911 resultados para Autonomous Vehicles


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Behavior-based navigation of autonomous vehicles requires the recognition of the navigable areas and the potential obstacles. In this paper we describe a model-based objects recognition system which is part of an image interpretation system intended to assist the navigation of autonomous vehicles that operate in industrial environments. The recognition system integrates color, shape and texture information together with the location of the vanishing point. The recognition process starts from some prior scene knowledge, that is, a generic model of the expected scene and the potential objects. The recognition system constitutes an approach where different low-level vision techniques extract a multitude of image descriptors which are then analyzed using a rule-based reasoning system to interpret the image content. This system has been implemented using a rule-based cooperative expert system


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Behavior-based navigation of autonomous vehicles requires the recognition of the navigable areas and the potential obstacles. In this paper we describe a model-based objects recognition system which is part of an image interpretation system intended to assist the navigation of autonomous vehicles that operate in industrial environments. The recognition system integrates color, shape and texture information together with the location of the vanishing point. The recognition process starts from some prior scene knowledge, that is, a generic model of the expected scene and the potential objects. The recognition system constitutes an approach where different low-level vision techniques extract a multitude of image descriptors which are then analyzed using a rule-based reasoning system to interpret the image content. This system has been implemented using a rule-based cooperative expert system


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Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) do not result in consistent maps of large areas because of gradual increase of the uncertainty for long term missions. In addition, as the size of the map grows the computational cost increases, making SLAM solutions unsuitable for on-line applications. This thesis surveys SLAM approaches paying special attention to those approaches aimed to work on large scenarios. Special focus is given to existing underwater SLAM applications. A technique based on using independent local maps together with a global stochastic map is presented. This technique is called Selective Submap Joining SLAM (SSJS). A global map contains relative transformations between local maps, which are updated once a new loop is detected. Maps sharing several features are fused, maintaining the correlation between landmarks and vehicle's pose. The use of local maps reduces computational costs and improves map consistency as compared to state of the art techniques.


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Planning is one of the key problems for autonomous vehicles operating in road scenarios. Present planning algorithms operate with the assumption that traffic is organised in predefined speed lanes, which makes it impossible to allow autonomous vehicles in countries with unorganised traffic. Unorganised traffic is though capable of higher traffic bandwidths when constituting vehicles vary in their speed capabilities and sizes. Diverse vehicles in an unorganised exhibit unique driving behaviours which are analysed in this paper by a simulation study. The aim of the work reported here is to create a planning algorithm for mixed traffic consisting of both autonomous and non-autonomous vehicles without any inter-vehicle communication. The awareness (e.g. vision) of every vehicle is restricted to nearby vehicles only and a straight infinite road is assumed for decision making regarding navigation in the presence of multiple vehicles. Exhibited behaviours include obstacle avoidance, overtaking, giving way for vehicles to overtake from behind, vehicle following, adjusting the lateral lane position and so on. A conflict of plans is a major issue which will almost certainly arise in the absence of inter-vehicle communication. Hence each vehicle needs to continuously track other vehicles and rectify plans whenever a collision seems likely. Further it is observed here that driver aggression plays a vital role in overall traffic dynamics, hence this has also been factored in accordingly. This work is hence a step forward towards achieving autonomous vehicles in unorganised traffic, while similar effort would be required for planning problems such as intersections, mergers, diversions and other modules like localisation.


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The planning of semi-autonomous vehicles in traffic scenarios is a relatively new problem that contributes towards the goal of making road travel by vehicles free of human drivers. An algorithm needs to ensure optimal real time planning of multiple vehicles (moving in either direction along a road), in the presence of a complex obstacle network. Unlike other approaches, here we assume that speed lanes are not present and that different lanes do not need to be maintained for inbound and outbound traffic. Our basic hypothesis is to carry forward the planning task to ensure that a sufficient distance is maintained by each vehicle from all other vehicles, obstacles and road boundaries. We present here a 4-layer planning algorithm that consists of road selection (for selecting the individual roads of traversal to reach the goal), pathway selection (a strategy to avoid and/or overtake obstacles, road diversions and other blockages), pathway distribution (to select the position of a vehicle at every instance of time in a pathway), and trajectory generation (for generating a curve, smooth enough, to allow for the maximum possible speed). Cooperation between vehicles is handled separately at the different levels, the aim being to maximize the separation between vehicles. Simulated results exhibit behaviours of smooth, efficient and safe driving of vehicles in multiple scenarios; along with typical vehicle behaviours including following and overtaking.


