935 resultados para Automoveis - Projetos e construção
O gerenciamento do tempo nos projetos de construção civil usualmente utiliza algoritmos determinísticos para o cálculo dos prazos de finalização e algoritmos PERT para avaliação da probabilidade de o mesmo terminar até uma determinada data. Os resultados calculados pelos algoritmos tradicionais possuem defasagens nos prazos se comparados aos encontrados na realidade o que vem fazendo com que a simulação venha se tornando uma ferramenta cada vez mais utilizada no gerenciamento de projetos. O objetivo da dissertação é estudar o problema dos prazos de finalização dos projetos desenvolvendo novas técnicas de cálculo que reflitam melhor os prazos encontrados na vida real. A partir disso é criada uma ferramenta prática de gerenciamento do tempo de atividades de projetos de construção enxuta baseada em planilha eletrônica onde serão utilizadas técnicas de simulação a eventos discretos, com base em distribuições de probabilidade como, por exemplo, a distribuição beta.
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
Este trabalho faz uma reflexão sobre a coordenação de projetos na indústria da construção de edifícios, identifica as etapas do processo de projeto, aponta a participação da equipe de projeto, durante as atividades de coordenação, apresenta a atuação do coordenador de projetos e sistematiza os procedimentos de controle e retroalimentação. Para desenvolver a pesquisa, foram realizados estudos bibliográficos sobre a Gestão e Coordenação de Projetos, no desenvolvimento do processo de projeto na construção civil. Também foram feitos estudos de campo, envolvendo 10 empresas de construção civil na área urbana da cidade de Belém-PA, com atuação nos mercados de incorporação e/ou construção de obras privadas ou públicas, visando propor diretrizes da gestão de projetos, integrada ao processo de desenvolvimento e coordenação dos mesmos. Como resultado, vimos que 100% das empresas pesquisadas afirmou que o planejamento técnico do projeto é dividido por etapas, conforme apresentação de fluxogramas distintos. 77,77% das empresas em questão respondeu que realiza a coordenação de projetos através de reuniões com as equipes responsáveis. Também 100% das empresas aponta como funções do coordenador de projetos a compatibilização entre os projetos e a manutenção do fluxo de informações entre os projetistas. Em 88,88% das empresas, foi possível observar que a retroalimentação do projeto acontece através do controle por meio de check list e planilhas. Por fim, são desenvolvidas e apresentadas diretrizes para aplicação da coordenação de projeto, como forma de melhorar o desempenho do desenvolvimento do processo de projeto e a execução dos edifícios, com a valorização do projeto e conseqüente economia de recursos, tempo e dinheiro, evitando erros, desperdício e trabalho nos empreendimentos.
This work intends to know the most types of ignition systems, studying its history, the way it works, applications and some examples. The assembly of a distributor less ignition system is also required. All vehicles powered by internal combustion engines need an ignition system that allows this engine to ignite the air-fuel mixture using its ignition system in the best possible manner. The main goal of an ignition system is to obtain a spark having enough energy to start the chemical reaction of the oxygen and the fuel. It took a study dealing with the various types of ignition systems since their creation at the beginning of the last century until 2015. The work starts studying the high tension magneto ignition system and later together with the low tension ignition system, going on with the conventional ignition system and finally accomplishing with the various types of electronic ignition systems. It was studied and implemented an electronic circuit to power a double spark ignition system also known as wasted spark ignition system. This circuit was assembled with an electric pulse generator and powered mechanically by a dc electric motor of the variable rpm type
This work intends to know the most types of ignition systems, studying its history, the way it works, applications and some examples. The assembly of a distributor less ignition system is also required. All vehicles powered by internal combustion engines need an ignition system that allows this engine to ignite the air-fuel mixture using its ignition system in the best possible manner. The main goal of an ignition system is to obtain a spark having enough energy to start the chemical reaction of the oxygen and the fuel. It took a study dealing with the various types of ignition systems since their creation at the beginning of the last century until 2015. The work starts studying the high tension magneto ignition system and later together with the low tension ignition system, going on with the conventional ignition system and finally accomplishing with the various types of electronic ignition systems. It was studied and implemented an electronic circuit to power a double spark ignition system also known as wasted spark ignition system. This circuit was assembled with an electric pulse generator and powered mechanically by a dc electric motor of the variable rpm type
