915 resultados para Automatic classifier
The electrocardiogram (ECG) signal has been widely used to study the physiological substrates of emotion. However, searching for better filtering techniques in order to obtain a signal with better quality and with the maximum relevant information remains an important issue for researchers in this field. Signal processing is largely performed for ECG analysis and interpretation, but this process can be susceptible to error in the delineation phase. In addition, it can lead to the loss of important information that is usually considered as noise and, consequently, discarded from the analysis. The goal of this study was to evaluate if the ECG noise allows for the classification of emotions, while using its entropy as an input in a decision tree classifier. We collected the ECG signal from 25 healthy participants while they were presented with videos eliciting negative (fear and disgust) and neutral emotions. The results indicated that the neutral condition showed a perfect identification (100%), whereas the classification of negative emotions indicated good identification performances (60% of sensitivity and 80% of specificity). These results suggest that the entropy of noise contains relevant information that can be useful to improve the analysis of the physiological correlates of emotion.
In this paper an automatic classification algorithm is proposed for the diagnosis of the liver steatosis, also known as, fatty liver, from ultrasound images. The features, automatically extracted from the ultrasound images used by the classifier, are basically the ones used by the physicians in the diagnosis of the disease based on visual inspection of the ultrasound images. The main novelty of the method is the utilization of the speckle noise that corrupts the ultrasound images to compute textural features of the liver parenchyma relevant for the diagnosis. The algorithm uses the Bayesian framework to compute a noiseless image, containing anatomic and echogenic information of the liver and a second image containing only the speckle noise used to compute the textural features. The classification results, with the Bayes classifier using manually classified data as ground truth show that the automatic classifier reaches an accuracy of 95% and a 100% of sensitivity.
Retinal ultra-wide field of view images (fundus images) provides the visu-alization of a large part of the retina though, artifacts may appear in those images. Eyelashes and eyelids often cover the clinical region of interest and worse, eye-lashes can be mistaken with arteries and/or veins when those images are put through automatic diagnosis or segmentation software creating, in those cases, the appearance of false positives results. Correcting this problem, the first step in the development of qualified auto-matic diseases diagnosis programs can be done and in that way the development of an objective tool to assess diseases eradicating the human error from those processes can also be achieved. In this work the development of a tool that automatically delimitates the clinical region of interest is proposed by retrieving features from the images that will be analyzed by an automatic classifier. This automatic classifier will evaluate the information and will decide which part of the image is of interest and which part contains artifacts. The results were validated by implementing a software in C# language and validated through a statistical analysis. From those results it was confirmed that the methodology presented is capable of detecting artifacts and selecting the clin-ical region of interest in fundus images of the retina.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Informática Médica)
As tags podem ser utilizadas com diferentes propósitos, entre os quais organizar os recursos para fins pessoais e partilhar informação potencialmente relevante com outros utilizadores. Este trabalho conjuga diversas áreas de conhecimento e explora a utilização de tags, debruçando-se numa categoria em particular que engloba as tags de opinião. Estas podem ser usadas para expressar sentimentos ou opiniões sobre os recursos. Foram realizadas análises sobre a utilização de tags na loja online Amazon. Recolhida uma amostra de dados, as tags foram classificadas e analisadas segundo diversos aspectos, inclusive quanto à sua polaridade. Além da atribuição de tags, na Amazon é possível atribuir pontuações (de 1 a 5) aos recursos. Neste trabalho compararam-se ainda as duas formas referidas de classificação de recursos, verificando a existência de alguma correspondência entre ambas, com significado estatístico. Adicionalmente, foi desenvolvido um classificador semi-automático que tem como objectivo classificar as tags atribuídas aos recursos para proporcionar uma classificação rápida e eficiente da polaridade das tags que considera também a informação disponível sobre os recursos durante o processo.
