920 resultados para Average heat transfer coefficient


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Local shell side coefficient measurements in the end conpartments of a model shell and tube heat exchanger have been made using an electrochemical technique. Limited data are also reported far the second compartment. The end compartment average coefficients have been found to be smaller than reported data for a corresponding internal conpartment. The second compartment data. have been shown to lie between those for the end compartments and the reported internal compartment data. Experimental data are reported fcr two port types and two baffle orientations. with data for the case of an inlet compartment impingement baffle also being given . Port type is shown to have a small effect on compartment coefficients, these being largely unaffected. Likewise, the outlet compartment average coefficients are slightly snaller than those for the inlet compartment, with the distribution of individual tube coefficients being similar. Baffle orientation has been shown to have no effect on average coefficients, but the distribution of the data is substantially affected. The use of an impingement baffle in the inlet compartment lessens the efect of baffle orientation on distribution . Recommendations are made for future work.


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A heat transfer coefficient gauge has been built, obeying particular rules in order to ensure the relevance and accuracy of the collected information. The gauge body is made out of the same materials as the die casting die (H13). It is equipped with six thermocouples located at different depths in the body and with a sapphire light pipe. The light pipe is linked to an optic fibre, which is connected to a monochromatic pyrometer. Thermocouples and pyrometer measurements are recorded with a data logger. A high pressure die casting die was instrumented with one such gauge. A set of 150 castings was done and the data recorded. During the casting, some process parameters have been modified such as piston velocity, intensification pressure, delay before switch to the intensification stage, temperature of the alloy, etc.... The data was treated with an inverse method in order to transform temperature measurements into heat flux density and heat transfer coefficient plots. The piston velocity and the initial temperature of the die seem to be the process parameters that have the greatest influence on the heat transfer. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Measurements were carried out to determine local coefficients of heat transfer in short lengths of horizontal pipe, and in the region of an discontinuity in pipe diameter. Laminar, transitional and turbulent flow regimes were investigated, and mixtures of propylene glycol and water were used in the experiments to give a range of viscous fluids. Theoretical and empirical analyses were implemented to find how the fundamental mechanism of forced convection was modified by the secondary effects of free convection, temperature dependent viscosity, and viscous dissipation. From experiments with the short tube it was possible to determine simple empirical relationships describing the axial distribution of the local 1usselt number and its dependence on the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers. Small corrections were made to account for the secondary effects mentioned above. Two different entrance configurations were investigated to demonstrate how conditions upstream could influence the heat transfer coefficients measured downstream In experiments with a sudden contraction in pipe diameter the distribution of local 1u3se1t number depended on the Prandtl number of the fluid in a complicated way. Graphical data is presented describing this dependence for a range of fluids indicating how the local Nusselt number varied with the diameter-ratio. Ratios up to 3.34:1 were considered. With a sudden divergence in pipe diameter, it was possible to derive the axial distribution of the local Nusse1t number for a range of Reynolds and Prandtl numbers in a similar way to the convergence experiments. Difficulty was encountered in explaining some of the measurements obtained at low Reynolds numbers, and flow visualization techniques wore used to determine the complex flow patterns which could lead to the anomalous results mentioned. Tests were carried out with divergences up to 1:3.34 to find the way in which the local Nusselt number varied with the diameter ratio, and a few experiments were carried out with very large ratios up .to 14.4. A limited amount of theoretical analysis of the 'divergence' system was carried out to substantiate certain explanations of the heat transfer mechanisms postulated.