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Chaotic traffic, prevalent in many countries, is marked by a large number of vehicles driving with different speeds without following any predefined speed lanes. Such traffic rules out using any planning algorithm for these vehicles which is based upon the maintenance of speed lanes and lane changes. The absence of speed lanes may imply more bandwidth and easier overtaking in cases where vehicles vary considerably in both their size and speed. Inspired by the performance of artificial potential fields in the planning of mobile robots, we propose here lateral potentials as measures to enable vehicles to decide about their lateral positions on the road. Each vehicle is subjected to a potential from obstacles and vehicles in front, road boundaries, obstacles and vehicles to the side and higher speed vehicles to the rear. All these potentials are lateral and only govern steering the vehicle. A speed control mechanism is also used for longitudinal control of vehicle. The proposed system is shown to perform well for obstacle avoidance, vehicle following and overtaking behaviors.


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Planning of autonomous vehicles in the absence of speed lanes is a less-researched problem. However, it is an important step toward extending the possibility of autonomous vehicles to countries where speed lanes are not followed. The advantages of having nonlane-oriented traffic include larger traffic bandwidth and more overtaking, which are features that are highlighted when vehicles vary in terms of speed and size. In the most general case, the road would be filled with a complex grid of static obstacles and vehicles of varying speeds. The optimal travel plan consists of a set of maneuvers that enables a vehicle to avoid obstacles and to overtake vehicles in an optimal manner and, in turn, enable other vehicles to overtake. The desired characteristics of this planning scenario include near completeness and near optimality in real time with an unstructured environment, with vehicles essentially displaying a high degree of cooperation and enabling every possible(safe) overtaking procedure to be completed as soon as possible. Challenges addressed in this paper include a (fast) method for initial path generation using an elastic strip, (re-)defining the notion of completeness specific to the problem, and inducing the notion of cooperation in the elastic strip. Using this approach, vehicular behaviors of overtaking, cooperation, vehicle following,obstacle avoidance, etc., are demonstrated.


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The current state of the art in the planning and coordination of autonomous vehicles is based upon the presence of speed lanes. In a traffic scenario where there is a large diversity between vehicles the removal of speed lanes can generate a significantly higher traffic bandwidth. Vehicle navigation in such unorganized traffic is considered. An evolutionary based trajectory planning technique has the advantages of making driving efficient and safe, however it also has to surpass the hurdle of computational cost. In this paper, we propose a real time genetic algorithm with Bezier curves for trajectory planning. The main contribution is the integration of vehicle following and overtaking behaviour for general traffic as heuristics for the coordination between vehicles. The resultant coordination strategy is fast and near-optimal. As the vehicles move, uncertainties may arise which are constantly adapted to, and may even lead to either the cancellation of an overtaking procedure or the initiation of one. Higher level planning is performed by Dijkstra's algorithm which indicates the route to be followed by the vehicle in a road network. Re-planning is carried out when a road blockage or obstacle is detected. Experimental results confirm the success of the algorithm subject to optimal high and low-level planning, re-planning and overtaking.


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Unorganized traffic is a generalized form of travel wherein vehicles do not adhere to any predefined lanes and can travel in-between lanes. Such travel is visible in a number of countries e.g. India, wherein it enables a higher traffic bandwidth, more overtaking and more efficient travel. These advantages are visible when the vehicles vary considerably in size and speed, in the absence of which the predefined lanes are near-optimal. Motion planning for multiple autonomous vehicles in unorganized traffic deals with deciding on the manner in which every vehicle travels, ensuring no collision either with each other or with static obstacles. In this paper the notion of predefined lanes is generalized to model unorganized travel for the purpose of planning vehicles travel. A uniform cost search is used for finding the optimal motion strategy of a vehicle, amidst the known travel plans of the other vehicles. The aim is to maximize the separation between the vehicles and static obstacles. The search is responsible for defining an optimal lane distribution among vehicles in the planning scenario. Clothoid curves are used for maintaining a lane or changing lanes. Experiments are performed by simulation over a set of challenging scenarios with a complex grid of obstacles. Additionally behaviours of overtaking, waiting for a vehicle to cross and following another vehicle are exhibited.