This paper presents a study of practices in project management of a college team that participates in Baja SAE competitions. The use of management techniques can deliver benefits to the project in terms of meeting customer needs, use of time and resources and minimization of risks, for example. Should be sought methods and techniques in agreement with the project context and the team that leads it. This paper analyzes a specific case of baja vehicle project management, obtaining data by means of literature research, archival research and interviews with students on the team (structured and unstructured). The study allowed to relate the practices used by the team and to identify possible areas for improvement, based on the literature on project management. There was thus obtained a set of recommendations for the current team, in future initiatives, and to other teams responsible for carrying out similar projects
Baja SAE competitions challenge engineering students to design and build offroad vehicles, preparing them for the competitive job market. This monograph aims to study a part of the braking of a Baja SAE vehicle system, the brake disc. Giving attention to the wear suffered by discs of two different materials, steel 1045 and stainless steel 304, helping the team Piratas do Vale Bardahl in the best selection between them. Braking tests were performed on a test bench. Both discs have suffered the same braking conditions. Brake pads material, brake line pressure, braking time, number of braking, were parameters which were repeated in the testing of different types of disk, in order to ensure a high power comparison between the obtained data. Before and after the disk tests were weighed and measured, to make a comparison. After the brake tests, the disks were subjected to hardness and surface roughness testing. With the data collected and observations made in the worn parts, the comparison between these two materials was made, obtaining a selection of the best material for the team. The tests showed that steel 1045 has more advantages, compared to stainless steel 304, when applied to brake discs, on the tested conditions
A gear Box in a Baja SAE vehicle is required due to the objectives of the SAE competitions, which the vehicles are challenged to pass through different obstacles. A powertrain system has as the main objective the extension of the torque for the traction shaft of the vehicle, when compared to that one available in the engine. The Objective of this thesis is the description of a gear box project for a Baja SAE vehicle of the Piratas do Vale Team of Unesp Guaratinguetá. In the development of the thesis, a flowchart, developed by the team, was used, which includes a theory part and also the choice of shelf components. In this Project, the type of gearbox was chosen, besides the calculation of axles, gears, bearings and sealers, and software simulations were done for the critical parts. The transmission, developed in this thesis, is more complex than the current one used by the team, but the new one shows improvements, as a new reverse gear with high torque
The torsional stiffness of chassis is one of the most important properties of a vehicle's structure and therefore its measurement is important. For the first time, the torsional stiffness was considered on the design of a prototype Baja SAE of the team from UNESP - FEG, Equipe Piratas do Vale Bardahl. According to the team's opinion, the increase of stiffness on this prototype, called MB1114, made possible a great improvement in its performance during competitions. In this work, the experimental evaluation of the torsional stiffness from this prototype is performed, detailing the analysis of results, as well as, the hysteresis' effect, least-squares regression and uncertainty analysis. It also shows that it is possible to measure the torsional stiffness of chassis with a low experimental uncertainty without expending many resources. The test rig costed R$ 32,50 due the reuse of materials and the use of instrumentation already available on campus. Furthermore, it is simple to produce and can be easily stocked. Those features are important for Baja and Formula SAE teams. Lastly, the measured value is used to validate the finite element analysis performed by the team during this prototype's design, because similar studies will be performed for the new cars. After investigating the finite element analysis, one result 13,5% higher than the measured value was reached. This difference is believed to be occurred due the imperfections of the finite element model, in other words, for not been possible to simulate every phenomena present on the real model
Simulação da suspensão tipo duplo A de um veículo off-road através do histórico de excitação do solo
