963 resultados para Autologous proximal tubule epithelial cells


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This is a comprehensive study of human kidney proximal tubular epithelial cells (PTEC) which are known to respond to and mediate the pathological process of a range of kidney diseases. It identifies various molecules expressed by PTEC and how these molecules participate in down-regulating the inflammatory process, thereby highlighting the clinical potential of these molecules to treat various kidney diseases. In the disease state, PTEC gain the ability to regulate the immune cell responses present within the interstitium. This down-regulation is a complex interaction of contact dependent/independent mechanisms involving various immuno-regulatory molecules including PD-L1, sHLA-G and IDO. The overall outcome of this down-regulation is suppressed DC maturation, decreased number of antibody producing B cells and low T cell responses. These manifestations within a clinical setting are expected to dampen the ongoing inflammation, preventing the damage caused to the kidney tissue.


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Background We have previously demonstrated that human kidney proximal tubule epithelial cells (PTEC) are able to modulate autologous T and B lymphocyte responses. It is well established that dendritic cells (DC) are responsible for the initiation and direction of adaptive immune responses and that these cells occur in the renal interstitium in close apposition to PTEC under inflammatory disease settings. However, there is no information regarding the interaction of PTEC with DC in an autologous human context. Methods Human monocytes were differentiated into monocyte-derived DC (MoDC) in the absence or presence of primary autologous activated PTEC and matured with polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid [poly(I:C)], while purified, pre-formed myeloid blood DC (CD1c+ BDC) were cultured with autologous activated PTEC in the absence or presence of poly(I:C) stimulation. DC responses were monitored by surface antigen expression, cytokine secretion, antigen uptake capacity and allogeneic T-cell-stimulatory ability. Results The presence of autologous activated PTEC inhibited the differentiation of monocytes to MoDC. Furthermore, MoDC differentiated in the presence of PTEC displayed an immature surface phenotype, efficient phagocytic capacity and, upon poly(I:C) stimulation, secreted low levels of pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-12p70, high levels of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 and induced weak Th1 responses. Similarly, pre-formed CD1c+ BDC matured in the presence of PTEC exhibited an immature tolerogenic surface phenotype, strong endocytic and phagocytic ability and stimulated significantly attenuated T-cell proliferative responses. Conclusions Our data suggest that activated PTEC regulate human autologous immunity via complex interactions with DC. The ability of PTEC to modulate autologous DC function has important implications for the dampening of pro-inflammatory immune responses within the tubulointerstitium in renal injuries. Further dissection of the mechanisms of PTEC modulation of autologous immune responses may offer targets for therapeutic intervention in renal medicine.


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In both humans and birds, urate is an important antioxidant when maintained at normal plasma concentrations. Though human kidneys primarily reabsorb filtered urate, while those of birds perform mostly secretion, both maintain urate levels at ~300microM. The importance of maintaining urate levels within the homeostatic range was observed when the study of several prominent diseases revealed an association with hyperuricemia. This study examined the effect of elevated zinc concentration on avian urate secretion. Here, acute exposure of chicken proximal tubule epithelial cells (cPTCs) to zinc stress had no effect on urate secretion, but prolonged zinc-induced cellular stress inhibited active transepithelial urate secretion with no change in Mrp4 expression, glucose transport, or transepithelial resistance. Moreover, zinc had no effect on urate transport by isolated brush border membrane vesicles, suggesting involvement of a more complex cellular stress adaptation. Previous work has demonstrated that AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a critical metabolic regulator, conserves energy during cellular stress by shutting down ATP-utilizing processes and activating ATP-generating processes. Pharmacological activation of AMPK by AICAR produced decreased urate secretion by cPTCs similar to the effect seen with prolonged exposure to zinc, while the AMPK inhibitor Compound C prevented both AICAR and zinc inhibition of urate secretion, suggesting a stress induced mechanism of regulation. Supported by NSF. IACUC #A08-046.


