937 resultados para Awareness delivery methods


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In order to decrease information security threats caused by human-related vulnerabilities, an increased concentration on information security awareness and training is necessary. There are numerous information security awareness training delivery methods. The purpose of this study was to determine what delivery method is most successful in providing security awareness training. We conducted security awareness training using various delivery methods such as text based, game based and a short video presentation with the aim of determining user preference delivery methods. Our study suggests that a combined delvery methods are better than individual secrity awareness delivery method.


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Operating systems and programmes are more protected these days and attackers have shifted their attention to human elements to break into the organisation's information systems. As the number and frequency of cyber-attacks designed to take advantage of unsuspecting personnel are increasing, the significance of the human factor in information security management cannot be understated. In order to counter cyber-attacks designed to exploit human factors in information security chain, information security awareness with an objective to reduce information security risks that occur due to human related vulnerabilities is paramount. This paper discusses and evaluates the effects of various information security awareness delivery methods used in improving end-users’ information security awareness and behaviour. There are a wide range of information security awareness delivery methods such as web-based training materials, contextual training and embedded training. In spite of efforts to increase information security awareness, research is scant regarding effective information security awareness delivery methods. To this end, this study focuses on determining the security awareness delivery method that is most successful in providing information security awareness and which delivery method is preferred by users. We conducted information security awareness using text-based, game-based and video-based delivery methods with the aim of determining user preferences. Our study suggests that a combined delivery methods are better than individual security awareness delivery method.


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The alliance project delivery method is used for approximately one third of all Australian government infrastructure projects representing $8-$10 billion per annum. Despite its widespread use, little is known about the differences between estimated project cost and actual cost over the project lifecycle. This paper presents the findings of research into 14 Australian government alliance case studies investigating the observed cost uplift over each project’s lifecycle. I find that significant cost uplift is likely and that this uplift is greater than that afflicting traditional delivery methods. Furthermore, most of the cost uplift occurs at a different place in the project lifecycle, namely between Business Case and Contractual Commitment.


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In 2009 the Australian Federal and State governments are expected to have spent some AU$30 billion procuring infrastructure projects. For governments with finite resources but many competing projects, formal capital rationing is achieved through use of Business Cases. These Business cases articulate the merits of investing in particular projects along with the estimated costs and risks of each project. Despite the sheer size and impact of infrastructure projects, there is very little research in Australia, or internationally, on the performance of these projects against Business Case assumptions when the decision to invest is made. If such assumptions (particularly cost assumptions) are not met, then there is serious potential for the misallocation of Australia’s finite financial resources. This research addresses this important gap in the literature by using combined quantitative and qualitative research methods, to examine the actual performance of 14 major Australian government infrastructure projects. The research findings are controversial as they challenge widely held perceptions of the effectiveness of certain infrastructure delivery practices. Despite this controversy, the research has had a significant impact on the field and has been described as ‘outstanding’ and ‘definitive’ (Alliancing Association of Australasia), "one of the first of its kind" (Infrastructure Partnerships of Australia) and "making a critical difference to infrastructure procurement" (Victorian Department of Treasury). The implications for practice of the research have been profound and included the withdrawal by Government of various infrastructure procurement guidelines, the formulation of new infrastructure policies by several state governments and the preparation of new infrastructure guidelines that substantially reflect the research findings. Building on the practical research, a more rigorous academic investigation focussed on the comparative cost uplift of various project delivery strategies was submitted to Australia’s premier academic management conference, the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Annual Conference. This paper has been accepted for the 2010 ANZAM National Conference following a process of double blind peer review with reviewers rating the paper’s overall contribution as "Excellent" and "Good".


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Past studies relate small business advisory program effectiveness to advisory characteristics such as advisory intensity and scope. We contribute to existing literature by seeking to identify the impact of different advisory program methods of delivery on learning and subsequent firm innovation behavior. Our research is based on a survey of 257 Australian firms completing small business advisory programs in the three years preceding the research. We explore the range of small business advisory program delivery methods in which our surveyed firms participated and, with reference to the literature on organizational learning and innovation, we analyze predictors of firms' learning ability and innovativeness based on the identified delivery methods. First, we found that business advisory programs that involved high levels of collective learning and tailored approaches enhanced firms' perceptions of their learning of critical skills or capabilities. We also found that small business advisory programs that were delivered by using practice-based approaches enhanced firms' subsequent organizational innovation. We verified this finding by testing whether firms that have participated in small business advisory services subsequently demonstrate improved behavior in terms of organizational innovativeness, when compared with matched firms that have not participated in an advisory program.


