568 resultados para Automação e Sistemas


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Esta dissertação trata de um estudo e o desenvolvimento de uma proposta de um ambiente de aprendizagem, para qualquer instituição de ensino superior, em três níveis de ensino da área de controle e automação: graduação, pós-graduação Lato Sensu e Stricto Sensu. Primeiramente, foram feitas visitas aos laboratórios em universidades e entrevistas com professores que ministram as disciplinas de controle e automação nos três níveis de aprendizagem. Foram constatadas virtudes e fragilidades metodológicas na questão da prática laboratorial em relação a aspectos industriais na área de engenharia elétrica de três instituições do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, sendo uma federal, uma estadual e outra privada. Posteriormente, foram analisados mecanismos e instrumentos necessários para interagir com modelos experimentais propostos nas entrevistas de maneira didática, para fins de constituir o ambiente de aprendizagem em automação, no qual foi eleito o LABVIEW como a interface mais favorável para aplicação de controles, mantendo uma analogia de cunho prático-industrial. A partir dessas análises foram sugeridos ainda elementos típicos de automação e três estudos de caso: um sistema térmico, um controle de velocidade de motores e um pêndulo invertido, por meio de controles simples e avançados como o controlador nebuloso, caracterizando-se pelo fortalecimento da atividade acadêmico-industrial


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Esta dissertação descreve uma arquitetura de suporte para a criação de sistemas de automação baseados em objetos distribuídos e no barramento CAN. Consiste basicamente da utilização de orientação a objetos para modelagem dos sistemas bem como sua implementação na forma de objetos autônomos. Os objetos são então distribuídos em uma rede de placas microcontroladas, as quais são utilizadas para o controle da planta, e PC's, os quais são utilizados para supervisão e monitoração. O suporte em tempo de execução para os objetos é dado por um sistema operacional que permite a sua implementação na forma de processos concorrentes, o qual, no caso das placas microcontroladas, é um sistema operacional do tipo embarcado. A comunica ção entre os objetos é realizada através de um protocolo publisher/subscriber desenvolvido para o barramento CAN que é suportado por uma biblioteca e elementos de comunicação especí cos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar alternativas aos sistemas de automação existentes atualmente, os quais baseiamse geralmente em dispositivos mestre/escravo e em comunicações do tipo ponto a ponto. Dessa forma, a arquitetura desenvolvida, apropriada para sistemas embarcados, visa facilitar a criação e dar suporte para sistemas de automação baseados em objetos distribuídos.


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During a petroleum well production process, It is common the slmultaneous oil and water production, in proportion that can vary from 0% up to values close to 100% of water. Moreover, the production flows can vary a lot, depending on the charaeteristies of eaeh reservoir. Thus being, the meters used in field for the flow and BSW (water in the oil) measurement must work well in wide bands of operation. For the evaluation of the operation of these meters, in the different operation conditions, a Laboratory will be built in UFRN, that has for objective to evaluate in an automatic way the processes of flow and BSW petroleum measurement, considering different operation conditions. The good acting of these meters is fundamental for the accuracy of the measures of the volumes of production liquid and rude of petroleum. For the measurement of this production, the petroleum companies use meters that should indicate the values with tha largast possible accuracy and to respect a series of conditions and minimum requirements, estabelished by the united Entrance ANP/INMETRO 19106/2000. The laboratory of Evafuation of the Processes of Measurement of Flow and BSW to be built will possess an oil tank basically, a tank of water, besides a mixer, a tank auditor, a tank for separation and a tank of residues for discard of fluids, fundamental for the evaluation of the flow metars and BSW. The whole process will be automated through the use of a Programmable Logicat Controller (CLP) and of a supervisory system.This laboratory besides allowing the evaluation of flow meters and BSW used by petroleum companies, it will make possible the development of researches related to the automation. Besides, it will be a collaborating element to the development of the Computer Engineering and Automation Department, that it will propitiate the evolution of the faculty and discente, qualifying them for a job market in continuous growth. The present work describes the project of automation of the laboratory that will be built at of UFRN. The system will be automated using a Programmable Logical Controller and a supervisory system. The programming of PLC and the screens of the supervisory system were developed in this work