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Diabetic nephropathy affects 30-40% of diabetics leading to end-stage kidney failure through progressive scarring and fibrosis. Previous evidence suggests that tissue transglutaminase (tTg) and its protein cross-link product epsilon(gamma-glutamyl)lysine contribute to the expanding renal tubulointerstitial and glomerular basement membranes in this disease. Using an in vitro cell culture model of renal proximal tubular epithelial cells we determined the link between elevated glucose levels with changes in expression and activity of tTg and then, by using a highly specific site directed inhibitor of tTg (1,3-dimethyl-2[(oxopropyl)thio]imidazolium), determined the contribution of tTg to glucose-induced matrix accumulation. Exposure of cells to 36 mm glucose over 96 h caused an mRNA-dependent increase in tTg activity with a 25% increase in extracellular matrix (ECM)-associated tTg and a 150% increase in ECM epsilon(gamma-glutamyl)lysine cross-linking. This was paralleled by an elevation in total deposited ECM resulting from higher levels of deposited collagen and fibronectin. These were associated with raised mRNA for collagens III, IV, and fibronectin. The specific site-directed inhibitor of tTg normalized both tTg activity and ECM-associated epsilon(gamma-glutamyl)lysine. Levels of ECM per cell returned to near control levels with non-transcriptional reductions in deposited collagen and fibronectin. No changes in transforming growth factor beta1 (expression or biological activity) occurred that could account for our observations, whereas incubation of tTg with collagen III indicated that cross-linking could directly increase the rate of collagen fibril/gel formation. We conclude that Tg inhibition reduces glucose-induced deposition of ECM proteins independently of changes in ECM and transforming growth factor beta1 synthesis thus opening up its possible application in the treatment other fibrotic and scarring diseases where tTg has been implicated.


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Given the emerging epidemic of renal disease in HIV+ patients and the fact that HIV DNA and RNA persist in the kidneys of HIV+ patients despite therapy, it is necessary to understand the role of direct HIV-1 infection of the kidney. HIV-associated kidney disease pathogenesis is attributed in large part to viral proteins. Expression of Vpr in renal tubule epithelial cells (RTECs) induces G2 arrest, apoptosis and polyploidy. The ability of a subset of cells to overcome the G2/M block and progress to polyploidy is not well understood. Polyploidy frequently associates with a bypass of cell death and disease pathogenesis. Given the ability of the kidney to serve as a unique compartment for HIV-1 infection, and the observed occurrence of polyploid cells in HIV+ renal cells, it is critical to understand the mechanisms and consequences of Vpr-induced polyploidy.

Here I determined effects of HIV-1 Vpr expression in renal cells using highly efficient transduction with VSV.G pseudotyped lentiviral vectors expressing Vpr in the HK2 human tubule epithelial cell line. Using FACS, fluorescence microscopy, and live cell imaging I show that G2 escape immediately precedes a critical junction between two distinct outcomes in Vpr+ RTECs: mitotic cell death and polyploidy. Vpr+ cells that evade aberrant mitosis and become polyploid have a substantially higher survival rate than those that undergo complete mitosis, and this survival correlates with enrichment for polyploidy in cell culture over time. Further, I identify a novel role for ATM kinase in promoting G2 arrest escape and polyploidy in this context. In summary, my work identifies ATM-dependent override of Vpr-mediated G2/M arrest as a critical determinant of cell fate Vpr+ RTECs. Further, our work highlights how a poorly understood HIV mechanism, ploidy increase, may offer insight into key processes of reservoir establishment and disease pathogenesis in HIV+ kidneys.