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The fluid–particle interaction and the impact of different heat transfer conditions on pyrolysis of biomass inside a 150 g/h fluidised bed reactor are modelled. Two different size biomass particles (350 µm and 550 µm in diameter) are injected into the fluidised bed. The different biomass particle sizes result in different heat transfer conditions. This is due to the fact that the 350 µm diameter particle is smaller than the sand particles of the reactor (440 µm), while the 550 µm one is larger. The bed-to-particle heat transfer for both cases is calculated according to the literature. Conductive heat transfer is assumed for the larger biomass particle (550 µm) inside the bed, while biomass–sand contacts for the smaller biomass particle (350 µm) were considered unimportant. The Eulerian approach is used to model the bubbling behaviour of the sand, which is treated as a continuum. Biomass reaction kinetics is modelled according to the literature using a two-stage, semi-global model which takes into account secondary reactions. The particle motion inside the reactor is computed using drag laws, dependent on the local volume fraction of each phase. FLUENT 6.2 has been used as the modelling framework of the simulations with the whole pyrolysis model incorporated in the form of User Defined Function (UDF).


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The effect of Reynolds number variation in a vertical double pipe counterflow heat exchanger due to the changes in viscosity can cause the change in flow regime, for instance, when heats up and cools down, it can convert from turbulent to laminar or inversely, that can have significant effect on heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop. Mainly, the range of transition phase has been studied in this study with the investigation of silica nanofluid dispersed in water in three different concentrations. The results have been compared with distilled water sample and showed a remarkable raise in heat transfer coefficient while pressure drop has been increased respectively, as well. Although pumping power has to go up at the same time and it is a drawback, heat transfer efficiency grows for diluted samples. On the other hand, for the most concentrated sample, effect of pressure drop dominates which leads to decline in the overall efficiency.


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Experiments were performed to determine average heat transfer coefficients and friction factors for turbulent flow through annular ducts with pin fins. The measurements were carried out by means of a double-pipe heat exchanger. The total number of pins attached to the inner wall of the annular region was 560. The working fluids were air, flowing in the annular channel, and water through the inner circular tube. The average heat transfer coefficients of the pinned air-side were obtained from the experimental determination of the overall heat transfer coefficients of the heat exchanger and from the knowledge of the average heat transfer coefficients of the circular pipe (water-side), which could be found in the pertinent literature. To attain fully developed conditions, the heat exchanger was built with additional lengths before and after the test section. The inner circular duct of the heat exchanger and the pin fins were made of brass. Due to the high thermal conductivity of the brass, the small tube thickness and water temperature variation, the surface of the internal tube was practically isothermal. The external tube was made of an industrial plastic which was insulated from the environment by means of a glass wool batt. In this manner, the outer surface of the annular channel can be considered adiabatic. The results are presented in dimensionless forms, in terms of average Nusselt numbers and friction factors as functions of the flow Reynolds number, ranging from 13,000 to 80,000. The pin fin efficiency, which depends on the heat transfer coefficient, is also determined as a function of dimensionless parameters. A comparison of the present results with those for smooth sections (without pins) is also presented. The purpose of such a comparison is to study the influence of the presence of the pins on the pressure drop and heat transfer rate.


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This paper presents new experimental flow boiling heat transfer results in micro-scale tubes. The experimental data were obtained in a horizontal 2.3 mm I.D stainless steel tube with heating length of 464 mm, R134a and R245fa as working fluids, mass velocities ranging from 50 to 700 kg m(-2) s(-1), heat flux from 5 to 55 kW m(-2), exit saturation temperatures of 22, 31 and 41 degrees C, and vapor qualities ranging from 0.05 to 0.99. Flow pattern characterization was also performed from images obtained by high-speed filming. Heat transfer coefficient results from 1 to 14 kW m(-2) K(-1) were measured. It was found that the heat transfer coefficient is a strong function of heat flux, mass velocity and vapor quality. The experimental data were compared against ten flow boiling predictive methods from the literature. Liu and Winterton [3], Zhang et al. [5] and Saitoh et al. [6] worked best for both fluids, capturing most of the experimental heat transfer trends. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Dynamic experiments in a nonadiabatic packed bed were carried out to evaluate the response to disturbances in wall temperature and inlet airflow rate and temperature. A two-dimensional, pseudo-homogeneous, axially dispersed plug-flow model was numerically solved and used to interpret the results. The model parameters were fitted in distinct stages: effective radial thermal conductivity (K (r)) and wall heat transfer coefficient (h (w)) were estimated from steady-state data and the characteristic packed bed time constant (tau) from transient data. A new correlation for the K (r) in packed beds of cylindrical particles was proposed. It was experimentally proved that temperature measurements using radially inserted thermocouples and a ring-shaped sensor were not distorted by heat conduction across the thermocouple or by the thermal inertia effect of the temperature sensors.


