3 resultados para Azévedo


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Arachis pintoi and A. repens are legumes with a high forage value that are used to feed ruminants in consortium systems. Not only do they increase the persistence and quality of pastures, they are also used for ornamental and green cover. The objective of this study was to analyze microsatellite markers in order to access the genetic diversity of 65 forage peanut germplasm accessions in the section Caulorrhizae of the genus Arachis in the Jequitinhonha, São Francisco and Paranã River valleys of Brazil. Fifty-seven accessions of A. pintoi and eight of A. repens were analyzed using 17 microsatellites, and the observed heterozygosity (HO), expected heterozygosity (HE), number of alleles per locus, discriminatory power, and polymorphism information content were all estimated. Ten loci (58.8%) were polymorphic, and 125 alleles were found in total. The HE ranged from 0.30 to 0.94, and HO values ranged from 0.03 to 0.88. By using Bayesian analysis, the accessions were genetically differentiated into three gene pools. Neither the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean nor a neighbor-joining analysis clustered samples into species, origin, or collection area. These results reveal a very weak genetic structure that does not form defined clusters, and that there is a high degree of similarity between the two species.


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Resumo: Avaliaram-se os efeitos da inclusão dietética das sementes de urucum substituindo alimentos concentrados (milho e farelo de soja) e volumoso (feno de pasto nativo da caatinga) sobre o comportamento ingestivo de ovinos. Foram utilizados vinte ovinos machos, castrados, sem padrão racial definido (SPRD) distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos representados pelos níveis de inclusão das sementes de urucum (0%; 10%; 23%; 35% na matéria seca), com cinco animais por tratamento. Os animais foram submetidos à observação visual para avaliação do comportamento ingestivo, foram observados a cada cinco minutos, durante 24 horas, para determinação do tempo despendido em alimentação, ruminação e ócio. Avaliaram-se os eventos comportamentais dos ovinos: tempo de alimentação (TAL), ruminação (TRUM) e ócio (TÓCIO). Determinou-se também a mastigação merícica dos ovinos, estimando-se o número de mastigações e a quantidade de bolos ruminados por unidade de tempo, além do número médio de defecação e micção, e frequência de ingestão de água. Os dados foram analisados pelo software SAS®, tendo sido realizada a comparação das médias pelo teste Tuckey, análise dos contrastes polinomiais e ortogonais para os dados que apresentaram significância. A inclusão de sementes de urucum não influenciou os parâmetros de comportamento ingestivo e nem os padrões nictmerais (P<0,05). A substituição da fibra proveniente do feno de pasto nativo pela fibra das sementes de urucum trouxe vantagens especialmente pela melhoria das eficiências de alimentação e de ruminação. [Ingestive behavior of sheeps fed with diets containing anatto seeds]. Abstract: Evaluated the effect of dietary inclusion of annatto seeds replacing concentrate feed (corn and soybean meal) and roughage (hay of native pasture from Caatinga) on feeding behavior of sheep. Twenty male undefined breed sheep and castrated were distributed in a completely randomized design into four treatments (five animals per treatment), with the inclusion of annatto seeds in the diets at levels of 0%, 10%, 23% and 35%, in dry matter basis. The animals were submitted to visual observation in order to acess their ingestive behavior, were observed every five minutes, during 24 hours, to determine time spent on feeding, rumination and idleness. The behavioral events of the sheeps evaluated were time for feeding (TAL), time for rumination (TRUM) and time of idleness (TOCIO). The ruminating chews of the sheeps was determined, thus estimating the number of chews and quantity of ruminated boli per unit of time, the average number of defecation and urination, and frequency of water intake were also determined Data were analyzed using SAS® software and the Tukey test to comparison of means. Polynomial and orthogonal contrasts were made for data that showed significance. The inclusion of annatto seeds did not influence the parameters of feeding behavior and neither nictemerals patterns. The replacement of fiber