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Proximal tubule epithelial cells (PTEC) of the kidney line the proximal tubule downstream of the glomerulus and play a major role in the re-absorption of small molecular weight proteins that may pass through the glomerular filtration process. In the perturbed disease state PTEC also contribute to the inflammatory disease process via both positive and negative mechanisms via the production of inflammatory cytokines which chemo-attract leukocytes and the subsequent down-modulation of these cells to prevent uncontrolled inflammatory responses. It is well established that dendritic cells are responsible for the initiation and direction of adaptive immune responses. Both resident and infiltrating dendritic cells are localised within the tubulointerstitium of the renal cortex, in close apposition to PTEC, in inflammatory disease states. We previously demonstrated that inflammatory PTEC are able to modulate autologous human dendritic cell phenotype and functional responses. Here we extend these findings to characterise the mechanisms of this PTEC immune-modulation using primary human PTEC and autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDC) as the model system. We demonstrate that PTEC express three inhibitory molecules: (i) cell surface PD-L1 that induces MoDC expression of PD-L1; (ii) intracellular IDO that maintains the expression of MoDC CD14, drives the expression of CD80, PD-L1 and IL-10 by MoDC and inhibits T cell stimulatory capacity; and (iii) soluble HLA-G (sHLA-G) that inhibits HLA-DR and induces IL-10 expression by MoDC. Collectively the results demonstrate that primary human PTEC are able to modulate autologous DC phenotype and function via multiple complex pathways. Further dissection of these pathways is essential to target therapeutic strategies in the treatment of inflammatory kidney disorders.


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Constitutive albumin uptake by the proximal tubule is achieved by a receptor-mediated process in which the Cl- channel, ClC-5, plays an obligate role. Here we investigated the functional interaction between ClC-5 and ubiquitin ligases Nedd4 and Nedd4-2 and their role in albumin uptake in opossum kidney proximal tubule (OK) cells. In vivo immunoprecipitation using an anti-HECT antibody demonstrated that ClC-5 bound to ubiquitin ligases, whereas glutathione S-transferase pull-downs confirmed that the C terminus of ClC-5 bound both Nedd4 and Nedd4-2. Nedd4-2 alone was able to alter ClC-5 currents in Xenopus oocytes by decreasing cell surface expression of ClC-5. In OK cells, a physiological concentration of albumin (10 mug/ml) rapidly increased cell surface expression of ClC-5, which was also accompanied by the ubiquitination of ClC-5. Albumin uptake was reduced by inhibiting either the lysosome or proteasome. Total levels of Nedd4-2 and proteasome activity also increased rapidly in response to albumin. Overexpression of ligase defective Nedd4-2 or knockdown of endogenous Nedd4-2 with small interfering RNA resulted in significant decreases in albumin uptake. In contrast, pathophysiological concentrations of albumin (100 and 1000 mug/ml) reduced the levels of ClC-5 and Nedd4-2 and the activity of the proteasome to the levels seen in the absence of albumin. These data demonstrate that normal constitutive uptake of albumin by the proximal tubule requires Nedd4-2, which may act via ubiquitination to shunt ClC-5 into the endocytic pathway.


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Constitutive albumin uptake by the proximal tubule is achieved by a receptor-mediated process in which the Cl– channel, ClC-5, plays an obligate role. Here we investigated the functional interaction between ClC-5 and ubiquitin ligases Nedd4 and Nedd4-2 and their role in albumin uptake in opossum kidney proximal tubule (OK) cells. In vivo immunoprecipitation using an anti-HECT antibody demonstrated that ClC-5 bound to ubiquitin ligases, whereas glutathione S-transferase pull-downs confirmed that the C terminus of ClC-5 bound both Nedd4 and Nedd4-2. Nedd4-2 alone was able to alter ClC-5 currents in Xenopus oocytes by decreasing cell surface expression of ClC-5. In OK cells, a physiological concentration of albumin (10 μg/ml) rapidly increased cell surface expression of ClC-5, which was also accompanied by the ubiquitination of ClC-5. Albumin uptake was reduced by inhibiting either the lysosome or proteasome. Total levels of Nedd4-2 and proteasome activity also increased rapidly in response to albumin. Overexpression of ligase defective Nedd4-2 or knockdown of endogenous Nedd4-2 with small interfering RNA resulted in significant decreases in albumin uptake. In contrast, pathophysiological concentrations of albumin (100 and 1000 μg/ml) reduced the levels of ClC-5 and Nedd4-2 and the activity of the proteasome to the levels seen in the absence of albumin. These data demonstrate that normal constitutive uptake of albumin by the proximal tubule requires Nedd4-2, which may act via ubiquitination to shunt ClC-5 into the endocytic pathway.