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This paper presents a numerical study of fluidized-bed coating on thin plates using an orthogonal collocation technique. Inclusion of the latent heat of fusion term in the boundary conditions of the mathematical model accounts for the fact that some polymer powders used in coating may be partially crystalline. Predictions of coating thickness on flat plates were made with actual polymers used in fluidized-bed coating. Reasonably good agreement between numerical predictions of the coating thickness and experimental coating data of Richart was obtained for steel panels preheated to 316 degreesC. A good agreement was also obtained between numerical predictions and our coating thickness data for nylon-11 and polyethylene powders. Predicted coating thickness for polyethylene powder on flat plates were obtained with values of heat transfer coefficient closer to those obtained from our experiments. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Uusi EPR-reaktorikonsepti on suunniteltu selviytymään tapauksista, joissa reaktorinsydän sulaa ja sula puhkaisee paineastian. Suojarakennuksen sisälle on suunniteltu alue, jolle sula passiivisesti kerätään, pidätetään ja jäähdytetään. Alueelle laaditaan valurautaelementeistä ns.sydänsieppari, joka tulvitetaan vedellä. Sydänsulan tuottama jälkilämpö siirtyyveteen, mistä se poistetaan suojarakennuksen jälkilämmönpoistojärjestelmän kautta. Suuri osa lämmöstä poistuu sydänsulasta sen yläpuolella olevaan veteen, mutta lämmönsiirron tehostamiseksi myös sydänsiepparin alapuolelle on sijoitettu vedellä täytettävät jäähdytyskanavat. Jotta sydänsiepparin toiminta voitaisiin todentaa, on Lappeenrannan Teknillisellä Yliopistolla rakennettu Volley-koelaitteisto tätä tarkoitusta varten. Koelaitteisto koostuu kahdesta täysimittaisesta valuraudasta tehdystä jäähdytyskanavasta. Sydänsulan tuottamaa jälkilämpöä simuloidaan koelaitteistossa sähkövastuksilla. Tässä työssä kuvataan simulaatioiden suorittaminen ja vertaillaan saatuja arvoja mittaustuloksiin. Työ keskittyy sydänsiepparista jäähdytyskanaviin tapahtuvan lämmönsiirron teoriaan jamekanismeihin. Työssä esitetään kolme erilaista korrelaatiota lämmönsiirtokertoimille allaskiehumisen tapauksessa. Nämä korrelaatiot soveltuvat erityisesti tapauksiin, joissa vain muutamia mittausparametreja on tiedossa. Työn toinen osa onVolley 04 -kokeiden simulointi. Ensin käytettyä simulointitapaa on kelpoistettuvertaamalla tuloksia Volley 04 ja 05 -kokeisiin, joissa koetta voitiin jatkaa tasapainotilaan ja joissa jäähdytteen käyttäytyminen jäähdytyskanavassa on tallennettu myös videokameralla. Näiden simulaatioiden tulokset ovat hyvin samanlaisiakuin mittaustulokset. Korkeammilla lämmitystehoilla kokeissa esiintyi vesi-iskuja, jotka rikkoivat videoinnin mahdollistavia ikkunoita. Tämän johdosta osassa Volley 04 -kokeita ikkunat peitettiin metallilevyillä. Joitakin kokeita jouduttiin keskeyttämään laitteiston suurten lämpöjännitysten johdosta. Tällaisten testien simulaatiot eivät ole yksinkertaisia suorittaa. Veden pinnan korkeudesta ei ole visuaalista havaintoa. Myöskään jäähdytteen tasapainotilanlämpötiloista ei ole tarkkaa tietoa, mutta joitakin oletuksia voidaan tehdä samoilla parametreilla tehtyjen Volley 05 -kokeiden perusteella. Mittaustulokset Volley 04 ja 05 -kokeista, jotka on videoitu ja voitu ajaa tasapainotilaan saakka, antoivat simulaatioiden kanssa hyvin samankaltaisia lämpötilojen arvoja. Keskeytettyjen kokeiden ekstrapolointi tasapainotilaan ei onnistunut kovin hyvin. Kokeet jouduttiin keskeyttämään niin paljon ennen termohydraulista tasapainoa, ettei tasapainotilan reunaehtoja voitu ennustaa. Videonauhoituksen puuttuessa ei veden pinnan korkeudesta saatu lisätietoa. Tuloksista voidaan lähinnä esittää arvioita siitä, mitä suuruusluokkaa mittapisteiden lämpötilat tulevat olemaan. Nämä lämpötilat ovat kuitenkin selvästi alle sydänsiepparissa käytettävän valuraudan sulamislämpötilan. Joten simulaatioiden perusteella voidaan sanoa, etteivät jäähdytyskanavien rakenteet sula, mikäli niissä on pienikin jäähdytevirtaus, eikä useampia kuin muutama vierekkäinen kanava ole täysin kuivana.