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Hardly a day goes by without the release of a handful of news stories about autonomous vehicles (or AVs for short). The proverbial “tipping point” of awareness has been reached in the public consciousness as AV technology is quickly becoming the new focus of firms from Silicon Valley to Detroit and beyond. Automation has, and will continue to have far-reaching implications for many human activities, but for driving, the technology is here. Google has been in talks with automaker Ford (1), Elon Musk has declared that Tesla will have the appropriate technology in two years (2), GM is paired-up with Lyft (3), Uber is in development-mode (4), Microsoft and Volvo have announced a partnership (5), Apple has been piloting its top-secret project “Titan” (6), Toyota is working on its own technology (7), as is BMW (8). Audi (9) made a splash by sending a driverless A7 concept car 550 miles from San Francisco to Las Vegas just in time to roll-into the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show. Clearly, the race is on.


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Nowadays, the development of intelligent and autonomous vehicles used to perform agricultural activities is essential to improve quantity and quality of agricultural productions. Moreover, with automation techniques it is possible to reduce the usage of agrochemicals and minimize the pollution. The University of Bologna is developing an innovative system for orchard management called ORTO (Orchard Rapid Transportation System). This system involves an autonomous electric vehicle capable to perform agricultural activities inside an orchard structure. The vehicle is equipped with an implement capable to perform different tasks. The purpose of this thesis project is to control the vehicle and the implement to perform an inter-row grass mowing. This kind of task requires a synchronized motion between the traction motors and the implement motors. A motion control system has been developed to generate trajectories and manage their synchronization. Two main trajectories type have been used: a five order polynomial trajectory and a trapezoidal trajectory. These two kinds of trajectories have been chosen in order to perform a uniform grass mowing, paying a particular attention to the constrains of the system. To synchronize the motions, the electronic cams approach has been adopted. A master profile has been generated and all the trajectories have been linked to the master motion. Moreover, a safety system has been developed. The aim of this system is firstly to improve the safety during the motion, furthermore it allows to manage obstacle detection and avoidance. Using some particular techniques obstacles can be detected and recovery action can be performed to overcome the problem. Once the measured force reaches the predefined force threshold, then the vehicle stops immediately its motion. The whole project has been developed by employing Matlab and Simulink. Eventually, the software has been translated into C code and executed on the TI Lauchpad XL board.


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Il seguente elaborato propone un modello innovativo per la gestione della logistica distributiva nell’ultimo miglio, congiungendo l’attività di crowd-shipping con la presenza di Autonomous Vehicles, per il trasporto di prodotti all’interno della città. Il crowd-shipping utilizza conducenti occasionali, i quali deviano il loro tragitto in cambio di una ricompensa per il completamento dell’attività. Dall’altro lato, gli Autonomous Vehicles sono veicoli elettrici a guida autonoma, in grado di trasportare un numero limitato di pacchi e dotati di un sistema di sicurezza avanzato per garantire la fiducia nel trasporto. In primo luogo, nel seguente elaborato verrà mostrato il modello di ottimizzazione che congiunge i due attori principali in un unico ambiente, dove sono presenti un numero determinato di prodotti da muovere. Successivamente, poiché il problema di ottimizzazione è molto complesso e il numero di istanze valutabili è molto basso, verranno presentate due soluzioni differenti. La prima riguarda la metaeuristica chiamata Ant System, che cerca di avvicinarsi alle soluzioni ottime del precedente modello, mentre la seconda riguarda l’utilizzo di operatori di Local Search, i quali permettono di valutare soluzioni per istanze molto più grandi rispetto alla metaeuristica. Infine, i due modelli euristici verranno utilizzati per analizzare uno scenario che cerca di riprodurre una situazione reale. Tale scenario tenta di allocare strategicamente le risorse presenti e permette di dimostrare che gli Autonomous Vehicles riescono a supportare gli Occasional Drivers anche quando il numero di prodotti trasportabili è elevato. Inoltre, le due entità proposte riescono a soddisfare la domanda, garantendo un servizio che nel futuro potrebbe sostituire il tradizionale sistema di logistica distributiva last mile.