The search for mechanical components validation methods, employed in product development sector, becomes more avid for less expensive solutions. As a result, programs that can simulate forces acting on a given part through finite element method are gaining more space in the market, once this process consumes less capital when compared to currently-employed empirical validation. This article shows the simulation of an off-road prototype suspension through such technique, using ground excitation history coming from field measurements and also by making use of a specific tool for obtaining dynamic loads from the model in question. The results shown at the end is key for future enhancements aiming mass reduction, for example, that may be executed on the prototype suspension system discussed here
A gear Box in a Baja SAE vehicle is required due to the objectives of the SAE competitions, which the vehicles are challenged to pass through different obstacles. A powertrain system has as the main objective the extension of the torque for the traction shaft of the vehicle, when compared to that one available in the engine. The Objective of this thesis is the description of a gear box project for a Baja SAE vehicle of the Piratas do Vale Team of Unesp Guaratinguetá. In the development of the thesis, a flowchart, developed by the team, was used, which includes a theory part and also the choice of shelf components. In this Project, the type of gearbox was chosen, besides the calculation of axles, gears, bearings and sealers, and software simulations were done for the critical parts. The transmission, developed in this thesis, is more complex than the current one used by the team, but the new one shows improvements, as a new reverse gear with high torque
The torsional stiffness of chassis is one of the most important properties of a vehicle's structure and therefore its measurement is important. For the first time, the torsional stiffness was considered on the design of a prototype Baja SAE of the team from UNESP - FEG, Equipe Piratas do Vale Bardahl. According to the team's opinion, the increase of stiffness on this prototype, called MB1114, made possible a great improvement in its performance during competitions. In this work, the experimental evaluation of the torsional stiffness from this prototype is performed, detailing the analysis of results, as well as, the hysteresis' effect, least-squares regression and uncertainty analysis. It also shows that it is possible to measure the torsional stiffness of chassis with a low experimental uncertainty without expending many resources. The test rig costed R$ 32,50 due the reuse of materials and the use of instrumentation already available on campus. Furthermore, it is simple to produce and can be easily stocked. Those features are important for Baja and Formula SAE teams. Lastly, the measured value is used to validate the finite element analysis performed by the team during this prototype's design, because similar studies will be performed for the new cars. After investigating the finite element analysis, one result 13,5% higher than the measured value was reached. This difference is believed to be occurred due the imperfections of the finite element model, in other words, for not been possible to simulate every phenomena present on the real model
Simulação da suspensão tipo duplo A de um veículo off-road através do histórico de excitação do solo
The search for mechanical components validation methods, employed in product development sector, becomes more avid for less expensive solutions. As a result, programs that can simulate forces acting on a given part through finite element method are gaining more space in the market, once this process consumes less capital when compared to currently-employed empirical validation. This article shows the simulation of an off-road prototype suspension through such technique, using ground excitation history coming from field measurements and also by making use of a specific tool for obtaining dynamic loads from the model in question. The results shown at the end is key for future enhancements aiming mass reduction, for example, that may be executed on the prototype suspension system discussed here
Descreve as características da indústria de construção civil e estuda a implantação do gerenciamento de projetos em pequenos e médios projetos de construção civil, comparando os benefícios e os custos. O sucesso da implantação é determinado usando-se um instrumento de medida chamado Perfil de Implantação do Projeto
Projetos de construção são caracterizados pela escala, complexidade e seus riscos. Não é incomum encontrar planejamento e definição de escopo incompletos o que leva a aumento de custos e prazos. O objetivo desse trabalho é descrever um método de avaliação de riscos de forma a aumentar a previsibilidade da estimativa de custos do empreendimento. Para isso foram utilizados conceitos de gerenciamento de projetos, de simulação e de analise de riscos descritos na literatura para a constituição de um método de análise de riscos em estimativa de custos. A aplicação do método proposto em comparação com o método tradicional traz vantagens no que diz respeito à abrangência da análise. Enquanto pelo método tradicional a análise do empreendimento se faz por meio de suas tarefas, o método proposto analisa de forma distinta o planejamento do empreendimento nas suas três dimensões fundamentais: escopo, prazo e custo.