997 resultados para Automatic diagnosis


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Liver steatosis is mainly a textural abnormality of the hepatic parenchyma due to fat accumulation on the hepatic vesicles. Today, the assessment is subjectively performed by visual inspection. Here a classifier based on features extracted from ultrasound (US) images is described for the automatic diagnostic of this phatology. The proposed algorithm estimates the original ultrasound radio-frequency (RF) envelope signal from which the noiseless anatomic information and the textural information encoded in the speckle noise is extracted. The features characterizing the textural information are the coefficients of the first order autoregressive model that describes the speckle field. A binary Bayesian classifier was implemented and the Bayes factor was calculated. The classification has revealed an overall accuracy of 100%. The Bayes factor could be helpful in the graphical display of the quantitative results for diagnosis purposes.


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In this paper an automatic classification algorithm is proposed for the diagnosis of the liver steatosis, also known as, fatty liver, from ultrasound images. The features, automatically extracted from the ultrasound images used by the classifier, are basically the ones used by the physicians in the diagnosis of the disease based on visual inspection of the ultrasound images. The main novelty of the method is the utilization of the speckle noise that corrupts the ultrasound images to compute textural features of the liver parenchyma relevant for the diagnosis. The algorithm uses the Bayesian framework to compute a noiseless image, containing anatomic and echogenic information of the liver and a second image containing only the speckle noise used to compute the textural features. The classification results, with the Bayes classifier using manually classified data as ground truth show that the automatic classifier reaches an accuracy of 95% and a 100% of sensitivity.


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Alzheimer's disease is the most prevalent form of progressive degenerative dementia; it has a high socio-economic impact in Western countries. Therefore it is one of the most active research areas today. Alzheimer's is sometimes diagnosed by excluding other dementias, and definitive confirmation is only obtained through a post-mortem study of the brain tissue of the patient. The work presented here is part of a larger study that aims to identify novel technologies and biomarkers for early Alzheimer's disease detection, and it focuses on evaluating the suitability of a new approach for early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease by non-invasive methods. The purpose is to examine, in a pilot study, the potential of applying Machine Learning algorithms to speech features obtained from suspected Alzheimer sufferers in order help diagnose this disease and determine its degree of severity. Two human capabilities relevant in communication have been analyzed for feature selection: Spontaneous Speech and Emotional Response. The experimental results obtained were very satisfactory and promising for the early diagnosis and classification of Alzheimer’s disease patients.


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This thesis proposes a framework for identifying the root-cause of a voltage disturbance, as well as, its source location (upstream/downstream) from the monitoring place. The framework works with three-phase voltage and current waveforms collected in radial distribution networks without distributed generation. Real-world and synthetic waveforms are used to test it. The framework involves features that are conceived based on electrical principles, and assuming some hypothesis on the analyzed phenomena. Features considered are based on waveforms and timestamp information. Multivariate analysis of variance and rule induction algorithms are applied to assess the amount of meaningful information explained by each feature, according to the root-cause of the disturbance and its source location. The obtained classification rates show that the proposed framework could be used for automatic diagnosis of voltage disturbances collected in radial distribution networks. Furthermore, the diagnostic results can be subsequently used for supporting power network operation, maintenance and planning.


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Retinal ultra-wide field of view images (fundus images) provides the visu-alization of a large part of the retina though, artifacts may appear in those images. Eyelashes and eyelids often cover the clinical region of interest and worse, eye-lashes can be mistaken with arteries and/or veins when those images are put through automatic diagnosis or segmentation software creating, in those cases, the appearance of false positives results. Correcting this problem, the first step in the development of qualified auto-matic diseases diagnosis programs can be done and in that way the development of an objective tool to assess diseases eradicating the human error from those processes can also be achieved. In this work the development of a tool that automatically delimitates the clinical region of interest is proposed by retrieving features from the images that will be analyzed by an automatic classifier. This automatic classifier will evaluate the information and will decide which part of the image is of interest and which part contains artifacts. The results were validated by implementing a software in C# language and validated through a statistical analysis. From those results it was confirmed that the methodology presented is capable of detecting artifacts and selecting the clin-ical region of interest in fundus images of the retina.