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This work deals with the cooling of high-speed electric machines, such as motors and generators, through an air gap. It consists of numerical and experimental modelling of gas flow and heat transfer in an annular channel. Velocity and temperature profiles are modelled in the air gap of a high-speed testmachine. Local and mean heat transfer coefficients and total friction coefficients are attained for a smooth rotor-stator combination at a large velocity range. The aim is to solve the heat transfer numerically and experimentally. The FINFLO software, developed at Helsinki University of Technology, has been used in the flow solution, and the commercial IGG and Field view programs for the grid generation and post processing. The annular channel is discretized as a sector mesh. Calculation is performed with constant mass flow rate on six rotational speeds. The effect of turbulence is calculated using three turbulence models. The friction coefficient and velocity factor are attained via total friction power. The first part of experimental section consists of finding the proper sensors and calibrating them in a straight pipe. After preliminary tests, a RdF-sensor is glued on the walls of stator and rotor surfaces. Telemetry is needed to be able to measure the heat transfer coefficients at the rotor. The mean heat transfer coefficients are measured in a test machine on four cooling air mass flow rates at a wide Couette Reynolds number range. The calculated values concerning the friction and heat transfer coefficients are compared with measured and semi-empirical data. Heat is transferred from the hotter stator and rotor surfaces to the coolerair flow in the air gap, not from the rotor to the stator via the air gap, althought the stator temperature is lower than the rotor temperature. The calculatedfriction coefficients fits well with the semi-empirical equations and precedingmeasurements. On constant mass flow rate the rotor heat transfer coefficient attains a saturation point at a higher rotational speed, while the heat transfer coefficient of the stator grows uniformly. The magnitudes of the heat transfer coefficients are almost constant with different turbulence models. The calibrationof sensors in a straight pipe is only an advisory step in the selection process. Telemetry is tested in the pipe conditions and compared to the same measurements with a plain sensor. The magnitudes of the measured data and the data from the semi-empirical equation are higher for the heat transfer coefficients than thenumerical data considered on the velocity range. Friction and heat transfer coefficients are presented in a large velocity range in the report. The goals are reached acceptably using numerical and experimental research. The next challenge is to achieve results for grooved stator-rotor combinations. The work contains also results for an air gap with a grooved stator with 36 slots. The velocity field by the numerical method does not match in every respect the estimated flow mode. The absence of secondary Taylor vortices is evident when using time averagednumerical simulation.