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The purpose of this research was to compare the delivery methods as practiced by higher education faculty teaching distance courses with recommended or emerging standard instructional delivery methods for distance education. Previous research shows that traditional-type instructional strategies have been used in distance education and that there has been no training to distance teach. Secondary data, however, appear to suggest emerging practices which could be pooled toward the development of standards. This is a qualitative study based on the constant comparative analysis approach of grounded theory.^ Participants (N = 5) of this study were full-time faculty teaching distance education courses. The observation method used was unobtrusive content analysis of videotaped instruction. Triangulation of data was accomplished through one-on-one in-depth interviews and from literature review. Due to the addition of non-media content being analyzed, a special time-sampling technique was designed by the researcher--influenced by content analyst theories of media-related data--to sample portions of the videotape instruction that were observed and counted. A standardized interview guide was used to collect data from in-depth interviews. Coding was done based on categories drawn from review of literature, and from Cranton and Weston's (1989) typology of instructional strategies. The data were observed, counted, tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted solely by the researcher. It should be noted however, that systematic and rigorous data collection and analysis led to credible data.^ The findings of this study supported the proposition that there are no standard instructional practices for distance teaching. Further, the findings revealed that of the emerging practices suggested by proponents and by faculty who teach distance education courses, few were practiced even minimally. A noted example was the use of lecture and questioning. Questioning, as a teaching tool was used a great deal, with students at the originating site but not with distance students. Lectures were given, but were mostly conducted in traditional fashion--long in duration and with no interactive component.^ It can be concluded from the findings that while there are no standard practices for instructional delivery for distance education, there appears to be sufficient information from secondary and empirical data to initiate some standard instructional practices. Therefore, grounded in this research data is the theory that the way to arrive at some instructional delivery standards for televised distance education is a pooling of the tacitly agreed-upon emerging practices by proponents and practicing instructors. Implicit in this theory is a need for experimental research so that these emerging practices can be tested, tried, and proven, ultimately resulting in formal standards for instructional delivery in television education. ^


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Biopharmaceuticals have been shown to have low delivery and transformation efficiencies. To over come this, larger doses are administered in order to obtain the desired response which may lead to toxicity and drug resistance. This paper reports upon a continuous particle production method utilizing surface acoustic wave atomization to reliably produce micro and nanoparticles with physical characteristics to facilitate the cellular uptake of biopharmaceuticals. By producing particles of an optimal size for cellular uptake, the efficacy and specificity of drug loaded nanoparticles will be increased. Better delivery methods will result in dosage reduction (hence lower costs per dose), reduced toxicity, and reduced problems associated with multidrug resistance due to over dosing.


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Introduction Climate change has been described as the most significant global health threat of the 21st century. Already, negative impacts on human health and wellbeing are being observed. These impacts present enormous challenges for the healthcare sector and the time has come for healthcare professionals to demonstrate leadership in addressing these challenges. Since any unsustainable organizational practices of healthcare organisations may ultimately have a negative impact on human health, there is an implicit moral obligation for these organisations and the people who work in them, to deliver healthcare more sustainably. If one considers that in 2010 pharmaceuticals comprised 22% of the carbon footprint of the NHS England (equating to 4.4 million tonnes of CO2 emissions) and 3% of England’s total carbon footprint (NHS Sustainable Development Unit, 2012), by reducing the carbon footprint of pharmaceuticals used in their healthcare organisations, pharmacists can have a significant impact on reducing the organisation’s total carbon footprint and ultimately on the public’s health. Aims The engagement of pharmacists with sustainability initiatives in the workplace has been largely unreported in international and national pharmacy journals. This paper aims to highlight the important role that pharmacists can play in helping to reduce the carbon footprint of healthcare delivery. Methods Literature was reviewed to identify areas where pharmacists could influence the more sustainable use of pharmaceuticals in their organisations. Discussion Much of the carbon footprint of pharmaceuticals is embedded carbon from their manufacture and delivery. Through efficient inventory management practices, pharmacists can reduce the number of orders and potentially reduce the number of deliveries required. Pharmacists can also help to reduce the amount of pharmaceutical waste generated. Of the waste that is generated, they can help improve the segregation of waste streams to increase the amount of non-contaminated packaging waste that is recycled and reduce the amount of pharmaceutical waste being incinerated or ending up in landfill. Reference NHS Sustainable Development Unit. (2012). Sustainability in the NHS Health Check 2012. NHS Sustainable Development Unit. Cambridge, UK: NHS Sustainable Devlopment Unit.


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Background The application of polyethylenimine (PEI) in gene delivery has been severely limited by significant cytotoxicity that results from a nondegradable methylene backbone and high cationic charge density. It is therefore necessary to develop novel biodegradable PEI derivates for low-toxic, highly efficient gene delivery.Methods A series of novel cationic copolymers with various charge density were designed and synthesized by grafting different kinds of oligoethylenimine (OEI) onto a determinate multi-armed poly(L-glutamic acid) backbone. The molecular structures of multi-armed poly(L-glutamic acid)-graft-OEI (MP-g-OEI) copolymers were characterized using nuclear magnetic resonance, viscosimetry and gel permeation chromatography. Moreover, the MP-g-OEI/DNA complexes were measured by a gel retardation assay, dynamic light scattering and atomic force microscopy to determine DNA binding ability, particle size, zeta potential, complex formation and shape, respectively. MP-g-OEI copolymers were also evaluated in Chinese hamster ovary and human embryonic kidney-293 cells for their cytotoxicity and transfection efficiency.