BACKGROUND: Children and adolescents are at high risk of sustaining fractures during growth. Therefore, epidemiological assessment is crucial for fracture prevention. The AO Comprehensive Injury Automatic Classifier (AO COIAC) was used to evaluate epidemiological data of pediatric long bone fractures in a large cohort. METHODS: Data from children and adolescents with long bone fractures sustained between 2009 and 2011, treated at either of two tertiary pediatric surgery hospitals in Switzerland, were retrospectively collected. Fractures were classified according to the AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (PCCF). RESULTS: For a total of 2716 patients (60% boys), 2807 accidents with 2840 long bone fractures (59% radius/ulna; 21% humerus; 15% tibia/fibula; 5% femur) were documented. Children's mean age (SD) was 8.2 (4.0) years (6% infants; 26% preschool children; 40% school children; 28% adolescents). Adolescent boys sustained more fractures than girls (p < 0.001). The leading cause of fractures was falls (27%), followed by accidents occurring during leisure activities (25%), at home (14%), on playgrounds (11%), and traffic (11%) and school accidents (8%). There was boy predominance for all accident types except for playground and at home accidents. The distribution of accident types differed according to age classes (p < 0.001). Twenty-six percent of patients were classed as overweight or obese - higher than data published by the WHO for the corresponding ages - with a higher proportion of overweight and obese boys than in the Swiss population (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Overall, differences in the fracture distribution were sex and age related. Overweight and obese patients seemed to be at increased risk of sustaining fractures. Our data give valuable input into future development of prevention strategies. The AO PCCF proved to be useful in epidemiological reporting and analysis of pediatric long bone fractures.
The interest in the systematic analysis of astronomical time series data, as well as development in astronomical instrumentation and automation over the past two decades has given rise to several questions of how to analyze and synthesize the growing amount of data. These data have led to many discoveries in the areas of modern astronomy asteroseismology, exoplanets and stellar evolution. However, treatment methods and data analysis have failed to follow the development of the instruments themselves, although much effort has been done. In present thesis, we propose new methods of data analysis and two catalogs of the variable stars that allowed the study of rotational modulation and stellar variability. Were analyzed the photometric databases fromtwo distinctmissions: CoRoT (Convection Rotation and planetary Transits) and WFCAM (Wide Field Camera). Furthermore the present work describes several methods for the analysis of photometric data besides propose and refine selection techniques of data using indices of variability. Preliminary results show that variability indices have an efficiency greater than the indices most often used in the literature. An efficient selection of variable stars is essential to improve the efficiency of all subsequent steps. Fromthese analyses were obtained two catalogs; first, fromtheWFCAMdatabase we achieve a catalog with 319 variable stars observed in the photometric bands Y ZJHK. These stars show periods ranging between ∼ 0, 2 to ∼ 560 days whose the variability signatures present RR-Lyrae, Cepheids , LPVs, cataclysmic variables, among many others. Second, from the CoRoT database we selected 4, 206 stars with typical signatures of rotationalmodulation, using a supervised process. These stars show periods ranging between ∼ 0, 33 to ∼ 92 days, amplitude variability between ∼ 0, 001 to ∼ 0, 5 mag, color index (J - H) between ∼ 0, 0 to ∼ 1, 4 mag and spectral type CoRoT FGKM. The WFCAM variable stars catalog is being used to compose a database of light curves to be used as template in an automatic classifier for variable stars observed by the project VVV (Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy) moreover it are a fundamental start point to study different scientific cases. For example, a set of 12 young stars who are in a star formation region and the study of RR Lyrae-whose properties are not well established in the infrared. Based on CoRoT results we were able to show, for the first time, the rotational modulation evolution for an wide homogeneous sample of field stars. The results are inagreement with those expected by the stellar evolution theory. Furthermore, we identified 4 solar-type stars ( with color indices, spectral type, luminosity class and rotation period close to the Sun) besides 400 M-giant stars that we have a special interest to forthcoming studies. From the solar-type stars we can describe the future and past of the Sun while properties of M-stars are not well known. Our results allow concluded that there is a high dependence of the color-period diagram with the reddening in which increase the uncertainties of the age-period realized by previous works using CoRoT data. This thesis provides a large data-set for different scientific works, such as; magnetic activity, cataclysmic variables, brown dwarfs, RR-Lyrae, solar analogous, giant stars, among others. For instance, these data will allow us to study the relationship of magnetic activitywith stellar evolution. Besides these aspects, this thesis presents an improved classification for a significant number of stars in the CoRoT database and introduces a new set of tools that can be used to improve the entire process of the photometric databases analysis
Neste trabalho é apresentado um modelo de redes neurais que será utilizado como ferramenta para uso no planejamento energético e na construção de cenários energéticos através da identificação e agrupamento de pixels representativos de classes de água, vegetação e antropização no entorno do reservatório de Tucuruí, Estado do Pará (bacia do rio Tocantins). Para o estudo, foram utilizadas fotografias aéreas ortorretificadas e um recorte da imagem do satélite Landsat, ambos obtidos em agosto de 2001 e classificados utilizando a métrica da mínima distância no software Matlab 7.3.0 (Matrix Laboratory - software de matemática aplicada) e no Arcview 3.2a (programa de Sistemas de Informações Geográficas). Para classificação da área no Matlab, foram utilizadas redes neurais competitivas, mais especificamente as redes de Kohonen que são caracterizadas por realizar um mapeamento de um espaço de dimensão n (número de entradas) para um espaço de dimensão m (número de saídas). Os resultados obtidos no classificador utilizando rede neural e no classificador do Arcview foram semelhantes, mas houve uma divergência no que diz respeito à imagem de alta e média resolução que pode ser justificada pelo fato de que a imagem de alta resolução espacial ocasiona muita variação espectral em algumas feições, gerando dificuldades nas classificações. Esse classificador automático é uma ferramenta importante para identificar oportunidades e potenciais a serem desenvolvidos na construção de cenários energéticos programados. Os resultados deste trabalho confirmam que a imagem de média resolução ainda é a mais indicada para resolver a maioria dos problemas que envolvem identificação de cobertura do solo para utilização em planejamento energético.