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This study aimed to develop a 3-Dimensional (D) hydrogel system for the co-culture of autologous human renal and immune cells. Previous studies have shown that human renal epithelial cells are able to modulate autologous immune cell responses. However, these studies were undertaken in a standard 2D culture system. The 3D model was developed to re-capitulate these observations within a more physiological relevant in vivo like environment.


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Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a progressive fibrotic condition that may lead to end-stage renal disease and kidney failure. Transforming growth factor-ß1 and bone morphogenetic protein-7 (BMP7) have been shown to induce DN-like changes in the kidney and protect the kidney from such changes, respectively. Recent data identified insulin action at the level of the nephron as a crucial factor in the development and progression of DN. Insulin requires a family of insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins for its physiological effects, and many reports have highlighted the role of insulin and IRS proteins in kidney physiology and disease. Here, we observed IRS2 expression predominantly in the developing and adult kidney epithelium in mouse and human. BMP7 treatment of human kidney proximal tubule epithelial cells (HK-2 cells) increases IRS2 transcription. In addition, BMP7 treatment of HK-2 cells induces an electrophoretic shift in IRS2 migration on SDS/PAGE, and increased association with phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase, probably due to increased tyrosine/serine phosphorylation. In a cohort of DN patients with a range of chronic kidney disease severity, IRS2 mRNA levels were elevated approximately ninefold, with the majority of IRS2 staining evident in the kidney tubules in DN patients. These data show that IRS2 is expressed in the kidney epithelium and may play a role in the downstream protective events triggered by BMP7 in the kidney. The specific up-regulation of IRS2 in the kidney tubules of DN patients also indicates a novel role for IRS2 as a marker and/or mediator of human DN progression.


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Mutations of the VHL tumor suppressor gene occur in patients with VHL disease and in the majority of sporadic clear cell renal carcinomas (VHL−/− RCC). Loss of VHL protein function is associated with constitutive expression of mRNAs encoding hypoxia-inducible proteins, such as vascular endothelial growth factor. Overproduction of angiogenic factors might explain why VHL−/− RCC tumors are so highly vascularized, but whether this overproduction is sufficient for oncogenesis still remains unknown. In this report, we examined the activity of transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α), another VHL-regulated growth factor. We show that TGF-α mRNA and protein are hypoxia-inducible in VHL−/− RCC cells expressing reintroduced VHL. In addition to its overexpression by VHL−/− RCC cells, TGF-α can also act as a specific growth-stimulatory factor for VHL−/− RCC cells expressing reintroduced wild-type VHL, as well as primary renal proximal tubule epithelial cells, the likely site of origin of RCC. This role is in contrast to those of other growth factors overexpressed by VHL−/− RCC cells, such as vascular endothelial growth factor and TGF-β1, which do not stimulate RCC cell proliferation. A TGF-α-specific antisense oligodeoxynucleotide blocked TGF-α production in VHL−/− RCC cells, which led to the dependence of those cells on exogenous growth factors to sustain growth in culture. Growth of VHL−/− RCC cells was also significantly reduced by a drug that specifically inhibits the epidermal growth factor receptor, the receptor through which TGF-α stimulates proliferation. These results suggest that the generation of a TGF-α autocrine loop as a consequence of VHL inactivation in renal proximal tubule epithelial cells may provide the uncontrolled growth stimulus necessary for the initiation of tumorigenesis.


