965 resultados para Axima noyesi species group
A new stalk-eyed wasp Axima nordestina sp. n. is described from the Northeastern Brazilian savannah. Axima nordestina is the fourth species of stalk-eyed wasps (A. noyesi species group) and the second one known from Brazil. The head morphology of A. nordestina appears less derived than in the other known species. An updated key of the A. noyesi species group is provided.
In the first paper of this series (Albuquerque & Brandão, 2004) we revised the Vezenyii species group of the exclusively Neotropical solenopsidine (Myrmicinae) ant genus Oxyepoecus. In this closing paper we update distribution information on the Vezenyii group species and revise the other Oxyepoecus species-group (Rastratus). We describe two species (Oxyepoecus myops n. sp. and O. rosai n. sp.) and redescribe previously known species of the group [O. daguerrei (Santschi, 1933), O. mandibularis (Emery, 1913), O. plaumanni Kempf, 1974, O. rastratus Mayr, 1887, and O. reticulatus Kempf, 1974], adding locality records and comments on the meagre biological data of these species. We also present an identification key to Oxyepoecus species based on workers.
Hoplias lacerdae was originally described from the rio Ribeira de Iguape, Iporanga, São Paulo State. The Hoplias lacerdae group is defined as containing generally large trahiras with the medial margins of dentaries running parallel to each other and lacking teeth on the basihyal compared to the H. malabaricus group in which the medial margins of the dentaries converge towards the mandibular symphysis and which have teeth on the basihyal. A taxonomic revision of the group based on meristic and morphometric data identified five distinct species: H. lacerdae distributed in the rio Ribeira de Iguape and rio Uruguai; H. intermedius from the rio São Francisco, upper rio Paraná basin, and rio Doce; H. brasiliensis from rivers of the Atlantic Coastal drainage from the rio Paraguaçu to the rio Jequitinhonha; H. australis new species, endemic to the rio Uruguai; and H. curupira new species present in northern South America, including the rios Negro, Trombetas, Tapajós, Xingu, Tocantins and Capim in the Amazon basin, upper rio Orinoco near the rio Casiquiare (Venezuela), and coastal rivers of Guyana and Suriname. A lectotype for Hoplias intermedius and a neotype for H. brasiliensis are designated.
The walkeriana species-group of iridescent Euhesma bees is described with the following nine species considered new: E. allunga, E. banksia, E. bronzus, E. dongara, E. lobata, E. spinola, E. sybilae, E. viridescens and E. xana. Two new synonymies are proposed: E. mica (Cockerell) with E. neglectula (Cockerell), and E. halictoides (Rayment) with E. latissima (Cockerell). A key enables the separation of species, and distributions are mapped.
All species of Macrostomus Wiedemann allied with Macrostomus pictipennis (Bezzi), are treated in the pictipennis species-group. Three currently recognized species and four new species are included, namely M. cervicicauda Smith, M. cysticercus Smith, M. manauara, sp. nov. from Brazil (Amazonas and Pará states), M. pacaraima, sp. nov. from Brazil (Roraima, Amazonas and Pará states), M. pictipennis (Bezzi), M. smithi, sp. nov. from Guyana and Brazil (Roraima State) and M. utinga, sp. nov. from Brazil (Pará State). All primary types were examined and a key to species is presented.
The Drosophila peruensis species group was recently proposed and includes four taxa: D. atalaia Vilela & Sene, 1982, D. boraceia Vilela & Val, 2004, D. pauliceia Ratcov & Vilela, 2007, and D. peruensis Wheeler, 1959. All these species have most of setae or setulae of mesonotum arinsing from dark spots, wings with crossveins darker (except in D. atalaia) and hypandrium squared-shaped mostly fused to gonopods. Here, we describe two new species, Drosophila itacorubi sp. nov. and Drosophila paraitacorubi sp. nov., belonging to this species group. The male genitalia of these species are figured. An identification key to the D. peruensis species group is provided.
Species of sandflies in the oswaldoi-group of the genus Lutzomyia occuring in Venezuela are reviewed. A new species, Lutzomyia saccai n. sp. is described. A distribution map and pictorial keys for males and females are provided with notes on biological and ecological data collected in Venezuela.