BACKGROUND Children and adolescents are at high risk of sustaining fractures during growth. Therefore, epidemiological assessment is crucial for fracture prevention. The AO Comprehensive Injury Automatic Classifier (AO COIAC) was used to evaluate epidemiological data of pediatric long bone fractures in a large cohort. METHODS Data from children and adolescents with long bone fractures sustained between 2009 and 2011, treated at either of two tertiary pediatric surgery hospitals in Switzerland, were retrospectively collected. Fractures were classified according to the AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (PCCF). RESULTS For a total of 2716 patients (60% boys), 2807 accidents with 2840 long bone fractures (59% radius/ulna; 21% humerus; 15% tibia/fibula; 5% femur) were documented. Children's mean age (SD) was 8.2 (4.0) years (6% infants; 26% preschool children; 40% school children; 28% adolescents). Adolescent boys sustained more fractures than girls (p < 0.001). The leading cause of fractures was falls (27%), followed by accidents occurring during leisure activities (25%), at home (14%), on playgrounds (11%), and traffic (11%) and school accidents (8%). There was boy predominance for all accident types except for playground and at home accidents. The distribution of accident types differed according to age classes (p < 0.001). Twenty-six percent of patients were classed as overweight or obese - higher than data published by the WHO for the corresponding ages - with a higher proportion of overweight and obese boys than in the Swiss population (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION Overall, differences in the fracture distribution were sex and age related. Overweight and obese patients seemed to be at increased risk of sustaining fractures. Our data give valuable input into future development of prevention strategies. The AO PCCF proved to be useful in epidemiological reporting and analysis of pediatric long bone fractures.
Software bug analysis is one of the most important activities in Software Quality. The rapid and correct implementation of the necessary repair influence both developers, who must leave the fully functioning software, and users, who need to perform their daily tasks. In this context, if there is an incorrect classification of bugs, there may be unwanted situations. One of the main factors to be assigned bugs in the act of its initial report is severity, which lives up to the urgency of correcting that problem. In this scenario, we identified in datasets with data extracted from five open source systems (Apache, Eclipse, Kernel, Mozilla and Open Office), that there is an irregular distribution of bugs with respect to existing severities, which is an early sign of misclassification. In the dataset analyzed, exists a rate of about 85% bugs being ranked with normal severity. Therefore, this classification rate can have a negative influence on software development context, where the misclassified bug can be allocated to a developer with little experience to solve it and thus the correction of the same may take longer, or even generate a incorrect implementation. Several studies in the literature have disregarded the normal bugs, working only with the portion of bugs considered severe or not severe initially. This work aimed to investigate this portion of the data, with the purpose of identifying whether the normal severity reflects the real impact and urgency, to investigate if there are bugs (initially classified as normal) that could be classified with other severity, and to assess if there are impacts for developers in this context. For this, an automatic classifier was developed, which was based on three algorithms (Näive Bayes, Max Ent and Winnow) to assess if normal severity is correct for the bugs categorized initially with this severity. The algorithms presented accuracy of about 80%, and showed that between 21% and 36% of the bugs should have been classified differently (depending on the algorithm), which represents somewhere between 70,000 and 130,000 bugs of the dataset.
Named entity recognizers are unable to distinguish if a term is a general concept as "scientist" or an individual as "Einstein". In this paper we explore the possibility to reach this goal combining two basic approaches: (i) Super Sense Tagging (SST) and (ii) YAGO. Thanks to these two powerful tools we could automatically create a corpus set in order to train the SuperSense Tagger. The general F1 is over 76% and the model is publicly available.