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Drug delivery systems influence the various processes of release, absorption, distribution and elimination of drug. Conventional delivery methods administer drug through the mouth, the skin, transmucosal areas, inhalation or injection. However, one of the current challenges is the lack of effective and targeted oral drug administration. Development of sophisticated strategies, such as micro- and nanotechnology that can integrate the design and synthesis of drug delivery systems in a one-step, scalable process is fundamental in advancing the limitations of conventional processing techniques. Thus, the objective of this thesis is to evaluate novel microencapsulation technologies in the production of size-specific and target-specific drug-loaded particles. The first part of this thesis describes the utility of PDMS and silicon microfluidic flow focusing devices (MFFDs) to produce PLGA-based microparticles. The formation of uniform droplets was dependent on the surface of PDMS remaining hydrophilic. However, the durability of PDMS was limited to no more than 1 hour before wetting of the microchannel walls with dichloromethane and subsequent swelling occurred. Critically, silicon MFFDs revealed very good solvent compatibility and was sufficiently robust to withstand elevated fluid flow rates. Silicon MFFDs facilitated experiments to run over days with continuous use and re-use of the device with a narrower microparticle size distribution, relative to conventional production techniques. The second part of this thesis demonstrates an alternative microencapsulation technology, SmPill® minispheres, to target CsA delivery to the colon. Characterisation of CsA release in vitro and in vivo was performed. By modulating the ethylcellulose:pectin coating thickness, release of CsA in-vivo was more effectively controlled compared to current commercial CsA formulations and demonstrated a linear in-vitro in-vivo relationship. Coated minispheres were shown to limit CsA release in the upper small intestine and enhance localised CsA delivery to the colon.


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Gene therapy has emerged as a realistic prospect for the treatment of cancer due to its potential for selective tumour cell targeting. The greatest challenge gene delivery vectors face is the ability to safely and efficiently deliver genes into target cells. The overall objectives of this thesis are to evaluate the efficacy of various gene delivery methods in a clinically relevant tumour model and to also investigate potential strategies for tumour selective delivery. We began with the development of a tumour slice model system using patient waste tissue. This model involves the use of fresh human tumour tissue, cut into thin slices and maintained ex vivo and is universally applicable to gene delivery methods, using a real-time luminescence detection method to assess gene delivery. The nature of the ex vivo culture system permitted examination of specific physiological variables, the influence of intratumoural factors and tissue specific effects on vector expression. Adenoviral vectors under the control of the human CXCR4 promoter demonstrated a 'tumour on' and 'normal off' expression profile when compared with the ubiquitously active CMV promoter when tested in patient tumour tissue. In addition, we developed an ex vivo system of changing oxygenation using the hypoxia inducer, cobalt, to mimic the transient hypoxic conditions found in solid tumours. We found that Adenoviral transgene expression was robust in the cycling hypoxic conditions relevant to solid tumours and re-oxygenation of chronically hypoxic tissue enhanced transgene expression. Finally, we demonstrated an AAV-based tumour targeting strategy using a tumour-selective promoter allowing for the efficient targeting of AAV vectors to cancer cells and the sparing of normal tissue in both murine metastatic liver tumours models and patient tissue. The thesis highlights the importance of indepth preclinical assessment of novel therapeutics and may serve as a platform for further testing of novel gene delivery approaches.


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BACKGROUND: Genetic modulation of ventricular function may offer a novel therapeutic strategy for patients with congestive heart failure. Myocardial overexpression of beta(2)-adrenergic receptors (beta(2)ARs) has been shown to enhance contractility in transgenic mice and reverse signaling abnormalities found in failing cardiomyocytes in culture. In this study, we sought to determine the feasibility and in vivo consequences of delivering an adenovirus containing the human beta(2)AR cDNA to ventricular myocardium via catheter-mediated subselective intracoronary delivery. METHODS AND RESULTS: Rabbits underwent percutaneous subselective catheterization of either the left or right coronary artery and infusion of adenoviral vectors containing either a marker transgene (Adeno-betaGal) or the beta(2)AR (Adeno-beta(2)AR). Ventricular function was assessed before catheterization and 3 to 6 days after gene delivery. Both left circumflex- and right coronary artery-mediated delivery of Adeno-beta(2)AR resulted in approximately 10-fold overexpression in a chamber-specific manner. Delivery of Adeno-betaGal did not alter in vivo left ventricular (LV) systolic function, whereas overexpression of beta(2)ARs in the LV improved global LV contractility, as measured by dP/dt(max), at baseline and in response to isoproterenol at both 3 and 6 days after gene delivery. CONCLUSIONS: Percutaneous adenovirus-mediated intracoronary delivery of a potentially therapeutic transgene is feasible, and acute global LV function can be enhanced by LV-specific overexpression of the beta(2)AR. Thus, genetic modulation to enhance the function of the heart may represent a novel therapeutic strategy for congestive heart failure and can be viewed as molecular ventricular assistance.