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L'avanzamento dell'e-commerce e l'aumento della densità abitativa nel centro città sono elementi che incentivano l'incremento della richiesta merci all'interno dei centri urbani. L'attenzione all'impatto ambientale derivante da queste attività operative è un punto focale oggetto di sempre maggiore interesse. Attraverso il seguente studio, l'obiettivo è definire attuali e potenziali soluzioni nell'ambito della logistica urbana, con particolare interesse alle consegne dell'ultimo miglio. Una soluzione proposta riguarda la possibilità di sfruttare la capacità disponibile nei flussi generati dalla folla per movimentare merce, pratica nota sotto il nome di Crowd-shipping. L'idea consiste nella saturazione di mezzi già presenti nella rete urbana al fine di ridurre il numero di veicoli commerciali e minimizzare le esternalità negative annesse. A supporto di questa iniziativa, nell'analisi verranno considerati veicoli autonomi elettrici a guida autonoma. La tesi è incentrata sulla definizione di un modello di ottimizzazione matematica, che mira a designare un network logistico-distributivo efficiente per le consegne dell'ultimo miglio e a minimizzare le distanze degli attori coinvolti. Il problema proposto rappresenta una variante del Vehicle Routing Problem con time windows e multi depots. Il problema è NP-hard, quindi computazionalmente complesso per cui sarà necessario, in fase di analisi, definire un approccio euristico che permetterà di ottenere una soluzione sub-ottima in un tempo di calcolo ragionevole per istanze maggiori. L'analisi è stata sviluppata nell'ambiente di sviluppo Eclipse, attraverso il risolutore Cplex, in linguaggio Java. Per poterne comprendere la validità, è prevista un'ultima fase in cui gli output del modello ottimo e dell'euristica vengono confrontati tra loro su parametri caratteristici. Bisogna tuttavia considerare che l' utilizzo di sistemi cyber-fisici a supporto della logistica non può prescindere da un costante sguardo verso il progresso.


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In this study, energy production for autonomous underwater vehicles is investigated. This project is part of a bigger project called TURTLE. The autonomous vehicles perform oceanic researches at seabed for which they are intended to be kept operational underwater for several months. In order to ful l a long-term underwater condition, powerful batteries are combined with \micro- scale" energy production on the spot. This work tends to develop a system that generates power up to a maximum of 30 W. Latter energy harvesting structure consists basically of a turbine combined with a generator and low-power electronics to adjust the achieved voltage to a required battery charger voltage. Every component is examined separately hence an optimum can be de ned for all, and subsequently also an overall optimum. Di erent design parameters as e.g. number of blades, solidity ratio and cross-section area are compared for di erent turbines, in order to see what is the most feasible type. Further, a generator is chosen by studying how ux distributions might be adjusted to low velocities, and how cogging torque can be excluded by adapted designs. Low-power electronics are con gured in order to convert and stabilize heavily varying three-phase voltages to a constant, recti ed voltage which is usable for battery storage. Clearly, di erent component parameters as maximum power and torque are matched here to increase the overall power generation. Furthermore an overall maximum power is set up for achieving a maximum power ow at load side. Due to among others typical low velocities of about 0.1 to 0.5 m/s, and constructing limits of the prototype, the vast range of components is restricted to only a few that could be used. Hence, a helical turbine is combined in a direct drive mode to a coreless-stator axial- ux permanent-magnet generator, from which the output voltage is adjusted subsequently by a recti er, impedance matching unit, upconverter circuit and an overall control unit to regulate di erent component parameters. All these electronics are combined in a closed-loop design to involve positive feedback signals. Furthermore a theoretical con guration for the TURTLE vehicle is described in this work and a solution is proposed that might be implemented, for which several design tests are performable in a future study.


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In questa tesi mi occupo di spiegare come si comportano i veicoli autonomi per prendere tutte le decisioni e come i dati dei sensori di ogni auto vengono condivisi con la flotta di veicoli