Two new species of the Culicoides paraensis species group, C. diversus Felippe-Bauer and C. peruvianus Felippe-Bauer, are described and illustrated based on female specimens from Amazonian region of Peru. A systematic key, table with numerical characters of females, and distribution of species of the C. paraensis group are given.
A new species of the Culicoides (Hoffmania) hylas species group, Culicoides baniwa Felippe-Bauer is described and illustrated based on a female specimen from the state of Amazonas, Brazil. A systematic key, wing photographs, diagramme of the legs pattern, table with numerical characters of females and a synopsis of the 11 species of the C. hylas group are presented. This paper further presents a new record of Culicoides pseudoheliconiae Felippe-Bauer out of the previously defined geographic distribution of the hylas species group, in the province of Misiones, Argentina.
A new species of the Culicoides reticulatus species group, Culicoides kuripako Felippe-Bauer, is described and illustrated based on females and male specimens from the states of Amazonas and Pará, Brazil. The new species is compared with its similar sympatric congener, Culicoides paucienfuscatus Barbosa.
The male of Mischocyttarus nomurae Richards, 1978 is described for the first time, and relationships between this and other similar species are discussed in a context of redefining the limits of the M. cerberus species group.
Microvelia nelsoni sp. nov., M. takiyae sp. nov., and Rhagovelia mangaratiba sp. nov. are described. Rhagovelia scitula and R. whitei are transferred from the robusta group to the new whitei group. Rhagovelia denticulata is synonymized under R. scitula. Microvelia longipes, Oiovelia brasiliensis, Rhagovelia sooretama, R. trianguloides, R. vaniniae, and Stridulivelia quadrispinosa are recorded for the first time from Rio de Janeiro State. Additional new municipality records in Rio de Janeiro State are presented for Microvelia braziliensis, M. ioana, M. mimula, M. pulchella, Paravelia basalis, P. itatiayana, Rhagovelia accedens, R. agra, R. aiuruoca, R. elegans, R. hambletoni, R. henryi, R. itatiaiana, R. lucida, R. macta, R. modesta, R. novana, R. scitula, R. tenuipes, R. tijuca, R. triangula, and R. zela. Corrections are presented for the previously published distributions of Rhagovelia aiuruoca, R. lucida, R. macta, and R. triangula.
Drosophila caxiuana sp. nov., Drosophila subgenus, is described and illustrated. This new species was collected in the Amazonian Biome (Caquajó river, Portel, Pará, Brazil) and is an atypical species to the group due the unusual morphology of the male terminalia.
A review of our recent work on the cromosomal evolution of the Drosophila repleta species group is presented. Most studies have focused on the buzzatii species complex, a monophyletic set of 12 species which inhabit the deserts of South America and the West Indies. A statistical analysis of the length and breakpoint distribution of the 86 paracentric inversions observed in this complex has shown that inversion length is a selected trait. Rare inversions are usually small while evolutionary successful inversions, fixed and polymorphic, are predominantly of medium size. There is also a negative correlation between length and number of inversions per species. Finally, the distribution of inversion breakpoints along chromosome 2 is non-random, with chromosomal regions which accumulate up to 8 breakpoints (putative "hot spots"). Comparative gene mapping has also been used to investigate the molecular organization and evolution of chromosomes. Using in situ hybridization, 26 genes have been precisely located on the salivary gland chromosomes of D. repleta and D. buzzatii; another nine have been tentatively identified. The results are fully consistent with the currently accepted chromosomal homologies between D. repleta and D. melanogaster, and no evidence for reciprocal translocations or pericentric inversions has been found. The comparison of the gene map of D. repleta chromosome 2 with that of the homologous chromosome 3R of D. melanogaster shows an extensive reorganization via paracentric inversions and allows to estimate an evolution rate of ~1 inversion fixed per million years for this chromosome
Tontelea fuliginea differs from other species whose stamens alternate with undivided stigma-lobes by its profusely ramified, many flowered, and densely dirty-brown puberulous inflorescences. This paper also provides a synopsis and key of the group of species with alternate stamens and 3-lobed stiomas with undivided lobes (T. attenuata group). Four lectotypes are designated for previously published names: Tontelea longifolia, Tontelea micrantha, Tontelea corrugulata, and Salacia micrantha var. lancifolia.