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This works presents a proposal to make automatic the identification of energy thefts in the meter systems through Fuzzy Logic and supervisory like SCADA. The solution we find by to collect datas from meters at customers units: voltage, current, power demand, angles conditions of phasors diagrams of voltages and currents, and taking these datas by fuzzy logic with expert knowledge into a fuzzy system. The parameters collected are computed by fuzzy logic, in engineering alghorithm, and the output shows to user if the customer researched may be consuming electrical energy without to pay for it, and these feedbacks have its own membership grades. The value of this solution is a need for reduce the losses that already sets more than twenty per cent. In such a way that it is an expert system that looks for decision make with assertivity, and it looks forward to find which problems there are on site and then it wont happen problems of relationship among the utility and the customer unit. The database of an electrical company was utilized and the datas from it were worked by the fuzzy proposal and algorithm developed and the result was confirmed


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Esta tese de dissertação tem como principal objetivo a implementação de controladores fracionários utilizando diapositivos analógicos FPAA (Field Programable Analog Array). Embora estes dispositivos já não sejam um tecnologia recente, não tiveram grande aceitação comercial, daí não ter sido grande a sua evolução nesta última década. Mas para a elaboração de alguns circuitos analógicos, nomeadamente filtros, amplificadores e mesmo controladores PID (Proporcional-Integrativo-Derivativo) analógicos torna-se numa ferramenta que pode facilitar o projeto e implementação. Para a realização deste estudo, utilizou-se a placa de desenvolvimento da Anadigm AN231K04-DVLP3 juntamente com o software disponibilizado pela mesma empresa, o AnadigmDesigner2. Para a simulação e observação dos resultados foi utilizada a DAQ (Data Acquisition) Hilink da Zelton juntamente com o software Matlab. De forma a testar a implementação dos controladores fracionários nas FPAA foram realizados alguns circuitos no software e enviados para a FPAA comparando os resultados obtidos na simulação com os visualizados no osciloscópio. Por último foi projetado um controlador PIlDm recorrendo aos métodos de aproximação inteira descritos neste documento implementados na FPAA recorrendo ao uso de filtros de primeira e segunda ordem.


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A modelagem e desenvolvimento de sistemas embarcados ("embedded systems") de forma distribuída, tende a ser uma tarefa extremamente complexa, especialmente quando envolve sistemas heterogêneos e sincronização de tarefas. Com a utilização do modelo de componentes de software é possível descrever, de uma forma simplificada, todos os elementos de distribuição e de comunicação para este tipo de sistemas. Neste sentido, a especificação de uma ferramenta capaz de auxiliar na modelagem e no desenvolvimento deste tipo de aplicação, certamente irá tornar o trabalho mais simples. Esta dissertação inicia por uma análise comparativa entre as tecnologias passíveis de serem utilizadas na definição de sistemas distribuídos heterogêneos, focando-se principalmente nas metodologias de modelagem, e nos mecanismos e middlewares de comunicação. Dos conceitos formados a partir desta análise é descrita uma ferramenta, baseada em componentes de software. A ferramenta é uma extensão do projeto SIMOO-RT, onde foram adicionados os conceitos de componente de software, biblioteca de componentes e diagrama de implantação. Além disso, foram realizadas modificações no sistema de geração de código, para dar suporte aos novos conceitos da ferramenta. A dissertação termina com a descrição de alguns estudos de caso utilizados para validar a ferramenta.


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Elabora uma estrutura conceitual para o estudo da automação comercial em redes de supermercados e no comércio em geral. Discute a montagem de sistemas de informação de marketing e de suporte à decisão, cadeia de valor aplicada a supermercados, benefícios da automação e equipamentos utilizados. Apresenta pesquisa de campo com as maiores redes de supermercados do país, onde é analisada e avaliada a situação da automação comercial nestas empresas, além de sugerir e mostrar várias direções e tendências do processo


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Uma análise das principais teorias de competitividade, incluindo estudos da Ernst & Young no segmento bancário e teorias de N.Venkatraman, Michael Porter e Nigel Slack. Os principais sistemas de Office Banking do Citibank, no segmento corporativo para serviços de Cash Management são usados como estudo de caso para ilustrar estas teorias, devidamente situados na realidade do segmento de automação bancária e de office banking no Brasil e no mundo neste final de século. Palavras-chave: Cash Management - Electronic Banking - Office Banking - Electronic Delivery - Citibank - Automação bancária - Citigroup - Serviços bancários - Corporate banking