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Long-term effects of angiotensin II (Ang II) on vacuolar H(+)-ATPase were studied in a SV40-transformed cell line derived from rat proximal tubules (IRPTC). Using pH(i) measurements with the fluorescent dye BCECF, the hormone increased Na(+)-independent pH recovery rate from an NH(4)Cl pulse from 0.066 +/- 0.014 pH U/min (n = 7) to 0.14 +/- 0.021 pH U/min (n = 13; p < 0.05) in 10 h Ang II (10(-9) M)-treated cells. The increased activity of H(+)-ATPase did not involve changes in mRNA or protein abundance of the B2 subunit but increased cell surface expression of the V-ATPase. Inhibition of tyrosine kinase by genistein blocked Ang II-dependent stimulation of H(+)-ATPase. Inhibition of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) by wortmannin and of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) by SB 203580 also blocked this effect. Thus, long-term exposure of IRPTC cells to Ang II causes upregulation of H(+)-ATPase activity due, at least in part, to increased B2 cell surface expression. This regulatory pathway is dependent on mechanisms involving tyrosine kinase, p38 MAPK, and PI3K activation.


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The progression of renal disease correlates strongly with hypertension and the degree of proteinuria, suggesting a link between excessive Na+ reabsorption and exposure of the proximal tubule to protein. The present study investigated the effects of albumin on cell growth and Na+ uptake in primary cultures of human proximal tubule cells (PTC). Albumin (1.0 mg/ml) increased cell proliferation to 134.1 +/- 11.8% (P < 0.001) of control levels with no change in levels of apoptosis. Exposure to 0.1 and 1.0 mg/ml albumin increased total Na-22(+) uptake to 119.1 &PLUSMN; 6.3% (P = 0.005) and 115.6 &PLUSMN; 5.3% (P < 0.006) of control levels, respectively, because of an increase in Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 3 (NHE3) activity. This was associated with an increase in NHE3 mRNA to 161.1 +/- 15.1% (P < 0.005) of control levels in response to 0.1 mg/ml albumin. Using confocal microscopy with a novel antibody raised against the predicted extracellular NH2 terminus of human NHE3, we observed in nonpermeabilized cells that exposure of PTC to albumin (0.1 and 1.0 mg/ml) increased NHE3 at the cell surface to 115.4 &PLUSMN; 2.7% (P < 0.0005) and 122.4 +/- 3.7% (P < 0.0001) of control levels, respectively. This effect was paralleled by significant increases in NHE3 in the subplasmalemmal region as measured in permeabilized cells. These albumin-induced increases in expression and activity of NHE3 in PTC suggest a possible mechanism for Na+ retention in response to proteinuria.


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One key role of the renal proximal tubule is the reabsorption of proteins from the glomerular filtrate by constitutive receptor-mediated endocytosis. In the opossum kidney (OK) renal proximal tubule cell line, inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC) reduces albumin uptake, although the isoforms involved and mechanisms by which this occurs have not been identified. We used pharmacological and molecular approaches to investigate the role of PKC-α in albumin endocytosis. We found that albumin uptake in OK cells was inhibited by the pan-PKC blocker bisindolylmaleimide-1 and the isoform-specific PKC blockers Go-6976 and 2',3,3',4,4'-hexahydroxy-1,1'-biphenyl-6,6'-dimethanol dimethyl ether, indicating a role for PKC-α. Overexpression of a kinase deficient PKC-α(K368R) but not wild-type PKC-α significantly reduced albumin endocytosis. Western blot analysis of fractionated cells showed an increased association of PKC-α-green fluorescent protein with the membrane fraction within 10-20 min of exposure to albumin. We used phalloidin to demonstrate that albumin induces the formation of clusters of actin at the apical surface of OK cells and that these clusters correspond to the location of albumin uptake. These clusters were not present in cells grown in the absence of albumin. In cells treated either with PKC inhibitors or overexpressing kinase-deficient PKC-α(K368R) this actin cluster formation was significantly reduced. This study identifies a role for PKC-α in constitutive albumin uptake in OK cells by mediating assembly of actin microfilaments at the apical membrane.