A organização automática de mensagens de correio electrónico é um desafio actual na área da aprendizagem automática. O número excessivo de mensagens afecta cada vez mais utilizadores, especialmente os que usam o correio electrónico como ferramenta de comunicação e trabalho. Esta tese aborda o problema da organização automática de mensagens de correio electrónico propondo uma solução que tem como objectivo a etiquetagem automática de mensagens. A etiquetagem automática é feita com recurso às pastas de correio electrónico anteriormente criadas pelos utilizadores, tratando-as como etiquetas, e à sugestão de múltiplas etiquetas para cada mensagem (top-N). São estudadas várias técnicas de aprendizagem e os vários campos que compõe uma mensagem de correio electrónico são analisados de forma a determinar a sua adequação como elementos de classificação. O foco deste trabalho recai sobre os campos textuais (o assunto e o corpo das mensagens), estudando-se diferentes formas de representação, selecção de características e algoritmos de classificação. É ainda efectuada a avaliação dos campos de participantes através de algoritmos de classificação que os representam usando o modelo vectorial ou como um grafo. Os vários campos são combinados para classificação utilizando a técnica de combinação de classificadores Votação por Maioria. Os testes são efectuados com um subconjunto de mensagens de correio electrónico da Enron e um conjunto de dados privados disponibilizados pelo Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC). Estes conjuntos são analisados de forma a perceber as características dos dados. A avaliação do sistema é realizada através da percentagem de acerto dos classificadores. Os resultados obtidos apresentam melhorias significativas em comparação com os trabalhos relacionados.
Liver steatosis is mainly a textural abnormality of the hepatic parenchyma due to fat accumulation on the hepatic vesicles. Today, the assessment is subjectively performed by visual inspection. Here a classifier based on features extracted from ultrasound (US) images is described for the automatic diagnostic of this phatology. The proposed algorithm estimates the original ultrasound radio-frequency (RF) envelope signal from which the noiseless anatomic information and the textural information encoded in the speckle noise is extracted. The features characterizing the textural information are the coefficients of the first order autoregressive model that describes the speckle field. A binary Bayesian classifier was implemented and the Bayes factor was calculated. The classification has revealed an overall accuracy of 100%. The Bayes factor could be helpful in the graphical display of the quantitative results for diagnosis purposes.
BACKGROUND: Wireless capsule endoscopy has been introduced as an innovative, non-invasive diagnostic technique for evaluation of the gastrointestinal tract, reaching places where conventional endoscopy is unable to. However, the output of this technique is an 8 hours video, whose analysis by the expert physician is very time consuming. Thus, a computer assisted diagnosis tool to help the physicians to evaluate CE exams faster and more accurately is an important technical challenge and an excellent economical opportunity. METHOD: The set of features proposed in this paper to code textural information is based on statistical modeling of second order textural measures extracted from co-occurrence matrices. To cope with both joint and marginal non-Gaussianity of second order textural measures, higher order moments are used. These statistical moments are taken from the two-dimensional color-scale feature space, where two different scales are considered. Second and higher order moments of textural measures are computed from the co-occurrence matrices computed from images synthesized by the inverse wavelet transform of the wavelet transform containing only the selected scales for the three color channels. The dimensionality of the data is reduced by using Principal Component Analysis. RESULTS: The proposed textural features are then used as the input of a classifier based on artificial neural networks. Classification performances of 93.1% specificity and 93.9% sensitivity are achieved on real data. These promising results open the path towards a deeper study regarding the applicability of this algorithm in computer aided diagnosis systems to assist physicians in their clinical practice.
The purpose of our project is to contribute to earlier diagnosis of AD and better estimates of its severity by using automatic analysis performed through new biomarkers extracted from non-invasive intelligent methods. The methods selected in this case are speech biomarkers oriented to Sponta-neous Speech and Emotional Response Analysis. Thus the main goal of the present work is feature search in Spontaneous Speech oriented to pre-clinical evaluation for the definition of test for AD diagnosis by One-class classifier. One-class classifi-cation problem differs from multi-class classifier in one essen-tial aspect. In one-class classification it is assumed that only information of one of the classes, the target class, is available. In this work we explore the problem of imbalanced datasets that is particularly crucial in applications where the goal is to maximize recognition of the minority class as in medical diag-nosis. The use of information about outlier and Fractal Dimen-sion features improves the system performance.