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Este trabalho é uma contribuição para o estudo da relação da tecnologia da automação em sistemas prediais e a arquitetura nas últimas décadas do século XX e início do século XXI. Focado no uso dessa tecnologia em edificações comerciais, nos seus diversos aspectos e vertentes, o trabalho procura identificar as facetas positivas dessa relação e possíveis traços de inter-dependência. Além disso, busca analisar o pensamento arquitetônico corrente nesse período e a gênese de conceitos correlatos, como o referente aos chamados “Edifícios Inteligentes” e “Edifícios de Alta Tecnologia”. O texto pretende ser um elemento de conscientização para a prevenção de resultados insatisfatórios e suas conseqüências ambientais, oriundos dessa concepção ideológica que preconiza a tecnologia como força de mudanças. Pretende mostrar que a arquitetura tenta, e deve, recuperar valores como o entorno, o urbano, a consciência social e ecológica; valores esses que estão muito além do simples uso da tecnologia. Assim, o exame das características da tecnologia da automação como ferramenta na busca do desenvolvimento sustentável permite uma nova visão de sua relação com a arquitetura, necessária para justificar sua utilização. Longe de pretender apontar uma solução definitiva e única, pois certamente são muitas, deseja-se mostrar o quão danosa pode ser a relação automação/arquitetura, quando esta última é suprimida por equipamentos de alta tecnologia. Deste modo, pretende-se indicar, senão o rumo exato, ao menos a direção para que edifícios realmente inteligentes possam vir integrar a realidade arquitetônica no cenário nacional.


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The concepts of the industrial automation are being incorporated in the medical area, in other words, they also pass to be applied in the hospital automation. In this sense, researches have been developed and have usually been approached several of the problems that are pertinent to the processes that can be automated in the hospital environment. Considering that in the automation processes, an imperative factor is the communication, because the systems are usually distributed, the network for data transference becomes itself an important point in these processes. Because this network should be capable to provide the exchange of data and to guarantee the demands that are imposed by the automation process. In this context, this doctorate thesis proposed, specified, analyzed and validated the Multicycles Protocol for Hospital Automation (MP-HA), which is customized to assist the demands in these automation processes, seeking to guarantee the determinism in the communications and to optimize the factor of use of the mean of transmission


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The present research aims at contributing to the area of detection and diagnosis of failure through the proposal of a new system architecture of detection and isolation of failures (FDI, Fault Detection and Isolation). The proposed architecture presents innovations related to the way the physical values monitored are linked to the FDI system and, as a consequence, the way the failures are detected, isolated and classified. A search for mathematical tools able to satisfy the objectives of the proposed architecture has pointed at the use of the Kalman Filter and its derivatives EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) and UKF (Unscented Kalman Filter). The use of the first one is efficient when the monitored process presents a linear relation among its physical values to be monitored and its out-put. The other two are proficient in case this dynamics is no-linear. After that, a short comparative of features and abilities in the context of failure detection concludes that the UFK system is a better alternative than the EKF one to compose the architecture of the FDI system proposed in case of processes of no-linear dynamics. The results shown in the end of the research refer to the linear and no-linear industrial processes. The efficiency of the proposed architecture may be observed since it has been applied to simulated and real processes. To conclude, the contributions of this thesis are found in the end of the text


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This thesis proposes the specification and performance analysis of a real-time communication mechanism for IEEE 802.11/11e standard. This approach is called Group Sequential Communication (GSC). The GSC has a better performance for dealing with small data packets when compared to the HCCA mechanism by adopting a decentralized medium access control using a publish/subscribe communication scheme. The main objective of the thesis is the HCCA overhead reduction of the Polling, ACK and QoS Null frames exchanged between the Hybrid Coordinator and the polled stations. The GSC eliminates the polling scheme used by HCCA scheduling algorithm by using a Virtual Token Passing procedure among members of the real-time group to whom a high-priority and sequential access to communication medium is granted. In order to improve the reliability of the mechanism proposed into a noisy channel, it is presented an error recovery scheme called second chance algorithm. This scheme is based on block acknowledgment strategy where there is a possibility of retransmitting when missing real-time messages. Thus, the GSC mechanism maintains the real-time traffic across many IEEE 802.11/11e devices, optimized bandwidth usage and minimal delay variation for data packets in the wireless network. For validation purpose of the communication scheme, the GSC and HCCA mechanisms have been implemented in network simulation software developed in C/C++ and their performance results were compared. The experiments show the efficiency of the GSC mechanism, especially in industrial communication scenarios.