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A phantom was designed and implemented for the delivery of treatment plans to cells in vitro. Single beam, 3D-conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT) plans, inverse planned five-field intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), nine-field IMRT, single-arc volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) and dual-arc VMAT plans were created on a CT scan of the phantom to deliver 3 Gy to the cell layer and verified using a Farmer chamber, 2D ionization chamber array and gafchromic film. Each plan was delivered to a 2D ionization chamber array to assess the temporal characteristics of the plan including delivery time and 'cell's eye view' for the central ionization chamber. The effective fraction time, defined as the percentage of the fraction time where any dose is delivered to each point examined, was also assessed across 120 ionization chambers. Each plan was delivered to human prostate cancer DU-145 cells and normal primary AGO-1522b fibroblast cells. Uniform beams were delivered to each cell line with the delivery time varying from 0.5 to 20.54 min. Effective fraction time was found to increase with a decreasing number of beams or arcs. For a uniform beam delivery, AGO-1552b cells exhibited a statistically significant trend towards increased survival with increased delivery time. This trend was not repeated when the different modulated clinical delivery methods were used. Less sensitive DU-145 cells did not exhibit a significant trend towards increased survival with increased delivery time for either the uniform or clinical deliveries. These results confirm that dose rate effects are most prevalent in more radiosensitive cells. Cell survival data generated from uniform beam deliveries over a range of dose rates and delivery times may not always be accurate in predicting response to more complex delivery techniques, such as IMRT and VMAT.


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Background: Psychological morbidity in individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF) and their caregivers is common. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) and European Cystic Fibrosis Society (ECFS) Guidelines Committee on Mental Health sought the views of CF health care professionals concerning mental health care delivery. Methods: An online survey which focused on the current provision and barriers to mental health care was distributed to CF health care professionals. Results: Of the 1454 respondents, many did not have a colleague trained in mental health issues and 20% had no one on their team whose primary role was focused on assessing or treating these issues. Insufficient resources and a lack of competency were reported in relation to mental health referrals. Seventy-three percent of respondents had no experience with mental health screening. Of those who did, they utilized 48 different, validated scales. Conclusions: These data have informed the decision-making, dissemination and implementation strategies of the Mental Health Guidelines Committee sponsored by the CFF and ECFS.


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Background: The aim of this study was to determine serum oxytocin concentrations following different regimens of prophylactic oxytocin administration in women undergoing elective caesarean delivery. Methods: Thirty healthy pregnant patients were randomized, after clamping of the umbilical cord, to receive intravenous oxytocin in one of the following groups: G1 (n = 9), 10 IU of oxytocin infused over 30 min (0.33 IU/min); G2 (n = 11), 10 IU of oxytocin infused over 3 min and 45 s (2.67 IU/min); and G3 (n = 10), 80 IU of oxytocin infused over 30 min (2.67 IU/min). Both patient and surgeon were blinded to allocation. Uterine tone was assessed by surgical palpation. Serum oxytocin concentration was determined by enzyme immunoassay before anaesthesia (T0) and at 5 (T5), 30 (T30) and 60 (T60) min after the start of oxytocin infusion. Results: Serum oxytocin concentrations (mean standard error, ng/mL) were not significantly different in the groups at T0 (0.06 +/- 0.02, 0.04 +/- 0.02 and 0.07 +/- 0.04, respectively, P = 0.76), and T60 (0.65 +/- 0.26, 0.36 +/- 0.26 and 0.69 +/- 0.26, respectively, P = 0.58). G3 showed higher concentrations than G1 at 15 (3.65 +/- 0.74 versus 0.71 +/- 0.27, P = 0.01) and at T30 (6.19 +/- 1.19 versus 1.17 +/- 0.37, P < 0.01), and were higher than G2 at T30 (6.19 +/- 1.19 versus 0.41 +/- 0.2, P < 0.01). Haemodynamic data and uterine tone were considered satisfactory and similar in all groups. No additional uterotonic agents were needed. Conclusion: Serum oxytocin measurements made using enzyme immunoassay in healthy pregnant women undergoing elective caesarean delivery showed that administration of 80 IU oxytocin over 30 min resulted in higher serum oxytocin levels after 5 and 30 min than the two other regimens. The concentrations did not differ between groups at 60 min. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.