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This study is part of an ongoing collaborative effort between the medical and the signal processing communities to promote research on applying standard Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) techniques for the automatic diagnosis of patients with severe obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Early detection of severe apnoea cases is important so that patients can receive early treatment. Effective ASR-based detection could dramatically cut medical testing time. Working with a carefully designed speech database of healthy and apnoea subjects, we describe an acoustic search for distinctive apnoea voice characteristics. We also study abnormal nasalization in OSA patients by modelling vowels in nasal and nonnasal phonetic contexts using Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) pattern recognition on speech spectra. Finally, we present experimental findings regarding the discriminative power of GMMs applied to severe apnoea detection. We have achieved an 81% correct classification rate, which is very promising and underpins the interest in this line of inquiry.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Abdominal Aortic Aneurism is a disease related to a weakening in the aortic wall that can cause a break in the aorta and the death. The detection of an unusual dilatation of a section of the aorta is an indicative of this disease. However, it is difficult to diagnose because it is necessary image diagnosis using computed tomography or magnetic resonance. An automatic diagnosis system would allow to analyze abdominal magnetic resonance images and to warn doctors if any anomaly is detected. We focus our research in magnetic resonance images because of the absence of ionizing radiation. Although there are proposals to identify this disease in magnetic resonance images, they need an intervention from clinicians to be precise and some of them are computationally hard. In this paper we develop a novel approach to analyze magnetic resonance abdominal images and detect the lumen and the aortic wall. The method combines different algorithms in two stages to improve the detection and the segmentation so it can be applied to similar problems with other type of images or structures. In a first stage, we use a spatial fuzzy C-means algorithm with morphological image analysis to detect and segment the lumen; and subsequently, in a second stage, we apply a graph cut algorithm to segment the aortic wall. The obtained results in the analyzed images are pretty successful obtaining an average of 79% of overlapping between the automatic segmentation provided by our method and the aortic wall identified by a medical specialist. The main impact of the proposed method is that it works in a completely automatic way with a low computational cost, which is of great significance for any expert and intelligent system.


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The use of digital image processing techniques is prominent in medical settings for the automatic diagnosis of diseases. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world and it has no cure. Currently, there are treatments to prevent vision loss, but the disease must be detected in the early stages. Thus, the objective of this work is to develop an automatic detection method of Glaucoma in retinal images. The methodology used in the study were: acquisition of image database, Optic Disc segmentation, texture feature extraction in different color models and classification of images in glaucomatous or not. We obtained results of 93% accuracy


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Melanoma is a type of skin cancer and is caused by the uncontrolled growth of atypical melanocytes. In recent decades, computer aided diagnosis is used to support medical professionals; however, there is still no globally accepted tool. In this context, similar to state-of-the-art we propose a system that receives a dermatoscopy image and provides a diagnostic if the lesion is benign or malignant. This tool is composed with next modules: Preprocessing, Segmentation, Feature Extraction, and Classification. Preprocessing involves the removal of hairs. Segmentation is to isolate the lesion. Feature extraction is considering the ABCD dermoscopy rule. The classification is performed by the Support Vector Machine. Experimental evidence indicates that the proposal has 90.63 % accuracy, 95 % sensitivity, and 83.33 % specificity on a data-set of 104 dermatoscopy images. These results are favorable considering the performance of diagnosis by traditional progress in the area of dermatology