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We propose a new paradigm for collective learning in multi-agent systems (MAS) as a solution to the problem in which several agents acting over the same environment must learn how to perform tasks, simultaneously, based on feedbacks given by each one of the other agents. We introduce the proposed paradigm in the form of a reinforcement learning algorithm, nominating it as reinforcement learning with influence values. While learning by rewards, each agent evaluates the relation between the current state and/or action executed at this state (actual believe) together with the reward obtained after all agents that are interacting perform their actions. The reward is a result of the interference of others. The agent considers the opinions of all its colleagues in order to attempt to change the values of its states and/or actions. The idea is that the system, as a whole, must reach an equilibrium, where all agents get satisfied with the obtained results. This means that the values of the state/actions pairs match the reward obtained by each agent. This dynamical way of setting the values for states and/or actions makes this new reinforcement learning paradigm the first to include, naturally, the fact that the presence of other agents in the environment turns it a dynamical model. As a direct result, we implicitly include the internal state, the actions and the rewards obtained by all the other agents in the internal state of each agent. This makes our proposal the first complete solution to the conceptual problem that rises when applying reinforcement learning in multi-agent systems, which is caused by the difference existent between the environment and agent models. With basis on the proposed model, we create the IVQ-learning algorithm that is exhaustive tested in repetitive games with two, three and four agents and in stochastic games that need cooperation and in games that need collaboration. This algorithm shows to be a good option for obtaining solutions that guarantee convergence to the Nash optimum equilibrium in cooperative problems. Experiments performed clear shows that the proposed paradigm is theoretical and experimentally superior to the traditional approaches. Yet, with the creation of this new paradigm the set of reinforcement learning applications in MAS grows up. That is, besides the possibility of applying the algorithm in traditional learning problems in MAS, as for example coordination of tasks in multi-robot systems, it is possible to apply reinforcement learning in problems that are essentially collaborative


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The traditional processes for treatment of hazardous waste are questionable for it generates other wastes that adversely affect people s health. As an attempt to minimize these problems, it was developed a system for treatment of hazardous waste by thermal plasma, a more appropriate technology since it produces high temperatures, preventing the formation of toxic pollutants to human beings. The present work brings out a solution of automation for this plant. The system has local and remote monitoring resources to ensure the operators security as well as the process itself. A special attention was given to the control of the main reactor temperature of the plant as it is the place where the main processing occurs and because it presents a complex mathematical model. To this, it was employed cascaded controls based on Fuzzy logic. A process computer, with a particular man-machine interface (MMI), provides information and controls of the plant to the operator, including by Internet. A compact PLC module is in charge of the central element of management automation and plant control which receives information from sensors, and sends it to the MMI


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This paper presents a new multi-model technique of dentification in ANFIS for nonlinear systems. In this technique, the structure used is of the fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno of which the consequences are local linear models that represent the system of different points of operation and the precursors are membership functions whose adjustments are realized by the learning phase of the neuro-fuzzy ANFIS technique. The models that represent the system at different points of the operation can be found with linearization techniques like, for example, the Least Squares method that is robust against sounds and of simple application. The fuzzy system is responsible for informing the proportion of each model that should be utilized, using the membership functions. The membership functions can be adjusted by ANFIS with the use of neural network algorithms, like the back propagation error type, in such a way that the models found for each area are correctly interpolated and define an action of each model for possible entries into the system. In multi-models, the definition of action of models is known as metrics and, since this paper is based on ANFIS, it shall be denominated in ANFIS metrics. This way, ANFIS metrics is utilized to interpolate various models, composing a system to be identified. Differing from the traditional ANFIS, the created technique necessarily represents the system in various well defined regions by unaltered models whose pondered activation as per the membership functions. The selection of regions for the application of the Least Squares method is realized manually from the graphic analysis of the system behavior or from the physical characteristics of the plant. This selection serves as a base to initiate the linear model defining technique and generating the initial configuration of the membership functions. The experiments are conducted in a teaching tank, with multiple sections, designed and created to show the characteristics of the technique. The results from this tank illustrate the performance reached by the technique in task of identifying, utilizing configurations of ANFIS, comparing the developed technique with various models of simple metrics and comparing with the NNARX technique, also adapted to identification