in the thermodynamic limit the set of local concurrences completely describes the entanglement. As a measure for the entanglement of the full system we investigate the average local concurrence (ALC). We find that the ALC satisfies a simple relation with the order parameter. We then show that for finite systems with a fixed particle number, a relation between the ALC and the condensation energy exposes a threshold coupling. Below the threshold, entanglement measures besides the ALC are significant.