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Diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma are the leading causes of blindness worldwide. Automatic methods for diagnosis exist, but their performance is limited by the quality of the data. Spectral retinal images provide a significantly better representation of the colour information than common grayscale or red-green-blue retinal imaging, having the potential to improve the performance of automatic diagnosis methods. This work studies the image processing techniques required for composing spectral retinal images with accurate reflection spectra, including wavelength channel image registration, spectral and spatial calibration, illumination correction, and the estimation of depth information from image disparities. The composition of a spectral retinal image database of patients with diabetic retinopathy is described. The database includes gold standards for a number of pathologies and retinal structures, marked by two expert ophthalmologists. The diagnostic applications of the reflectance spectra are studied using supervised classifiers for lesion detection. In addition, inversion of a model of light transport is used to estimate histological parameters from the reflectance spectra. Experimental results suggest that the methods for composing, calibrating and postprocessing spectral images presented in this work can be used to improve the quality of the spectral data. The experiments on the direct and indirect use of the data show the diagnostic potential of spectral retinal data over standard retinal images. The use of spectral data could improve automatic and semi-automated diagnostics for the screening of retinal diseases, for the quantitative detection of retinal changes for follow-up, clinically relevant end-points for clinical studies and development of new therapeutic modalities.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In den westlichen Industrieländern ist das Mammakarzinom der häufigste bösartige Tumor der Frau. Sein weltweiter Anteil an allen Krebserkrankungen der Frau beläuft sich auf etwa 21 %. Inzwischen ist jede neunte Frau bedroht, während ihres Lebens an Brustkrebs zu erkranken. Die alterstandardisierte Mortalitätrate liegt derzeit bei knapp 27 %.rnrnDas Mammakarzinom hat eine relative geringe Wachstumsrate. Die Existenz eines diagnostischen Verfahrens, mit dem alle Mammakarzinome unter 10 mm Durchmesser erkannt und entfernt werden, würden den Tod durch Brustkrebs praktisch beseitigen. Denn die 20-Jahres-Überlebungsrate bei Erkrankung durch initiale Karzinome der Größe 5 bis 10 mm liegt mit über 95 % sehr hoch.rnrnMit der Kontrastmittel gestützten Bildgebung durch die MRT steht eine relativ junge Untersuchungsmethode zur Verfügung, die sensitiv genug zur Erkennung von Karzinomen ab einer Größe von 3 mm Durchmesser ist. Die diagnostische Methodik ist jedoch komplex, fehleranfällig, erfordert eine lange Einarbeitungszeit und somit viel Erfahrung des Radiologen.rnrnEine Computer unterstützte Diagnosesoftware kann die Qualität einer solch komplexen Diagnose erhöhen oder zumindest den Prozess beschleunigen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer vollautomatischen Diagnose Software, die als Zweitmeinungssystem eingesetzt werden kann. Meines Wissens existiert eine solche komplette Software bis heute nicht.rnrnDie Software führt eine Kette von verschiedenen Bildverarbeitungsschritten aus, die dem Vorgehen des Radiologen nachgeahmt wurden. Als Ergebnis wird eine selbstständige Diagnose für jede gefundene Läsion erstellt: Zuerst eleminiert eine 3d Bildregistrierung Bewegungsartefakte als Vorverarbeitungsschritt, um die Bildqualität der nachfolgenden Verarbeitungsschritte zu verbessern. Jedes kontrastanreichernde Objekt wird durch eine regelbasierte Segmentierung mit adaptiven Schwellwerten detektiert. Durch die Berechnung kinetischer und morphologischer Merkmale werden die Eigenschaften der Kontrastmittelaufnahme, Form-, Rand- und Textureeigenschaften für jedes Objekt beschrieben. Abschließend werden basierend auf den erhobenen Featurevektor durch zwei trainierte neuronale Netze jedes Objekt in zusätzliche Funde oder in gut- oder bösartige Läsionen klassifiziert.rnrnDie Leistungsfähigkeit der Software wurde auf Bilddaten von 101 weiblichen Patientinnen getested, die 141 histologisch gesicherte Läsionen enthielten. Die Vorhersage der Gesundheit dieser Läsionen ergab eine Sensitivität von 88 % bei einer Spezifität von 72 %. Diese Werte sind den in der Literatur bekannten Vorhersagen von Expertenradiologen ähnlich. Die Vorhersagen enthielten durchschnittlich 2,5 zusätzliche bösartige Funde pro Patientin, die sich als falsch klassifizierte Artefakte herausstellten.rn